Futurama, 237
futurism, 145–46, 195
Futurist Manifesto, 145
“Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe,” 145
Futurist Words Set Free: Tactile Thermal Olfactory, 146
F.W. Dodge, 160, 217
Gaines, M.C., 285
Gallimard, 184–85
Gallimard Folio, 185
Gallup, George, 285
Garamond, 133, 136, 185
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 177
Garretto, Paolo, 256–58, 257, 258
Gasser, Manuel, 29
Gazette du Bo Ton, La, 50
Gebrauchsgraphik, 44, 53, 190, 192, 253
Gegner, Der, 26
General Dynamics, 283–84, 284
General Electric, 283
General Foods, 286
General Motors, 237
Genet, Jean, 73
Geneva, 121
George Gershwin (Armitage), 151
German Labor Front, 232
Gershwin, George, 149, 150, 151, 277
Gerstner, Louis V., 19
Gibson Girl, 234
Gidal, Georg, 48
Gidal, Tim, 48
Gide, André, 56
Gill, 133
Gingrich, Arnold, 71, 72
Ginzburg, Ralph, 74
Glaser, Milton
Artone, 259
Baby Teeth, 133, 200
Beach Culture, 102
Benton and, 72
book covers, 163
Design Literacy, 12
Dylan poster, 199–200, 199
Push Pin Studios, 76, 77, 78, 82
Signet Shakespeare covers, 166–67
Glasgow school, 42
“Glossary of Television Terms, A” (Dorfsman), 155
Glover, Savion, 213
Gnoli, Domenico, 64
Goebbels, Joseph, 17, 108, 231
“Going Out” (Federico), 156, 157
Gold Dust Twins, 240
Golden, William, 154
Goldfinger, 126
Goldman, Eric F., 166
Goldthwaite, Eaton K., 104
Goldwater, Barry, 206
Gorey, Edward, 55–58, 55, 64
Gorky, Maxim, 52
Gotham Book Mart, 58
Gothic Blimp Works, 86, 278
Gottlieb, Robert, 169, 170, 171
Goudy, Frederic W., 117–18, 129, 133
Gould, Glenn, 280
Goya, Francisco, 32
Graham, Bill, 84
Graham, Martha, 149, 150–51
Grand Central Station, 224
Grand Prix (Frankenheimer), 159
Grape Nuts, 286
Graphic Design America, 158
Graphis, 29, 68, 256
Grateful Dead, 173, 279
Grauer, Bill, 170
Graumann, Erwin, 140
“Graveyard Ghosts” (Shelton), 90
Great Gargantua and Pantagruel, The (Dwiggins design), 254–55, 255
Green, Mark, 19
Greengard, Stephen, 282
Gregg, Gerald, 104, 105
Gregory, Bill, 166
Gregory VX, 17
Greiman, Apirl, 95
Griffin, Rick, 87, 88, 89, 90, 174
Gropius, Walter, 110
Grossman, Robert, 82
Grosz, George, 25–26, 220
Grotesque, 136
Grove Press, 79–80
Growald, Ernst, 275
Guernica (Picasso), 32
guerrilla postering, 35–37
Guevara, Che, 82, 209
Guisti, George, 64, 166
Gulf War, 21
Gurdjieff, George, 167
Gutenberg, Johannes, 74, 109
Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (McLuhan), 219
Hachette, 185
“Ha Ha Ha” (Dorfsman), 154, 155
Hakenkreuz. see swastika
Halász, Gyula (Brassaï), 50, 65
halftone, 46
Halliday, Brett, 104
Hamlet (Davis poster), 209, 210
Handelsmarken und Fabrikzeichen (Deffke), 190, 192
hand lettering, 56–57, 122, 137, 204, 206, 255
Happy Days, 267
Harcourt Brace, 170
Harper and Row, 30
Harper’s Bazaar, 59, 72, 79, 280
Harris, Marguerite Tjader, 54
Harrison, Wallace K., 236, 237
Harvard, 56
Hassall, John, 194
Hausmann, Raoul, 26
Hawley & Hazel, 240
Haworth-Booth, Hayward, 195
Hayes, Harold, 72, 73
Hays Office, 86
H Berthold AG, 138–141
“Heads-Up” (Wilson), 90
Hear (Conal), 37
Heartfield, John, 25–26, 51, 52, 73, 220
Hebrew type, 138–141, 139, 140, 141
Hebrew Type Catalogue, 138–141
Heine, Thomas Theodore, 22, 23, 24, 41
Helicline, 236
Heller, Joseph, 168, 171
Helms, Jesse, 71
Helvetica, 121, 129, 198, 219
Hemmings, Kaui Hart, 265
Hendrix, Jimi, 278
Herb Lubalin Study Center, 182, 185
Hergé, 122–23
Hero of Our Time, A (Gorey cover), 57
Herzfeld, John. see Heartfield, John Herzfeld, Weiland, 25
Het Boek Van PTT (Zwart), 136
Hinckle, Warren, III, 80
Hinkefuss, Carl Ernst, 190
Hirth, Georg, 41
History of Graphic Design, A (Meggs), 11
Hitchcock, Alfred, 158
Hitler, Adolf, 17, 108, 114, 138, 177, 190
Hobbit, The (Tolkien), 32
Höch, Hannah, 26
Ho Chi Minh, 32
Hoffman, Hans, 220
Hoffman School, 220
Hohlwein, Ludwig, 194
Holbein, Hans, 189
Holiday, 63–64, 63
Holland, Brad, 82
Hollerbaum and Schmidt, 275
Hollyman, Tom, 64
Holtom, Gerald, 27, 28, 31
Holt Rinehart and Winston, 198
Homefax, 220
Homeland Security, 18
Homrath, F.M., 241
Honeybunch Kominsky, 278
Hopkins, John Jay, 283, 284
Horatio Light, 121
Horgan, Stephen H., 46
Horn, Steve, 31
House of Ullstein, 47
Huber, Max, 222
Hubschmann, Kurt, 48
Hughes, Richard, 58
Hughes, Robert, 84
Humo, 123
Hurlburt, Alan, 61
Huxley, Aldous, 164, 196
hydrogen bomb, 27, 32
I Am a Verb (Fuller), 221
IBM, 201, 202, 231
Illustrated News, 257
Illustrierte Beobachter, 51
I Love NY, 200
Ilyin, Natalia, 267
“Imaginary War” paintings (Parker), 72
incest, 90
industrial design, 217
Industrial Design, 61–62, 61
“I Need a Man to Love” (Big Brother and the Holding Company), 278
information design
New York subway map, 222–24, 223, 225–27, 225, 226
Sutnar, 160–62, 217–18
Ingersol, Ralph, 45
“Innocence Squandered” (Williams), 90
“Integration: New Discipline in Art,” 68–69
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, 240
Interiors, 61
International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 283
International Paper, 231
International Typeface Company, 152
Interview, 92–93, 99
Ionesco, Eugene, 182
Iran Contra affair, 36
Iraq war, 20–21
Isaiah, 284
Isotypes, 127, 190
Want Out (Horn and Dunst), 31
I Want You (Flagg), 31, 114
I Was Hitler’s Prisoner (Lorant), 49
Jackson, Wade, 238, 239
“Jack Survives” (Moriarty), 101
Jacob Astor Library, 212
Jacobs, Sidney, 165, 281
Jambalaya, 243–46, 244–45
James, Henry, 57–58
Janson, 136
Japanese, 20
Japanese design, 43
Jardin des Modes, 50
Jazzways, 60
Jedermann sein eigner Fussball, 26
Jefferson, Thomas, 68
Jefferson Airplane, 173, 279
Jelly’s Last Jam, 211
Jensen, Gustav, 45
Jenson, Nicolas, 109
Jews, 20, 138–141
Jimbo (Panter), 101
Jippo, 123
Jobs, Steve, 201, 202, 203
Jochheim, Konrad, 190
“Joe Blow” (Crumb), 90
Joe Camel, 19–20
John Paul II, 17
Johns, Jasper, 209, 238
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 32, 34, 82, 83
Johnston, Edward, 194–95
Jolles, Oskar, 140, 141
Joplin, Janis, 88, 278, 280
Jopo de Pojo, 123
Jordan, Fred, 79, 80, 82
Joseph Tscherkassky: Orientalist and Typefounder (Lubell), 139
Journal of Decorative and Propa ganda Art, The, 282
Journal of Design History, 191
Joyce, James, 147, 281
Jugend, 24, 41, 41, 43, 259
Jugendstil, 24, 41, 42–43, 259–260
Junker, 42, 191
Kabel, 109
Kafka, Franz, 55, 57
Kahn, Alfred, 237
Kalman, Tibor, 207
Kaltenborn, H.V., 236
Kandinsky, Wassily, 149, 150
Katchor, Ben, 101
Kauffer, E. McKnight, 45, 53, 54, 147, 194–96, 194, 271
Kaye, Michael Ian, 263
Kazanjian, Dodie, 65, 66
KdF (Kraft durch Freude), 232
Keating, Edward, 80
Keepnews, Orrin, 170
“Keep on Truckin’” (Crumb), 87, 278
Kelly, Rob Roy, 12
Kelmscott Chaucer, 264
Kemble, E.W., 241
Kepes, Gyorgy, 158
Kern, Geof, 102
Kertész, André, 47, 50, 65
Kesey, Ken, 168
Khadzhiev, N., 134–35
Kidd, Chip, 263
Kierkegaard, Søren, 58
King, B.B., 88
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 36
Kitman, Marvin, 219
Klee, Paul, 149, 283
Knopf, 169, 170, 263
Koch, Rudolf, 28, 109
Kodak, 237
Kohn, Robert, 236
Kollwitz, Käthe, 114
Kollwitz, Peter, 114
Koppel, Terry, 181
Korff, Kurt, 47
Kosstrin, 93
Kostelanetz, Andre, 236
Kraft durch Freude (KdF), 232
Kramer vs. Kramer, 72
Kristallnacht, 138
Kubrick, Stanley, 204, 205, 206
Kunstgewerbeschule, 192
Kurzböck, Leopold, 141
Kuwait, 21
L’ABC du Métier, 185
Ladislav Sutnar: Visual Design in Action, 161
Lafcadio’s Adventures (Gorey cover), 56
Langen, Albert, 41
Language of Vision (Kepes), 158
Lasker-Schüler, Else, 26
Last Flower, The (Thurber), 32
Last Gasp, 89
Laughlin, James, 147, 148
Lawrence, D.H., 147
Layout in Advertising (Dwiggins), 251
LBJ, 32, 34, 82, 83
leaflets, 18–19
League of Nations, 47
Le Bé, Guillaume, 138
Le Corbusier, 53, 54
Lee, Marshall, 281
Lee, Spike, 159
Léger, Fernand, 54
Lehrer, Warren, 183
Leibowitz, Matthew, 45
Leica camera, 46–47
Lenin, Vladimir, 28
Lermontov, Mikhail, 57
Leslie, Robert Lincoln, 44, 45
Letragraphica, 120
Letraset, 120
Letter and Image (Massin), 183
lettering. see hand lettering; typography
Levin, Meyer, 168
Lewine, Harris, 170
Lewis, Jennifer, 213
Ley, Robert, 232
Liberman, Alexander, 50, 61, 65–67
Liberty, 42
Licko, Zuzana, 95, 97, 109, 130
Lidova, Irene, 50
Life, 47, 48, 60, 79, 220
Life and Death in Hollywood, 60
Light Line Gothic, 157
Li’l Abner, 286
Lilliput, 49
“Lily Litvak: The Rose of Stalingrad” (Spain), 90
Limited Editions Club, 254, 255
Linder, Richard, 72
Lion, Alfred, 170
Lionni, Leo, 56, 137, 163, 166, 170
Lissitzky, Lazar (El)
children’s books, 134–36
Lubalin and, 74
Mayakovsky and, 161, 220
red, 178
show cards, 271
USSR in Construction, 52
Listen! Listen! (Rand and Rand), 134–35
Little 1 (Rand and Rand), 137
Loews Theater, 84
Loewy, Raymond, 151, 237
Log Cabin, 265
logos, 189–193, 201–3
Lois, George, 73, 82
Lönberg-Holm, Karl, 217
London Daily Herald, 194, 195
London Group, 195
London Underground, 194–95, 224
Longmans & Co., 281
Looking-Glass Library, 58
Loos, Adolf, 264
L’Or (Massin cover), 175
Lorant, Stefan, 48, 49
Lorca, Federico García, 147
Lorca: Three Tragedies (Lustig cover), 147, 147, 148
Los Angeles Free Press, 91
Los Angeles Grand Opera Association, 149
Loupot, Charles, 115, 257
Love of Apples (Federico), 152, 153
Lover, The (Fili cover), 261–63, 262
Lubalin, Herb, 74–75, 152, 153
Lubell, Stephen, 139, 141
Luce, Claire Booth, 256
Luce, Henry, 48, 60
Lucky Strike, 238
Lupton, Ellen, 12
Lustig, Alvin
Armitage and, 149
Bacon and, 170
book covers, 56, 163, 164, 165, 166
Composing Room, 44
Industrial Design, 61–62
Lorca: Three Tragedies, 147–48, 147
Ward Ritchie Press, 151
Lustig, Elaine, 164
Luther, Martin, 140
M&Co., 207, 207, 208, 244
M&E (“Modernism & Eclecticism”), 12
Macfadden, Bernarr, 91
Macintosh computer, 95–96
Macy, George, 255
MAD, 87
Madame Nhu, 82
magazines. see periodicals
Magdeburg School, 191
Mahurin, Matt, 102
Mailer, Norman, 171
Mainz Bible, 109
Maison Tolmer, 252
Makassar, Anton, 123–24
“Malik, Der” (Lasker-Schüler), 26
Malik Verlag, 25–26, 51
Malik Verlag 1916-1947, The, 25
Mamet, David, 211
Man, Felix H., 48
Manhattan Yellow Pages, 207
Mann, Thomas, 22
Manoli, 193
Man Ray, 67
Manson, 131–33, 132
Manson, Charles, 131
Man with the Golden Arm, The (Bass poster), 158–59, 159, 16
Mapbacks, 104–5, 104, 105
maps, 222–24, 223, 225–27, 225, 226
Marchand, Roland, 286, 287
Margalit, 138
Marinetti, F.T., 145, 256
Mariscal, Javier, 101
marks, 189–193
Marlboro man, 19
Maroon, Fred, 64
Martha Graham (Armitage), 150
Martin, Noel, 162
Marvel Comics, 98
Mary Worth, 285
Mason, 131–33, 132
Massin, Robert, 175, 182–85, 184
“Massin in Continuo,” 182
Mathis, Johnny, 280
Matisse, Henri, 178
Matter, Herbert, 45, 115, 181
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 161, 220
McCall’s, 76
McCarthy, Fishhooks, 235
McCarthyism, 86
McClure Newspaper Syndicate, 285
McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 91
McCoy, Katherine, 130
McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, 166, 197, 198
McKnight, Joseph, 194
McLuhan, Marshall, 112, 113, 219, 220–21, 220
McManus, George, 124
McQuiston, Liz, 126
Mechanical Bride, The (McLuhan), 219
media, 219–221
Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (McLuhan and Fiore), 219–220, 220
Meggs, Philip B., 11
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 17, 177
Men in Black, 206
Men With No Lips (Conal), 35, 36, 36
Meridian Books, 164, 165, 198
Merle Armitage, Book Designer (Armitage), 151
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare), 212
Merubah, 138
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 225, 226, 227
Metz, Frank, 166, 170
Meulen, Ever, 101
Meyer, Hannes, 110
Meynell, Francis, 195
Michigan State, 82
Midnight Cowboy, 206
Mikado, The (Gorey design), 55
Miller, Henry, 80, 147, 148
Miller, Lee, 67
Ministry of Enlightenment and Propoganda (PROMI), 231
Minotaur, 54
minstrel, 241
MIP (Münchener Illustrierte Presse), 48–49
Miriam, 138
Mise en Page: The Theory and Practice of Layout (Tolmer), 251–53, 252
Miseries and Disasters of War, The (Callot), 32
Mixing Messages, 179
Modern Art, 123
“Modernism & Eclecticism” (M&E), 12
Modern Library, 148
Mogubgub, Fred, 85
Moholy-Nagy, László, 251
MoMA (Museum of Modern Art), 225
Monocle, 29
Moriarty, Jerry, 101
Morlet, Florent, 207–8, 207
Morris, William, 43, 150, 264
Moscoso, Victor Artone and, 260 Blues Project poster, 173–74, 173
Zap Comix, 86, 87, 87–88, 89, 90
Moses, Robert, 64, 235
Mouly, Françoise, 98, 99, 101
Mouse, Stanley, 87
Mouse and Kelly, 174
movies. see film
Mr. Natural, 86, 278
“Mr. Natural Encounters Flakey Foont” (Crumb), 87
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