His Deception

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His Deception Page 12

by L. C. Giroux

  "Jonah, what the hell? You decided my mortification wouldn't be complete without an audience?" Jonah just laughed at him.

  "Come on, we've all been there. You are just being a little more dramatic in your apology."

  "Michael don't you have a wife and daughter to watch over?"

  "Your sister told me that if I didn't stop hovering she was going to ban me from the nursery. Besides, speaking as a doctor, I don't know if this stunt is such a good idea." Jonah had wandered over to the table.

  "Dude? Chains? Are you really that hard core?"

  "No, I really screwed up that badly. If that's what she wants to do to me, I'll let her. Obviously I hope she doesn't but I didn't give her a lot of choice so... Frankly, my biggest fear is that she won't even show up."

  "I think she'll show, your sister has been whispering in her ear. You know when I met your sister I actually was afraid she was too meek." Michael burst out laughing. "Seriously, how are you going to do this because you could do real nerve damage." Allyn explained what he was going to do. "I guess it will be okay. I'd feel better if your feet were on the floor. How long are you planning on staying like that?"

  "Maybe an hour?"

  "Shit! What the hell did you do?"

  "I took... look its complicated."

  "How are you getting down?"

  "I thought you were sure she'd show."

  "I said she'd show I didn't say she'd forgive you or get you down. If we don't hear from you in two hours we're coming back. Which means if she does forgive you, call. I really don't want to see the after effects of all this." Allyn finished setting up and then got himself ready. Jonah tied his wrists with the rope attached to the chain and they started the winch. Finally he was balancing on the balls of his feet.

  "What time is it?"

  "Almost eight thirty. When is she supposed to be here?"

  "Any minute. Can you two get the hell out here? And take the towel." Jonah pulled the towel away and just stared at him for a second.

  "Asshole, show's over, go back to your wives."

  "Geez, string a guy up naked and you get no gratitude. Come on Michael I'll buy you a beer." Allyn stood suspended for ten minutes that felt like ten hours. His head snapped up when he saw headlights again. His heart felt like it would burst from his chest. His body rebelled when he tried to calm it and he felt himself becoming erect despite his best attempts at distraction. It was almost as if the damn thing knew she was here and was trying to reach her.

  "Allain! Allain, who would do this to you?”

  “You do. Every time I see you and can’t tell you how I feel about you, every time I hear you laugh, see you smile, every time you touch me and you don’t know that I love you, this is how I feel.” He couldn’t look at her but then she hadn’t stepped into the light yet.

  “Allain, I would never intentionally hurt you. I...”

  “No, you wouldn’t but I hurt you and for that you should punish me. I am helpless, you can do anything or nothing. Nothing would kill me because then I would know that I mean so little to you that I was not even worth that. Punish me, please.” He still had not looked up but could hear her moving around just outside the circle of light looking at the things he had brought.

  “D’accord. Oui, you did hurt me but only by not trusting me. You think I am a stupid little girl and I don’t know my feelings but I know that I do love you and I ‘ave since I was a child. You think you are so old that I could not want you but you are all I have ever wanted since I learned what desire was. If you want to be punished I will punish you but I will make the rules. You will learn to trust me with your feelings not just your body. I think for this game you should call me -mistress.”

  “I would prefer to call you my queen, ma reine. If I may be so bold.”

  “Am I to be your queen, Allain? Rule over you with an iron fist? Or should I be the queen to your king? You are a powerful and wealthy man, Allain, would you really be dictated to by a young woman?”

  “If that woman showed sense, compassion, and subtlety as you have done, I would listen to her opinions even if I didn’t do what she said.” This wasn’t the conversation he expected to be having.

  “Ach, Allain, I can not look at you hanging like that, can I at least lower you so you can stand properly.”

  “If you wish, the winch is on my left.” she still had not stepped near him, had not touched any of the things on the table. He was on the verge of tears. Then he felt himself lower enough that he could stand and brace himself on his feet. It was just a couple of inches but it relieved the strain on his arms and back and the end of the strain felt euphoric.

  “That is better, I think more useful.” Allyn could feel sweat prickle his skin. Useful for what? He felt his breaths shorten and come quicker. She was closer now than she had been. His erection ached with thoughts of what she might do to him.

  Finally he gave in to his curiosity, “How may I be useful to you my queen?” It was then that she stepped in to the pool of light that surrounded him. She had removed her clothes and had rubbed some of the oil on her skin while they were talking. She was naked except for the silver chains at her wrists she always wore. Her skin glowed in the light, her eyes were dark and downcast her hair streamed down her back exposing her perfect breasts. She shook her head and raised her voice.

  “Allain, you dictated all of the games before. Now it is my turn. You have taken liberties that were not yours with your queen. Are you now ready for your punishment?”

  “Yes, my queen.” his muscles screamed but she had not left.

  “As your first punishment you will look me in the eye at all times. Look away, or close your eyes and I will leave. Now!”

  Allyn’s head snapped up and stared into her eyes. He was shocked at what he saw there. She had been crying, but her eyes looked like they did when she was playing a trick on him as a child. She had one of the riding crops in her hand.

  “What should I do with this Monsieur? Hmm?” she dragged it down the length of his chest slowly and then gave his erection the lightest of slaps. Allyn’s eyes started to close but he snapped them open to stare into her beautiful green ones. She continued to walk around him and he felt the crop glide down his back. Then a sharp crack across his ass made him gasp. If possible his erection became more rigid. Then another made him stop thinking about his cock. He grimaced but didn’t yell. He had to trust her. She dragged her fingernail over the welts that were rising. His skin felt bright and warm, her touch sent both joy and pain through his body.

  “Non, I think that just a whipping would not be enough to correct you.” She purred in his ear. “I think you need something more substantial.” The breath left his body and every nerve ending was at attention. “Spread your feet!”

  “Yes, ma reine.” he said staring straight ahead doing as she commanded. He felt the end of the crop brush between his legs. Oh god she wouldn’t? His chest was heaving as she walked in front of him and faced him. She was so close he could smell the animal scent of her, hear her breaths short and quick also. He stared into her eyes and saw fire there, he hoped that the fire was for him and not the game itself.

  “I think perhaps you should have to wear a corrective device. Something that will make you stop and think the next time you wish to take liberties.” Allyn racked his brain, he hadn’t brought anything like that.

  “I am waiting for an answer.” she yelled

  “Yes, ma reine.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I would like to wear a corrective device.” Allyn felt his cheeks go hot and now the sweat burned when it reached the welts on his ass. His cock bobbed with want. He fought to maintain eye contact. Now along with the fire in her eyes was mirth. Dear God she was enjoying this, which made him even more confused. She reached down and put one finger on his cock and gave it a little push.

  “The male anatomy is so vulnerable, non?” Allyn started to sweat heavily now, he could feel it run down his ass and chest. Every sensation was heightene
d to a pinpoint. Marie-Hélène wiped her finger across the moisture that was starting to seep from his poor tortured member and spread it on her lips like gloss. “You will taste yourself on my lips.” then she kissed him. The contact alone, sent fire through his body. He licked her lips, tasted the saltiness of him mixed with the taste of her breath. He sucked at her lips, ran his tongue over hers, her teeth, her chin. He would devour her if she let him. It was as though he had never kissed anyone before this perfect kiss. She pulled away.

  “Ah, yes, you are too greedy. Mais, so handsome to look at. Perhaps I should make an exhibit of you? Hmm, bind you in some interesting way and invite others?” His eyes flashed in fear. Would she really humiliate him publicly? “Mmm, non, I think not. Others would want to train you and you belong just to me now, non? He started breathing again though his heart still galloped in his chest. “Maintenent, now about your greediness. I have the method of your correction here.” and with that she undid the clasp of one of her heavier link silver chains. She slapped it down and dragged it across the crook of his neck. It felt like molten metal from the heat of her skin. He had no idea how she was going to correct him with that but his cock hurt worse than the pain of the riding crop. He thought he might pass out but didn’t. Keeping eye contact with him she reached down and lay the heavy chain over where his cock joined his body then she pulled it tight around his scrotum fastening the toggle clasp behind it, trapping his balls and pulling them up and forward. The links were smooth but still bit into his flesh in a way he could not escape. He could not have imagined such exquisite torture.

  “Now to learn to contain your greediness no matter what I do to you you may not allow yourself release. Under no circumstances, do you understand?"

  Allyn struggled to form words in his head, all he could do was feel. Finally, he seemed to understand what she was asking. “I will try my best, ma reine.”

  “See that you do! Now bend this knee a little.” She gestured to his left knee. Putting her hands on his shoulders and her foot on his bent leg she hoisted herself up so that she was astride him. Allyn thought his heart might burst from his chest. He grasped tighter to the ropes binding his wrists to the chain overhead to steady himself and support her. She was so light on him. Where their bodies touched his skin felt on fire. Her breasts danced in front of his face. He strained in every fiber to not take one in his mouth. He felt his balls tighten and pull the chain tighter, his correction. He gasped at the sensations. He could not give in to the thought of release that his body craved. “Tell me how lovely my breasts are.” Marie-Hélène was hanging on to the ropes above his hands to take some of her weight off of him but she was using that advantage to dangle one magnificent nipple just in front of his mouth. The chain moved and gently pinched the skin of his scrotum. He grimaced as his cock begged for release.

  “They are a prize beyond compare, ma reine.” he managed to gasp.

  “What would you do to have such a prize, my greedy chevalier.” she whispered laughing in his ear. Her breath so warm on his cheek, his sweat slicked body had started to cool in the effort to not reach orgasm. Cooling made it easier to not eclipse but he had started shaking with the effort of holding her and not climax.

  “I would be your constant slave, ma reine.” The words felt torn from his body.

  “Bouf, I do not need a slave. A queen needs a champion, someone to protect her from those that would do her harm. Would you impale yourself on the swords of my foes if I asked.” He looked up at her and saw her smiling.

  “Gladly” he choked. He thought he might lose his mind with the effort to form the word. His entire universe was one of sensation, no conscious thought formed. There was only sensation and need.

  “Then you shall be my champion, mon chevalier, and I will impale myself on your sword to seal our pact.” Allyn just had enough time to brace himself as she gripped his waist with her knees and used her feet to lower herself on to his cock. His eyes rolled back in his head with the effort to not erupt. She was so wet, so warm, she was moving so slowly down his shaft. When she got to the base the chain that had nipped at him now twisted against her clit and she screamed in delight. Pumping her legs she rode him again and again feeling the bite of the chain. Every time she came down the chain pulled at his flesh and transferred her heat to it. Allyn sucked in air without thought. His eyes were open but without sight, he threw his head back and screamed along with her orgasm. He felt the contractions pull at him, beg him to follow them, pulling him deeper, drawing on the chain. He wondered if he would black out, he was purely animal, nothing but primal lust. His chest was heaving, his body shaking, his legs weak but he remained standing and erect. When the waves of contractions stopped she mewled like a kitten and pulled up on the rope to lift herself off his still rigid organ. She dropped down nimbly and released the chain around his cock. Allyn almost buckled with relief. She ran to grab the winch control and lowered it so she could release his hands.

  “Now you are mine.” Allyn fought to stay standing. She gestured to the blankets he had laid out in the hope that she would forgive him. “Allyn, I forgive you.” She put her arms around his waist both to support him and comfort him. All the while avoiding touching his cock. He lay on his back on the blankets and pillows he had never felt anything so soothing. “Allain, you were always my champion. Please make love to me. I release you.” she whispered in his ear. And with that, she straddled his hips and slid herself down the length of him again. He reveled in the liquid warmth of her. His eyes flickered and the picture of her riding him came into focus. Her tawny skin and hair, her flushed lips smiling at him, her brilliant gold green eyes looking at him with such love and warmth were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The love he felt for this woman was like a physical touch. The orgasm started in his chest and spread through his entire body, curling his toes and clenching his fists. He sat up with her still writhing on him engulfing her in his arms, screaming into her shoulder. They lay there for a few minutes senseless from the utter release of their shared passion. Eventually they pulled covers over themselves and slept from exhaustion both physical and emotional. He woke to pain in his shoulders and her smiling down at him. He rolled her to her back pinning her under him.

  “Ma reine, you are devious with your little bracelet. That was worse torture than anything I dared dream up.” He cooed to her in French.

  “Hmmm, I wanted to do it when you were pretending to be Mr. Smith but you got so jealous.”

  “How did you know? I thought I was pretty careful.”

  “Allain, I could find you in the dark, chere. I am French. We live by our noses. Even if you had changed your cologne, I still would have been able to find you from your musk. Besides there is my mark.”

  "Your mark?"

  "The scar I gave you when I was a child." she ran her finger over the mark near his eye. "I marked you as mine even then."

  “You are a pretty little animal, aren’t you, ma reine? We will have to leave our little love nest soon but not just yet.” and he started to suckle her breast. “I still have prizes to claim.” Her laugh was like warm cognac on his tongue.

  One year and some months later:

  "Ally, ma petite, don't bounce on mamma's tummy, you'll squish your baby brother or sister." Violet lifted her daughter off her belly and held her hands as the toddler now jumped between her legs on the chaise. She looked over at her sister-in-law and smiled. "Marie, when Allyn called he didn't even give a hint of what the surprise was?"

  "Non, just that he had something happy for us." The two of them lay in the sunroom soaking up the last of the sun before the Autumn got gloomy.

  "Hello? Where are you two?"

  "Allain, we are in the sunroom." Allyn walked in shedding his suit jacket and tie with Michael behind him. He slid into the chaise behind Marie and started nibbling her neck. Michael kissed his wife and rubbed her shoulders before taking his daughter on his lap. Both of the men had cryptic smiles on their faces.

both of our husbands look like naughty schoolboys with their grinning, non?"

  "Yes, well they usually do but, they look especially guilty today. Spill it. What is the surprise? Are we all going on a trip? You wouldn't both be this excited about a present. What is going on?" Allyn looked around him at the people he cared most about. His arms wrapped tighter around Marie and he peered over her shoulder at their nursing son. He couldn't help himself and smiled even wider.

  "We added a new member of the foundation today. I have been recruiting him for a year now and I am thrilled he is coming on board."

  "Allain, I am very 'appy for you. 'opefully 'e will be able to take some of the work off your shoulders. Mais, it does not explain why you are both smiling like this."

  "Hmm, maybe Michael should explain." He looked over at his brother-in-law who reached over and whispered in his sister's ear.


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