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Web of Desire

Page 13

by Ray Gordon

  ‘God,’ David breathed. ‘That was amazing.’

  ‘My knickers are wet and sticky,’ Mandy whispered as her father called that the food was ready.

  ‘I didn’t realise that you liked … well, that sort of thing.’

  ‘You’d be surprised by the things I like,’ she said, giggling.

  ‘Go on, surprise me.’

  ‘We’d better go and eat.’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course.’ Walking back to the patio, David took Mandy’s hand. ‘What sort of things are you into?’ he asked her.

  ‘Water sports,’ she whispered. ‘Come on, the food smells good.’

  David frowned at her as they walked to the table where each of them took a plate. Mandy knew that she’d shocked him, but she wanted him to realise that she wasn’t the innocent little girl he once knew. Her panties glued to her hairless pussy lips by his drying sperm, she helped herself to a burger and a sausage and retook her seat at the table. Her father started chatting to David, going on about the weather and the possibility of rain, but David obviously wasn’t listening. Taking a bread roll from the table, Mandy smiled as David sat opposite her.

  ‘This looks good,’ she said, sandwiching her burger between the two halves of the roll.

  ‘Yes, yes, it does,’ David breathed. ‘Mandy, have you ever … what you were talking about just now, have you done it?’

  ‘Of course,’ she replied, grinning at him. ‘With another girl.’

  ‘What?’ he gasped.

  ‘With another girl,’ she repeated, taking a bite from her burger.

  ‘God, I … I had no idea that you …’ His words tailing off as Mandy’s mother brought out a bowl of salad, he took a gulp of beer. ‘This is lovely,’ he said, smiling at the woman. ‘I’m really hungry.’

  ‘I’ve told you before that you don’t eat properly,’ Mandy’s mother said. ‘Living alone like you do, I’ll bet you survive on takeaways.’

  ‘I’m a pretty good cook,’ he replied as she laughed.

  ‘You need a good woman to look after you, David.’

  Mandy’s father chuckled. ‘Are you making him an offer?’ he said as he prodded the barbecue coals with a stick.

  ‘You have a good woman, don’t you, David?’ Mandy’s mother said. ‘You’ll have to bring her round so we can meet her.’

  ‘Mum,’ Mandy sighed. ‘David isn’t your son.’

  ‘You never know,’ David said. ‘My young lady might move in with me one day.’

  ‘Really?’ Mandy breathed, smiling at him. ‘What’s she like?’

  ‘She’s extremely attractive. She’s a lot younger than me, but we get on very well.’

  ‘Are you in love with her?’

  ‘Yes, very much.’

  ‘And is she in love with you?’

  ‘I think so, yes.’

  ‘So, what does she look like? Is her hair long or—’

  ‘Stop questioning the poor man,’ Mandy’s mother cut in. ‘I’m sure we’ll all get to meet her in time.’

  ‘She’s got long dark hair,’ David murmured, gazing into Mandy’s eyes. ‘She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. But there is one problem.’

  ‘Oh?’ Mandy whispered, cocking her head to one side as her mother went back into the kitchen. ‘What’s that?’

  ‘She can be very naughty,’ he said softly.

  Asking herself what David might have thought of her lewd confession, Mandy began to wonder whether she should have said anything. Downing another glass of wine with her food, she also wondered whether David had believed her. He might have thought that she was joking. But he had to know that the girl he was in love with wasn’t a sweet little thing any more. When her parents joined them at the table, Mandy wondered what her mother would really think if she knew the truth. Would the woman be happy to think that Mandy was screwing David?

  As the wine flowed and the sun began to sink behind the trees, Mandy knew that she needed some time alone with David. They needed to talk and … No, she thought. She needed to talk. She needed to sort out her feelings, decide on what sort of life she wanted. If she could just forget about David, things would be a lot easier, she mused. But she couldn’t forget about him. The way he cared for her, the way they’d made love by the river … She was going to have to sort her feelings out, and her life.

  ‘I’m getting chilly,’ her mother said. ‘I think I’ll go in.’

  ‘And me,’ her father murmured, leaving the table. ‘Help yourself to beer, David. There’s plenty more in the fridge.’

  ‘I will, thanks,’ David replied. Waiting until her parents had gone into the house, he smiled at Mandy. ‘I’ve enjoyed this evening,’ he said.

  ‘It’s not over yet, David.’

  ‘You’re not rushing off, then?’

  ‘Not if I’m staying here for the night. David, what I said earlier about another girl …’

  ‘It’s your life, Mandy. I wouldn’t try to change you, I can promise you that.’

  ‘Don’t you want to know the sordid details?’

  ‘Only if you want to tell me.’

  ‘Actually, I didn’t do that with another girl. I mean, I had sex with her, but I didn’t do that.’

  ‘Oh, right. Well, er …’

  ‘I’m not a lesbian, David. I was experimenting, sexually, with another girl. Does that shock you?’

  ‘Nothing shocks me,’ he said, chuckling as he went to the fridge and grabbed another beer. Retaking his seat, he reached across the table and held Mandy’s hand. ‘Whatever you’ve done in the past is your business,’ he said gently. ‘We all have a past.’

  ‘This girl …’ she began. ‘She’s not past, she’s present.’

  ‘Oh, well … have you known her long?’

  ‘David, I wouldn’t want or expect you to put up with me and the way I behave.’

  ‘But, Mandy …’

  ‘David, listen to me. Recently, I’ve discovered myself. I have to admit that my discovery is confusing, but it’s also exciting.’

  ‘I’m not with you.’

  ‘I’ve been putting it about. I’ve been having sex with different men, and a girl.’

  ‘Yes, well … you’re young, Mandy. You’re enjoying life, and there’s nothing wrong with that.’

  ‘I’m a slut, David.’

  ‘Of course you’re not. As I said, you’re young and …’

  ‘David, I am a slut.’

  ‘I don’t care what you are, I’m in love with you. You can fuck ten different men every day, that wouldn’t change the way I feel about you.’

  ‘You’re either madly in love, or just plain mad.’

  ‘Both, I reckon. Tell me something. Do you love me? No, no, I’ll rephrase that. Do you think you might love me in the future?’

  ‘I love you now,’ she confessed. ‘I love you now, but I can’t change the way I am. Now it’s my turn to rephrase. I don’t want to change the way I am.’

  Mandy felt selfish and guilty as David squeezed her hand again. But she knew that she had to be honest with him. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. If he later discovered that she’d been cheating on him, screwing other men and sleeping with a teenage girl behind his back, he’d be devastated. Pouring another glass of wine, she decided not to stay at her parents’ house that night. She needed time and space to think, and to get on with her work first thing in the morning.

  ‘You could sell your flat,’ David said.

  ‘Sell it? why?’

  ‘Move in with me. I have a big house so you could have your own office and …’

  ‘Hang on, David. We’ve only been out together once. I really don’t think …’

  ‘Mandy, we’ve known each other for years. I think we can dispense with courting.’

  ‘No, no … I need time to think, David. Besides, what would my parents say?’

  ‘We’ll talk to them, explain that we’re in love.’

  ‘I don’t know that I’d want to live next door to them.’ Gulping dow
n her wine, she stood up. ‘I think I’ll walk home,’ she said. ‘I want to be up early tomorrow and get some work done.’

  ‘Oh, well … Would you like me to walk you home?’

  ‘No, it’s not far. Look, we’ll talk about this again.’

  ‘Ring me tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I will. I’ve enjoyed the evening. Thanks, David, it’s been lovely.’

  ‘I suppose I’ll get back, then. Are you sure you won’t stay?’

  ‘I can’t. I have too much work to do and I want to make an early start.’

  ‘OK, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.’

  Before leaving, Mandy explained to her parents that she wanted an early start in the morning and had decided not to stay the night. Her mother was disappointed, but Mandy promised to call round more often. Walking home, she couldn’t stop thinking about David’s proposition. It seemed that nothing would put him off. Sex with different men, water sports, lesbian sex … Nothing would change his mind about her, she knew as she reached her flat. Sighing as she found Jackie sitting on the step, she asked her what she was doing.

  ‘I’ve been waiting for you,’ Jackie replied.

  ‘How long have you been here?’ Mandy asked her as she climbed to her feet.

  ‘About two hours. I need to talk to you.’

  ‘It’s rather late, Jackie.’

  ‘Yes, I know.’

  ‘I suppose you’d better come in.’

  Leading the girl through to the kitchen, Mandy filled the kettle and took two cups from the shelf. Asking Jackie what she wanted to talk about, Mandy tried not to think about lesbian sex as she gazed at the firm orbs of the other girl’s teenage breasts just visible through the opening of her white blouse. Did she want sex? she wondered, recalling the hairless lips of her teenage pussy. Pouring the coffee, she felt her clitoris swell, her juices of arousal soak into her sperm-starched panties.

  ‘I just wanted to spend some time with you,’ Jackie finally said.

  ‘It’s rather late,’ Mandy sighed. ‘Perhaps we could arrange an evening.’

  ‘Yes, I’d like that.’

  ‘What do you really want, Jackie? To wait outside for two hours …’

  ‘I just wanted to be with you. Would you let me stay here with you for the night?’

  ‘What? Well, I … I don’t know, Jackie.’

  ‘I’ll be good. You know how good I am, so let’s go to your bed and love each other.’

  ‘Jackie, I … I have problems at the moment,’ Mandy sighed. ‘I’m trying to decide whether to … I’ve spent the evening with a man and I’m not sure about my feelings for him. No, that’s not right. I know how I feel, but I’m trying to …’

  ‘How does that affect us?’ Jackie cut in, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  ‘Us? Jackie, we’re not an item.’

  ‘Exactly. So whether you’re with this man or not doesn’t affect us.’

  ‘It affects me, Jackie. It affects me, the way I think and the things I do.’

  Mandy glanced up at the wall clock as she sipped her coffee. Jackie’s offer about going to bed was tempting, but she didn’t want to get too involved with the girl. Jackie would turn up again and again, she’d want nights of lesbian passion and sex and … Confused, Mandy knew that she was going to have to sort herself out. She had work to do, serious work on the web site, and she couldn’t cope with a flood of conflicting emotions.

  Finishing her coffee as Jackie unbuttoned the front of her blouse, Mandy gazed at the girl’s bared breasts, her elongated nipples. Wishing that she’d never met her and enjoyed lesbian sex with her, she knew that she couldn’t fight her inner desires. Her clitoris calling for attention, her juices of desire seeping between the hairless lips of her vulva, she finally gave in and told Jackie that she could stay for the night.

  ‘Just this once,’ she said. ‘I don’t want you turning up on my doorstep as and when you feel like it.’

  ‘OK,’ Jackie breathed excitedly, pulling on the brown teats of her firm breasts. ‘Shall we go to bed, then?’

  Leading the girl upstairs, Mandy knew that she was making a mistake. Only a girl knows how to pleasure another girl. Jackie undressed quickly, unveiling the beauty of her teenage body and slipping beneath the quilt. Mandy sighed as she stripped and hung her clothes over the back of the chair by the dressing table. This wasn’t what Mandy wanted but, as she slipped into the bed beside Jackie and huddled close to the warmth of her young body, she once more felt her clitoris call for attention.

  ‘This is nice,’ Jackie breathed, wasting no time as she moved down the bed and settled between Mandy’s open legs. ‘Mmm, you taste beautiful.’

  ‘It’s sperm,’ Mandy said as the girl licked each of her swollen pussy lips in turn. ‘You like the taste, then?’

  ‘It’s different. Yes, I do like it.’

  ‘Perhaps you should find yourself a man.’

  ‘No, I don’t think so. I only want you, Mandy. The man you were with, did you enjoy making love with him?’

  ‘I … we didn’t make love. He came in my panties.’

  ‘And you liked it?’

  ‘Yes – yes, I did.’

  ‘He won’t make you as happy as I can. Relax, and I’ll make you very happy.’

  Closing her eyes as Jackie slipped her tongue between the fleshy pads of her outer lips, Mandy let out a rush of breath. She could feel the girl’s long blonde hair tickling her inner thighs, cascading over the smooth plateau of her stomach as she repeatedly ran her wet tongue up and down the full length of her sperm-sticky vaginal crevice. This seemed so natural, Mandy thought dreamily as her juices of lust flowed in rivers from her opening vaginal hole. Jackie was so warm, sensuous, loving … But Mandy still couldn’t decide what it was that she wanted. Did she want a male, a female, or several men?

  As Jackie opened Mandy’s pussy lips wide and slipped her tongue deep into the older girl’s tight sex sheath, Mandy had never felt so comfortable and relaxed. Perhaps she should be with another girl, she mused as Jackie reached up and tweaked her erect nipples. Looking up at the ceiling, she thought that it could be a man between her splayed thighs, licking deep inside her wet vagina. But no. There was something very different about a girl. There was something special about Jackie.

  ‘Do a little pee for me,’ Jackie breathed through a mouthful of vaginal flesh.

  ‘What?’ Mandy gasped. ‘You want me to …’

  ‘Yes, just a little bit. Give me a little dribble.’

  Squeezing her muscles, Mandy couldn’t believe what she was about to do. She’d joked with David about enjoying water sports with another girl, but she’d never dreamed that she’d do it. This was another first, she thought as she felt the hot liquid dribble between her inner lips. Jackie lapped up the golden liquid and breathed heavily through her nose as she drank. Sucking and slurping, the teenage girl moved down and licked the sensitive brown tissue surrounding Mandy’s wet anus.

  ‘God, yes,’ Mandy whimpered, lifting her firm buttocks clear of the bed to give her lesbian lover better access to her private hole. ‘Push your tongue inside,’ she breathed. ‘Push it in as far as you can.’

  Complying, Jackie licked deep inside Mandy’s rectal sheath. Again, Mandy released a dribble of golden liquid as her clitoris pulsated and her vagina spasmed. Lost in her lesbian arousal, she raised her buttocks further and opened her legs to the extreme as Jackie tongued her rectal duct. Moving up to her gaping vaginal entrance and licking her there, she repeatedly ran her tongue over both holes. Jackie gasped as her tongue swept over the delicate tissue of her anus and then up to her dripping sex hole. Never had she felt so aroused, she thought as she released a further stream of hot liquid. Begging for more, Jackie slurped and drank as the golden rain showered her pretty face and flooded her open mouth.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she gasped as she drank.

  ‘I need to come,’ Mandy said shakily. ‘Jackie … make me come.’

  ‘Don’t be naughty,’
the girl retorted. ‘You know very well that you’re not allowed to come yet.’

  ‘Please … for God’s sake.’

  ‘I’ll spank you if you’re bad.’

  ‘Yes, yes – spank me hard.’

  Lost in her arousal, Mandy whimpered and writhed on the bed as Jackie spanked her wet buttocks. The loud slaps resounded around the room, mingling with Jackie’s slurping and sucking, and Mandy felt that she was drifting on clouds of lesbian lust as her young body shook uncontrollably. Their lesbian act couldn’t have been more intimate, she thought, as Jackie halted the spanking and drove a finger deep into Mandy’s tight rectum. Forcing another finger in alongside the first, the other girl stretched Mandy’s anal inlet open to capacity and began her crude thrusting.

  Mandy cried out, her eyes rolling, her breathing fast and shallow, as her naked body writhed on the bed and another gush of hot liquid rained over her lover’s face. Finally sucking Mandy’s swollen clitoris into her hot mouth, Jackie repeatedly thrust her fingers deep into both of her sex ducts and took her closer to her desperately needed sexual climax. Teetering on the verge of her orgasm, Mandy grabbed Jackie’s head and ground her open vaginal flesh hard against her wet face as her climax finally erupted within the pulsating bulb of her swollen clitoris.

  Crying out in the grip of the most powerful climax she’d ever experienced, Mandy gyrated her hips, forcing her pulsing sex bud into the girl’s mouth as her pussy milk gushed and flowed in torrents over her thrusting fingers. Again and again, waves of orgasm crashed through her quivering body as she rode the crest of her lesbian-induced climax and writhed uncontrollably on her bed. Another gush of hot liquid showered Jackie’s face as she gobbled and sucked between Mandy’s parted sex lips and continued to piston her tight holes with her fingers. Mandy could hear the lesbian girl slurping, sucking and drinking, as she sustained her incredible climax.

  This was amazing, Mandy mused in her sexual delirium as her orgasm peaked and shook her naked body to the core. David couldn’t do this, she reflected. David, Gary, Henry … Only a girl knows how to pleasure another girl. Her sex holes inflamed, her pussy milk flowing in rivers, her clitoris finally began to deflate as her orgasm began to fade. Gasping for breath, writhing on the wet bed, she knew that she’d see Jackie again. Whether she wanted it or not, this was going to be a long-term relationship.


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