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The Things I Do for You

Page 4

by Minx Malone

  They left their cars with the valet and walked past the line of people waiting to get in. Once Matt gave their names to the man at the door, they were allowed to enter.

  “You’re going to introduce me to her, right?” Matt asked.

  Nick forced down a growl. He had no right to be jealous. It wasn’t like he was her man or anything. She’d made her views on him taking that position perfectly clear.

  “I’ll introduce you, but I take no responsibility for what happens after that.”

  “I just need to meet the woman who has the number-one player so off-balance.” Matt elbowed him. “She must really be something.”

  Nick ignored his friend’s pointed look. “First of all, I am not a player. That insinuates that this is a game. It’s not. I just do what I want and refuse to apologize for it. Second, she does not have me off-balance. We just don’t get along. End of story.”

  “Uh huh. Whatever you say. I still want to meet her.” Matt raised a hand in greeting when they spotted Ridley and Jackson on the other side of the restaurant near the bar. Nick heaved a great sigh of relief.

  If he was going to be forced into close proximity to Raina, a drink was the least of what he’d need to get through the night.

  * * * * *

  RAINA GRIPPED HER wineglass tighter, trying not to let her agitation show. She’d been at the restaurant for over an hour and Steven still hadn’t shown up.

  Dagger’s words from earlier in the day were ringing through her head. Someone said your boy was seen in New York with some chick who’s on a soap opera…

  Words she’d so easily dismissed until she saw the tabloid Sam had brought home. The same tabloid that felt like it was calling out to her from her handbag.

  She checked her cell phone again.

  “He still hasn’t called?” Sam murmured. He’d been unusually quiet all afternoon. After he’d handed her that tabloid with the tacky picture of Steven and his ex-wife kissing on it, she’d expected to hear any number of things ranging from “I told you so” to “do you want me to take care of him?” But Sam hadn’t uttered a word, just handed her the paper and then retreated to his study. He hadn’t emerged until it was time for them to leave.

  “No. And he’s not answering his office phone or his cell.”

  “At least no one knows he was supposed to be here. You can always just make your announcement and no one will be the wiser.”

  She looked around the crowded restaurant. Dagger had apparently spread the word far and wide because it looked like most of the Tidewater area had come out. The maître d’ had been forced to set up a queue outside for all the people waiting to get in who didn’t have reservations. If she hadn’t already planned this informal press conference to announce her new reality show, she would have just stayed in bed with the covers over her head. It was hard enough feeling like she’d just had the bottom of her life yanked out from under her, but having to smile and act normal in front of an audience was cruel and unusual punishment.

  Not that she was ready to give up just yet. There was a tiny part of her still hoping it wasn’t true. Maybe it was an old picture taken back when he’d still been married. Or maybe it was Photoshopped. That could have been anyone’s body with Steven’s head pasted on there.

  “You’re right. Maybe I—” She broke off when Sam gestured behind her. She turned to see Ridley and Jackson making their way through the crowd.

  “Ri! You made it.” To her horror, she felt tears start to build. She pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes. Hard. “I didn’t think you were going to come!” She allowed her sister to pull her into a hug.

  “When you said you were meeting Steven here, I made time. I’m sorry I wasn’t more supportive earlier.” She looked around at all the people crowded in the restaurant. “So, where is he?”

  “That’s the question of the hour. He isn’t here.” Her phone beeped and she held it up to read the text message.

  - - - I’m sure you’ve seen the papers by now. I’m so sorry. I never meant for you to find out this way. -S

  The noise of the restaurant fell away. Raina closed her eyes, afraid that the little bit of food she’d managed to choke down was going to come back up. She opened her eyes, looking around frantically. Even though no one else could see the message, she felt like she had a neon sign on her forehead letting everyone know what a fool she’d been. A blind fool.

  “Raina? Raina!”

  She looked up into Ridley’s concerned eyes. She must have looked pretty bad because Ridley grabbed her arm and pulled her into the corner. Sam and Jackson followed, then stood in front of them, blocking them from the crowd.

  “Okay, what is going on?”

  Raina pulled the tabloid from her bag and held it out. Ridley looked at the picture and then looked up at Raina. “Tell me this isn’t true.”

  “It’s true. He didn’t even have the decency to tell me himself. He just sent me a text that he was sorry I found out this way. Sam tried to warn me that he was a weasel. I should have listened.”

  Ridley folded the paper in half and handed it back. “What are you going to do about…” She glanced behind her. “You know?”

  “I guess I’ll need those brochures after all.” Raina ignored the pitying look on her sister’s face and straightened her spine. There were too many people here for her to allow herself to break down. She would make her announcement about the show and then get the hell out of there. The show was still the biggest accomplishment of her professional life.

  She wasn’t going to let anyone or anything take that joy away from her.

  “I guess I should just go ahead and make a statement about the show. I’m really sorry I asked you to come out for nothing.”

  Ridley put a hand on her arm. “Of course we don’t mind. I’m just pissed on your behalf.”

  “Wait, what are we pissed about?” Jackson asked. He leaned closer to hear over the noise of the crowd.

  “Steven’s not coming,” Ridley hissed.

  “Well, let’s not indict the guy yet. Maybe he got stuck in traffic and that’s why he couldn’t make it. Or maybe he was in a car accident.” Jackson pursed his lips and then whistled softly when they both turned to glare at him. “Or maybe I won’t say anything else until I get the whole story.”

  “Whatever, it doesn’t even matter. Let me just do this so we can get out of here,” Raina muttered.

  She walked over to the small stage in the corner. The bandmaster saw her coming and the music stopped abruptly. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Raina Winters!”


  RAINA MADE HER way carefully up the steps leading to the stage. All I need right now is to face plant in front of all these people, she thought. She thanked the bandmaster before taking the microphone. Once she faced the crowd, everyone quieted a little.

  At the sight of all those faces staring up at her, Raina felt the familiar tightening in her throat. God, it was so much easier to be photographed than to have to stand up in front of people and talk. She gulped. At least she knew she looked good. The red Marchesa cocktail dress she wore fit like a second skin, showcasing every curve she had. It was short enough to show off her long legs but long enough not to be completely scandalous.

  Well, almost.

  “Thank you all for coming out today.” She paused and took a breath, blinking against the sudden flurry of flashing lights as the photographers in the crowd took pictures.

  “I’m so excited to announce that the Ntertainment Network has picked up my new reality show about life behind the scenes in the cutthroat world of modeling!”

  Cheers and applause broke out. She looked to her left and grinned when she saw Ridley, Jackson, and Sam jumping up and down and hooting.

  “Raina, is it true that your fiancé will star with you in your new reality show?”

  Raina squinted into the crowd, trying to see where the question came from. “What? Who said that?”

  “Is it true, Raina?”

“Who’s the lucky guy?”

  “Is there any truth to the rumor that you’re dating a married man? Is that why you won’t discuss your personal life?”

  The sound level in the room seemed to have risen several decibels. There was a rash of excited whispers before the room went crazy with everyone shouting questions at once and holding their microphones over the crowd.

  “Can everyone please stay calm?”

  There was a loud squeal in the crowd as a scuffle broke out as people pushed and shoved to get closer to the stage. Probably so they could get better shots of her expression. Pictures to accompany the horrible stories that were no doubt going to be written as soon as this disaster of a press conference was over.

  Panicked, Raina turned to Sam. He motioned for several of the security guards he’d employed for the night to move forward and hold the crowd back.

  Her eyes met a familiar face in the crowd. Nick. Even as her heart leaped, she tamped down the excitement. Just one more person to witness her humiliation. Except he didn’t look as though he was enjoying this at all. He looked upset. When their eyes met, she saw something she hadn’t expected to see.


  Being the center of attention was the key to her success. It had given her security, the chance to travel, and enough money to make sure that Ridley could go to college and study whatever she wanted. She would never complain about her life. But the truth was she hated every second of being in the spotlight. In one night, Nick had seen the truth that she took great pains to hide from everyone in her life. He’d seen it and understood. He’d saved her then and even though she hated being indebted to him, she couldn’t help wishing he was up there with her now.

  “There is no truth to any of these rumors. My fiancé is not married and he is not part of the reality show. The show will be a behind-the-scenes look at my life as a model.”

  “You’ve been photographed with Steven Silvestre several times in recent months. Were you surprised to find out that he is reconciling with his ex-wife?”

  Raina gripped the microphone tighter and looked to Sam for help. He looked just as panicked as she felt.

  How had things gotten so out of control?

  * * * * *

  “I REALLY HOPE she’s okay.”

  Nick looked over at Ridley. She was staring up at the stage where Raina was talking to the band leader. She looked like pure seduction in a tight, clingy dress that made his blood boil. Her legs looked like they went on for miles and when she turned to face the crowd, her pert bottom was showcased by the tight material.

  “Okay? She looks like she’s in her element up there.”

  Ridley looked over at him as if just realizing he was there. “Nothing. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  They both turned up front and listened as Raina made her announcement and the crowd went wild. Nick looked behind him at Matt, who shrugged.

  “Raina, is it true that your fiancé will star with you in your new reality show?” someone yelled.

  Nick tensed. He knew she was engaged, of course, but usually avoided thinking about it. He had his suspicions that Silvestre had approached her after seeing her on Nick’s arm. Even Murphy’s Law wasn’t foul enough to randomly hook up the only woman he wanted with his number-one rival.

  “Hey, watch it!” Ridley cried. The crowd was getting more aggressive, with several people pushing to the front trying to get pictures on their cell phones.

  “I wish she’d just called this whole thing off. The last thing she needs right now is questions about that jerk.”

  Nick stepped to Ridley’s side, helping to shield her from the jostling crowd.

  “Ridley, is something going on? I just want to help. Raina and I have had our issues,” Nick said, ignoring the sarcastic face Jackson made, “but I hope you know that I’d never want to see her hurt. And this crowd is starting to look more and more like a group of sharks that has just scented fresh blood.”

  “No, I don’t think you’d ever want to see her hurt,” Ridley whispered, a strangely tender look in her eyes. “I think you feel a lot more for my sister than you want anyone to know.” She narrowed her eyes, then leaned forward and spoke in a hushed tone.

  “Her engagement is over. He’s going back to his ex-wife. Which is devastating to her for more than just the obvious reasons.”

  Nick leaned closer so that no one else around them could hear. “Does this have anything to do with that brochure?”

  “Remember what you offered us when you found it? Well, we’re not the ones that need the offer.”

  Nick’s head spun as the implication of what she was saying hit him. Raina needs a sperm donor? He opened his mouth to say something else but Ridley put her hand over his mouth.

  “I can’t tell you anything else, Nick. She’ll kill me if she finds out I said this much. But I will say that after all this time of chasing Raina, it looks like you finally have something my sister wants.”

  She turned around and was immediately enfolded in Jackson’s arms. His thoughts were spinning in a million different directions. It was almost unbelievable, but it seemed that Ridley was on his side if she was telling him that Raina’s desire to have a baby might be his key to getting through to her. He snorted under his breath. He finally had something she wanted, indeed.

  “Is it true, Raina?”

  “Who’s the lucky guy?”

  “Is there any truth to the rumor that you’re dating a married man? Is that why you won’t discuss your personal life?”

  Nick looked up sharply at the question. Raina looked like she was on the verge of running off the stage. He’d only seen her look like that once before. Nick looked back at Ridley.

  She nodded at him. He wasn’t sure what she was telling him, but he suddenly knew what he wanted to do. He pushed through the crowd until he got to the stage. The big, beefy guy standing there narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Sam, right?” Nick held out his hand. The other guy stared at it before shaking it, reluctantly. “I’m Nick Alexander—”

  “I know who you are,” the big guy said, interrupting him. “I hope you have a plan. Because this is getting ugly.”

  Nick sighed. “I have a plan, but Raina probably isn’t going to like it.”

  Sam moved aside. “Anything is better than this.”

  Nick walked across the stage until he stood next to Raina. “Okay, folks. Sorry I’m late.”

  He was glad he’d come straight from work. If he was going to be photographed, at least he knew he looked good.

  Armani didn’t have a bad side.

  The crowd quieted for a moment, then flashbulbs started popping again. Nick wasn’t famous like Jackson, but he was well-known in Virginia as both a businessman and a philanthropist. He’d been named as one of the Virginia Chronicle’s most eligible bachelors for the past three years in a row.

  “Mr. Alexander! Mr. Alexander! Is your family going to be involved in the reality show now that your siblings are engaged?”

  “Nick. What are you doing up here?” Raina whispered. Her voice came out husky. Nick couldn’t help comparing it to the last time it had sounded like that. The night they’d spent together was as fresh in his mind as if it had happened yesterday instead of months ago. She’d cried out his name so many times she’d gone hoarse. Her voice had sounded much as it did now.

  He straightened his tie and flashed the crowd a grin. “Whatever I say in the next few minutes, just go with it,” he whispered back.

  Raina tensed when he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her to his side. He turned to the photographer who’d yelled the question.

  “Actually, I’m just here to support Raina. You kept asking her about her fiancé, so I figured we might as well not try to hide it any longer. Right, baby?”

  As flashbulbs exploded around them, Nick could hear people calling out questions but it was all a blur. All he could see was Raina’s confused expression as he dipped his head to whisper in her ear.

e might as well give them something to talk about.”

  Then he yanked her against him and covered her lips with his.

  * * * * *

  “WHAT THE HELL was that?”

  As soon as they were in his car, Raina whipped around in her seat to face him. Nick didn’t even look disturbed, just put the car in gear and pulled away from the restaurant.

  “Thank you, Nick, for saving my pretty ass back there. That was such a selfless and kind thing for you to do,” Nick parroted in a high, feminine voice.

  “Thank you? You want me to thank you for lying to everyone that we’re engaged?”

  “Ridley told me what happened. That crowd wanted a story and they were going to keep digging until they got one. I figured if we just gave them what they wanted, maybe they wouldn’t keep pushing. Although I’m not entirely sure it worked.”

  “Ridley told you what happened?”

  “Well, she only told me that you were having a rough time. And that your engagement is off.”

  “I can’t believe she did that. I told her that in confidence.” Incensed, Raina couldn’t even think of anything else to say. She’d never held anything back from her sister. It wouldn’t even occur to her not to tell Ridley something. But she’d never had to worry about her sister blabbing her business before.

  It felt like she’d been slugged in the stomach.

  “Don’t look like that. She didn’t mean to. I found one of those brochures for the sperm bank and I thought it was hers and Jackson’s. After an incredibly awkward conversation in which I offered to be their sperm donor, she might have let a few things slip. Although, you can’t really blame her. She was probably just flustered. I think I’m permanently scarred by that conversation, too.”

  Raina tried not to smile. She was still pissed at him and was determined not to let him joke his way out of it. “Oh, well. Good. I mean, it’s really none of your business.”

  “You’re right. It isn’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still want to know if you’re okay.”

  Raina didn’t answer, just looked out the window as they raced along the streets and then pulled out onto the highway.


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