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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

Page 14

by Cara Albany

  When they climaxed together, she cried out and held him tight, knowing that somehow, everything had changed, that she would never be the same again. And that was fine. Destiny had brought them together, and fate would bind them.

  Nicole fell asleep again, sensing him close, his heat and strength a presence in her dreams.


  Rashid could hear the noise in his dreams. It was a rhythmic sound some way off in the distance. At first he couldn't make out what the sound was, so all encompassing was the warm feeling of being this close to Nicole.

  Somewhere in his deep slumber, he could feel her against him, her naked body warm and soft against his side, his arms wrapped around her. He knew he never wanted to let her go. Knew that he would never let her go, now that he had claimed her, now that she belonged to him. Now that he belonged to her.

  He was sure he could feel her heart beating steadily against him, sure he could feel her soft breath against his skin.

  But, still he heard the distant sound and some part of him wondered what the sound was, where it was coming from. Then he felt something shocking, something that jerked him out of his sleep.

  Nicole had moved away from him. Just before he opened his eyes, he felt her move, knew that she wasn't by his side.

  When he did open his eyes, he saw the confirmation of those vague impressions. He saw Nicole striding across the bedroom, toward the terrace doors. She was holding her dress in front of her body as she tugged open the curtains and looked outside toward the sound.

  Rashid sat up. "What is it?" he asked suddenly.

  When Nicole turned to look at him, there was disbelief on her face. "It's a helicopter."

  "What!" Rashid exclaimed leaping out of bed. He didn't bother to throw on a robe. He didn't care about anything else except finding out what was gong on outside.

  He stood behind Nicole and peered out through the windows. Sure enough, Nicole had been right. There was a helicopter out there, and it was in the process of landing on the flat area of garden to the north of the palace.

  Rashid watched in amazement as the helicopter settled down on the ground. The rotors slowed and the side door opened. A figure, a man dressed in military khakis, emerged and gazed toward the palace. Rashid saw the insignia on the side of the helicopter. It was American, and this was a military craft.

  He took a few steps back into the bedroom and ran a hand through his hair. When he turned to look at Nicole, he saw the concern on her face. "What's going on?" she asked.

  Rashid already knew the answer to that question, even if Nicole hadn't already figured it out.

  Rashid looked steadily at Nicole. "They've sent it for you," he explained.

  "Who has?" she said, but he could see comprehension dawning in her eyes.

  "That's a US military helicopter. Looks like the embassy has sent it to collect you." He paused and had to force the next few words out. "To bring you home."

  Nicole's mouth opened in surprise. She turned and gazed out at the helicopter. She didn't say anything for a few moments and then turned back to him. "My mother sent this," she said in a flat voice.

  Rashid nodded. "I suppose she wants to make sure you get home safely."

  "I didn't know she could so something like that," Nicole said.

  "Maybe she pulled some strings," he replied. "You are her daughter, after all."

  Nicole came to him, holding the dress against her naked body. He wrapped her in his arms, savoring the feel of her body, sensing her breath becoming quicker. Would she just leave him like this? Or would she send the helicopter away and stay here?

  He didn't want her to leave. Not after what they'd shared. It was destiny that had brought them together like this. He knew that for certain. Fate had played its hand and there would be no untying the bond which they had forged between them. Not if he had anything to do with it.

  He felt warring emotions tussle within him. He felt indignation that, after everything they'd been through it would end like this. He also felt determined to do anything to stop this separation from happening. Because that was what it would be, if she left.

  He looked down at Nicole, seeing the confusion in her eyes. She was in an impossible position. He knew she was fiercely loyal to her mother and her sisters. He recalled the way she had spoken about them, and it was clear she loved them. He knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt them.

  He kissed her and for long moments they replayed the passion they'd kindled. Then their lips parted and he looked into her eyes. "You have do what's best for you, Nicole," he murmured.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn't reply immediately. Her eyes betrayed the thoughts racing through her mind. This couldn't be easy for her. Her brows furrowed and he saw her jaw tighten in that way it did when she was trying to figure something out. He smiled when he saw that because it was one of those little things she did which he liked so much.

  Nicole peered urgently into his eyes. "Come with me," she said sharply.

  He frowned and shook his head. "I can't, Nicole," he replied. "You know what I think about life down in the city. That's not for me," he said.

  "Not even if I'm there?" she asked. He could see she was desperate for his answer.

  Rashid released Nicole and paced for a few moments. The sinking sensation in his stomach was warning him that what he was about to tell Nicole wasn't going to be easy.

  He turned to her and gazed around the room. "This is where I belong, Nicole. This palace is where I'm at home. It's all I know."

  Nicole came toward him. "You won't make an exception? Even for me? Even after last night?" she said. There was a sharp edge to her voice now. She was sensing where he was going with all of this, but there was nothing else he could do. And it was churning his insides around just to think about what was happening. What he was about to lose.

  Rashid took Nicole's hands and gazed into her eyes."Last night was the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me," he said. He really meant what he'd said, and he needed her to know that. Looking into her eyes he could see doubt there, and that made his insides tumble even more.

  "For me, too, Rashid," she pleaded, lifting her pretty face up to him. "We can make this work, can't we?"

  He gritted his teeth, feeling his jaw tighten. He couldn't swallow because his throat had constricted into a tight knot. Emotion seized him, but he was determined to see this through. He couldn't go with her. Maybe there would be another way of dealing with this. Perhaps, at a later date. Right now, he didn't know what he could do. All he could think of was that she needed to get on that helicopter and go home, where she would really be safe.

  Rashid shook his head. "I think it's best if you get ready," he said in a flat voice. He turned away from her but she grabbed his arm and pulled him around. "Get ready?" she demanded. "Is this it? You're sending me home? Just like that?"

  "I'm not the one who asked for the helicopter," he retorted, immediately regretting the sharpness of the remark.

  Her gaze flared with anger. "I didn't ask them to send this, if that's what you're thinking," she shouted.

  "Now that it's here, perhaps it's best that you make use of it," he said.

  That wasn't what he wanted to tell her. He wanted to send that helicopter away; tell them he would arrange for Nicole's return. But he knew that might only make things worse for them all.

  Nicole stood quietly for a long few moments, apparently stunned by his last comment. She seemed completely lost for words.

  Rashid got himself dressed, putting on his clothes from the previous evening. "I'll go down and let them know you'll be with them soon," he said.

  Nicole stood looking at Rashid. She seemed almost lost standing there, clutching the dress to the front of her body. He could see the disbelief in her eyes.

  The impulse to go to her swelled up within him; the need to take her in his arms, demand that she stay. Forever.

  But he restrained it with all the force he could summon. He'd never held himself in check like this eve
r before, and for a moment he was sure he was going to weaken. Anything to hold onto her. Anything that would keep her here with him.

  But, he'd made his choice. And, as he started to walk out the room, he had to make sure he didn't turn and see Nicole watching him as he left to arrange for her departure from his life.


  It didn't take Nicole long to get ready to leave. Of course, she had no belongings, other than the clothes on her back and the things Raina had bought her. Nicole decided to leave those dresses behind. There were too many memories attached to those outfits. It would be hard enough once she'd returned to Qazhar city and her life in the embassy.

  Rashid remained downstairs while Nicole washed and freshened up. She wondered why she was even bothering to pretty herself up. Maybe it was because it might be the last time she'd see Rashid. Perhaps she wanted his last memory of her to be her looking good.

  Nicole had spoken with the pilot of the helicopter and discovered that it had been her mother who'd arranged for Nicole to be taken home.

  Nicole made her way downstairs, carrying nothing with her, just as she'd done when Rashid had brought her to his palace.

  She found him standing outside, in the garden, a short distance away from the helicopter. As she walked down the steps of the terrace and onto the gravel path, she looked at him standing there, watching her. His features, which had been so resolute, so cold up in the bedroom, were now revealing his obvious emotion at the prospect of her leaving.

  His gaze was penetrating as she walked toward him. Nicole felt unsteady on her feet, emotion tumbling in her middle. All she could think was that soon she'd be in that helicopter and flying back to her family. She didn't dare think how it would feel to see Rashid watching her leaving.

  Finally she was next to him. She paused, expecting him to say something. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Perhaps he'd decided she should stay, after all. He'd turn around and tell the helicopter pilot to take his machine back to the airport.

  But he didn't. Instead, she saw him try to smile at her. He failed, and she could see the emotion in his eyes as he ran his gaze, once last time, down the length of her body. She felt a vague echo of the ecstasy she'd felt during the night. But, it was too painful to recall being with him. She knew that if she lingered over those thoughts, she'd crack, giving in to the emotion. She didn't want to do that.

  "Are you sure about this?" she asked. Because it was all she could think to ask. She had to know if he was sticking with the decision he'd made earlier.

  Rashid drew in a deep breath and tilted his head. "No," he said flatly. She was shocked by the finality of that word, and the way he'd said it.


  Rashid ran a hand through his hair and turned to look at the helicopter and the pilot standing patiently by the open doors. "Of course I don't want this, Nicole."

  She felt hope flare inside her. "You don't? What can we do, then" she asked moving closer to him.

  Rashid shook his head. "There's nothing to do. You have to go home to your family," he stated.

  The hope sank as quickly as it had risen. "But, Rashid. Last night," she said.

  Rashid took her arms. With him touching her again, feelings sparked once again. She drew in a breath and gazed up into his dark eyes and saw the torrent of emotion in his steady gaze.

  "Nicole," he breathed. She loved the sound of her name on his lips. He'd said it to her just like that only hours before. But now that felt like an eternity ago.

  "You have a family, Nicole," he said. "You know how precious that is," he added.

  "I know, Rashid," she gasped. "But, what about us?"

  She felt his fingers tighten around her arms. His nostrils flared and he seemed to be struggling to contain his emotions. His face paled and he seemed suddenly lost for words.

  Rashid leaned closer. His face was inches away from her now, his back turned to the helicopter pilot. It was as if he didn't want the other man to see what he was about to do.

  Nicole opened her mouth, intent on seeking one last answer, but he stopped her in the only way he knew how. He didn't want her to say anything. It seemed all he wanted right now was a hint of what they'd shared before. He grasped her gently by the shoulders and peered at her, a moment of unspoken communication passing between them.

  Then, Rashid's lips settled down upon Nicole's mouth. Sensation ignited and she moaned quietly, softening against him, seeking the pleasure she knew his kiss would bring, desperate for one last taste, one last overwhelming feeling to take with her.

  Rashid's kiss was tender this time, missing the hunger of the night before.

  When it was over, and their lips had parted, she felt that much more than his kiss was over.

  Nicole peered up into Rashid's burning gaze, searching for any hint that they could change their mind about this.

  He looked at her with such adoration that she felt her heart warm, sensed the quickening of her pulse.

  "Habibti," he said quietly.

  Nicole frowned, wanting explanation.

  The corner of his mouth creased with the hint of a smile.

  "Beloved," he murmured.

  Emotion surged in Nicole. "Love?" she whispered. Had she heard him right?

  Rashid's eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled. "Love," he whispered.

  Nicole reached up and wrapped her arms around Rashid's shoulders, feeling the strength of them. He slid his arms around her back, drawing her close.

  They held each other for what seemed like forever. She could feel his heart pounding against her, sense the tension in his body. It felt so good to hold him like this, even though she knew she'd soon be saying goodbye. But, would it be goodbye forever? After what he'd just said, she felt a flicker of hope grow into life.

  Then they parted and gazed at each other for a few moments. Rashid turned and glanced at the helicopter. "I think he's getting impatient," he said quietly.

  Nicole nodded and smiled at Rashid. "Thank you for everything," she said.

  Rashid shook his head. "Don't thank me, Nicole. I feel honored to have helped you."

  Nicole quirked a brow at him. "Just honored?" she teased.

  Rashid smiled back at her. "I think you better go." When he said those words she saw his brows furrow, as if the mere saying of them had made him feel physical pain.

  "When will I see you again?" she asked eagerly.

  Rashid tilted his head and his brows furrowed. "You know what I feel about being down in Qazhar city."

  Nicole felt a tinge of disappointment at that reply. "Maybe I can come visit," she asked, knowing how impractical that sounded after all that she'd been through.

  "That might not be the wisest choice," he said evenly.

  She squinted at him.

  Behind Rashid she saw the helicopter pilot get into the cockpit. The rotor blades started circling. It was time to leave, but there was so much she wanted to say to Rashid. Would she ever get the chance, again?

  They hugged again and she started toward the helicopter, but Rashid remained where he was, watching her. She paused and looked at him.

  "I'm not saying goodbye," she stated firmly.

  Rashid smiled at her. "Go," he ordered softly.

  Then she turned her back on him and walked toward the waiting helicopter.


  Rashid stood on the gravel path and watched the helicopter lift into the air. Behind the windscreen glass he saw Nicole seated in the cockpit, her ears covered with large headphones to protect her against the noise of the rotors.

  Rashid felt buffeted by the turbulent air caused by the rotors. He stood defiantly, determined not be swayed by the force of her departure.

  Nicole smiled at him and he waved back at her.

  She was leaving, and he could hardly believe it. He hadn't wanted this. But he'd had no choice. She had to go home to the place where she really belonged. Even if it meant he had to give up something so incredibly precious.

  The helicopter banked and start
ed south. Rashid watched it disappear over the palace and head out across the desert. Then it became a mere speck in the distance, and that was when he really felt her absence.

  It was true. The reality began to sink in.

  Nicole was gone. It was that simple.

  The memories of the night before still made every nerve in his body tingle, caused his heartbeat to quicken, made his blood race. He walked back toward the palace, sensing the sudden emptiness.

  This incredible American woman had entered his life and turned his world upside down. He knew that now. Had known it last night when they had shared their intense union. He could still recall the feel of her body. The memory triggered powerful emotions in him. Just as her body and her soul had transformed every part of him hours before.

  Rashid halted and gazed out across the garden. It all seemed so empty now. He peered at the palace. Even this refuge seemed more like a prison than ever before.

  Was that the reality of his life? Had he made himself a prisoner here, all these years? Had he simply been fooling himself that he was on some kind of noble crusade to right the wrongs of his past?

  Had it all been that simple?

  Now, Nicole had burst into his life and shown him his folly.

  He sighed heavily. Life here would never be the same without Nicole, he told himself.

  The palace suddenly seemed like an empty shell, a vacant, barren hiding place.

  Perhaps he had been wrong all along. And it had taken this incredible woman to show him the error of his choices.

  Rashid gazed again toward the horizon. The helicopter had disappeared over the horizon.

  He gritted his teeth, feeling tension in every muscle of his body. Was he going to accept this? Was this the kind of life he really wanted?

  He'd been given a taste of something, and he wasn't about to give that up. Not so easily.

  Rashid started back toward the empty palace and his mind started to consider the most important choice he would ever make.


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