Business Brilliant
Page 26
Coppola, Francis Ford, 25
Copy This! (Orfalea), 85
Courage (TV), 142
Courage to Be Rich, The (Orman), 47–48
Covey, Stephen, 124–25, 132
CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers), 65–67, 69–70, 71, 72–73, 79, 88–89, 90–91. See also Kildall, Gary
Cringely, Robert X., 66
Dafoe, Willem, 118
Dangerous Minds (film), 192
dBase, 67, 69
Deci, Ed, 35–40, 42
Decision to Trust, The (Hurley), 154
DeLong, Thomas J., 157
Dempster Mill Manufacturing, 99–100
Dennis, Felix, 49
Dering, Steve, 169–70, 171–72
Digital Research, 67, 69–70, 72–73, 88, 90. See also Kildall, Gary
Dip, The (Godin), 172
Disney, 174–75
Disney World, 25
divorce clause, 207
Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow (Sinetar), 26–28
Donaldson, Michael C., 125
Doobin, Stan, 160–61, 162
DR-DOS, 90
dyslexia, 143–44, 145, 147
eBay, 16, 76–77
Economist magazine, 79, 128
“Ed.” See Buffett, Warren Edward
Edison, Thomas, 74
Edmondson, Amy, 181, 182, 186
“Egg of Columbus,” 83, 84
Ellison, Larry, 78
characteristics of, 105–6, 108, 147, 191–92
dyslexia/illiteracy and, 142–44
failures and setbacks of, 172–73, 180
garage belief and, 77–78
investors/mentors and, 106–7, 152–53
passion/money correlation and, 67–68, 135
Erickson, Jim, 227
Eubanks, Gordon, 227–28
Evans, Harold, 67, 90
executive coaching, 158–59, 160, 161, 213
Failure Faith, 183–84
failures and setbacks
Business Brilliant survey results, 168–69, 170–71, 185–86
entrepreneurs and, 176–78, 180–87
Failure Faith, 183–84
self-made millionaires and, 186, 214–18
synergistic systems and, 243
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 17
Ferrell, Will, 118
Five-Dollar Footlongs, 81–82, 83–84, 230
Flash of Genius (film), 88
“follow the money,” 5, 26–28, 38–40, 73, 102, 113, 199–205
Fonda, Jane, 25
football aptitude test, 3–4, 19
For the Love of God (Hirst), 33 49 teaching techniques, 193, 194, 195
Fowler, James H., 110, 112–13
Frankel, Stuart, 80–82, 84
Freeze exhibition, 31, 102, 111
frugality, 47–51, 59, 61
Gabriel, Peter, 148
Gallup polls, 18, 148–50
garage belief, 77–78
Gates, Bill
background and personal characteristics of, 67–68, 107–8, 234
business strategies of, 5, 236–37
Gary Kildall and, 67–68, 69–70, 72–73, 89–90, 134–35, 227–28
IBM PC negotiations and, 68–73
Internet and, 78–79
New Yorker profile of, 77
The Road Ahead, 78–79, 230
See also Microsoft
gender gap, 51–52, 56–57, 58
General Causality Orientations Scale, 39
General Motors, 123–24
George Washington University, 75
Gerlach, Douglas, 49
Get Paid What You’re Worth (Pinkley and Northcraft), 53
Gibbs, Joe, 3, 4, 6, 19
Gill, A. A., 223–24
global economy, 18
goals, written out, 125–26
Godfather, The (film), 206
Godin, Seth, 169, 172–73
Green, Paul, 103–6, 157, 185
Hallowell, Edward, 159
Haque, Umair, 17–18, 60, 226
Hard Drive (Wallace and Erickson), 227
Harvard Business Review, 17–18, 159–60
Harvard Business School, 75
Harvard Maintenance, 160–61
Hawaii Express, 178
Heath, Chip, 78
Heath, Dan, 78
Hirst, Damien, 30–34
comments on work, 83
Freeze exhibition, 31, 102, 111
For the Love of God, 33
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 32
Stalin portrait and, 223–24
A Thousand Years, 31–32
hospital-acquired infections, 11–14, 16, 182–83, 221–22
How to Get Rich (Dennis), 49
Hurley, Robert F., 154–55
IBM (International Business Machines)
MS-DOS and, 71–72, 80, 89, 90, 108, 172
negotiations with Bill Gates, 68–73
negotiations with Gary Kildall, 69–71, 72–73
illiteracy, 142–43
Illusions of Entrepreneurship, The (Shane), 106
imitation vs. innovation, 14, 67, 74–78, 84–85, 87
Inc. 500 founders, 75, 76, 105–6
Inc. magazine, 153, 182
income earning strategies, 199–205
Influence of Affluence, The (Schiff and Prince), 7, 169
development hurdles, 75, 87–88
imitation vs., 14, 67, 74–78, 84–85, 87
myth of, 15–16, 74–78, 91, 228–29
Intel 8080 microchip, 66
Intel Systems, 65–66
International Space Station, 25
Internet, 57, 76, 78–79, 135
inventors, 74–75
Isaacson, Walter, 107, 176
JetBlue Airlines, 165–68, 180–81
JetBlue’s Customer Bill of Rights, 167
job offers. See salary negotiations
Jobs, Steve
Apple Computer and, 68–69, 173
Pixar and, 173–76
as revisionist, 5
John, Elton, 25
John F. Kennedy International Airport, 166–67
Jones, W. Randall, 49
Kahn, Philippe, 120
Kelleher, Herb, 179
Kildall, Dorothy, 70, 89
Kildall, Gary
background/personal characteristics of, 67–68, 88–90, 231–32
Bill Gates and, 67–68, 69–70, 72–73, 77, 89–90, 134–35, 227–28
criticism of BASIC by, 87–88
IBM PC negotiations, 69–71, 72–73
See also CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers); Digital Research
Kinko’s Copies, 16, 82–83, 84–87. See also Orfalea, Paul
Kinnear, Greg, 88
Kiyosaki, Robert, 48
Kohn, Alfie, 36–37
Komisar, Randy, 181
Laliberté, Guy
business strategies of, 28–30, 34–35, 101–2
early life of, 23–24
International Space Station ride, 25
perseverance of, 185
See also Cirque du Soleil
Lang, Adam, 105
Langer, Ellen, 176–77, 178
Le Club des Talons Hauts (High Heels Club), 24
Le Grand Tour du Cirque de Soleil. See Cirque du Soleil
LEAP (Learning, Earning, Assistance, and Persistence)
coaching services, 213
following the money, 199–205
income positioning, 16
negotiation techniques, 204–7
networking, 208–11
persistence, 214–18
strengths exploitation, 198–99
team building, 211–12
written financial goals, 197–98
least-interest principle, 118–20, 136–37
Lehman Brothers, 32
Lemov, Doug, 192–93, 194, 195
Levesque, René, 10
Lewis, Michael, 135
Line of Money, 199–202
Logan, Julie, 143
Logo, 88
Los Angeles Arts Festival, 25, 30
Los Angeles Times, 4
Losing My Virginity (Branson), 147
luck, 113–14, 217–18
Machiavellianism, 132–35, 237
Mackay, Adam, 16
Manchester, Kristian, 29
mass affluent. See Business Brilliant survey results; self-made millionaires
McDonald’s, 86, 145
McGlinn, Ian, 106
McKay, Adam, 117–20
Michaels, Lorne, 16, 117–20
BASIC, 67, 69–70, 79, 87–88
MS-DOS and, 71–72, 80, 89, 90, 108, 172
Q-DOS purchase, 71, 108
Turbo Pascal and, 120
See also Gates, Bill
middle class, average, 9–11, 113. See also Business Brilliant survey results
middle-class millionaires. See Business Brilliant survey results; self-made millionaires
Miller, Jimmy, 117, 119
Minoxidil, 177
Misino, Dominick, 126, 127–28
Money Class, The (Orman), 59
Morris Air, 179
Morris Travel, 178–79
MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), 71–72, 80, 89, 90, 108, 172
debunking, 5
of expertise, 98–99
of fixing weaknesses, 149–50, 151
of innovation, 15–16, 74–78, 91, 228–29
of “the money will follow,” 15, 26–28
See also Business Brilliant survey results
Myths of Innovation, The (Berkun), 74, 228–29
National Public Radio, 143
Neeleman, David, 165–68, 178–81
BATNA role in, 125
gender differences in, 51–52, 56–57, 58
IBM reputation for, 69–71, 72–73
LEAP techniques for, 204–7
new hires and, 51–52, 53–57, 59–62, 131–32
raises/promotions and, 57–59
as survey theme, 60, 61, 118–20, 122–23, 125, 126–27, 128
as synergistic system, 129
Netscape, 79, 136
networking, 107–14, 208–12
New New Thing, The (Lewis), 135
New York Post, 166
New York Times, 33–34, 83
New Yorker, 76, 77
Newsweek, 48
Nodal Networking, 208–12
Northcraft, Gregory B., 53, 54–55, 58
Northwestern University, 127–28
Novell, 87, 90
Now, Discover Your Strengths (Buckingham), 149
O’Hurley, John, 40–43
Omidyar, Pierre, 76–77
online social networking, 112
Oprah Winfrey Show, The (TV), 47, 58
Oracle Corporation, 78
Orfalea, Paul, 16, 82–83, 84–87, 145–46, 148
Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, The (Bhide), 105–6
Orman, Suze
The Courage to Be Rich, 47–48, 49–50
financial advice of, 47–51, 59
The Money Class, 59
personal wealth building of, 5, 49–50, 224–25
Other Guys, The (film), 118
Paramount, 104, 206
Paul Green School of Rock, LLC. See School of Rock
Paycheck Paralysis, 35–39
People, 142
Perfect Courier, 151–54, 156
Peterman, John, 42
Peterman principle. See O’Hurley, John
PEZ dispensers, 76–77
Pharmacy, 33
Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The (Hirst), 32
PICOS (Price Improvement for the Cost Optimization of Suppliers), 123–24
Pinkley, Robin L., 53, 54–55, 58
Pixar, 173–76
Pixar Image Computer, 173–74, 177, 242
Pixar Touch, The (Price), 175
Prince, Russ Alan, 169
Business Brilliant survey and, 9–11
as financial coach and researcher, 6–7, 187, 191, 193
relationship with author, 219–20
pro forma, 202–5
procrastination, 216–17
Prometheus Light and Sound, 87
Pronovost, Peter, 221–22
Punished by Rewards (Kohn), 36–37
Q-DOS (quick and dirty operating system), 71, 108
Quebec government
450th anniversary celebration, 24, 111
Cirque du Soleil funding and, 24–25, 28–30, 39, 101, 108, 111
Quinn, Jane Bryant, 48, 50
Rachel (assistant to Damien Hirst), 32
recessions, U.S., 14–15
RenderMan, 174
rewards, impact of. See Paycheck Paralysis
Reynolds, Paul D., 75
Richest Man in Town, The (Jones), 49
Rider, Chris, 77–78
risk-taking, 18–19, 39–40
Road Ahead, The (Gates), 78–79, 230
Roberts, Joseph, 104–5, 106
Rogaine, 177
Saatchi, Charles, 32, 102
salary negotiations
gender differences in, 51–52, 56–57, 58
new hires and, 51–52, 53–57, 59–62, 131–32
raises/promotions and, 57–59
Samberg, Andy, 122
Sams, Jack, 69, 70–71
Sanborn Maps, 98–100
Saturday Night Live (TV), 16, 117–20, 122
savings as wealth builder, 47–51, 59
Schell, G. Richard, 118
Schiff, Lewis
The Armchair Millionaire, 49
The Influence of Affluence, 7, 169
School of Rock, 103–6, 157, 185
School of Rock (film), 104
Schwab, Charles R., 143–44, 148
SCP (Seattle Computer Products), 71
Seinfeld (TV), 15, 40–43
self-determination theory (STD), 36, 39
self-employment. See entrepreneurs
self-made millionaires
characteristics of, 7–9, 49, 113
failures and setbacks of, 186, 214–18
multimillionaires, 132–33
work addiction of, 156–62
See also Business Brilliant survey results
setbacks. See failures and setbacks
17 Essentials of Business Brilliance, 194–96
Shane, Scott, 106–7
Shannon, Richard, 11–14, 16–17, 19, 183, 185
Shell, G. Richard, 130–31
Silicon Graphics, 135–36
Silicon Valley, 78, 120, 181
Sinetar, Marsha, 26–28
60 Minutes (TV), 147
Slott, Ed, 48–49, 50
SNL Digital Shorts (Web videos), 122
Softcard, 69–70, 79
Soma puzzle experiments, 35–40
Sotheby’s, 32–33
Southwest Airlines, 168, 179–80
Stand and Deliver (film), 192
Start with No (Camp), 123–24
Stay Rich Forever infomercials, 48–49
Step Brothers (film), 118
Stiller, Ben, 118
Strategic Coach, 158–59, 160, 161
Street Smarts: An All-Purpose Tool Kit for Entrepreneurs (Brodsky), 153
Subway, 80–82, 230
Sullivan, Dan, 157, 158
synergistic systems
autonomy and, 39–40
defined, 220 failures and, 243
negotiation as, 129
unpredictability of, 9–10, 14, 162
Talladega Nights (film), 118
Talon Hauts, 24
Teacher U, 193
teacher-training program, 193, 194, 195
“The Paradox of Excellence,” 157
They Made America (Evans), 67, 90
Thiessens, Jay, 141–43
/> Thomke, Stefan H., 181–82
Thousand Years, A (Hirst), 31–32
Tight Transitions, 195
Time, 107
Tin Toy (film), 174
Toy Story (film), 173, 174–75
Toy Story 3 (film), 173
Toyota Motor Corporation, 12
Toyota Way, 11–14, 16, 17, 221
transitivity, 110
Triumph of the Nerds (PBS documentary), 227–28
Turbo Pascal, 120–22
24-hour copy shop. See Kinko’s Copies
University of Rochester, 36, 37, 39
University of Washington, 89
“Valentine’s Day Massacre,” 167
Variety newspaper, 40
VH-1, 104
Virgin Group, 146–47
Wachs, Harry, 4
Wachs-Berger test, 4, 19
Wall Street, 15
Wall Street Journal, 76, 90
Wallace, James, 227
Walt Disney Company, 174–75
Washington Redskins, 3
Wayne (profiled in Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow), 27
Wharton School of Business, 130–31, 191
Why We Do What We Do (Deci), 39–40
Woodstock Film Festival, 105
WordStar, 67, 69
Worth magazine, 49
zero-infection rate. See Toyota Way
About the Author
LEWIS SCHIFF is the executive director of Inc. Business Owners Council, a membership organization for Inc. magazine’s top entrepreneurs and owners of closely held family businesses, and maintains a blog about behavioral entrepreneurship on Schiff has coauthored two books. The Influence of Affluence: The Rise of the New Rich and How They Are Changing America, which charts the rise of America’s growing affluent middle class through original research and analysis, and The Armchair Millionaire, which describes a wealth-creation system that leverages Nobel Prize–winning methodologies.