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Kinky Lesbian Mega Bundle

Page 18

by Ella Ford

  The first touch of her tongue was exquisite. I felt the warmth of her breath on my labia first, tender and sensitive with arousal. Then she slowly drew her tongue upwards from my entrance to the top of my lips, her eyes locked on mine as she lingered on this first taste. I let out one endless exhale, the thrill of the sensation igniting my senses and fuelling my desires. It was magnificent, an electrifying sensation of tingling pleasure, warm and wet and endlessly pleasant.

  She licked again, this time flicking at my clit with her deft tongue, studying my face for signs of a reaction. I moaned, eyes held shut and head rolling from side to side. She reached a hand up, pushing my t-shirt aside and stroking the soft flesh of my stomach. My own hand fell to hers, grabbing her fingers and moving them onto my breast. She took the hint and playfully tweaked my nipple even as she continued to lick my pussy.

  I was enraptured. The overwhelming sensation of this woman’s attention filled my body with waves of pleasure. She picked up the pace, responding to my obvious enjoyment by moving her tongue in tight swirls over my clitoris and pushing the hardened tip into my hole. My back arched on the bed, thrusting my pussy towards her and willing her deeper. She pushed her tongue in and out of me and pressed on my swollen clit with her thumb. It was intoxicating, her skill was undeniable and my mind soared upwards to the stratosphere.

  I felt a growing urge, a sensation both familiar and new. The growing core of my pleasure swelled in my body and rose to fill my arms and legs and flush my chest. It became unbearable, a need for release, to come onto Helen’s face as she worked between my legs. Yet I fought it, keen to maintain this stimulation for as long as I possibly could.

  Too late, I realised that the fire was burning out of control. My pleasure was ratcheting up and up and becoming beyond my ability to suppress. It took hold of me, gripping my limbs in its furious embrace. I reached down and grabbed Helen’s head, forcing her forwards into me. She responded by sucking my clitoris into her mouth and rolling her tongue around the swollen nub. It became too much and the orgasm exploded inside me.

  My whole body tensed and my thighs wrapped around Helen’s head, locking her in place on my exploding pussy. I thrust my arms out to my side and gripped handfuls of the crisp sheet on which I lay, desperate to anchor myself in this reality lest I be swept away on the breaking wave of my desire. I screamed, a high wail of utter pleasure, the heat of the encounter culminating in this glorious release. I wished for it never to stop, for the universe to end with this perfect arrangement of Helen’s tongue on my tender pussy!

  But in time, it abated, casting me back down to the world below and leaving my body limp and shellshocked. I sprawled on the bed, unable to move, limbs twitching with exertion, eyes held tight together.

  As I regained my senses, I opened my eyes and found Helen was fastening her bra around her perfect tits. She gazed at me thoughtfully as she reached down to pull the summer dress up her long legs and tied the strap behind her neck. She smiled and turned on her heel, headed for the door. Before opening it, she turned to me and spoke. “I should be getting back to the party, I hope you’ll join us again. And remember, next time, just ask,” she winked, and breezed through the door to the world beyond.

  I lay back on the bed and sighed, the memory of the orgasm still fresh in my mind.

  Chapter 3

  A whole week went by before I saw Helen Johanson again.

  After the barbecue, the Johansons were all my mom could talk about. “Wasn’t he charming?” she’d asked, her mind lost in her own little world, and “wasn’t she a great hostess?” she’d later add. My dad and I just nodded, silently marvelling at her fickle nature.

  I spent most of the week in a dreamy funk, unable to concentrate on anything other than the memory of my encounter with Helen. The recollection burned within me - the taste of her tongue, the touch of her fingertips on my cheek, the warm sweep of her tongue on my pussy. It was all so real and vibrant in my mind. I became insatiable, seizing every opportunity to be alone in my room with my probing fingers. I learned to stimulate myself in ways I had previously never been aware of, charting my sensitive areas with purposeful touches.

  On the Friday night, at around 6pm, I was sitting in my room, idly flicking through a magazine on my bed. Suddenly, I heard the sound of our doorbell ringing from downstairs and the lumbering footsteps of my mother padding down the hallway to answer it. I heard the sound of laughter and a woman’s voice, then footsteps on the staircase approaching my room.

  I became curious about who it could be, when there was a knock at my door. “Come in,” I called apprehensively. My mom peered around the door to make sure I was decent, then pushed it open and stepped into the room. She was followed by Helen Johanson, who clutched a small pile of textbooks to her chest.

  My mom spoke first, “Stephanie dear, Mrs Johanson here has brought over some of her old college textbooks. She says you might be able to find a use for them when you go away next week.”

  My heart raced. Helen was here, in my bedroom! I stared, unable to speak. She was wearing a beige skirt with a tight white blouse and tan stockings with nude pumps. Her hair was pulled up in a serious looking bun. She looked quite different to the way she’d been at the barbecue, now business-like and intimidating, but no less attractive. I fumbled for something to say, but my mom interrupted me.

  “Well, I’ll just leave you to chat. Give me a shout if you’d like some ice tea,” she said, turning to nod at Helen as she left the room.

  Helen paused, giving my mom time to reach the downstairs, then she pushed the door closed behind her and smiled at me, laying the text books down on the drawers beside her.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about the barbecue,” she finally spoke, her voice husky and breathless. “I just had to see you again before you went away to college.”

  I nodded, unable to say anything intelligent. I was suddenly acutely aware that I was wearing an old vest top and a pair of boy shorts. I felt curiously underdressed in front of Helen. I drew my knees up to my body defensively.

  Helen walked across the room and sat beside me, placing a warm hand on my knee. She leaned towards me and flicked her tongue on my earlobe, sending shivers of ecstasy through my body. She lingered there and whispered directly into my ear, “Let’s fuck, right here and right now.”

  I tensed and pulled away from her. “But my mom is just downstairs, she’ll hear us!”

  She looked at me demurely, smiling that wicked smile of hers. “Then you’ll just have to not scream too loudly then won’t you?”

  I relaxed a little, her insistent stare lulling me into a false sense of security and firing my passions. I suddenly forgot my worries and allowed myself to be driven by desire. Tentatively, I reached out a trembling hand and touched her thigh. Her stockings were soft to the touch and she parted her legs slightly so I could grip the flesh of her inner leg. We leaned towards each other, eyes hungry with anticipation. I studied her face as our mouths approached. She was quite beautiful with moist red lips and smoky eyes. I reached a hand up and caressed her cheek as our lips touched. Fireworks exploded before my vision, the touch of her mouth on mine sending my mind reeling. Hungrily, we pressed together, tongues probing forward, meeting in the middle and rolling together. I craved the taste of her in my mouth and sucked at her moist tongue with my lips, eager for her saliva.

  My hand slowly worked its way up her thigh, reaching the lace top of her stocking and touching warm flesh there for the first time. I gasped as I realised that she wasn’t wearing panties, that my fingers now lay on the smooth flesh of her pussy. I pushed on, forcing my fingertips into the warm, moist folds of her sex. She responded by kissing me harder, pressing her lips on mine and smearing her lipstick on my mouth. I no longer felt apprehensive, I was possessed, wanting nothing more than to fuck this woman in every way imaginable.

  I pushed her away from me and she fell back on the bed. I sat up on my knees and loomed over her, drinking in the sight of the older woman lying o
n my bed before me, breathless with anticipation and quivering with arousal.

  “Pull your skirt up,” I said, my voice heavy with unexpected authority. She capitulated, gripping the beige material and wriggling her hips till the skirt bunched up around her pelvis. Her pussy lay before me, perfectly smooth and hairless. I marvelled at the neat line of her lips and longed to plunge my tongue into the inviting folds. But I resisted, keen to enjoy every aspect of her magnificent body.

  I indicated that she should move back and she shuffled her body further onto the bed, pulling her legs onto the mattress and bending her knees. I playfully stroked down her legs, relishing the firm muscle of her calf beneath my fingertips. I stopped at her ankle and took her foot in my lap. Savoring every second, I slowly eased the shoe off her foot and cast it aside on the bed. Her toes wriggled before me, entrancing me with her painted nails as they danced.

  I raised her foot to my face and studied the soft flesh of her sole, teasing a fingernail from her heel to her toes and enjoying the way she writhed before me, trying not to laugh out loud. I locked my eyes on hers and slowly, enticingly, drew my tongue up the length of her arch, ending on the tips of her toes and wrapping my lips around them. She tasted intolerably pleasant, a subtle mix of sweat and shoe leather than stimulated me be anything I could have imagined. She moaned and clutched at the bedsheets, nibbling on her lower lip. I felt her toes squirm in my mouth, my saliva soaking the sheer material of her stocking. With tender precision, I planted a light kiss on each of her toes, then slowly continued my way down her leg, past her knee and onto her thigh.

  I was inches away from her pussy now. I could smell her arousal. A musky, thick scent that urged me onwards and fired my own senses. Distantly, I felt a stab of apprehension. My first taste of a woman. I wondered what it would be like. What if I didn’t like it? What if it tasted bad? My instincts took hold and guided me forward, urging me towards that which I craved so badly.

  “Yes, yes, do it, do it,” Helen moaned above me, hungry for my attention and I relented, casting aside my fears and plunged my tongue into her lips.

  She tasted wonderful! Warm and slick with her own juices, an aphrodisiac broth of pure arousal. I lapped at her, exploring this new terrain with my eager tongue. She responded to my touch, thrusting her hips towards me to pull me closer. I felt lost in her pussy now, drowning in the cloying warmth that surrounded me and I didn’t care. I wanted only to pleasure this woman, to hear her cry out with joyful abandon.

  With a precision that belied my experience, I worked her clitoris. My womanly instincts drove me, guiding me to where I knew to be right, my tongue moving in a pulsating rhythm.

  Helen’s hands landed on my head, gripping my hair and pulling me further inwards. She moaned, throwing her head from side to side and arching her back. We were locked together now, our bodies moving in perfect harmony. I wrapped my arms around her thighs, pulling her closer and delighting in the sensation of having her legs wrapped around my head.

  I sensed her breathing change, from slow moans to quick pants. She was close now, the fire of her arousal raged through her body. She writhed before me and thrust herself against my face. I weathered the storm and sucked hungrily at her swollen clit. Her moans came faster and she gripped my head harder than ever. Suddenly, her body tensed, her legs squeezed by head and her hips pushed upwards off the bed. I felt her toes curl on my back. One final time, she pushed me into herself, mashing my face into the wetness of her pussy. I succumbed, happy to ride the storm of her orgasm wherever it took me.

  Then she went limp. Her legs fell apart and released my head. Her arms fell to her sides, lifeless and inanimate. She breathed heavily, eyes tightly shut and head resting back on the bed.

  I crawled towards her head and kissed her lightly. She responded by licking my face, hungry for the taste of our passions that still lay on my mouth and lips.

  She looked up at me, her face flushed and exhausted. Her eyes studied me with affection.

  “I want you to sit on my face,” she said, matter of factly.

  I blanched, suddenly very apprehensive. To my inexperienced mind, this seemed like one step too far. An advanced technique that I was not quite ready for. I shook my head meekly.

  Her face turned stern and she scolded me with her eyes. “I said sit on my face. Don’t make me ask you again! Take off your clothes!”

  Unable to resist, I slipped the old vest over my head and blushed as my breasts fell free. She eyed them hungrily, and I noticed that my nipples were as hard as iron. Next, I shuffled out of my shorts, throwing them to the floor behind me. I was now completely naked, kneeling beside this older woman whose wet pussy was still exposed. For the first time, I wondered what my mother would say if she burst in now, what would she think of Helen?

  To my surprise, the thought thrilled me. The sense of doing something forbidden like this, so close to being caught, it fired me in ways I cannot even describe. How could something so wrong feel so very, very right?

  Tentatively, I swung my leg over Helen’s body and knelt above her head. I looked down to see her face beneath me, her eyes hungrily gazing at the pussy above her. She gripped around my thighs and urged me downwards. I lowered myself onto her, gingerly and with great apprehension. But all of my doubt fled as Helen’s mouth came up to meet me and locked onto my lips.

  My mind exploded with sheer pleasure. To have this woman trapped beneath me, unable to do anything else but taste my pussy was utter ecstasy. I felt a measure of control that I have never felt before or since, the total power of desire. I ground my hips back and forth, drawing my pussy over her face. Her tongue matched my motion, teasing across my clitoris and swirling around in complex motions that drove me wild.

  I glanced down at her head beneath my legs. Her eyes were shut, a look of determined concentration on her face. My hands rose to my breasts, cupping them and kneading them with each thrust of her skilled tongue. I moaned and sighed, my mind drifted away on a tide of sheer longing.

  Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I gasped and stopped moving, my hands frozen on my tits.

  “Stephanie dear, is everything alright?” my mom spoke, “I thought I heard someone cry out?”

  I gathered my thoughts and glanced down at Helen. Her eyes implored me to speak, her tongue was stationary on my clitoris and applying a subtle pressure that was electrifying.

  “Yes, mom, we’re fine,” I managed to speak, my voice trembling with exertion, “I’ll shout you if we need anything.”

  Silence from the hallway. I willed my mom to leave, but feared she would force her way in. I looked down at Helen again, her face still locked onto my pussy. Her eyes were wide with fear. For some reason, I found this thrilling and felt my desire building momentum again.

  Finally, my mom replied. “Well, if you’re sure you’re okay in there. I’ll just be downstairs.”

  We waited as she shuffled down the stairs, then I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Helen winked at me cheekily from between my legs, then flicked her tongue across my pussy, urging me back to our sordid pursuit.

  Slowly, I gathered momentum back in my hips, grinding them slowly over Helen’s face. She responded with long strokes of her tongue and eager sucking at my labia. She filled her mouth with my lips and pressed her tongue on my exposed clit.

  I soon found my rhythm again, losing myself in the growing warmth between my legs. It built up steadily, insistently, a never ending cacophony of lust that sang from my pussy. With each touch, I felt a rising fire, spreading throughout my body and filling my extremities with tingling sensations.

  I moved faster now and reached my hands down to grab Helen’s thick hair with my clutching hands. I pulled her head upwards into my pussy and rode her face, not allowing her to dictate the rhythm. She was mine now, I was in charge. The thought thrilled me and I thrust against her harder and harder, feeling her nose press against my clitoris. Faster and faster now, the pace quickened with the inevitable approach o
f my climax. My focus collapsed on one solitary thought, that I must come in Helen’s face, to drown her in the tides of my juices. She seemed content to allow me to use her sweet mouth for whatever I desired and surrendered to my grip.

  My breathing quickened and my gyrating hips ground forwards with increasing rhythm. I felt a surge within myself, a sudden compulsion to unleash myself into the force of the orgasm, but I suppressed it, keen to prolong this moment for as long as I could. Helen’s grip tightened around my thighs, her tongue was frantic now, pressing my clit harder than I would have thought possible. Faster and faster, lick after lick, I threw my head back and arched my spine. It became intolerable and I could no longer control myself. The orgasm rippled through me, a nuclear blast of pure heat and light. My body exploded, my mind reeled at the sheer power of it. I gripped Helen’s head into me, no longer concerned with apprehension or modesty, just wanting to soak her with my desire. She gasped at the force of it, allowing herself to be caught up in the maelstrom of my climax.

  And then it was gone. My body convulsed as the tension left me. I fell to the side, collapsing on the bed, naked beside Helen’s tired body. For long minutes, we lay there, neither one of us speaking, neither one of us concerned about being caught. Exhausted minds lost in the heat of our shared passions.

  “Holy fuck,” I finally said.

  Chapter 4

  The following week I headed north to college. Packing all of my possessions into my dad’s car, we drove up the interstate to Eugene, where I would be living. I was sharing a room on campus with a girl called Alicia, a blonde firebrand who seemed to see college as an excuse to drink and fuck and little else. She was nice enough and we became close friends, but she was a little ditzy and obsessed with boys and cock to the exclusion of all else.


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