Anni Moon & The Elemental Artifact: An Elemental Fantasy Adventure Series: Book For Kids Ages 9-12 (Anni Moon Series)
Page 31
Lexi leaned in and whispered to Anni, “Happy birthday.”
Anni smiled back. “Happy birthday, Lexi.”
Work on Anni Moon started and stopped many times over the course of a decade and, because of that, I have a lot people I would like to thank.
To my team of editors, and a special wink to those who taught me how to love an Oxford comma, I would like to thank: Ramona DeFelice Long, Susan Helene Gottfried, Mary Sutton, Melanie Zimmerman, Chase Heiland, Linda M. Au, and Lorin Oberweger. Without your help, eagle eyes, and encouragement Anni Moon might not have seen daylight.
Many thanks to: Joel Friedlander for his consultation on cover design and general publishing questions; the Book Designers, Tracy and Treana Atkins, for interior design and formatting. A special thanks in memory of Harlin Tim Harris for his consultation on graphic design, who was unable to see the final product.
A sincere thanks to my dear friends Shelley, David, Nick and Tom Dechant, who have been hearing about Anni Moon for years. A mega-watt thanks to my friends, advisors, and early readers Raffy and Rosie Dolbakian, Kate Abed, Emma Abed, Nutschell Anne Windsor, Lissa Price, Anne Van, Elle Jauffret, Larissa Reyes, Kristen Kittscher, Jessica Fry, Sarah Benson, Tim Johnson, Victoria James, Nicole Fearahn, Lindsey Lippincott, Farah Oomerbhoy, Debbie Goelz, Pamela DuMonde, MaryAnne Locher, Drae Solaralunarix, Bianca Isislotus, Darienne Hazel, Clara Dowgialo, Roshelle, Reece McFarlane, Darly, Sunhra, Rosamiee, Ken Magee, Wuckster, LadyShipNull, Teresa Soto, Myepic, Alieneyes.
Finally, all my gratitude and love to my brilliant husband, Hisham Abed. His spectacular cover art and illustrations make Anni’s world come to life, and they allow my imagination to swim even deeper into the Elemental realms.
About the Author
Melanie Abed and her husband live in Los Angeles where they have a tree in their backyard that’s a direct portal to LimBough.
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