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Kinky Lesbian Mega Bundle

Page 23

by Ella Ford

  Kim looked up from her milkshake and spoke. “But what happens if she’s not full of shit? Did you ever think about that? Do you think you could be with a woman?” she asked the question directly at me.

  I thought for a moment before answering, “I-I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it…”

  Kim grinned at me. “Seriously? Not ever? Not even once? You’ve never taken a peek at a porn site on the internet and wondered what it would be like?”

  I felt a warm blush rising up my neck, coloring my face bright red. “Okay, maybe once or twice. But never seriously!” I lied, “Have you?”

  It was Kim’s turn to look uncomfortable as the weight of scrutiny fell on her. “I… well… Sure, of course I have. It’s the twenty first century, you know? I want to try everything!”

  We fell back into silence, all clearly out of our comfort zones. In time, I turned to Monica whose face still burned an angry crimson. “What about you Mon? You ever thought about women… you know… like that?”

  Monica hunched her shoulders and lowered her head, desperate not to make eye contact. I thought she would ignore the question, clearly hoping that a hole would open up and swallow her. She surprised me by meekly whispering, “S-sometimes. I think about… you know, that. But… there’s… I can’t…” and then she clammed up, pulling herself deeper into her chair.

  No-one spoke for many minutes after that, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Myself, I thought about how I would miss these girls. How we’d been friends since kindergarten. I wondered who I would talk to about stuff like this, who I would confide in. I wondered if we would keep in touch, whether we’d still be friends after college or in ten years time. It all seemed so big and scary and I knew that I would miss them terribly.

  Suddenly, an idea flashed across my mind. Half-formed at first, it slowly coalesced into a fully formed plan. An outlandish, bizarre plan that surprised me by its very presence in my mind.

  “Guys,” I exclaimed, rousing them from their personal contemplation, “I love you both. You’re my best friends in the world, you know that, right?”

  They both nodded, unsure of what I was about to say.

  “I have an idea. Something Jenny said…” I stumbled through my words, not sure how to phrase this properly. “Next weekend, my family is out of town, visiting some relatives upstate. I don’t have to go because I have to pack for college. Anyway, I have the house to myself, so… why don’t we have a slumber party?”

  Kim and Monica looked confused, then Kim turned to me. “Lucy, all due respect, I love you too, but we’re not twelve any more! Don’t you think a slumber party is a little young for us?”

  “Yes! I mean, you’re right. But this wouldn’t an ordinary slumber party. Think of it as ‘college orientation’. We’ll drink wine, smoke a J, then we’ll…” I paused, barely able to form the next sentence, “... then we’ll… learn our way around a pussy. If you know what I mean?”

  Monica blushed furiously again while Kim thought it over in her head. She was never the quickest of girls.

  “Oh… you mean?” she finally spoke, “Ohhh… I mean…. wow!” She looked thunderstruck.

  Once again, we fell into silence and I began to regret my bold idea. What if they thought I was a lesbian or something? What if they hated me?

  It was Kim that spoke first. “Lucy, Mon. I think if I’m going to have to do this, I want you guys to be my first. So I’m in.” She put her hand out flat on the table in front of her.

  I smiled at her, pleased I hadn’t ruined our friendship. “I’m also in! Obviously!” I said, and put my hand on top of Kim’s. We both looked at Monica expectantly. Our friend was frantically nibbling on her lower lip and blinking rapidly. She looked deeply uncomfortable, and I felt a pang of regret for putting her in this situation.

  In time, she spoke, her trembling voice barely audible above the bustle of the diner. “I-I’m in… but you need to know… I…” she stopped, unable to speak any more. Gently, she laid her hand on our hands and sealed the deal.

  With that agreed, we arranged to meet at my house on Saturday at 7pm. For the rest of the afternoon, we barely spoke a word, finishing our meals then heading our separate ways.

  And while Kim and I appeared nervous but kind of excited, Monica never lost her haunted look of concern. I wondered idly what might be bothering her, but decided it was entirely natural for her to be apprehensive. I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined what she was really afraid of.

  Chapter 1

  Saturday finally rolled around and I was nervous. I’d spent the whole day preparing myself. I wanted my first time with my friends to be as memorable as it possibly could be, so I’d gone to great lengths to make everything perfect. I started the day with an appointment at Antonio’s, where I’d got my hair done. After that, I got a manicure and a pedicure, treating myself with the money I’d earned babysitting over the summer. Hell, how many times in your life do you lose your lesbian virginity?

  Next, I’d decided to up-the-ante on a day of new experiences and stopped by the beauty salon for a waxing. My first ever! You know where I’m talking about? Down there… It was traumatic and terrifying and I don’t really want to talk about it, thank you very much. But the end result was worth the pain, since my pussy looked impressively neat. I just hope Kim and Monica appreciated what I went through for them!

  Finally, I took the last of my money and purchased a new bra and panties, and a flimsy lace negligee. The lingerie was white and girly, and made me look deliciously innocent and naive.

  Satisfied with my preparations, I returned to the empty house, took a long, hot bath and tried not to think about the night ahead.

  Later on, as I skipped down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of myself in the hallway mirror. I looked insanely hot, if I do say so myself. My long, blonde curls and the frilly underwear contrasted nicely with the scarlet red of my lips and nails. It was a smoking combination - half fresh-faced virgin, half sultry temptress. I just hope that the girls didn’t think it was too much.

  With minutes left before seven o’clock, I curled up on the sofa in the living room, finally taking the time to contemplate what was about to happen. I was about to have sex with my two best friends in the world. It seemed odd and unreal, and quite possibly a big mistake. But if this was the kind of life I was going to be living from now on, I wanted to make sure I was heading into it fully prepared. I wouldn’t want my first time to be with just anyone. Besides, I’d thought about kissing both Kim and Monica before, pretty much constantly since we were teenagers, if I’m perfectly honest.

  Hmmm. Maybe I am a lesbian after all? I thought to myself. I took a sip from the glass of white wine that I’d poured to settle my nerves and pondered that thought. Sure, I’d been with boys before, and had been having sex pretty much constantly since I was sixteen. I loved the feeling of having a cock inside me, having it rammed into my pussy over and over again. The best way I can think of to describe it is that it completed me, it made me feel right. But there was something missing with boys. They were loud and boarish, always wanting to put it inside me at the first opportunity and never taking the time to rev me up and get me going. And they didn’t smell so good most of the time!

  Girls, on the other hand, were different. I imagined that they knew just which buttons to push and when to push them. They were soft and fragile, yet sensual and seductive, easy to look at and free of the macho bullshit that ruined guys.

  If I’m perfectly honest, I was looking forward to tonight’s explorations for reasons other than the simple sapphic orientation session that we intended it to be! And, if we’re being really honest, I also felt a warm flush rising from my pussy as I contemplated the night ahead, a curious sensation of lustful desire that felt hot and sticky between my legs.


  The girls, as it turned out, were fashionably late, arriving together at half past seven. This left me plenty of time to think about the night ahead, but also to finish off
the glass of wine that I’d poured. As a result, I was quite relaxed and horny by the time the doorbell rang, and a tiny bit tipsy.

  As I opened the door, Kim marched in first. While I’d gone for the innocent virgin look, Kim had gone in the opposite direction and plumped for “smoking hot seductress”. She was wearing a cute black dress that hugged her figure and plunged low on her chest and high on her thighs. She rounded this off with sheer black stockings and tall black heels that pulled her calves taut and made her legs look endlessly long. Her dark hair was gathered in a tight ponytail, revealing her slender neck. Perhaps it was the wine, but I found myself longing to kiss that neck, to smell the subtle aroma of her perfume and… wait, wait! Plenty of time for that later!

  We looked each other up and down briefly, then nodded our mutual approval and hugged warmly.

  Monica, on the other hand, was dressed like Monica usually was. Her mousy hair fell down around her shoulders, and she wore an old woolen sweater and a loose floral skirt with sneakers. She might not have been dressed like a whore or a virgin, but she was deeply attractive nonetheless. I found myself wishing that she’d take her nerdy glasses off once in awhile, maybe do something with her hair. But Monica was Monica and I loved her regardless.

  As we hugged our greeting, I noticed that my friend was trembling and held herself away from me, as if reluctant to get too close.

  “Aw Mon, don’t be nervous!” I said, gently brushing her hair off her face, “No-one’s going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. Remember, we’re all friends here.”

  She nodded. “I know. It’s just… I hope you guys don’t hate me after this is over.”

  I smiled at her lovingly, “We’re not going to hate you! We’re just going to experiment is all. Come on, have some wine, it’ll help you relax.” And with that, the three of us went into the living room and collapsed onto the comfortable sofas.


  As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness fell, we slowly sipped our way through the bottle of white wine. And then another. Gradually, we relaxed in each other’s company, falling into the kind of comfortable conversations that we’d had since we were little girls. It almost felt like a real slumber party, just three girls gossiping about life and movies and music. There was no mention of the true intent of the evening, and I began to think that it would be forgotten about, an unlikely fantasy that would never come to pass. I felt a slight relief at this, that our strange plan was not going to happen and that it couldn’t threaten my relationship with my two friends.

  Just as I was thinking that, Kim sat forward and cleared her throat. “So, girls, are we going to do this or not?”

  I looked at Monica and she looked back at me. We’d obviously both been thinking that we might not have to do anything, because Monica’s face held the same look of mild terror that I presumed mine did.

  As my heartbeat pounded in my ears, I eventually gathered myself enough to respond. “I-I guess. If you guys still want to. What do we, uh, do first?”

  A brief look of apprehension flashed across Kim’s face. She obviously didn’t count on her bluff being called. She regained her composure and looked thoughtful. “Well, I guess we start by, uh, kissing?”

  Monica sat back on the sofa and pulled her knees to her chest. “I-I’m not sure this is a good idea, you guys… What if...”

  I stood and stepped across to where Monica sat, lowering myself to sit beside her. With one hand placed reassuringly on her knee, I looked her square in the eyes and said, “Mon, just relax. Think of this as one of your scientific experiments… Yeah, that’s right, we’re doing this for science! Now, close your eyes.”

  Monica gazed at me, her face frozen in fear, a rabbit in my headlights. But somehow, she loosened her tense body and closed her eyes, tilting her head to one side invitingly. I leaned forward and, with supreme gentleness, brushed my lips against hers. The touch was electric, sending shivers down my spine and quickening the beat of my heart. I sensed Monica experiencing a similar reaction as she inhaled deeply when our lips touched. I pulled back and studied her. Her face was frozen still, but no longer in fear. Now there was an anticipation there, a longing for more. With her eyes still closed, she leaned forward and pulled me back towards her. Our mouths came together again and she wrapped a hand around the back of my head, pressing her lips on mine.

  I was shocked by this sudden confidence and allowed her to lead the kiss. I opened my mouth slightly, relishing the soft warmth of Monica’s lips on mine. No sooner had my lips parted than Monica’s tongue darted forward and sought my own. They found each other and rolled together as we both hungrily tasted each other properly for the first time.

  Without conscious action, my hands now roamed on Monica’s body, cupping her breasts, caressing her neck, gripping her thighs. A distant part of me felt shocked by how quickly my nervous apprehension had turned to animal longing. I realised that part of it was driven by Monica’s sudden ferocity, the intensity of her kiss, the strength of her grip. I felt compelled by her almost masculine energy, my body surrendering itself to the force of her lust.

  “Oh shit, that’s hot!” Kim spoke from behind me, and I felt her move beside me on the sofa. Her hands began their own journey, pawing my body through the flimsy material of the lace negligee. The sensation was overwhelming. To be sandwiched between my two friends as they hungrily explored my body - Monica’s tongue and Kim’s hands, fueled by wine and adrenaline, each eager to discover this new experience.

  Monica pulled back from me, still holding my head in her hands. For an endless moment, she locked her gaze on me, eyes flicking up and down my face. There was a fire there, a passion that I had never seen in my friend before now. The primal urge had appeared from nowhere and replaced her usual timid nature with its dominant intensity. Or maybe it had always been there? Lurking beneath, driving her with compulsions that remained hidden. Only now, as we gave our young bodies to each other, could she properly express herself.

  The moment passed and she turned to Kim. Releasing my head, she leaned across my body and wrapped a hand around Kim’s neck, pulling her forward. Monica paused, holding Kim’s mouth an inch from her own. Both girls were breathing heavily now and Monica appeared to be savoring the sweet anticipation of this first kiss. Kim, like me before her, seemed paralyzed by this change in our friend. Her eyes betrayed a sudden fear that was most unlike her usual brash nature. She too was caught in Monica’s spell, a slave to the other girl’s mesmerising intensity.

  Finally, Monica sighed and plunged forward, pressing her mouth on Kim’s and hungrily sliding their lips together. Kim capitulated and allowed herself to be directed, surrendering her tongue to Monica’s own as the other girl appeared to almost devour her.

  I lay back, intoxicated by wine and lust and watched my two best friends make out above me. It was supremely erotic and I felt my entire body responding to this hypnotizing display. My heart was pounding, and I was breathing heavily. Tentatively, I reached a hand between my legs and lay my fingers gently on the soft lace of the panties that I wore. I gasped as my fingertips found a damp warmth there. Pushing the panties aside, I plunged my fingers into the folds of my pussy. I was so wet! Oh god, it felt good to touch myself down there as my friend’s bodies writhed above me.

  Slowly at first, I pulled my digits through my lips, gripping my swollen clitoris between my index and middle finger. I sighed at this, jolts of pleasure coursing through my body. I was suddenly overcome with a hungry need to feel Monica or Kim’s tongue on me, or both! It was an overwhelming urge that arose from nowhere to possess me. As I quickened the motion of my fingers, another urge joined it. I wanted to taste my friends, I wanted to fill my senses with them, to breath in their aromas, to taste their juices.

  Above me, Monica and Kim were lost in each other, their passionate kiss occupying them entirely. Suddenly, Monica pushed Kim backwards onto the sofa and clambered over me to straddle Kim where she lay. In a single motion, she leaned forwards and
began the kiss again. With nowhere else to go, Kim capitulated once more.

  My own body was now free to move. I pulled my fingers from between my legs and moved behind Monica. Sweeping aside her long hair, I lowered my head and began to kiss her exposed neck. She responded to this, sighing audibly and stopping her passionate kiss as she moaned. Kim groaned her frustration and Monica silenced her once more with her hungry mouth.

  As my tongue lapped against Monica’s soft skin, my hand roamed over her body. I longed to feel her soft skin, and my frantic fingers clutched at her loose dress, pulling it over her waist and exposing her ass. My touch fell on her ass cheek, gripping it firmly, desperate to touch her yielding flesh through the soft cotton of her panties. Gradually, my fingers worked their way down, lightly caressing the inviting divide and following that valley south, between her legs. Her thighs were parted and my hand pushed onwards to her pussy, following the warmth that radiated from her.

  Suddenly, I stopped, fingers frozen against the material of her panties. I pulled back from Monica’s neck and she sensed my absence and moaned. My mind reeled, attempting to process what my touch sense was telling it. My fingertips had come to rest between Monica’s legs, where her most sensitive area should be. But instead, I felt a curious and familiar bulge. A firm, fleshy growth that had no business being there.

  Tentatively, I probed onwards, lightly squeezing what I had found. My heart raced as I explored the strange appendage. Distantly, I sensed Monica’s body tense beneath me as my fingers gripped her. Her head rose from Kim’s mouth.

  Suddenly, she sat bolt upright and jumped backwards, landing on her back on the other corner of the sofa, a look of pure terror on her face. Her dress was hitched up around her waist as she cowered before us, her parted knees revealing her panties to us.

  Both Kim and I sat there, mouths hanging open as we stared at our prone friend. For all Monica’s distress, neither of us could look away from her crotch and what lay before us. Protruding from Monica’s white cotton panties and lying against her right thigh, was a perfectly ordinary looking, semi-erect penis.


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