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Skin to Skin

Page 24

by J. M. Stone

  Brandon’s thrusts became wild and his breathing erratic as he reached for release, finding it just seconds after mine, locking his hips tightly to mine as he came, pulsating as he filled me.

  It took a while for him to move, but it seemed like mere moments before everything (and everyone) was cleaned up, I was free, and we were snuggled together on top of the comforter, both still breathing like we’d run a marathon.

  “That…” Brandon gasped, “Was one hell of a surprise.”

  I could only nod and grin.

  “Chloe?” he asked, kissing my shoulder.


  “You liked that riding crop.” It was a statement, not a question.

  I nodded again.

  “We’re going shopping tomorrow.”

  My imagination went wild.

  “Okay,” was all I said.

  Chapter 27

  Two Months Later

  The moon is shining brightly

  Over top your wee-bit head

  So rest your eyes my little one

  As Auntie tucks you into bed

  Off to sleep now, off to dream

  Snuggle in and hug me tight

  I love you always and forever

  Go to sleep, little one, goodnight.

  I finished singing the lullaby twice over as I stared down at a now sleeping Liam. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my brother smiling down at me. He reached down and took his sleeping son from my arms, kissing his forehead as he walked away to put him down for the night.

  I stood and stretched, glancing out the French doors leading to the deck and the concrete apron of the pool beyond, where the usual suspects were before making my way out to join them. Allie was sitting on a lounger, laughing at something Emma had said. Luke was sitting on the lounger next to Allie’s, but Emma was positioned between his legs, leaning back against his chest, his arms wrapped securely around her.

  Everyone had been here today to celebrate Jarrod’s birthday. He’d turned nine and, knowing that Allie would never tell him no, had begged to have his birthday party at Allie and Jack’s house so his friends could go swimming with him. Thankfully, that part had ended a couple of hours ago, leaving red plastic cups, paper plates, and pizza boxes scattered across every surface.

  Jenna was exhausted, you could clearly tell. This pregnancy was doing a number on her. She’d lamented long and hard about how easy both of her other pregnancies were compared to this one. She was sick pretty much all day, but had high hopes that her second trimester would be a little easier. Allie had commiserated with her since her early pregnancy with Liam hadn’t been very pretty, either.

  So we’d cleaned up and sent them on their merry way, though I think Noah wanted to stay longer. I also think that’s because they were letting five of Jarrod’s friends sleep over and have a movie marathon and he, since he’s the guy and not pregnant and hormonal, got to stay up and hang out with them. I’m also pretty sure this was told to him in no uncertain terms.

  Everly was asleep already in the pack-n-play in Liam’s room, which is why her parents were free to snuggle and visit with friends. Allie had the baby monitor on the table beside her and was currently smiling as she listened to her husband, my brother, whisper to their son as he put him to bed.

  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Allie and Jackson had finally gotten married? They took a weekend trip to Gatlinburg about three weeks ago and decided, while they were there, that they’d get married. Turns out that it wasn’t so much of a decide-while-you’re-there-thing, but more of a planned-to-pretend-it-wasn’t-planned thing. Allie’s mom had cried because she didn’t get to plan a perfect wedding for her daughter (which, by the way, was exactly the reason they decided to elope), and while the rest of us were disappointed we couldn’t be there, we understood completely.

  My mom, however sad she was that she missed it, actually applauded them for their decision. But that’s because Daisy cornered her with some ideas for the wedding and they were…well, typical Daisy.

  Leah and Ian had left a couple of hours ago to meet with Ian’s parents for dinner. She’d alluded to the fact that it was an invitation they couldn’t refuse. Needless to say, she wasn’t overly fond of Ian’s parents, but she’d been pretty tight-lipped about why. They were supposed to come back, though, and should be here any time.

  Calland had just left, but he was headed down to Griff’s to meet a group of his friends that he hadn’t seen in a while. We’d all been warned to keep our phones on just in case. When I asked why just in case, he’d just shook his head and laughed.

  Emma had rolled her eyes and commented, “It’s just in case he gets a wild hair, does something stupid, and needs bail money. Or he just wants to drunk dial and needs to make sure his targets are available.”

  I’d gasped, looking at her in alarm. “He’d really do something to get arrested?”

  Everyone in Emma’s family had laughed and Jan had said, “No, honey, he wouldn’t. It’s a long running joke. We’ll explain one day.”

  But now night was falling, the air was still warm, and I was surrounded by my closest friends, except for Leah. I looked around, smiling when my eyes came to rest on him.

  Brandon. It’d be safe to say that I’ve fallen completely, irrevocably, and undeniably in love with that man. It’d be safe to say because I’ve said it before, but it’s safer to say now. And it’s even safer than that to say that the man loves me back with a passion that rivals any love story I’ve ever read. I know this because he tells me all the time.

  And because…I glanced down at the diamond winking in the dim light on my finger…he proposed. No, he didn’t do it on bended knee (not his bended knees, anyway), and there were no flowery words and tears (I lied, I totally cried…but afterwards), because he’d done it while I was straddling him where he sat on the couch, when he was buried deep inside me, making love to me. He’d pulled my hand up, slid the ring on my finger, and nodded once, before he rocked my world. No words needed.

  Not a story we can really tell anyone, but hey. It was perfect for me. (Wink wink) That had been the night that I’d put in motion the plan I’d made for the money Gage had dropped on me. I donated half of it to a couple different local charities that help battered women and children. The other half I kept, because I’d been told by pretty much everyone that I would be nuts if I didn’t have fun with at least a little of it. So I did. I sponsored a new football stadium for the high school, as well as some books that they needed but didn’t have funding for. I also started college funds for Liam and Everly. See? Fun!

  He grinned back at me from the edge of the pool where he was leaning. “Come on in, sunshine, the water’s fine,” he said, waggling his brows at me.

  “Oh, no you don’t, lover boy,” Allie called from her chair. “I know what happened last time you two were in my pool!”

  “Yeah, I nearly got molested by your Nanny!” Brandon yelled back.

  “You’d have liked it!” a gravelly voice yelled out from the upstairs window.

  Every single one of us jumped and stared upwards to see Nanny’s face, surrounded by a halo of frizzy hair, staring back down at us.

  Jackson came outside laughing just then. Allie looked at him in confusion. “I thought Nanny said good bye and left a couple hours ago?”

  He nodded. “She did say goodbye, but the only place she went was to the spare bedroom to take a nap. Poppy’s up there, too. She just called me to tell me they’re staying the night and we’re to take them to Bob Evan’s for breakfast in the morning.”

  “She called you from the house?” Allie asked.

  Jackson nodded again. “Yup. From your cell phone, too.”

  Allie just sat there for a second before she jumped up in a panic. “Ohmigod, Jackson, my phone. My PHONE! She can’t have my phone!”

  “Jesus, Allie, calm down, it’s not like there’s anything on there that…no. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, right?” Jackson said, dread lacing his words

  “What?” Emma asked.

  Luke’s shoulders were shaking behind her and I could hear Brandon laughing as well. I guess we were a little slower on the uptake but it all crystallized pretty quickly.

  “Holy shit the bed, Fred! Nice wanker, Jacks! Poppy, look here, Allie’s got herself a biggun’!” Nanny hollered.

  Allie groaned, Jackson snickered.

  Brandon, being Brandon, yelled back, “Hey, Nanny!”

  She popped her head back out the window. “What’s up, hotstuff?”

  He winked at her. “Mine’s bigger.”

  To his surprise, she winked back. “Nah, you’re pretty even. I was hiding in the shower when you changed.”

  I busted out laughing when Brandon started sputtering and Allie shrieked, “NANNY! OH MY GOD!”

  Yep. Life was good.


  It is estimated that one in every three women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. You are not alone and you can break the cycle. For more information or to get help, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224; or visit


  Author’s Note:

  Thank you for reading Skin to Skin! I hope you enjoyed the third installment of the Skin Deep Series as much as you did the others. Be on the look out for Skin Tight, Skin Deep #4, due out in 2015!

  Also, don’t forget to read on and check out the sneak peek of Seven Days by Josie Leigh!!


  J.M. Stone


  First and foremost, the biggest THANK YOU goes out to my readers for all your support and encouragement during this journey. We’re three books in now and I still haven’t lost the deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude that I have for you all for sticking with me. I couldn’t do this without you! MUAH!

  Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Leo Parsons for always giving me what I want and doing it so well! I couldn’t ask for a better tattoo artist. And thank you, Amy, for keeping your husband on track when he wants to drive through the park instead!

  To Sharon and Melissa, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you’ve done for me and taught me. I know you say I’m not, but I still feel like a spaz, so thank you, too, for putting up with me!

  To my hoemancer, Josie Leigh, do we really need words anymore? You know I love you and our random texts and conversations. Regardless, thank you for being there for me and for everything you do! (And for the buckets of water…I’ve needed them!)

  A huge shout out to my street team for all you do and for loving me, even when I’m MIA or leave random, crazy posts for you. Trust me, the love is mutual!

  Thank you to Amber Binion for not only leading my street team, but for becoming my kind of right-hand-woman these past few weeks. I appreciate you more than you know!

  I can’t forget to show some love to Amber Binion (again) (this was back when you were just stalking me instead of becoming indispensable…I kid, I kid!) and Alice Jackson as the winners of the Name Those Babies Contest to give our lovely little ones their names of Everly and Liam. Thank you!!!

  Much love and thanks to my betas, Josie, Jenn, Sarah, Mia, Amber, and Naarah for telling me when things suck and when they don’t; you guys keep me sane! And Ben? I miss my accidental editor! That being said, any editing mistakes are mine alone and I sincerely apologize for them. I hope they’re not too heinous.

  Thank you to all the bloggers and reviewers who have shown their love and support to me during this journey. You guys are awesome!

  Last but not least, thank you to my family for encouraging me every day, for pushing me and telling me I can when I think I can’t, and for loving me the way you do. I love you all…ALWAYS EVER! (Yes, even you, Allen…)

  Oh, and Mom? Thanks for getting everyone to read my books and pimping me out everywhere you (or we) go, even though you refuse to read any of them for fear you might jinx me. But seriously, the waiters at restaurants don’t want to see them. I love you, though! (And it’s okay, I know I’m the favorite.)

  About the Author:

  USA Today and Amazon Best Selling Author J.M. Stone is a legal assistant by day, and a writer by night. She started writing at a young age, mostly poetry and song lyrics, some of which were published. She currently lives in Ohio where she's lived for most of her life, and enjoys spending time with her other-half, their mouthy daughter, three spoiled and crazy dogs, and the rest of her abnormal family. (Don't worry, abnormal is good!) In her spare time, she loves to read, write, sing, and make people laugh, which usually happens at her own expense!

  She loves to hear from her readers, so drop her line at or connect with her online!





  Happy Reading!


  Other works by J.M. Stone

  Skin Deep Series

  Skin Deep

  Under My Skin

  Skin to Skin

  Skin Tight, due out in 2015

  Read on for a sneak peek of Seven Days by Josie Leigh!

  Seven Days, Josie Leigh


  Ever do something that you know almost immediately might just be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made? That’s what happened the night I walked away from Ryan. It hadn’t been an easy decision, but just a couple of words changed everything for me. They made me realize I needed to save my family, the only family that I constantly fought and sacrificed for. Panic seized me as I fought for control over my emotions.

  I could feel those sad amber eyes following me as I rounded the corner of the restaurant. Slumping against the unforgiving gray brick wall when I was sure he wasn’t going to follow me, I let the tears I’d been holding back cascade down my swollen face.

  After allowing myself a few minutes to wallow in my misery, I pushed off the wall and started walking again. I knew I had to make it back home before they found out I was leaving. It was bad enough he knew where I’d been last week. I couldn’t leave my sister in that kind of danger, but I needed to get my emotions under control before I got behind the wheel of my car. I would be no good to her if I couldn’t even make it home through my tears.

  “Carrie,” I heard from the side of the building. His voice just on the edge of desperation, tinged with receding tears and emotion. “Look at you,” he sighed, as he reached my side and lifted a hesitant hand to my cheek. “You don’t want to do this. Don’t do this,” he pleaded, coaxing my eyes to his. “Don’t do this,” he repeated, moving his hand to stroke my loose auburn locks. I wanted to melt into him, let him fix everything, but I knew that was impossible. “Please, don’t run.”

  “I wish it were my choice, Ryan,” I told him, letting him see just how much this decision was affecting me. “I’d do anything to fix it, but I have to get her out of here-- get us out of here before something terrible happens,” I choked out before I broke his embrace and ran to my dilapidated early 90’s model Ford Escort. Fumbling with the keys, I threw my bag inside and it bounced off the passenger’s seat, spilling the contents onto the floorboard. With a sigh, I sat behind the steering wheel, trying to convince myself to not look back at the man with desolation in his eyes, standing across the parking lot. When I was able to choke back the new round of sobs, I started the car that would take me away from him. After the week we’d just spent together, I thought I could figure out a way to get it all. Unfortunately, messy details only get tied with a pretty red bow on television. In the real world, I had to make a choice, continue to give up my dignity to live happily for now with Ryan or leave my shattered past behind and search for a modified version of a happily ever after. Or at least as close to one as I’d ever deserve, because I was sure I’d never find
someone as incredible as him again. Lightening didn’t strike twice.

  I never believed in soul mates, or in one person for the rest of your life, but Ryan was someone I could see waking up to every morning. Forever and beyond. I couldn’t stay here anymore though. I had made a promise to myself and my little sister, Britton, and I planned to keep it, even if it meant leaving behind the only man I’d ever love.

  I couldn’t believe it had only been nine days since I’d met him. I couldn’t believe it had only been seven days since our trip began. Only one week. Seven days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. 604,800 seconds. The more I broke it down, the more it seemed like we’d known each other the equivalent of a lifetime.

  Chapter 1

  Nine days earlier…

  Just one more week to go. Nine days. 216 hours. 12,960 minutes. 777,600 seconds. The more I broke it down, the further away is seemed.

  I could barely remember a time when my life wasn’t so…

  I could barely remember a time when I could look myself in the mirror and be proud of who I was.

  Staring down at the wash-gray sheets that had to have been white at some point, I tried to disappear into my head. My hands were clenched in fists as I waited. Throwing in a moan or a grunt every so often so he thought I was into it. I didn’t need to be, though, he didn’t care. My entire childhood had been lost because of one mistake; one squeeze of a trigger propelled a bullet into her head, and made favors like the one I was in the midst of necessary for survival.

  My family had never been anything more than one paycheck away from having absolutely nothing, but we’d tried to make the best of it for the first thirteen years of my life. Although, it had only been nine years ago, it felt like a lifetime. I could barely remember the happiness we’d been capable of when I was younger through the cloud of pot and meth smoke that seeped into every corner of the trailer we lived in. Now, I was the only one fighting to keep the dream alive, even if what I had to do to make it happen disgusted me.


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