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Ronan: A Highlander Romance (The Ghosts of Culloden Moor Book 37)

Page 5

by Diane Darcy

  “Are you all right?”

  Ronan slowly turned to see Ashley staring at him, a worried expression upon her face.

  “Fine, lass.” He croaked out the words and had to clear his throat. “Tis just that we are going to a place I’d thought never to visit again.”

  “Did something happen there?” She glanced at Logan, then back again. “To you, I mean.”

  Ronan thought back to the number of men he’d slaughtered upon that field. Logan had the right of it. They’d used trickery and deceit most effectively to surround and cut down the enemy.

  But it had taken its toll upon all who fought.

  He was not ashamed for feeling sickened by the violence.

  He knew that in the here and now, guns could shoot out bullets at unbelievable rates.

  But the muskets of his time had been slow, difficult to reload, and so most battles had been fought in hand-to-hand combat.

  Shooting a bullet at the man was far different from shoving a sword in his stomach, or slashing a head clean off.

  The violence of the act was much more up close and personal and left scars upon all involved.

  Prestonpans. Even the name of the place sent a chill up his spine. To go back there again?

  If the witch willed it, he would do it.

  But that did not mean he’d be happy about it.

  Ashley went to take his hand once more and, on impulse, he instead placed his arm around her and tugged her close.

  She relaxed against him, her head on his shoulder, and he breathed her in, savoring the implication of trust, loving how well she fit against him. It was exactly what he needed in that moment: her softness, feminine scent, and innocence. The peace upon her face went a long way toward calming him.

  Aye, he’d no doubt he’d been meant to find her, to help her.

  But perhaps, instead, they were to help each other.

  Ashley watched the beautiful scenery go by, and barely saw it. Instead, she was breathing in Ronan’s intoxicating scent, a blend of evergreen and simmering male, debating on the mythical, or was that mystical, qualities of love at first sight.

  Something she’d never believed in.

  She’d met many a man in her day that she found attractive, but not to this level. This level was the top step of the ladder.

  Sure, she’d stepped on the first rung, and the second, maybe even the third before. But she’d never shot straight to the top like this.

  Gah! She was turning into a mad woman. She’d never believed in soul mates, or anything like that, before in her life.

  Did she now? She wasn’t sure.

  Probably not. This was no doubt just strong chemistry, animal magnetism, whatever it was called.

  Her instincts said that anything that came on this fast, was no doubt a sickness of some kind.

  The cold, or the flu, or food poisoning, maybe? She probably ought to separate from the man, maybe trade places with Monica, but even thinking it made her feel … jealous?

  Gah! Mad woman! It was almost a relief when they arrived at their destination, and turned down a road to the dirt pile beyond.

  Ronan tensed beside her, and she reached out and set her hand upon his knee in commiseration.

  She wasn’t sure what his problem with the place was, but suddenly she wanted to know. Wanted to know everything about this man.

  Garth, Monica, and the tourists around them all chattered, excited, so why did she feel nervous about what they’d find here?

  No doubt it was the tension coming off Ronan that was affecting her.“Do you want to stay on the bus?”

  He turned to look at her, and their faces were close together. Finally, he let out a sigh and shook his head. “Nae, lass, I’ve no desire to stay behind, not now, and not ever again.”

  “Ashley, Ronan, come on!”

  Garth and Monica were already in the aisle, and heading out of the bus.

  “We’ll catch up!” She turned to Ronan. “Ready?”

  He nodded. “Aye, lass, ready.”

  “All right, let’s go.”

  Chapter 6

  Ronan hoisted Ashley’s pack and noted there were other tours here as well as their own, and many people walked up to the top of a dirt mound. There was a flag fluttering in the breeze at the top.

  It was almost a relief to realize that nothing looked familiar.

  There were still trees, but he couldn’t see a bog of any sort.

  Presumably the ocean was in the distance, but all he saw was a nearby town.

  The people from the tours made their way up the hill, and he hung back. He was having trouble containing his emotions. As always, anger seemed to rise to the fore.

  He clung to Ashley’s hand as she seemed to be the calm in the storm brewing within him.

  Ashley gave him a funny look. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Ronan nodded but was feeling anything but okay. In fact, he felt sort of sick.

  Horrible things happened here back in his day. And now people toured and looked on? But, life did move on, didn’t it? For everyone else, anyway.

  He wanted to tell Ashley to just go and join her friends, but couldn’t seem to let go of her and she squeezed his hand, offering the support he couldn’t ask for.

  They’d fought here, killed here and the memories were hitting him hard, making him crazed, even as he saw the difference in the people, and the scenery.

  Finally, he followed Ashley. When they reached the top some sort of an oblong circle ran in front of them, a path of some sort, and he could see people running on it in useless circles.

  He set her pack at his feet. “What is that?”

  “It looks like a track. Maybe there’s a high school nearby?” He didn’t know what that was, but something else caught his attention sending chills up his spine.

  Apparently, the spot they were on was a viewpoint, and he recognized something in the distance.

  Braxton Hall; still there after all these centuries.

  So, this was a viewpoint to the battlefield itself. They’d fought down below.

  Many of the trees were gone, and even the grass seemed to be cut back, but he recognized the place.

  His gut hollowed.

  He’d always wondered if the visitors to Culloden had ever taken into account that the very earth they walked upon, the grasses and the heather, had once been so stained with blood, that he’d wondered afterward if the grass would grow in red.

  The same applied to the battlefield here, but the grass here was as green as at Culloden Moor.

  Blood had been spilled long ago, and yet standing here, looking out over it, and remembering it once again while in the company of onlookers, well, it was completely different from how he might’ve thought it would be.

  Ashley glanced up at him. “What is it? You have a funny expression.”

  He shook his head and as he looked down over the field, he wondered what would happen if he were to walk down there, to wander the exact spots where he’d actually killed men in the past.

  Would there be ghosts waiting for him? Wondering why he was here? Hoping they’d be allowed the same opportunity?

  Or would there be nothing but the wind, and he himself, the only one left from that battle long ago.

  He didn’t want to know.

  It wasn’t for him to know.

  Ronan’s hand shot out to block Garth as he tried to pick up the pack for Ashley.

  “I can take care of my own lass, you see to yers.”

  Garth gave him a look of wide-eyed astonishment, and then turned to Monica. “Wow. Try and do someone a favor, huh?”

  The two of them moved off, laughing.

  He stood back as Ashley, her friends, and the others from their tour took pictures, chatted, and read the plaque at the top of the hill.

  And when they were ready to go, he eagerly led the way back to the bus.

  He couldn’t get away from the place fast enough.

  On the bus again, Ashley was slightly concerned about
Ronan. He seemed tense, maybe even upset, and she didn’t know why.

  Despite the possessive feelings she had for the guy, she didn’t really know him, and he could disappear as quickly as he’d appeared.

  So, best not to speculate.

  And, best not to grow too attached. Said the girl clinging to his hand and laying her head on his shoulder.

  It only took about forty minutes to get to their hotel in Edinburgh, and soon Logan stood up to take charge once more.

  “All right, you party animals, here’s what’s on the agenda for tonight. We’ll get you checked into your hotel, and then dinner is in a couple of hours at a local restaurant. And then, it’s out on the town for us! I don’t want to say tonight is the highlight of the tour, but it certainly will be one of them.”

  Lewis parked the bus, opened the door and got off to deal with the luggage.

  Logan continued. “Edinburgh is famous for its haunted spaces, and if the truth were known, the entire city is something of a graveyard. But as City of the Dead would not make a good slogan for Scotland’s capital, we had to relegate the title to a tour instead.”

  He glanced out the doors. “Come along and we’ll get you settled. Later we’ll meet in the lobby at five. Dress warm, because after supper we’ll be taking a walking tour to St Giles’ Cathedral, then on to the South Bridge Vaults, and then to pay a visit to see the Mackenzie Poltergeist, over at the black mausoleum. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the graveyard, as well as the prison. We’ll close out the evening by seeing the underground tunnels at Mary King’s close. You might need a couple of stiff drinks after visiting the place, but not to worry as we’re to finish up at a nearby pub.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  Logan rubbed his hands together. “So that’s it, let’s get you settled in, and we’ll go from there.”

  He rushed down the stairs to help Lewis, and everyone gathered their possessions and exited the bus.

  Ashley glanced at Ronan. “Have you ever visited any of these places?”

  “Aye, I’ve been to the Cathedral, of course. But I’ve not been to any graveyard, I can tell you that. In my day, people did not visit graveyards at night, for fear of being robbed, or worse.”


  “Aye, lass, worse. People used to fear the dead, not use them to provide entertainment.”

  “Back in your day?”

  “Aye, when I was alive the first time, some 300 years ago.”

  She grinned. “Oh, that’s right.” She’d almost forgotten his earlier claim. She hadn’t seen him working with Logan at all, and so his earlier words had kind of faded into being just a joke.

  Which led her to wonder, what was he doing here with her?

  She took a breath, about to ask, and then slowly released it. Maybe, she didn’t want to question him too closely, in case he decided to leave.

  She looked down at their clasped hands, and decided that was definitely the better course of action.

  Ronan might get off the bus, and wander off, and then where would she be?

  Sitting in a lonely seat, by herself, that’s where.

  So, if he wanted to hang out with her tonight, and hopefully even tomorrow for the rest of the tour, she was certainly game. She’d go along with whatever story he wanted to tell her.

  She pressed down the wistfulness that breezed through her. She was there to have fun, and she was definitely having a good time with him. Best not to question it too closely.

  Everyone started to disembark, and when the crowd thinned a bit, Ronan finally stood, hoisting her pack, letting her out in front of him.

  The chivalrous gesture had her lips curving into a smile, and as she walked the aisle, her friends in front of her, happiness bubbled within her. Today had been an almost perfect day. Far better than she’d envisioned when she booked the tour.

  They went down the stairs, and she found her small purple suitcase on the walkway where Lewis placed it among the others. Ronan insisted on carrying it, and as Ashley looked around at the closed in neighborhood, she was impressed. This vacation was worth every penny she’d spent on it.

  Cobblestoned walkways, medieval looking buildings made of stone and brick, it had a very Harry Potter feel to it, and she grinned at her friends.

  “Nice, huh?”

  They agreed, taking in the sights as they collected their luggage, and headed into The Old Town Chambers Hotel.

  Logan handed out keys in the lobby, and she overheard him discussing the area. “We’re just off the Royal mile, and in the medieval district. We’re near shopping, restaurants, and pubs. There’s even a grocery store within walking distance. Some of you will have views of the Waverley train station and Edinburgh Castle in the distance. It’s only a five-minute walk to get there and there’s the museum, and the University nearby, as well.”

  Logan gave them all stern looks. “Now, mind you, ye’ve time for a nap to ready yourself for tonight, or sightseeing, but probably not both. We’ve a busy night ahead of us, and we’ll be hitting the Royal Mile. We leave in the morn at first light, so plan your time well.”

  “A nap sounds good to me,” Ashley said, and her friends quickly agreed. They retrieved their keys and went up the stairs ahead of her, and then it was Ashley’s turn. Logan looked at her questioningly. “Will the big guy be staying with you then?”

  She shot a startled look at Ronan.

  Logan had basically just confirmed that Ronan was not part of the tour, and Ashley had a quick decision to make.

  “I already paid the fee. Aren’t there extra rooms available?”

  “No, lass, I’m sorry. We booked these well in advance, and I just asked the management, and there are no more available.”

  Logan shot a glance at Ronan. “Shall I send him on his way?”

  “No!” With the two men looking at her, Ashley blushed. “What I mean to say is —”

  “Ye’re not to worry about me, lass; when ye seek yer rest, I’ll find somewhere to curl up until morn.”

  She took the key from Logan. “All right. Let’s head upstairs and see what it looks like.”

  Ronan carried her case up the stairs, and when she found her room, and opened the door, the place was bigger than she’d expected, spacious even, one wall made of stone. There was a kitchen, a living area with a couch, and a bathroom, and bedroom. The hotel might look old on the outside, but inside everything was contemporary and nicely put together.

  She let out a breath. “This looks fine. You can crash on the couch.”

  He glanced around the room. “If ye’re sure. If ye’re not, I doonae mind sleeping in the hall.”

  “No, this is fine.”

  And it was. Ronan certainly wasn’t giving her any skeevy feelings, and there was a door she could shut. And yes, the man was twice her size, but for some reason she trusted him.

  They stowed her case and backpack in her room, and then looked out the window at the gorgeous view of what could only be Waverly Station, the street below full of shops. “Wow.”

  “Aye, the view is impressive,” he said softly.

  She turned to find him looking at her, and blushed. “What do you say we take a nap so we’re rested for tonight?”

  She suddenly realized how that might sound. “Uh … I meant separately. I’ll go in the bedroom and you can sleep on the couch.”

  His amused grin triggered her own.

  “That sounds fine, lass.”

  She nodded, and headed toward the bedroom, still grinning. Though she usually didn’t share a room with anyone, even with all the conferences she went to, she found she wasn’t upset in the least about sharing with Ronan.

  In fact, this day just kept getting better and better.

  A couple of hours later, Ashley woke up from the buzzing of her alarm.


  She jumped off the bed, pulled open her bedroom door and looked at him, sitting on her couch. Relief rushed through her and she took in the fact that she wasn’t mistaken. He was just as gorgeo
us as she remembered. Her breath hitched. “Hi.”


  “I didn’t think I would, but I fell asleep. Did you?”

  “I’ve slept enough over the centuries.”

  She grinned. “Oh. Right. Well, we need to get ready.”

  He looked around then lifted his hands. “I am ready.”

  She laughed, then nodded. “Okay, I need to get ready.” She spent about fifteen minutes in the bathroom brushing teeth, hair, and reapplying her makeup. She looked excited, happy, and knew it had far more to do with the man on her couch than the tour.

  She called the lobby to ask if she could put her backpack in the hotel safe, and then gathered her things and quickly hurried down to do so. She winked at him. “I’m afraid I’m just not a very trusting sort of person.”

  “I cannae fault ye the trait as I’m the same. I can carry it with me if ye’d like?”

  “I know, but this will just be easier.”

  They got the pack squared away, she slung a long strap over her head, until a small purse rested at her side, and they joined their group. “You don’t have a jacket?”

  “For this weather?” He made a noise of disgust.

  Ashley rolled her eyes. “Well, if you get cold, we can pick one up at one of the shops.”

  He scoffed, but said nothing more.


  “Is everyone ready for a good time?” Logan herded them together and led the way as they walked up the cobblestone street to the Royal mile, and then headed past the shops toward St Giles' Cathedral, a looming presence in the distance.

  Garth and Monica held hands in front of them, slowly moving ahead. “Are ye sad ye’ve not a man of yer own?”

  “What? No!” she glanced at her friends, then said in a low voice, “In fact, if you want to know the truth, Garth came on to me several months ago, and I shut him down. Gently. He’s just not my type.”

  “What is yer type?”

  She grinned at him, her gaze moving from the tip of his head to his feet and then back up again to meet his green gaze. “Burly, tattooed, Highlanders.”

  Ronan’s chest expanded on a sharp breath. “Is that so?” He grinned at her, radiating sudden confidence. “I will have to be on the lookout for one for you.”


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