Blood Moon Magic

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Blood Moon Magic Page 9

by Isobelle Carmichael

  After my less than relaxing, but deliciously fun shower, I throw on a top and struggle into a pair of yoga pants. Leggings and wet skin are a crap-tastic combination. The chorus of feet on our steps alert me to the fact that the meeting will start soon. Quickly, I run a brush through the thick, coarse strands of my hair. My debate on letting it air-dry lasts only moments before I decide not to chance it with the curl gods today. Rarely do they grant me a favor. I’m following five impressive derrieres down the hallway while wrangling my insanely thick hair into a fishtail braid when I run face first into someone’s back.

  “Hey, what gives? Why’d you stop moving?” I ask.

  Shaun quirks a brow at me, and I realize they have no idea where they’re going, hence the abrupt stop. I start leading the way with an extra wiggle in my walk, knowing it will drive them insane and relishing the feeling of power that comes from turning on five men simultaneously. Plus, my ass looks phenomenal in these yoga pants.

  Your ass does look amazing in those yoga pants, but I told you to stop teasing me, so consider this your last warning, keep it up, and you’re getting a spanking.

  Shaun’s words connect directly to my clit, and my pussy starts to tingle, as my wolf picks her head up.


  Yes, girl I know he’s yours; you already told me that.

  I want to take them!

  You and me both, but apparently, we’re going to have to wait on that.

  Well, fuck.

  I burst out laughing at her response. The more we talk, the more she learns how to express herself, and she’s nailed this one because that sentiment sums up exactly how I feel.

  Shaking my head, I ignore the question on their faces and lead them into our great room. If they didn’t hear my thoughts, then I don’t need to share. While they look around, I head over to the wine fridge and grab a bottle of whatever is cold, white, and wet. Ever the good hostess, I ask the guys if they want anything. I have a feeling whatever conversation is about to ensue, will be better served with alcohol. Marcus jumps up from the couch he was lounging on and grabs beers for everyone, but Shaun just nods his head at the wine glass in my hand. I raise an eyebrow at him but pour him a tall glass.

  “So, when do we talk about the ‘I can’t touch you all’ thing?” I see no point in delaying this conversation. My wolf and I are on one accord about getting laid.

  Right now, I have a one-track mind, and all it wants to do is explore the five incredible male specimens sprawled all over the living room furniture.

  I might not be able to concentrate on anything else until I do.

  “We’ll have that conversation later,” Shaun says. “We’re here for the meeting with your mother and the rest of your pack.”

  I open my mouth to tell him off, but then my mother walks in, with Seamus following a bit too closely behind her.

  “I see you boys have made yourselves at home,” she remarks, taking in the languid positions of my men. She gives me a conspiratorial wink and mouths “Good job,” as if she’s proud of the group of men I’ve amassed recently. I roll my eyes at her and look for a place to sit. Seeing Kaleb on the floor with a pillow propped under him, I move over to him and sit between his legs. He throws a celebratory glance at the rest of the guys, and they return it with scowls and snarls. I elbow him and chide, “I like sitting on the floor, don’t tease them.” His grin only grows wider. “Ugh, you’re incorrigible.”

  “That I am, princess, that I am,” he says, without a hint of remorse.

  “We’re very relaxed at home,” Seamus interjects, “and clearly the boys feel like this is home already. I can’t really blame them; your den is gorgeous and comfortable.”

  “Dad, beer or wine?” Shaun asks. I notice he has spent the last few minutes scoping out the extensive wine collection, instead of joining in on the pissing contest.

  I’ve already poured my mother a glass of Spanish red, which she is now drinking with enthusiasm. I watch her shake her rich auburn hair out of its ponytail, allowing it to cascade in wild curls down her back. I can see she is enjoying the dual sensations of both the jammy wine on her tongue and sinking her feet into the carpet after removing her heels. When she lets out a groan of pleasure, I blush and notice Seamus’s pupils dilate.

  Well, well, I see my mother has another admirer.

  It feels a bit odd to see. She lost my dad a long time ago, and I know she’s been lonely without him. It’s just the fact that she might be interested in the father of one of my mates that gives me pause. I instantly realize this thought is selfish of me; I want her to be happy, and that should matter the most.

  “Okay, let’s get this started,” she says, after finishing half the glass and tapping her finger on the rim for a refill. Seamus obliges and tops off his own drink before leading her to the couch. When everyone is settled, including the lieutenants of our pack, it’s time to begin. Orderliness quickly descends into chaos as the meeting drones on. There is a lot of arguing about whether we should go after the Death Claws for their slight against the pack, but that plan is ultimately shot down. My mother wants our focus on the successful Claimings and building deeper connections between the mates in hopes that some of the groups will Bond before the ceremony.

  “The next blood moon is only a few months away, and we need this ritual to be powerful. The more pack participants we have, the more power we can harness. I’m going to ask that all Bonded and Claimed members participate,” my mother announces.

  “So, we’re just gonna gloss over the fact that this ritual is really a synonym for a massive orgy?” I retort, and the twins snort before their alpha shoots them a look that stops them cold. My mother pierces me with a look that is no less frosty.


  Oh shit, full name.

  “We’re not glossing over anything, least of all that the ritual involves various sex acts. In fact, you need to make sure you read that book I was talking about because you and your mates will be central in this ritual, and I will need you to lead it,” she finishes, with a pointed stare.

  I spit my wine out and choke. “What?”

  When every eye turns to me, I shut my mouth and give my mother a look that promises we’ll be talking about this later. In the meantime, I know my face is burning, but I respond with a voice that sounds almost normal. “Yes Mom, I’ll be sure to take a look at those texts later. Please continue.”

  She smiles at me and then addresses the room, “The Blood Moon ritual is our most sacred, and excellent custom. All of you should be aware that the power generated is produced by sexual energy as well as blood sacrifices. I know, however, that Clan Wyvern may not be as up to date on all that is required. Our pack has done it’s best to maintain a strong connection to our ancestral witch line, but it’s not as strong as it used to be.

  Seamus and I need those of you with an affinity for a particular element to help us call the quarters before we begin. We also ask that those Bonded and Claimed, engage in sex in the circle as the moon rises. You may choose to do so in human or animal form if your animal forms are compatible,” she finishes, and I could swear she gives Seamus a once over as if she’s sizing him up.

  “I’m all for little outdoor copulation, but no offense, Alpha Megan, having you there would be a bit of a mood killer.” Kaleb, as usual, finds a way to cut through the awkwardness of the situation and get to the root of the issue.

  “Yes, well, I thought of that. Unlike wolves, I know you dragons can have issues with nudity. We have taken your delicate sensibilities into consideration, so this year we’ll be erecting tents that are open to the sky for privacy.”

  Mummers shoot through the ground at the unprecedented concession. Skyclad is how these ceremonies are traditionally performed. I’ve never participated, but I’ve been to more than a few.

  “This is the first year Abigail will be participating. As the alpha, and future alpha, we must both be present. I do hope the tents help you all perform to the best of your abilities.”
/>   Wow, my mother is seriously low key telling my guys not to have performance anxiety.

  “I trust that by utilizing tents there will be no further hang-ups on the more sexual side of the ceremony. Also, I want you all to know you have no reason to fear any kind of repercussions from me. Unless of course, you hurt my daughter, then all bets are off.” She flashes them a menacing smile, and her eyes shift to the amber of her wolf. “Then, there will be many reprisals.”

  “Mom, if that is your attempt at putting my guys at ease, then you failed miserably.”

  “Well, I tried. No one said I was any good at soothing men’s fears,” she says with a shrug. “Okay, one final piece of news. Due to the increased activity from the Death Claws and other rival groups, we’re asking that no one leaves here alone. And my phenomenal packmates know it pains me to say this, but please don’t leave without your Claimed mates or assigned bodyguards.”

  At the outcry, she raises her hands and infuses her voice with alpha power. “I know you can take care of yourselves, but this is a crisis. If we can perform this ritual with all of these new Claimings, we can reinvigorate our packs for decades to come. Right now, our women are being hunted, and therefore we must take extra precaution. I know you don’t need them, but this is not up for discussion. This. Is. Law!” she commands and then sits down.

  Seamus stands up and says, “I echo Alpha Megan’s words, and order you men to protect your women. These women are strong and fearless and don’t need your protection, but offer it anyway. Women protect your men and keep them safe. These men will need your guidance and strength. Take care of each other above all else. Believe me, I know the pain of losing a mate, and there is no physical pain that can compare. No one here should know that pain. We are all vulnerable until the Blood Moon ceremony. Once we complete this ritual, we will be stronger, we will rise, and we will fight. We will revitalize our clan and repopulate our race.”

  It was all good until he went there. I do not want to think about making pups and baby dragons.

  I see everyone staring, waiting for Shaun and me to say something. I just nod my head in agreement, and when Shaun does the same, everyone leaves the room. Seamus stays behind for a moment and calls Shaun over.

  I totally cheat and use my wolf hearing to listen in.

  “I’m leaving now, Shaun. You should stay here for a bit and get to know your mate. I’ll handle the pack and keep you informed of anything important. I will, of course, still need the twins for pack business as usual.”

  “Yes, Father. Of course. I should probably get back to Abby, though. Have a safe trip back.

  Shaun gives his father the world’s most awkward hug and heads back towards me. With the meeting adjourned, I have my boys to myself, and I am ready to have a conversation about all things sexy, or not sexy. Basically, I’m ready to figure out why I’m not supposed to touch them.

  “I’m glad that’s over with,” Kaden sighs, “I really despise meetings.” He’s still on the floor, and I see him holding a small ball of fire in his palm. I almost drop my glass at the sight.

  “You have fire magic?” I shriek and realize I sound like an idiot, but whatever.

  With a sigh, Justin says, “I had no intention of breaking this news to you in such an overt manner, but as usual, one of the twins has to do things their way. There’s a lot left to discuss and I’d rather it was done in private; so, can we move this conversation to your bedroom?”

  Usually moving any conversation to my bedroom would have my lady bits dancing the tango, but I can tell this is not going to be the sexy conversation I expect. Nevertheless, I grab my bottle of wine and lead the way to my room.

  Once we’re all inside, we file into the sitting room, and I barely wait for their bottoms to hit the couches before I begin. “Spill, I have no fucks left, and I want to know what’s going on.”

  “Abby, we’re witch shifters, just like you are,” Shaun starts, but I interrupt him. “I’m not a witch shifter. I’m just a shifter with witch blood,” I say because there is a difference.

  “Well, to be honest, we’re shifters with witch blood. Abby’s the only witch shifter,” Justin interjects.

  “What the fuck are you all carrying on about? Someone needs to start explaining, now!”

  “Abby, what to do you know about the Elders?” Justin asks me.

  “Uh, I know that my pack does rituals every full moon, and when the blood moon is coming, we have a big-ass fiesta before performing a long-ass ritual that involves sex and blood. We literally just talked about this five minutes ago, Justin,” I huff.

  “That’s about the ritual, but what do you know about the Elders?”

  “We do all of our rituals in honor of the Elders because they’re the reason we exist,” I recite like I’m reading from a textbook. “What does that have to do with Kaleb’s fire show in the living room?”

  “And this is why I wanted to break it to her gently,” Justin harrumphs.

  “Oh, I bet you wanna break her …”

  “Not now,” I groan, trying not to grin at Kaden’s inappropriate joke.

  “Look, your mom mentioned she wanted people who have an affinity for the magic to call the elements,” Shaun starts.

  “Yes, affinity, like manipulating elements already present. You know, making a fire bigger or making a flower bloom faster, not calling fire out of nowhere!” my voice increases, as my ire grows. I forgo a glass, choosing to drink straight from the bottle.

  “This is something else that’s been kept from me isn’t it? And why do all of you know what I am when I don’t?”

  “Abby, come on. You know magic exists, and you perform spells at least once a month,” Justin says, his tone conciliatory.

  “I know that Justin; of course I do, but I haven’t seen anyone with the power to manipulate the elements like that. I didn’t realize that people still had access to that level of magic. Most of us only have echoes of what we possessed generations ago.”

  “Abby, as you know, the Elders are witches that created us, and most of us have a small amount of magic in our blood. Occasionally, some are born who are like us and have quite a bit more magic. But according to my father’s gift, you have a great deal of magic in your blood. So much, that he thinks the Blood Moon ritual will actually allow us to charge up the Elders and still leave enough magic left over to replenish the clans this year,” Shaun says.

  I know our pack line is strong with magic, and our rituals have been more powerful lately, but this is still a lot to take in.

  “Are you saying this is because of me? How can I have so much witch blood and magic in my veins when the power has been diluted with each new generation? And what is your father’s gift?” I ask, trying to convince them they’re wrong.

  “Well, you being born with that birthmark is the first indicator. The history books speak of other shifters bearing that mark who were tremendously powerful. And Shaun’s father has the ability to sense magic in others, and gauge how much they possess,” Justin says.

  “Do you think that we should talk to your mother? I’m sure if she gave us more information on your father, we could clear up this mystery,” Kaden adds.

  “HA! like that’ll happen,” I snort. “she clams up whenever I bring him up. We’re better off reading my family journals.”

  “You have access to your grimoires?” Justin says with a shout, as his face lights up. “Where are they?”

  “Grimoires?” I taste the word on my tongue, it sounds foreign and mystical, “They’re just journals from our ancestors.”

  “We’ll argue over semantics later,” he cuts in, “can you show them to me?”

  “Oh shit, you have his spidey senses tingling. Abby, are you ready to see Justin geek out?” Kaden adds laughing.

  “Yeah, sure, I have a couple right here,” I add, ignoring Kaden, but I can’t keep the broad smile off my face. Walking to my bedside table, I start pulling out stacks of leather-bound journals and handing them to him. He takes them lik
e I’m giving him bars of gold and sits down in my nook to begin reading. I can’t help but wonder if the fact they’re my family’s spell books helps to explain why I always get an odd pulling feeling whenever I’m reading their pages. I sleep next to them because they provide me with an unexplained kind of comfort.

  “Well, he’ll be there for ages now. We’ll just have to make sure we keep him fed and watered,” Kaleb jokes.

  Justin gives him the middle finger as he continues to read.

  Okay, so clearly Justin really is going to be occupied for a while.

  Shaun sighs and turns to me, “Justin is our historian and would be far better at this next part, but I can give you the basics. Each of us controls an element: I represent the Air element, the twins are Fire, Justin is Water, Marcus is Earth, and you … you’re Aether.”

  “I’m Aether? How do you know, and what does that even mean?”

  “We don’t know if she’s Aether yet,” Justin chimes in.

  “Okay, we don’t know, but we have a strong reason to believe that you are. If we are correct, then our coven will be complete, and we’ll have the power to bring our race back from the brink,” Kaleb adds in a rare moment of seriousness.

  “With our coven complete, when we perform the Blood Moon ritual in a few months, the shifter species as a whole will be given a chance to repopulate. Not merely for decades, as your mother alluded to, but for generations and generations to come,” Shaun states in a higher than usual voice. I can tell he’s so excited, but I am still processing.

  “That … is a lot to take in, Shaun. You just dropped a lot on me at once, and I think I need to sit down.” I collapse back onto the bed.

  “Also,” I say from underneath my hand-covered face, “what does any of this have to do with us not having sex?”

  “Right. Yes, this is why Justin usually does the explaining, he’s so much more eloquent than I am,” Shaun grimaces.

  “I’m more eloquent than all of you,” Justin says dryly while glancing up from his book. “He may have hit you over the head with all that information, but it’s accurate, and I can give you the fine details once I’ve had a chance to look over these books.”


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