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Consensual Infidelity

Page 6

by Shayla Kersten

  He met her with enthusiasm as his tongue searched her entire mouth for every taste of her, of himself.

  Her hands rubbed over his chest, fingers tweaking his peaked nipples. The scent of her arousal clouded his mind with an intense longing.

  “Oh, baby…” Emotion clogged his throat. He’d never dreamed he’d find the nerve to fulfill even half his fantasy. She handed him the entire thing. Along with herself.

  Her arms wrapped around him, tightening. He ached to return her embrace but the cold bite of the cuffs reminded him of the futility of trying.

  “Okay, you lovebirds. I’m feeling neglected here.” Jay’s fingers wound through Brady’s short hair. With a sharp tug, he pulled back Brady’s head. “My turn.”

  After backing away, Denise stood to one side. Her gaze locked on Brady with an intense hunger, almost like a cat with her prey.

  A little off balance, Brady could only submit to Jay’s rough kiss. Harsh whiskers grated against his chin. A strong tongue twisted around his.

  Kneeling and cuffed, Brady’s helplessness sparked a rush of heat. His moan turned to a whimper as Jay’s fingers tugged his head back further. Only Jay’s painful hold on his hair kept him upright but he wanted more.

  Jay eased away with a knowing smile. “Well, well, well…” His eyebrow cocked high over one eye. “Seems you have some interesting tendencies.” He steadied Brady before he released him. “Girlfriend, looks like boyfriend has some submissive fantasies as well.” He toed off his heavy leather sandals then pushed down his jeans, kicking them off his feet.

  Heart racing, Brady couldn’t deny Jay’s words. Instead, his gaze glued to Jay’s cock, waiting for his next demand. His body went rigid with desire and need.

  Stepping in front of Brady, Jay wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. He waved the thick flesh in front of Brady’s mouth. “Now we pick up where we left off on Friday.” With a slow glide, he ran the tip across Brady’s lips. “I’ve wanted to feel that mouth around my dick since you first entered my bar six months ago.”

  Brady nearly drooled at the idea. First licking his lips, he then leaned forward. He wanted to feel the texture of the skin, taste the sharp musk teasing his nostrils. Not wanted. Needed. So much his chest ached, his throat tightened. “Yes.” He gasped for air. “Please.”

  Again, Jay brushed the rounded head against Brady’s lips then he pulled his cock out of Brady’s reach.

  Leaning to follow, Brady nearly fell forward.

  Denise’s hands gripped his shoulders from behind, steadying him. “My, what a big piece you have there, Jay.” Her teasing tone didn’t hide the tight tension in her words. She leaned close to Brady’s ear. “Think you can take it all. In your mouth?” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “In your ass?”

  Brady clenched his butt cheeks together. “Fuck!”

  “Soon enough.” Jay moved a little closer. “Appetizer first then we’ll get to the main event.” Hand still wrapped around his cock near the base, he pushed the crown between Brady’s lips.

  The sharp taste of pre-come burst on Brady’s taste buds. Sucking the tip, his tongue caressed the satin skin of the head.

  “Instinctively, every man should know how to give good head.” Jay rocked back a little, pulling out except for the very tip. “I mean, we all know what we like. You should be able to suck me pretty much the same way Denise sucks you, right?”

  At the words, Brady moaned around Jay’s flesh. Heat rushed through his groin. His head swirled as if he were drunk.

  “But just in case you don’t know, maybe Denise can give you pointers.”

  This time, Denise moaned with Brady. “Oh, yeah…” She took a deep breath near his ear. “Run your tongue around the crown. Circle the edge, teasing just under the hood in front. That always seems to drive you nuts.”

  “Oh, yeah. Good move.” Jay groaned his appreciation.

  Cock in his mouth for the first time combined with Jay’s moans and Denise’s blow-by-blow instructions, Brady’s body responded. His dick ached with intense need. Maybe he shouldn’t have fought so hard against coming earlier.

  “Lick the slit.” Denise slid a hand around until her fingers found Brady’s nipple. “Suckle a little.” Her fingernail scraped against his nipple then flicked it hard.

  “Mmm…” He shivered at the shock of pain and pleasure. Sucking in air through his nose, he also pulled the thick dick deeper in his mouth.

  “Oh, yeah.” Jay’s hips undulated back and forth in small motions, fucking Brady’s mouth with short, slow strokes. “Very good, Brady boy.”

  Once again, Brady sucked deeper. Too deep. Choking and clearing his throat, he leaned back into Denise, losing his hold on Jay’s cock. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

  Denise’s breath teased his ear as she giggled. “Yeah, takes practice.”

  “Maybe we’ll finish this part later. I’d love to put a load down your throat but I’d rather fuck you first.” With a frown creasing his brow, Jay turned in a slow circle. He stopped when his gaze fell on the table again then the sling. “My usual ideas for a play date don’t involve pussy. Definitely puts a strain on my creativity.”

  “I’ll just watch for now. Maybe play with anything that pops up. I’ll fuck his brains out later.” Denise’s face was flush and sweat dripped down her neck. Of the three of them, only she was still completely dressed.

  “That works. I have to say your pretty boy cop is putting a strain on my normal stamina.” Jay wiped the tip of his dick against Brady’s lips. “I think I’d like to check out his sweet cheeks now. Been a long time since I had virgin ass.”

  Brady leaned, mouth open, to follow Jay’s thick length.

  “Nuh huh. Not yet, Brady boy.” Jay released his dick. With hands clasping each side of Brady’s face, Jay bent over for another hard kiss.

  Rough and hard. So different from Denise but still a kiss, full of tongue. Different taste. Scratchy unshaven face grating against his own five o’clock shadow. Heart rate pounding in his ears, he swayed into the intense hold of Jay’s hands.

  “Come on.” Jay grabbed his arm, tugging him to his feet. “Denise, in my left front pocket is the key to the cuffs. Grab it, would you?”

  Brady stumbled the few remaining steps to the sling. He’d seen enough gay porn to know exactly how a sling worked. A mental picture of him in this one sent desire flowing through him. His cock was almost ready to blow without any assistance.

  “Hold on.” Jay stopped him in front of the sling, facing it.

  The material looked like some kind of fake leather. Cuffs attached to the vertical chains on the opposite side. The chains on this side had loops for placing someone’s feet.

  My feet…

  Denise scurried back toward them. Her fist clenched around what he assumed was the key and her oversized purse in the other hand. A quick grin split her face when he caught her gaze.

  “I wasn’t sure what would happen tonight so…well, I brought a few things from my toy chest.”

  “Really?” Jay held out his hand for the key. “Anything interesting?” He fumbled with the handcuffs then they slipped off with a clank.

  Brady alternated rubbing one wrist then the other, easing the minor chaffing. The slight soreness only added to his excitement.

  “A few things.” Denise set her bag on the sling. “There’s this. Of course.” She held up a large bottle of lube. “They say you can never have too much lube.” She tossed the bottle on the sling. “And then there’s this…”

  Brady’s breath stopped in his throat as she set the thick lifelike dildo on the sling.

  Then she held up a smaller one. “And this.”

  The buzz of vibrating filled his ears.

  Jay leaned his chin on Brady’s shoulder. “Looks like girlfriend planned to get you fucked one way or another.” His hand reached under Brady’s arm, fingers grabbing his chin. “Seeing as Denise brought such wonderful toys to prepare your ass, maybe I’ll have another go at fu
cking your mouth. That way you can see what taking it on both ends is like.”

  Brady grabbed his cock, gripping tight around the base. “We played around with some of the toys already.”

  “Opened you up a little, huh? I plan to open you up a lot.” He leaned forward, pressed his mouth against Brady’s ear. “Then I plan to fuck you so hard you see stars.” As he pulled away, Jay cut his gaze down past Brady’s chest to his groin. “But maybe we need to do something about this until we’re ready.” With a quick tweak of Brady’s cock, Jay walked toward a low dresser near the door.

  While Jay rummaged through a drawer, Denise slipped her arms around Brady. “You okay?” Her brow furrowed slightly.

  “Yeah.” Wrapping her in a tight hug, he gave her a quick kiss. His nerves jittered with both fear and excitement but he wasn’t about to stop. Unless… He wanted to wipe away her worry, hold her until her frown disappeared. Maybe they should leave. He’d thought about toys before but never had the nerve to buy them.

  “Still want to go through with this? All of this?”

  “Yes.” The word jumped out in spite of his doubts. His pulse thrummed through his veins as anticipation grew. He caught her mouth in a deeper kiss. “Yes,” he mumbled through their contact.

  “Break it up.” Jay announced his return with a quick clap of his hands. “Wouldn’t want things popping off before we get to the main course. Besides…” He twirled something on his index finger. His other hand gripped a small table that looked almost like a barstool. “If Brady’s willing, I have another toy to add.”

  Jay held out a ring of dark leather then he tossed it toward Brady. Definitely leather-like with Velcro.

  “A cock ring helps keep you from coming—”

  “I know what it is.” Brady opened and closed the Velcro catch, the scratchy sound filling the air.

  “Ever worn one?”

  “No.” Brady didn’t like admitting it but his fear of getting caught buying sex toys kept him from a lot of experimenting.

  “Here.” Jay took the package back then ripped it open.

  Brady shuddered at the sound and more when Jay’s hands wrapped the leather around his cock and balls.

  “Too tight?” Jay’s concern bled through his rough tone.

  Being manhandled by Jay made more than just a cock ring necessary. Brady steeled his control, not wanting an early end just as things were getting interesting. “No.” A quick shake of his head emphasized the word.

  Jay moved the bounty of Denise’s shopping trip to the small table. “Lay face down.” Jay’s broad hand whacked the left side of Brady’s ass. “Grab the chains up there and don’t let go.” He pointed toward the head of the sling.

  Brady had to tiptoe to stretch across the cold material. His cock dangled down at one edge of the sling. If he dropped his head, his throat would rest on the opposite edge with his chin being off the side. His ass was vulnerable to anyone. Anything. At that thought, he glanced at the dildo and vibrator.

  A sharp slap landed on one ass cheek.

  “Shit!” The blow shocked a shout from Brady but his cock responded by getting harder. He twisted his neck so he could watch Jay.

  “Denise, check out the palm print on boyfriend’s lily white ass.” Jay walked into view. A cock-eyed grin curled one side of his mouth. “Big red mark. What if I do another one? Redden the other side?” His gaze met Brady’s.

  “I think he’d like it,” Denise said. A smaller, softer hand rubbed across the residual sting of Jay’s blow. “Would you, Brady?”

  Brady couldn’t force out the words but his head dipped in a quick nod.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Jay continued around the sling.

  This time, Brady expected the sharp sting. His ass cheeks tightened in anticipation. When it arrived, he moaned as a trail of pleasure shuddered through his body.

  “Very nice.” A large calloused hand wrapped around his dick, milking him with a few tight strokes. “Want more?”

  “Yes.” He moaned at the loss of the sweet pressure on his cock but ecstasy coursed through him with the third blow. A fourth quickly followed. His cock ached with the need to come.

  Back and forth, one cheek, then the other. Each blow stinging with pleasure, searing through him, mixing with desire.

  “Well.” Jay’s tone almost crooned as his hand rubbed Brady’s ass. “Things are definitely going better than expected. Seems Brady fits a lot of my requirements.”

  Fingers ran up his back as Jay walked around the sling and into view. He stopped in front of Brady. “Another taste?” His cock waggled near Brady’s face. “Before I fuck your ass with it?”

  Denise’s mewling moan reminded him of her presence. A rush of emotion kept him from speaking. Her participation meant a lot to him. He wouldn’t be here without her. Here, sucking cock…

  Brady opened his mouth and stretched his neck forward. Jay’s thick flesh slid past his lips. His heart pounded in his ears with the sensation of the silken head on his tongue. With a full mouth, he couldn’t do more than moan his approval.

  The spanking burned with residual pleasure. Add the dick in his mouth, Jay’s body hummed with growing desire and a longing for more. Denise’s soft hands tracing his stinging skin only threw fuel on an already unquenchable fire.

  His fingers tightened on the cold metal of the chains. The muscles in his arms tensed. The links warmed in his hot hands. Heat intensified, coursing through him as Jay’s hands circled around the back of his neck.

  Eyes closed, he concentrated on the silky head as it slid back and forth over his tongue. Bitter taste of pre-come only made him want more.

  Push and pull. Slow, shallow, not too much but not enough. He wanted Brady to fuck his mouth. Plow him like Brady had Denise’s pussy last night. Groaning, he strained to get his toes on the ground. One of Brady’s feet scored a slight scuffing hit, rocking the sling forward. Jay’s momentum pushed him back. Again, his legs stretched for the floor. This time, both feet touched.

  The sling shot forward with a little more force, pushing Jay’s cock deeper. Brady snorted air through his nose as the thick crown briefly blocked his airway.

  “Dee, seems boyfriend wants a serious face fuck.”

  Her low chuckle came from behind him. “Hey, I’m all about giving him what he wants. That’s why we’re here. But…” Her soft hands gripped his ass, stopping his hard-won motion. Her fingers dug into his ass cheeks, nails scoring his flesh. “I have my own plans for this end.”

  Jay laughed. “I knew you were twisted, my dear, just never knew to what depths.”

  “Well, we haven’t discussed intimate details.” Denise ran her hand up Brady’s back.

  “Maybe we should have tag teamed before. I think we’re more alike that we knew.”

  “Maybe. But I’m here to give Brady what he wants.”

  A shudder racked Brady’s shoulder, trailing down his back. How had he ended up so lucky? His breath caught in his chest. He needed to tell her how much he…needed her. Loved her? Uncertainty fled as her fingers trailed down the crack of his ass.

  The thick crown of Jay’s cock pushed against his lips. Words would have to wait for now. Before the night was over…

  Hot silken flesh teased his tongue. The feeling in his fingers numbed from the hard grip on the sling chains.

  Denise’s fingers slick with cold lube distracted him from the pleasure of Jay’s cock.

  His attention split in two directions, trying to keep track of the action. Need curled through him as Denise’s finger circled his hole. Mouth full, all he could do was moan around Jay’s flesh. He strained, feet kicking, to find a foothold, anything to help propel him back into her touch.

  “Anxious, sweetie?”

  Her tone, he knew too well. When she added a hint of sugar and an extra touch of drawl, she signaled mischievous intent. “Patience…all good things…” Her slender finger dipped past the tight ring of muscle. “…to those who wait.” Short, quick strokes warmed the lu

  Brady stopped his frantic kicking as Jay’s hand settled behind his head.

  “Let us do the work, Brady,” Jay said, his voice low, almost growling.

  Patience wasn’t top on his list of virtues. Brady had always been a man of action—take charge and get it done. Being Jay and Denise’s plaything was exciting beyond words but he couldn’t stop the urge to control things. Taking a deep breath through his nose, Brady forced his body to relax.

  “Good boy.”

  Denise’s sultry drawl was even thicker. She was definitely— The warmth of her finger disappeared, replaced by more cold lube. Logic should have warned him of what came next but—


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