Beatles, The, 280
Beaton, Cecil, 66, 67
Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge (Lissitzky), 134, 178
Beck, Harry, 224
Beckett, Samuel, 73, 80
Bee, 278
Beggarstaff Brothers, 195
Behrens, Peter, 189, 190, 191
Belew, Ruth, 105
Bel Geddes, Norman, 237
Bell Laboratories, 220
Bell System, 160, 162, 208
Benchley, Robert, 220
Benguiat, 133
Benguiat, Ed, 72
Benton, Morris Fuller, 118
Benton, Robert, 72
Benz and Odol, 193
Berg, John, 199, 200
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung (BIZ), 47–48, 47
Berliner Plakat, 275
Bernays, Edward, 17
Bernhard, 133
Bernhard, Lucian, 24, 45, 190, 192, 273–75
Bernstein, Leonard, 280
Bernstein, Richard, 93
Berthold, 138–141
Bertsch, Fred, 118
Bertsch & Cooper, 118
Best of Jazz poster (Scher), 179–181, 180
bestseller book jackets, 168–172. see also book design
Bevans, Tom, 168, 170
Beyer, Mark, 101
Beyond the Mexique Bay (Huxley), 164
Biennale Internazionale delle Arti Decorative, 146
Bifur, 202
Big Book Look, 168, 172
Big Brother and the Holding Company, 88, 173, 278
Big Idea, 153, 154
Bildjournalismus, 47, 50
Bill, Max, 198
Bill Stern Studios, 205
Binder, Joseph, 45, 204
biological weapons, 20–21
Bitch, 125, 126
BIZ (Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung), 47–48, 47
Black, Roger, 92
black face, 241
blackletter, 108–9, 108, 112, 232
Blackletter: Type and National Identity, 108–9
Blackman, Honour, 126, 127
Black Power/White Power (Ungerer), 29, 29, 30
Blackville, 241
Blade to the Heart (Scher poster), 213
Blechman, R.O., 72
Blind Spot, 52
Blue, 245
Blue Note Records, 170
Blues Project poster (Moscoso), 173–74, 173
Blunt, Anthony, 196
Bodoni, 66, 119, 133
Bohème, La (Steinweiss cover), 277
Bohemian secession, 42
Bolle Dairy, 192
Bolshevik Revolution, 138
Bond, James, 126
book design
Armitage, 149–151
Bacon, 168–172
children’s, 134–37
Dell Mapbacks, 104–5
dust jackets, 281–82
Dwiggins, 254–55
Dynamic America (Nitsche), 284
futurist, 146
Gorey, 55–58
Lover, The, 261–63, 262
Lustig, 147–48
Massin, 182–85, 185
McLuhan and Fiore, 219–221
paperback books, 104–5, 147–48, 163–67, 197–98
quality paperbacks, 163–67
“Book Jackets of Alvin Lustig, The” (Laughlin), 147
Book of Battles, The (Chwast), 32
“Book of Ecclesiasticus,” 141
Book of Kells, The, 264
Book of Oz Cooper, The (Standard), 118
Book of Signs (Koch), 28
Books for Our Times (Lee), 281
Bormann, Martin, 108
Boston Evening Transcript, 254
Boston Phoenix, 92
Bradley, Will, 76, 281
branding, 189–193
“branding narrative,” 17
Brassaï (Gyula Halász), 50, 65
Breakdowns (Spiegelman), 98
Brecht, Bertolt, 51
Bring in da Noise, Bring in da Funk, 213
“Bringing Up Father” (McManus), 124
Broadway, 129
Brodovitch, Alexey
Cato and, 280
Garretto and, 257
Liberman and, 65, 67
Peignot and, 115
Portfolio, 59–60, 61
Zachary and, 63–64
Brody, Neville, 103
Brokaw, Claire Booth, 256
“Broken Images: Blackletter between Faith and Mysticism” (Schemer-Scheddin), 109
Brooklyn Ash Removal Company, 235
Brooks, Walter, 105
Brown, Margaret Wise, 136
Brownjohn, Robert, 153, 204
Brownjohn Chermayeff Geismar, 152, 153, 153
Brunhoff, Jean de, 50
Buchanan & Co., 158
Burns, Aaron, 152
Burns, Charles, 101
Burroughs, William, 80
Burtin, Will, 45, 68–70
Bush, George W., 18
Buster Brown, 285
buttons, 32
Byrne, David, 244
Caffe Aragno, 256
CalArts, 129, 130
Calder, Alexander, 178
California Bell, 160
Calkins, Earnest Elmo, 156, 264
Calligrammes (Apollinaire), 183
Callot, Jacques, 32
Camel Cigarettes, 19–20, 19, 287
cameras, 46–47
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 27, 28, 31
Campari, 146
Campisi, Ronn, 92
Camus, Albert, 163, 167
Canetti, Elias, 112
Cantatrice Chauve, La. see Bald Soprano, The
Capa, Robert, 50, 65
Capp, Al, 286
“Captain Piss Gums and his Perverted Pirates” (Wilson), 89
Carlu, Jean, 257
Carmen Jones (Preminger), 158, 204
Carnegie Tech, 56
Caro, Robert, 168
Carroll, Celia, 58
Carroll, Lewis, 134, 137
Carson, Carol, 263
Carson, David, 102–3, 153
Carter, Matthew, 130
Casa d’Arte Futurist, 146
Caslon, 133, 202
Caslon, William, 118, 129, 202
Cassandre, A.M., 50, 115–16, 133, 194, 257
Catalog Design (Sutnar and Lönberg-Holm), 217
Catalog Design Progress (Sutnar and Lönberg-Holm), 217
Catch-22 (Bacon cover), 168, 170, 171
Catholicism, 17
Cato, Bob, 199, 280
Cavell, James, 168
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 154–55
CBS Records, 179, 213, 280
CD covers. see album covers
Cendrars, Blaise, 175
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 79, 80, 82
Central Park, 225
Century Schoolbook, 137
CF Rühl Schriftgießerei, 138
Champion, The (Douglas), 158
Chant du Rossignol, Le, 146
Chantry, Art, 267
Chap Book (Bradley), 76
Chaplin, Charles, 285
Charlie, 123
Chartpak Velvet Touch, 120
Chase, Edna, 65, 66
Cheap Thrills (Crumb cover), 278–290, 279
“Checkered Demon” (Wilson), 88, 89
chemical weapons, 20–21
Chermayeff, Ivan, 152, 153, 163, 163, 166
Chicago Reader, 92
children, typography for, 134–37
Chimp on My Shoulder (Bacon cover), 169
Chrysler Corporation, 237
Churchill, Caryl, 211
Chwast, Seymour
Artone, 259–260
book covers, 163, 167
End Bad Breath, 31–34, 33
Push Pin Studios, 76, 77, 78, 82
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 79, 80, 82
Cifuentes, Beatriz, 225
cigarettes, 19–20, 19, 287
cigar-store Indian, 240
/> Circus, 121
City Lights bookstore, 90
Cleland, T.M., 149
Cleveland Indians, 240
clip art, 233–34, 233, 234
Clockers (Lee), 159
Closing Time (Heller), 171
Club du Meilleur Livre, 184
Club Français du Livre, 184
CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), 27, 28, 31
Cocteau, Jean, 54
Cohen, Arthur A., 164, 164–65
Cohen, Stephen, 84
Colgate-Palmolive Company, 240
collage, 54
Colored Museum, The, 211
colors, 177–78
Colour, 195
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 154–55
Columbia Records, 199, 276, 280
Come Home to Jazz (Lubalin), 152
advertising, 285–87, 286, 287
Cheap Thrills (Crumb cover), 278–290, 279
EVO, 84–85
RAW, 98–101
Swarte, 122–24
Zap Comix, 86–90
Comics Code Authority, 86, 278
comix. see comics
commercial art. see advertising
Commercial Art, 53
Communication Arts, 181, 263
Compacta Light, 120, 121
Composing Room, The, 44, 152
Compugraphic, 120
Compulsion (Bacon cover), 168, 170
computers, 201–3, 220
Comtemporary Arts Center, 161
Conal, Robbie, 35–37
Condé Nast, 50, 65–66, 93, 220, 257
Conga, La (Steinweiss cover), 277
Congregatio de Proagand a Fide, 17
Conrad, Joseph, 57
Consolidated Edison, 237
“Contemporary Book Design” (Lustig), 148
Cook, Sian, 126
Cooper, 118, 133
Cooper, Oswald, 117–19
Cooper Black, 117, 119
Cooper Black Condensed, 117, 119
Cooper Black Italic, 117, 119
Cooper Fullface, 119
Cooper Hilite, 119
Cooper Italic, 119
Cooper Modern, 119
Cooper Old Style, 118
Cooper Union, 76, 108, 174, 182
Cotton, William, 256
Countess Kade (Gorey cover), 58
Country Joe and the Fish, 34, 279
Covarrubias, Miguel, 256
cover art. see album covers; book design
Coyne, Dick, 181
Cranach, Lucas, 189
Cranbrook, 130
Crawfords, 196
Cream of Wheat, 240, 286
Crictor (Ungerer), 30, 134
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 56
Crimean War, 46
Crime for a Lady (Gregg cover), 105
Crowds and Power (Canetti), 112
Crowninshield, Frank, 66
“crow’s foot,” 28
Crucial Decade and After, The (Goldman), 166
Crumb, R.
Cheap Thrills, 278–280, 279
EVO, 84
Zap Comix, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90
CSA Archive Catalog of Stock Art, 267
Cubist Bold, 133
“Cult of the Ugly, The” (Vignelli), 97
Cummins Engine Company Museum, 197
Currier and Ives, 241
Dachau concentration camp, 67
DAF (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), 232
Daily Graphic. see New York Daily Graphic
D’Albisola, Tulio, 146
Dame, Die, 47
Darkie Toothpaste, 240–42, 241
Darktown, 241
Darlie, 240
Davidson, Bruce, 73
da Vinci, Leonardo, 69
Davis, Paul, 82, 209–10, 209, 211
Day the Earth Caught Fire (film), 27
Deardorf, Ken, 82
Death of Hitler, The, 132
Deberny and Peignot Foundry, 45, 50, 115, 115
Deck, Barry, 129, 130
decoupage, 233
Deepdeen, 133
Defense Departmen, 18–19
Deffke, Wilhelm F., 189–193, 189, 192
de Harak, Rudolph, 56, 72, 163, 166, 197–98, 197
Deitch, Kim, 84, 86
Delacorte, George, Jr., 104
Delacorte Theater, 212
Delfin, 121
Dell Books, 104–5, 104, 105
Department of Homeland Security, 18
Depero, Fortunato, 145–46, 145
Depero, Rossetta, 146
Depero: Futurista, 145, 146
Depero’s Futurist House, 146
Descendants, The (Hemmings), 265
Design Quarterly, 130
Design: Vignelli (Vignelli), 222
Desky, Donald, 237
Details, 94
Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF), 232
de Wilde, Barbara, 263
Diaghilev, Sergei, 146, 149, 151
Didot, 185
digital typography, 95–97
Dinamo, 146
Direction, 53–54, 53
Dirty Dog, 86
Disappearance of Childhood, The (Postman), 136
disarmament, 27, 32
Disasters of War (Goya), 32
Disney, Walt, 89
Disrespect Law, 83
Diva Is Dismissed, The (Scher poster), 213
Dix, Otto, 26
Doctorow, E.L., 168, 171
Doisneau, Robert, 185
Do It! (Rubin), 221
“Dominate” (Dorfsman), 154–55
Dorfsman, Lou, 154–55, 155, 157
Dorland, 257
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 56
Doubleday, 56, 198
Double Take, 52
Douglas, Kirk, 158
Douglas, William O., 71
Doury, Pascal, 101
Dover Books, 183
Dracula (Gorey design), 55
Drescher, Henrik, 102
Dreyfuss, Henry, 220, 235, 237
Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Ferro titles), 204, 205–6, 205
“Dubious Achievement Awards,” 72, 73
Dubonnet, 258
Duchamp, Marcel, 200
Duchin, Eddy, 277
duct tape, 18
Dunst, Larry, 31
DuPont, 237
Duras, Marguerite, 261
Dürer, Albrecht, 189
dust jackets, 281–82. see also book design
Dwiggins, William Addison, 117, 151, 251, 254–55, 255
Dylan, Bob, 133, 199–200
Dynamic America (Nitsche), 284
Eastman Kodak Company, 46
East Village Eye, 91, 93
East Village Other (EVO), 84–85, 84, 86, 91, 278
Eat (Ungerer), 31
Eckmann, Otto, 43
Eco, Umberto, 222
Ecole des Beaux-Arts, 98
Editions Gallimard, 185
Ehmcke, F.H., 190
Eisenstaedt, Alfred, 48
Either/Or (Gorey cover), 58
Electro Dynamic, 284
Elektra Films, 205
El Lissitzky. see Lissitzky, Lazar, see “El Lissitzky Book Designer” (Khadzhiev), 134
El Producto, 205
Emigre, 95–97, 95, 96, 102, 111, 130, 131
Emigre Fonts, 96–97, 103, 131
Emigre Graphics, 96–97
Empire Litho, 271
empower-yourself-with-color-psychology (website), 178
Encyclopedia Judaica, 138
End Bad Breath (Chwast), 31, 32, 33, 34
“environmental portraiture,” 64
E. P. Dutton, 169
ephemerality, 11–12, 103
Epstein, Jason, 56, 58
Ermanox camera, 46–47
Ernst, Max, 233
Eros, 74–75, 75
Esquire, 12, 71–73, 71, 82
Evergreen, 79–80, 81, 82–83, 209–1
“everyman his own football,” 26
Everyman’s Library, 148
EVO (East Village Other), 84–85, 84, 91, 278
Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs Industrieles Modernes, 253
Eye, 97, 129
Fabian Society, 28
Fail Safe, 204
Fairey, Shepard, 113
Family Dog, The, 174
Fanal, 114
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 263
fascism, 23, 114, 257
fashion photography, 65–67
FBI, 238–39
FBI-Q, 239
Federal Firearms QIT, 239
Federico, Gene, 152, 153, 155–56, 156, 156
Felker, Clay, 72
Fellig, Arthur (Weegee), 60
feminism, 82–83, 125–28
Fenton, Roger, 46
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 90
Ferro, Pablo, 87, 204–6, 205
Ferro Mogubgub Schwartz, 205
Fetish, 93, 99
Figaro, Le, 145
Figgins, Vincent, 265
Fili, Louise, 261–63, 262
Fillmore East, 278
film advertising, 158–59, 205–6
film titles, 158–59, 204
Fine Print on Type, 130
Fiore, Quentin, 219, 220–21, 220
Firmin Didot, 133
First Amendment, 71, 90
Fischer, Carl, 73, 82, 83
Fisk, Jane, 61–62
“Fixin’ to Die Rag” (song), 34
Flagg, James Montgomery, 31
Flight (Kauffer), 194, 194, 195
flyers, 18–19
Folon, Jean-Michel, 185
Fontographer, 263
fonts. see typography; specific names
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf (Davis poster), 210
Ford, 237
Ford, Harry, 165
Ford Foundation, 220
Formatt, 120
Form of the Book, The (Tschichold), 111
For the Voice (Mayakovsky), 161
Fortune, 69, 169, 256, 257
Foulihoux, J. Andre, 236
Fourteenth Annual of Advertising Art, 286
Fraioli, Tony, 137
Fraktur, 76, 108, 109
“Fraktur and Nationalism” (Willberg), 109
François, Andre, 64, 185
Frank, Cantor Rafael, 138
Frank, Robert, 80
Frankenheimer, John, 159
Frankfurt, Steven, 204
Frank Holme School of Illustration, 117
Franklin Gothic, 66, 67, 198
Frank Rühl, 138
Franks, Bobby, 168
Fraser, James, 136, 137
Frederiksen, George, 104
Freikorps, 23
French Army, 30
French Paper Company, 266, 267
Freud, Sigmund, 17
Friedman, Dan, 95
Friedman, Drew, 101
Fritz the Cat, 86, 278
Frost, A.B., 241
Fulbright, William, 82
Fuller, Buckminster, 221
Funny Folks from Gardentown (Fraioli), 137
Fuse, 126
Fusion, 92
Futura, 115, 117, 136, 157, 198
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