Blood Moon Magic

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Blood Moon Magic Page 8

by Isobelle Carmichael

  “Marcus, don’t be ridiculous. I’m supposed to be dating all of you. Now get out of the kitchen, or you’re going to get lost. I’ll take you on a private tour myself, and I’ll even show you where we keep all the good stuff, okay?” I lean into him and tip my face up to his.

  He doesn’t take the bait and instead lopes out of the kitchen with a cocky grin on his face. I sigh and follow him out, then continue walking with my entourage up the stairs until we finally make it to my suite.

  My rooms are my sanctuary, and no one is allowed here without permission. In my bedroom, there is a massive four-poster bed with an eggplant-colored comforter and silver sheets. I have accents throughout the room in blues, purples, and pops of silver and rose gold. It’s feminine, without being overly so, because I myself am not exceedingly girly. There’s an attached sitting room with an assortment of DVDs in the built-in bookcases, and black and aubergine microfiber couches with metallic throw cushions. I like to keep a stack of DVDs around of my favorite movies, and for those days when Netflix goes out from a bad storm. Plus, it’s just nice to collect things.

  The real gem of my suite is the reading nook. There’s a window seat with a cushion, a day bed, and an oversized comfy chair, all surrounded by a custom bookshelf. The shelf is circular and holds a printed copy of every book on my e-reader, and then some. They also hold some of the family journals. I laugh as I turn around. I’m clearly not the only one who likes my nook. As soon as we walk into my main bedroom, Justin walks to my bookshelf choosing something to read and promptly relaxes comfortably in my plum purple chair. Seeing him perched on my chair with a book on his lap is totally turning me on. He looks up from the book and locks his sexy blue eyes onto mine as if he can hear the arousing thoughts running through my mind. I suddenly remember that he totally can as a sly sexy grin spreads across his face.

  Damn, this mind reading thing is going to take some getting used to.

  Kaleb has taken up residence on my bed like he belongs there and is sketching in a journal that he clearly must keep in his pocket based on it’s curled edges. Kaden is checking out my room like he’s scanning for threats. I can’t find Shaun and Marcus, and I could have sworn they followed me inside, but then I hear voices coming from the hallway. They’re arguing. I open the door to hear them clearly.

  “You don’t have a choice; so, suck it up. Fake it, or whatever, but you’re in this until a decision is made,” Shaun says, his tone sharp and final.

  I’m not sure I want to know what the particulars of the conversation are, but I can guess. Marcus doesn’t want to be here.

  “I don’t deserve her, I’m a full-on fucking mess, and I don’t think she wants someone like that as her mate.”

  I finally step out of my room and into the hallway and lay into him.

  “Well, that’s not your decision, is it?” My response shocks me. I don’t exactly understand why I’m fighting for someone who doesn’t want me, but then I realize that I mean it. Why did he say yes if he doesn’t want to stay? What’s keeping him here?

  “You’re wrong; I do want you. My dragon wants to claim you, desperately,” He responds to my thoughts, “but I’m here because I owe the clan my life, and I said I’d see it through. Just so you know, I don’t think you should pick me. These other men, my brothers, are so much better than I am.”

  “I’m going to ignore you now, Marcus,” I say while walking away from him. He’s already getting under my skin, and the fact that he doesn’t want to be here, unlike the rest, unsettles me.

  I walk back into the suite and notice that with five men in it, it suddenly doesn’t feel so huge anymore, nor does it feel like the sanctuary I’ve come to call it. It feels almost stifling. My wolf is snarling at me. She’s clearly okay with this whole thing, but the human in me is about to have a panic attack.

  Fuck, not now. I can’t deal with one of those right now.

  I leave the boys to continue exploring my bedroom and escape to the en suite bathroom. I shut the door and lean my back against it, willing myself to breathe, to be rational, but the enormity of today is overriding my better judgment.

  I head to the massive shower, peeling off my clothes as I go, and decide a shower will be very therapeutic. I fiddle with the knob for a second and wait for the water to heat up. When billows of steam begin to fill the stall from the dual shower heads, I step in. Pins and needles cover my body as the hot water hits me, and it’s rejuvenating my senses. The nearly-scalding water forcing an involuntary groan out of me as the heat penetrates my tensed muscles. My mind is swarming with chaos, and I can’t help but be overcome. I take a deep breath and let my walls come down, trying to process the day’s events.

  I had told myself to be open over the past few months. To accept that my mate might be a dragon and also accept that I may find him today. Here though, in the shower, my resolve wavers. I’m safe, and I can breakdown without anyone knowing. I let the water wash away all my anxieties, at least for a little while. It’s a secret I keep hidden, but on a day like today, I’m well past my breaking point.

  These men came in and steamrolled my defenses with their good looks and their unique personalities I can already see shining through. They are going to rock me to my core. I can anticipate that already. Even Marcus and his broody bad boy sexy thing has me on the hook, and I am helpless to stop it. Here in the safety of the shower, I can finally let the anxiety, the panic, the lust, and every other chaotic emotion I’ve been trying to control, swarm around me. I start crying, finally tipped over the edge. The salt of my tears mixes with the water, and I give into the feeling of being totally out of control. In a few minutes, I’ll pull it together, I promise. I can have this pity party right now and allow myself some release. So much has happened, and I can’t always be granite.

  My knees give out, and I anticipate the sharp pain of my bones connecting with the hard tile. When it comes, the jarring sensation knocks me back, and I revel in the pain for just a second. I scream in silence and beat the walls with my fist, as my wolf whispers to me soothingly. I think these attacks are the reason she started interacting with me so much in human form. She knew I needed a friend, and as much as I love Chey, I can never be weak in front of her.

  The sound of knocking on the door interrupts me, and though the sound is muffled, I hear Justin’s voice.

  “Abby, are you okay?”

  I clear my throat and stick my head out of the stall. “I’m fine, almost done.” Fuck, I know my eyes must be red and puffy despite the shower, and I don’t know how to fix that.

  “Abby, if you’d be okay with it, I’d like to come in.”

  I sigh, but there’s something about the tone of his voice that gives me pause. He sounds like he’s in pain.

  “Yeah, come on in,” I say. I turn off the shower and slide open the shower door a sliver so that Justin can see my face.

  He must have been anticipating my permission because he’s inside before I finish and is standing next to the stall. I realize a part of me should be bothered that he’s seeing me half-naked, but considering what transpired in the car, it seems a moot point.

  He presses his hand against the shower wall and says, “princess, I couldn’t bear your anguish anymore. Why the tears?”

  I know he’s just being polite; he must have heard my thoughts. When I look up into his eyes, I can see the concern, but no look of knowing.

  “You sensed my pain?”

  “It’s my gift. I wasn’t trying to listen in, but your emotions were calling out to me.”

  “Well, I’m sorry for the emotional overload, but it’s so much to process. I met you all a few hours ago, my wolf has Claimed you, and I am terrified for my heart. I don’t want to love any of you,” I admit in a whisper. Love is scary and cruel. I see how my mother barely functions after losing my father, and I don’t want that. The thing is, it’s basically a given in a situation such as this; I’m going to fall in love. And that’s literally the last thing I want.”

I’ll do what I’m supposed to for the good of the pack, but I don’t want to fall in love! It’s so much pressure. I always feel so much pressure, knowing everything that is expected of me and … I … I … I just don’t want to fail.”

  It comes out in a rush because if I don’t say it all now, I won’t ever say it. Tears run down my face, and I know it’s mixing with the makeup I didn’t wash off before I jumped in here.

  “Oh, Abigail, I’m so sorry.”

  Score another point for Abby, ugly crying in front of a practical stranger.

  I’m a winner. Who doesn’t want a piece of this hot mess?

  I wince at my self-deprecating humor and realize I need to pull myself out of this downward spiral before it gets any worse.

  My gaze sweeps over him, and I hone in on his broad muscled chest in a tight t-shirt and jeans that cling to his muscular thighs.

  Like a light switch, my wolf has me thinking lustful thoughts, and without trying to reconcile the tumultuous emotions, I give in. This is the Claiming, take reason and throw it out the window. I pull the door open completely and step out, molding my wet body to his.

  With a soft growl, he grabs me firmly in his arms, and I can feel his strength transfer to me like I’m siphoning it. I hungrily seek out his lips, and he gives them to me, letting me take what I need and asking for nothing in return. When I move my frantic hands to the hem of his shirt and tug, he immediately responds and tugs the now wet material over his head.

  I take in his beautiful, bare chest and trace my fingers over the rune for water he has etched there. It’s a flowing, graceful design that looks like cresting waves. The design is gorgeous, and the black ink sparkles like it it was mixed with diamond dust when the light hits it just right. I allow my wandering fingers to continue their work and reach for the buckle of his belt, undoing it before my fingers pause on his zipper. I look up at him coyly. The question is in my eyes, and his small nod is all I need to slide it down and push his pants down his hips. He steps out of them and his boxers.

  Looking down, I notice his cock resting against his leg. He’s only partially erect, but it begins growing under my gaze. I snap my eyes back to his face and catch the full heat of his stare. It makes me shudder, and at that moment my crying is wholly forgotten. I’m a powerful woman, and this man is mine.

  Placing a finger under my chin, Justin tilts my head up higher and captures my lips with his. The kiss is sweet, but there’s a barely-caged hunger behind it.

  Oh, my goddess how am I supposed to feel sane when my body goes from panicked, to sobbing, to lusting in less than five minutes?

  I turn the shower back on, and pull him inside with me, choosing to give in to my wanton urges and disregarding everything else.

  “Abby, I just want you to know that we’re not here to cause you strife, and I am so sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. We want to help you, to be your mates. You’re not alone anymore, princess. The five of us will do anything we can to protect you, and you don’t even have to ask.” He smiles and places a sweet kiss on my nose.

  His words send tears racing back into my eyes, so I turn my face to the shower as I contemplate the veracity of them. I’m stunned by the intention I can feel behind them, behind him. Even though I can’t hear his thoughts at the moment, I can sense the truth in what he’s saying, and it eases some of the wariness inside of me. He’s still behind me, saying nothing and I appreciate that he is giving me space to process. I’m certain he can sense the emotions pouring off me, and he reads me perfectly because if it.

  Letting instinct take over, I step out of the direct spray of water and push him against the shower wall before laying a hesitant kiss on his lips. This must be what a goddess feels like. He groans in appreciation, and the calmness morphs into ravenous hunger. I really need to talk to the Elders about this because no one should have these types of mood swings.

  I push him lightly on the chest before things can go any further. I suddenly remember that I came in here to cry, think, and get away from them, and now I am locking lips with a very naked dragon shifter in my shower.

  “What made you knock on my door?” I ask as I begin to massage my loofah into a lather. The light scent of coconut and shea butter fills the air. I love tropical fragrances, and I find them soothing.

  “I sensed your pain. I told you that,” he whispers as if someone being a human mood ring is totally normal.

  “I thought you could hear my thoughts, not sense my pain or whatever,” I reply.

  “No, we can only hear your thoughts when you let us or when you broadcast it through the bonds of our Claiming, but my personal gift is with emotions. I could no sooner stay in the other room and ignore your anguish than I could harm my own mother. I was drawn in here to stop you from hurting, and the others, knowing my gift and catching bits of your thoughts that leaked out, allowed me to come to you with no argument. That is a miracle, considering we’re all vying for your attention right now.”

  I realize this is going to be Justin’s thing; not speaking much and then giving up a huge chunk of information all at once and forcing me to stop, think, and process. It’s effective; I won’t lie. I struggle to come up with a response, but “wow” is all I can manage.

  “You know, now that I’m here,” a wicked grin splits his face, “I would love to ...” he trails off and runs his hand down my body before landing on my ass. Using it as leverage, he lifts me up and latches his mouth around one nipple. My shower was so hot that now his tongue feels almost cool as he sucks the tight bud into his mouth before moving to the next one. I let out a loud moan and hear a knock at the door before Shaun’s voice cuts through the sexual tension.

  “Justin, we said you could soothe her, not fuck her, so either I’m coming in, or you’re coming out.”

  “Come in,” we say in concert, as Justin slowly lets me down, and I giggle that we’ve said it at the same time. Then I take in the fact that I giggled.

  What in the flying fuck is happening to me?

  Shaun needs no further invitation, and within moments I’m sandwiched between two hard bodies. I thank the goddess that I decided on an extra-large shower when I modernized the bathroom. Things start to get a little fuzzy when Shaun drops to his knees and begins worshiping me with his mouth.

  As the hot water sluices down my breasts, Shaun lifts both legs over his shoulders leaving me no option but to brace against Justin. He plays with my nipples rolling the sensitive peaks with his fingers as he holds me up. Meanwhile, Shaun drives his tongue deep into my pussy, groaning as he laps up my wetness. I buck against the strong arms wrapped around me trying to get away, but he presses his face deeper and thrusts hard into me. Using his insanely skillful tongue, he mimics the sensation of his cock inside of me. It’s not enough, but it still feels so fucking good.

  “Shit. Stop, I can’t take anymore.” My clit, still sensitive from Kaleb’s earlier machinations, screams in protest. Whimpering, I reach up trying to push his face away, but Justin grabs my arms and pulls them behind my back.

  “Take your tongue-fucking like a good girl, princess. And let this be a lesson that you should never tease a dragon.” I open my mouth to tell him off, but Shaun bites down gently on my clit, and instead I scream. The gentle pressure sends me over the edge.

  “Goddess damn it, you sound so sexy when you cum.”

  “Holy fuck!” I exclaim, as the stars clear from my eyes. Shaun licks the taste of me from his lips and grins. Justin releases my arms and moves to stand in front of me. He presses me against the wall and devours my mouth and then my breasts while he slowly fucks me with two fingers. I moan when he begins sliding them deeper into my already slick core. My pussy tightens around him with a powerful orgasm that has me feeling lightheaded. Pins and needles rove my body as my circulation returns, but my attention is snared by the two impressive cocks begging for attention, and I begin to reach my hands forward to tend to them.

  “Sorry, princess,” Justin chides, “ rules are we can touch y
ou, but you can’t touch us, at least not yet.”

  “Well that rule is stupid as fuck, and I won’t follow it.” I lower myself to the ground and try to wrap my lips around Justin’s cock, but he moves away. Two seconds ago, I had two hard cocks within my grasp, and now they’re both outside the shower, toweling off.

  I stare open-mouthed at the unobstructed view of their bodies in frustration.

  “We’ll see you out there, princess. Don’t take too long. We can discuss our courtship after the meeting, and of course, the rules,” Shaun says while making a move to adjust my shower to a cooler setting.

  “Don’t touch my shower, you jerk” I snap, knowing the only thing that’ll put this fire out is a cock, preferably two. At their shared grin, I realize I’m broadcasting again.

  “Get out. Fuck the rules, and fuck you both,” I lash out, surprised by the vehemence in my voice.

  “Oh, little she-wolf, that’s exactly the plan, just not yet. You’ll understand when we explain.” Shaun winks at me walking away while toweling his hair.

  “It will all make sense, we promise,” Justin says, coaxing me into a better mood before he too exits the bathroom.

  “It better,” I shout after them, “I’m supposed to be living a literal fantasy right now. I have ridiculously hot men who I’ve just Claimed, and I know you all want me. Damn it, if I don’t get to start having sex with at least one of you ...” I end my threat unfinished because I have no idea how to finish it.

  Fucking Elders, Fucking Claiming, Fucking hormones.

  I am in a full-on tizzy, but when all of the men start laughing at me hysterically, my temper tantrum decreases. I’m screaming out about not getting fucked at the top of my lungs. The tension eases from my body, and I quickly finish my shower, reminding myself that it could be worse.

  Chapter Eight



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