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Web of Desire

Page 7

by Ray Gordon

  ‘I thought you might have come round to my place by now,’ John whined. ‘It would be nice to spend an evening together.’

  ‘I don’t have a great deal of spare time, John. What with running my business and other commitments …’

  ‘Is David a commitment?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say that he’s a commitment,’ she replied with a soft laugh.

  ‘What is he, then?’

  ‘John, if you’re having a problem with David, I don’t see that we’re going to get anywhere.’

  ‘I’m not having a problem with him. It’s just that it would have been nice if we’d spent the evening together.’ He looked down at his cup of coffee and sighed. ‘You’ve changed, Mandy,’ he murmured.

  ‘Have I?’

  ‘Yes, you have. You used to be … oh, I don’t know. You used to go along with things I said. If I suggested that we go out for a meal, you’d agree. If I wanted to stay in, you were happy to do that.’

  ‘I was weak and subservient, John. Now I’m my own woman. I have my own friends, I run my own business, I have my own flat …’

  ‘Sounds like you’re too busy to fit me in.’

  ‘Not at all.’

  ‘So, when will I see you?’

  ‘I’m pretty busy today and I have to see David this evening.’

  ‘You have to see him?’

  ‘About my business plans, John. We have to go through some plans to do with my business and … I meant to ask you, how come you’ve bought a flat a few doors away from me?’

  ‘It was just coincidence. Well, as you’re so busy I’d better go.’ John didn’t look at all happy as he finished his coffee. ‘If ever you do get a free moment, let me know.’

  ‘You don’t have to go, John. I’m not starting work yet so do why don’t you stay for a while?’

  ‘Oh, right.’

  Refilling the coffee cups, Mandy decided to allow him a glimpse of her hairless pussy. She knew that he’d question her when her gown opened, exposing the naked lips of her vulva. He’d probably believe that she’d shaved for David or some other man, and the idea of riling him excited her. He’d treated her badly in the past, dumped her for a slut, destroyed her plans for a life together with him … Now it was her turn to destroy him. Paula would fuck him and dump him, she reflected, as he gazed wide-eyed at her hairless vulva.

  ‘When did you shave?’ he asked her.

  ‘Oh, sorry,’ she breathed, giggling as she pulled her gown together. ‘I shaved because I prefer it that way.’

  ‘Does David prefer it that way?’

  ‘I don’t know – you’ll have to ask him.’

  ‘What? You mean he’s seen you naked?’

  ‘I was joking, John.’

  ‘Mandy, I don’t want you hanging around with him.’

  ‘Hanging around? What do you mean?’

  ‘Well, seeing him all the time and …’

  ‘David is a family friend, John.’

  ‘Now that we’re back together, I want things to be like the old days. You’re my woman and I don’t want you going to pubs with other men.’

  Like the old days? Mandy reflected, retaking her seat at the table. Doing as she was told, not allowed friends, staying in while John went out with his mates … Like the old days when John was screwing a slut behind her back? Smiling at him, she sipped her coffee and once more allowed her gown to fall open and expose the rise of her young breasts. She’d go along with him, she decided. She’d play the subservient woman and follow her master’s orders to the letter. Reaching across the table and holding his hand, she smiled at him again.

  ‘OK,’ she said. ‘I liked the old days. I won’t go out with David. I’ll have to speak to him about the business, but I can do that on the phone.’

  ‘That’s good, Mandy. I want us to have a secure relationship. I want to know that you’re here for me, not out with some other man. We’ll see each other this evening. You’ll have to cancel your meeting with David. I’ll be round at seven, OK?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll phone him and tell him that I can’t see him.’

  ‘Good. This is going to work out well, Mandy. Just like the old days.’

  ‘Yes, just like the old days.’

  Mandy was seething with anger, but she didn’t show it. Squeezing John’s hand and grinning, she did her best to appear happy. He was a bastard, she thought as he suggested they went up to her bedroom. You’ll have to cancel your meeting with David. His words playing on her mind as she led him to her room, she knew what Paula would do in this situation. Paula was clever, resourceful, and she was Mandy’s role model. She’d fuck John, use him and his money – and then dump him.

  Slipping out of her dressing gown and sliding beneath her quilt as John undressed, Mandy knew that David’s spunk was still swimming around in the wet heat of her tight vagina. She hadn’t taken a shower, and her pussy would be bubbling with David’s sperm. Joining her in the bed, John settled between her parted legs and kissed the hairless lips of her vulva. Licking her opening sex crack, his tongue entering her jism-brimming love hole, he commented on how wet she was.

  ‘You’ve obviously missed me,’ he breathed, his tongue lapping up the flowing cream. ‘Just thinking about having sex with me has made you really wet.’

  ‘You’re right, John,’ she gasped as he sucked out the blend of her love milk and David’s sperm. ‘Being with you has made me feel so horny.’

  ‘I love your bald pussy.’

  ‘Shall I tell you why I shaved?’


  ‘I did it for you, John. I remembered you saying that you liked smooth pussies, so I did it for you.’

  ‘We’re going to be great together, Mandy.’

  ‘Just like the old days?’


  ‘That’s good. Now, suck out my pussy juice and swallow it.’

  Listening to John slurping and sucking, Mandy closed her eyes and recalled David’s solid cock pumping spunk into her contracting vagina. Writhing on the bed as her clitoris swelled, she recalled Gary licking and sucking between her splayed thighs. Gary had sucked her clitoris to orgasm, David had tongued her hot vagina and taken her to orgasm, and now John was attending her feminine needs. Things were working out nicely. Her business was looking good, and she was well on the way to catching up with Paula’s rampant sex life.

  ‘You’re mine,’ John breathed, his wet tongue sweeping over the sensitive tip of her erect clitoris. ‘You belong to me now, Mandy.’

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she gasped. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’

  ‘I’ll sell my place and move in with you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’

  ‘Yes, yes. God, you make me feel so good.’

  ‘I could move in this evening. I’ll bring a few things round and move in this evening.’

  ‘I’d like that, John. I’ve prayed for the day to come when we could get back together.’

  ‘There was nothing with David, was there?’

  ‘Of course not. I’ve never given myself to another man, John. Since the day we parted, I’ve been waiting for you to come back to me.’

  Imagining that it was David between her splayed thighs, licking and sucking on her solid clitoris, Mandy reached her mind-blowing orgasm and writhed uncontrollably on the bed. Arching her back and grinding her open sex valley hard against John’s face, she felt her young womb contracting as her climax peaked and rocked her naked body to the core. John must have thought that he was good in bed, she mused as she once more recalled David’s rock-hard cock shafting her tight vagina. It was John’s tongue sweeping over her pulsating clitoris, but it was the thought of David that brought Mandy her incredible pleasure.

  ‘You’re amazing,’ she gasped as her orgasm began to fade. ‘God, how I’ve missed you.’

  ‘I’ve missed you too, Mandy. Do you want my cock now?’

  ‘Yes, yes. It’s been so long since …’

  ‘You should have asked me to come back ages ago.’

bsp; ‘Yes, I wish I had. Make love with me now. Make love, just like the old days.’

  The solid shaft of John’s penis entered the wet heat of her tight vagina as she closed her eyes and recalled again David’s beautiful organ. David was kind, considerate and loving, she reflected. John was a bastard. His cock slid in and out of her contracting pussy and he gasped and moaned as he fucked her. That’s all this was, she thought. Nothing more than a fuck. You should have asked me to come back ages ago … This really was just like the old days, Mandy reflected as John pumped his spunk into her hot vagina and finally collapsed on top of her naked body.

  Rolling onto his back, he lay beside her and talked about the future. Mandy listened to his ideas, his wants and needs, his plans. He’d move in that evening, and she would cut all ties with David because she needn’t bother with her web-design business now. He’d have her phone number changed so that people from the past couldn’t contact her. They were going to start again, meet new people and … Again, Mandy concealed a grin as she made her own plans.

  ‘What time this evening?’ she asked him.

  ‘Have dinner ready at seven,’ John ordered her. ‘Oh, you’d better give me a key.’

  ‘OK, I’ll have one cut today.’

  ‘Good. This is going to be great, Mandy. As I said, forget about your web-site thing. I’ll have your phone number changed once I’ve settled in. We can do that tomorrow.’

  ‘OK, that’s fine.’

  ‘Steak and chips would be nice this evening. You can go shopping this morning. You’d better stock up the fridge with lager and I’ll need …’

  Just like the old days, Mandy thought again as John went on about his needs. Watching him dress, she realised just how much he’d used her in the past. She’d done everything for him, from cooking and washing to cleaning and ironing his shirts … Not any more, she thought as she slipped back into her dressing gown. You can go shopping this morning. And you can go to hell, she giggled inwardly.

  ‘I’ll see you this evening,’ he said, kissing her cheek before leaving the room. ‘Don’t forget the French mustard.’

  ‘I won’t,’ she called as he bounded down the stairs. ‘The meal will be on the table at seven.’ Hearing the front door close, she slammed her bedroom door shut. ‘ “Don’t forget the French mustard”,’ she whined. ‘I’ll give you fucking French fucking mustard. You fucking bastard.’

  After a shower, Mandy dressed and had eggs and bacon for breakfast. Taking her coffee into the dining room, she sat at her computer and grinned as she read the email from the plastics company. They’d accepted her rough quote for a web site and wanted to meet her to discuss the design. Forget about your web-site thing … ‘Bastard,’ she breathed as she replied to the email. I’ll have your phone number changed … ‘Fucking bastard.’

  Mandy worked until four o’clock and then rang David. He was delighted to hear from her and said he was looking forward to the evening. ‘I won’t be free until nine,’ she said. ‘Sorry, but I have some business to deal with.’

  ‘That’s OK,’ he replied. ‘Business must come first.’

  ‘If you’d like to come round at nine, we could have a drink or something.’

  ‘I’ll be there at nine, Mandy. But only if you’re sure.’

  ‘Of course I’m sure, David. I’m just sorry that I can’t make it earlier.’

  ‘Don’t apologise,’ he said, with a chuckle. ‘It’s your life – I don’t own you.’

  ‘Great, well … I’ll see you later.’

  Replacing the receiver, Mandy recalled his words. It’s your life – I don’t own you. John would never think that way, she thought angrily. Don’t forget the French mustard. Grabbing the phone, she punched in Gary’s number. Listening to the ring tone, she wondered why Paula hadn’t contacted her. She was probably too busy taking men to bed, she mused. And taking their money.

  ‘It’s me,’ she said as Gary answered. ‘Your bit of rough on the side.’

  ‘Hi, sexy,’ he breathed. ‘You’re not rough, you’re beautiful.’

  ‘Don’t talk crap, Gary. You only want me so that you can spunk on my panties.’

  ‘And suck your clit,’ he returned, laughing gently.

  ‘You can do that this evening, OK?’

  ‘I can’t, Mandy. We’re going over to see the wife’s parents this evening.’

  ‘Then put it off.’

  ‘I wish I could.’

  ‘Be here at six-thirty, Gary. I need you here at six-thirty.’

  ‘Look, I’ll see what I can do. We’re not going over until eight, so—’

  ‘Be here, or I’ll go and see your little wife and tell her about your panty-spunking fetish.’

  ‘You need me that bad?’

  ‘Yes, I do.’

  ‘Great. OK, I’ll be there at six-thirty.’

  Grinning as he hung up, Mandy tossed the receiver into its cradle and punched the air with her fist. This was going to be perfect, she thought as she paced the lounge floor and made her plans. Three cocks in one day. John, Gary, and then David. Paula was going to be left behind, she thought as she went up to her room. Taking a pair of stockings and a suspender belt from her drawer, she rummaged through her clothes and chose a red miniskirt and a loose-fitting blouse. Red stilettos, she decided as she dressed. And no bra or panties.

  Mandy walked into the lounge and answered the phone. She was pleased to hear Paula’s voice.

  ‘How are you?’ she asked the other girl.

  ‘Bored,’ Paula replied. ‘I thought we might go out this evening.’

  ‘I can’t, Paula. I’ve got Gary coming round and later another friend is coming to see me.’

  ‘Another man?’

  ‘Yes, that’s right. Maybe we could arrange something for tomorrow evening?’

  ‘Two men in one evening?’

  ‘Three, if you count my ex-boyfriend. He came round this morning.’

  ‘For sex?’

  ‘Of course, Paula. I don’t have men round for anything else.’

  ‘God, you are doing well. Where do you find all these men?’

  ‘Same places as you, I suppose. Bars, clubs …’

  ‘Did you arrange anything with Gary about a blind date?’

  ‘Er … no, not yet.’

  ‘It would be great to go out in a foursome one evening, Mandy. Surely you can fix something up?’

  ‘You have enough men on the go. Can’t you bring one of them along?’

  ‘I like new men,’ Paula said, chuckling. ‘Men I haven’t fucked before. I meant to ask you, are you into spanking?’

  ‘Spanking?’ Mandy echoed. ‘Well, I …’

  ‘There’s nothing like a good spanking. I love the feel of a leather belt across my bum. It’s an amazing experience. Have you ever been whipped?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Mandy said, forcing a giggle. ‘I love it.’

  ‘We’ll have to go out in a foursome one evening, and then all go back to your place for sex.’

  ‘Yes, good idea. Look, I’d better go. I have to get ready for this evening.’

  ‘OK, let me know when you’ve fixed something up.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I will. Bye.’

  Shaking her head as she replaced the receiver, Mandy imagined Paula having her naked bottom whipped. The girl was incredible, she thought as she clenched her own buttocks. Was there anything she wasn’t into? Unable to see herself deriving pleasure from a gruelling whipping, she realised again that she’d never catch up with Paula and her sexually deviant lifestyle. She’d be talking about water sports next, she thought, giggling inwardly as she imagined a man peeing over her naked body. Spanking and whipping was something she’d never experience, she decided. She’d just have to lie to Paula about that particular fetish.

  Gary arrived on time, carrying a bottle of vodka. Eyeing Mandy’s stockings and red stilettos, he remarked on her beauty as he followed her into the kitchen. Mandy poured the drinks, reckoning that he thought she’d dressed up just fo
r him. She was going to have to use him, she thought as she led him into the lounge. He was a married man and he was using her for sex, so what the hell? Paula used men and now Mandy was going to do the same. My role model, she reflected, recalling the girl’s various comments about men.

  ‘What colour are your panties?’ Gary asked her as she sat on the sofa.

  ‘I’m not wearing any,’ she replied, parting her thighs and displaying the hairless lips of her vulva.

  ‘God, you’ve shaved.’

  ‘Do you like it?’

  ‘Yes, very much. I love hairless little cunts. But if you’re not wearing any panties … I need to spunk on your panties, Mandy.’

  ‘We’re not playing that game tonight, Gary.’

  ‘Oh? So what game are we playing?’

  ‘We’re going to play Fuck the Slut.’

  ‘But I want to spunk on your panties. Just put some on for a while and then you can take them off and we’ll—’

  ‘I want you to do my arse, Gary,’ she cut in unashamedly. ‘Have you ever done that?’

  ‘Well, no – no, I haven’t. God, you’ve become a right little …’


  ‘No, I don’t think you’re a slut.’

  ‘I am, Gary. I’m a slut for this evening, OK?’

  ‘If you say so.’

  ‘I do say so. Now, take all your clothes off.’

  Leaving the room as Gary slipped out of his clothes, Mandy opened the front door. Her juices of arousal trickled from her opening sex crack and ran down her inner thighs, and she’d never felt so excited as she bounded up the stairs and grabbed her lipstick from the dressing table. Payback time, she thought happily as she returned to the lounge to find Gary naked. Lifting her short skirt, she passed the lipstick to Gary and bent over.


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