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Scandal of the Season

Page 20

by Christie Kelley

  “You really are a natural dancer,” he said.

  “Hardly. This is the only dance I know.” She looked up at him and smiled. “But I am enjoying this dance immensely.”

  “Good. I would love to see you at all the balls, dancing until your feet hurt.” Damn. That was the wrong thing to say. She could never attend any real balls of the ton. She was accepted at this one because Hannah liked to pretend she was a true lady. No one of social importance accepted invitations to any of the Farleighs’ parties.

  Of the peers in attendance, Bingham was most likely only here for some personal business with Farleigh. Nicholas had been friends with Farleigh for years. Brentwood was a young viscount probably only here for the ladies. Although, he had spent a fair amount of time with Hardy. Perhaps there was something to that.

  “Well, this is my one chance to dance at a ball,” she finally said. “So I should take full advantage of it.”

  Expecting to hear a bit of sadness in her voice, he was surprised at the cheerful tone. “I’m sorry about what I said. I wasn’t thinking.”

  She looked up at him and shook her head. “I am not a foolish girl with my head in the clouds. I know my lot in life and accepted it years ago. My life could have easily gone down a much more difficult path.”

  As they walked off the dance floor, he looked around for Hardy. “Do you see Hardy?”

  “Over there,” she said, pointing toward the refreshment table. “It looks like dancing with Hannah must have been hard work.”

  “Thank you.” He led her toward the table but just as they reached it, the music stopped and Lord Farleigh announced that a full Christmas dinner would be served.

  “Is that normal?” she asked him.

  “It’s not abnormal. Some hosts feel that a full dinner should be served to their guests. Since Hannah is still attempting to make an impression on some of the guests, I’m not surprised by it.”

  “What do we do about our current situation?”

  “We need to keep him off guard, just in case.”

  She smiled up at him. “Indeed? I thought you didn’t want me involved?”

  “You are involved whether I like it or not.”

  “So what do we do now?” she asked as they entered the dining room.

  “I do believe you should look angry with me,” Anthony said softly in her ear. “Pretend I just said something dreadful to you.”

  Victoria turned on him with feigned anger. “I cannot believe you would say that to me!”

  With an inward smile, she walked away from him. Immediately, Hardy moved toward her.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked.

  “The man is an animal,” she replied. “I told him again that once we returned to London I would be seeking other accommodations. After all that has been settled, he just told me…”

  “What did he tell you?”

  She waved a hand at him. “Something completely inappropriate.”

  His eyes sparkled with eagerness. “Will you tell me after the dinner?”

  “Perhaps,” she said coyly. “It is not proper to discuss this in public.”

  The man was all but salivating! Seeing her place card, she realized Hannah seated Somerton next to her instead of Hardy.

  “You do realize I will be forced to ignore you,” she said to Somerton as she took her seat. “Perhaps if you hadn’t forced me to learn how to dance, Hannah wouldn’t have seated us together.”

  “But to see you on the dance floor was worth it. And of course, feel free to ignore me for the entire meal,” he said after sitting next to her. “Do realize though, I can hardly accept responsibility for trying to teach you the social graces you need for this party.”

  She leaned in closer to him as a smug smile crossed his face. “Are you trying to get me angrier?” she hissed.

  “Yes,” he whispered. “The man is getting suspicious of our behavior. I think sitting us together is a good thing. Now look away and smile down at Hardy.”

  She did as he ordered and received a seductive smile in return. Shuddering in revulsion, she took a sip of her wine. She could do this. All she had to do was think of something Somerton might have said to her. Remembering her days in the brothel and the stories some of the ladies told her, she thought of something quickly.

  She concentrated on her meal of roasted goose with potatoes. Soon this party would be over and she would have the money Somerton promised her. Then she could afford to buy enough food to give the children a Christmas dinner like this one. But it also meant her time with Somerton would be over.

  During the meal, Somerton brushed his leg against her thigh and even skimmed his hand up her hip. The heat in her cheeks heightened with every movement. He leaned over to her, and she couldn’t help but inhale the tantalizing aroma of his sandalwood soap. Her hands shook as she reached for her fork.

  Hardy sent her sympathetic looks during the meal.

  As she finished her plum pudding, Somerton leaned in closer to her. “I do not want you anywhere near that man right now. Seeing the way he is looking at you, I do not trust him.”

  She held her napkin up to her lips and whispered, “I understand. But the missive is the reason we are here. That is your job.”

  “Stay away from Hardy unless I tell you to get close to him.”

  Sensing Hardy’s gaze on them, she stood up and glared at him. “I will do as I please. You do not own me.”

  She walked out of the room intent on returning to the ballroom but needed just a moment to compose herself. She walked to the ladies retiring room for a moment of peace. As she strolled out of the room, she noticed Hardy in front of her. A footman stopped in front of him, and handed him a note. A note!

  “Thank you, my good man,” Hardy muttered as he placed the note in his waistcoat pocket. “Now I can leave this god awful party.”

  That was the missive Somerton needed. Seeing Hardy turn around, she realized there was no time to find Somerton.

  Hardy turned and glanced back at her with a smile. He waited for her to reach his position.

  “Mrs. Smith, I have been looking for you.” He clutched her arm and dragged her into the nearest room, which happened to be Farleigh’s study. “That must have been excruciating to sit next to him during the entire meal.”

  “You have no idea, Mr. Hardy.” She strolled across the room eager to put some distance between them.

  “You must call me Marcus,” he said as he walked closer to her.

  She backed up until she hit the edge of Farleigh’s large cherry desk. He stalked her until his breath heated her cheeks. “So, do tell me what Somerton said to you. It has been driving me mad during the dinner.”

  How was she going to get out of this mess? She had to keep him talking. “You want to know what Somerton said to me?”

  “Oh, yes.” He skimmed his finger along the edge of the top of her dress.

  Where was Somerton? Perhaps if she could keep Hardy talking he wouldn’t want to do something else. Somerton had promised he would be watching her tonight. He must have noticed both she and Hardy were missing by now.

  “He said he wanted to tie me to the bed and…” she let her voice trail off and forced a delicate shudder.

  “What?” he pressed breathlessly. “What did he want to do to you?”

  “He used a very coarse term.”

  “Tell me the word, Anne. Tell me the word.” He pressed himself closer to her.

  She could feel his erection growing. “I cannot say that word, Marcus. It’s a dreadful word.”

  She skimmed her hand up his chest and tried to push him away. He kissed her jaw up to her ear.

  “Say it,” he ordered. “I want to hear that word come from your lips.”

  Trying to keep her stomach from emptying, she tried to think of some way to repulse him. “He said he wanted to…to…”

  He grabbed her hands and lowered them to the desk. He pushed her down so she sat on the edge of the desk, and then he spread her legs apart. She tr
embled in fear as he pushed his hips against her. The hard bulge in his trousers rubbed against her.

  Bile rose in her throat as she realized she had let this go too far. She should have listened to Somerton’s warnings. Hardy’s wet lips slithered down her neck to her collarbone.

  “Tell me what Somerton wanted to do.”

  “I’ll tell you what Somerton wants to do,” said a deep voice from behind Hardy.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Fury as hot as white lightning struck Anthony with the sight of Victoria pinned down by Hardy. He strode across the room with Nicholas on his heels. Grabbing Hardy by the cravat, he pinned him to the desk.

  “I should kill you for what you were trying to do to her.”

  “Somerton, take Mrs. Smith back to your room,” Nicholas said calmly.

  “No,” Hardy gurgled. “She doesn’t want him any longer. She already told him that.”

  Anthony tightened the grip on the man’s cravat until his eyes bulged. “She is mine. Do you understand that?”

  Hardy nodded slightly.

  “If you come near her again, I will kill you,” he said in a menacing tone. He quickly pinched the note while Hardy was too busy trying to breathe to notice.

  Hardy nodded again.

  Anthony released the bastard and turned his anger on Victoria. “Go up to our room and do not move until I get up there.”

  She stood there staring at him.


  She pressed her lips together and nodded. He tried to ignore the tears he saw in her eyes. He could not let her tears affect him. He had a job to do. As she walked out of the room, he turned back to Hardy.

  “Never touch her. Never talk to her.” He took a step closer until Hardy backed up again. “In fact, do not even look at her.”

  He walked to the door as Nicholas stayed behind as planned. Nicholas reached Hardy and grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket. Now Hardy would never know which of the three had taken the note.

  As he reached the door, he heard Nicholas berate Hardy.

  “You are ten kinds of fool. I told you he was a jealous man and to stay away from her.”

  Now to have a little talk with the woman who couldn’t seem to listen to him. He made a quick arrangement with Hannah then walked up the stairs slowly to give her time to worry about what he would say. He opened the door to find her staring out the window at the falling snow.

  “Just say it,” she said not even looking back at him.

  “Say what?”

  “Tell me I was a fool to go into the room alone with Hardy. I was mad to take such a chance. I should have let you handle everything.”

  He walked closer to her and then pulled the pins out of her hair. She looked at him with curiosity.

  “What if I told you that almost everything you did was perfect?”


  He combed his fingers through her silky hair. “The only thing you did wrong was not tell me your plan. Luckily, I already had an idea that you would attempt something, so Nicholas and I were prepared.”

  “I—I…How could you have known what I was going to do?”

  He smiled down at her bemused face. “Because I know you, Victoria. You and I are very much alike. And I would have done the same thing in your situation.”

  “You’re not angry with me?”


  “But how? How did you know? I just happened upon Hardy and noticed that a footman gave him a note.”

  He smiled at her. “I was right behind you. I saw the same thing.”

  Her face fell. “But I wasn’t able to get the note. So it was all for naught.”

  He pulled a note out of his waistcoat. “This one?”

  Her eyes widened. “How did you get that?”

  He leaned in closer to her and smiled against her neck. “You are not the only one who can pick pockets.”

  “Is this really the note, Somerton?”

  “Yes. I already read it and it confirms the location where an attempt will be made on the prince’s life.”

  “What now?”

  He glanced out and knew they could not leave. “There is nothing we can do until morning. Hopefully, the snow won’t continue too long, and we will get back to London tomorrow.”

  “We cannot leave now?”

  “Are you in that big a hurry to get away from me?”

  She shook her head and bit down on her lip. “No. I fear Hardy will discover the note missing and come after us. A little distance would increase our odds.”

  “Not in the dark and snow. Hardy would not dare try anything at Farleigh’s home. Besides, Nicholas promised to keep his eye on Hardy for the rest of the evening so there is nothing we can do until morning.” He walked to the bureau and pulled out a loaded pistol. He placed it on the nightstand. Just in case.

  Victoria gasped. “Do you think you will have to use that?”

  “I hope not. But I won’t take a chance.”

  A knock on the door sounded and she started.

  “Everything is all right, Victoria.” Anthony walked to the door to let in the footman. They brought in a very large copper tub, which he would have to thank Hannah for later, steaming buckets of water. After the servant left, he locked the door behind them and looked at her with a smile.

  “Your bath, my lady.”

  “I took one this morning. Though not in a tub that big.”

  He took her hand and turned her around. As he unbuttoned her gown, he said, “I want the stench of that man off you.”

  “Very well,” she replied as she waited for him to finish with the stays. She spun around and let her shift drop to the floor. “Will you be joining me? That tub is big enough for the both of us.”

  Exactly the offer he wanted. “In a few moments. Get in the tub and I will wash you.”

  Her blue eyes darkened to the color of sapphires. He wanted to buy her sapphires and rubies to wear around her neck. He wanted to see her dressed in nothing but the finest silks and satins. She slipped into the warm water while he stripped off his jacket.

  He rolled up his sleeves and knelt behind the tub. “Give me your soap.”

  She handed him the lavender soap. He quickly rubbed it between his hands to lather. After dropping the soap, he brought his soapy hands to her neck, where that bastard had been kissing her.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered in a shaky voice.

  “Removing all traces of Hardy from you.”


  He cupped water in his hands and rinsed the lather off her neck. “Because you belong to me,” he whispered in her ear. “Now tell me what it is that I wanted to do to you.”

  “How did you hear any of that?”

  “Nicholas and I were in the secretary’s office. You can hear almost everything in there. Now I heard something about me wanting to tie you to the bed. What was I supposed to do after that?”

  She whispered the word in his ear.

  “Now where did a lady like you hear such a word? Hmm, it makes me wonder what other interesting things you might know of from working in a brothel.”

  He soaped up his hands and slid them down her chest to her rose-colored nipples.

  “I don’t think Hardy touched me there,” she said with a laugh.

  “Good, because I would have to kill him if he did.”

  “Were you really jealous, Anthony? Or was that feigned for Hardy’s benefit?”

  He glided his hands down her belly until he reached the soft curly hair between her legs. Her question stopped him. Bending his neck, he nipped her shoulder with his teeth. He was getting in far too deep with her. No other woman had ever affected him as she had. But he’d promised her honesty where he could.

  “Yes. I wanted to rip the man apart with my bare hands. Quite honestly, if Nicholas hadn’t been there to stop me, I probably would have.”

  She glanced back at him with a slow smile. “Are you ever going to join me in here?”

  “Oh damn,” he whispere
d, then stood up and quickly removed the rest of his clothing. As he entered the other end of the tub, water swished over the sides.

  Victoria giggled when his feet slid up her thighs. She had never imagined taking a bath with a man could be both sensual and slightly amusing. His feet continued to propel through the water until they reached her ribs. He brought his feet across her chest and rubbed his toes against her nipples.

  He smiled and her heartbeat increased. Moving his feet again, he locked them behind her back and pushed her toward him.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Hmm, I was thinking you might be far more comfortable on top of me.”

  “You can’t mean to make love here in the water?” she squeaked.

  He pulled her up the length of his chest until her hips were on top of his and she hovered above his hard cock. “It’s not much different than the last time.”

  “But water will go everywhere!” She felt his erection at her opening and suddenly did not care how much water spilled. Moving slightly, she opened for him. As he filled her, she stared at his eyes and knew she was lost. No matter how much she knew this was a mistake, she was falling in love with him.

  Watching his face fill with desire as he slid in and out of her was almost her undoing. She wanted to wake up in the morning to his stubble covered face. She wanted to sleep against his chest at night and know she was safe from harm. He thrust deeper into her, causing her passion to rise further until she shook with the ecstasy that he brought her.

  He grabbed her hips and ground them down on his shaft. His head rolled back against the tub as he spread his seed inside of her. And she knew without a doubt that she had lost her fight.

  She loved him.

  And she was doomed to love a man she could never have as a husband.

  Anthony had dozed in the carriage on the return trip to London. After spending most of the night awake and waiting for Hardy to burst in their room, he had received no sleep. He looked outside and noticed the carriage driving very slowly through the freshly fallen snow. He was certain they would not make it back to town before nightfall.


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