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Revenge: The Gray-Matter Chrolicles: Book 1 (The Matter Chronicles 4)

Page 16

by P. G. Thomas

  A voice came from the back of the cavern. “Kill them all.”

  Quickly looking at the far end, he never saw anybody, and turning back to the other bench, the liquid was now running down the side of it.

  The Seer stood, walked to the cave entrance, and pointed to the blue sky with the last sun approaching the horizon. Logan, still trying to comprehend the vision from the bench, followed in her footsteps. Looking out to the horizon, his pupils were large dark orbs, and as he shouted, the winds carried his voice. “I NEED A RIDE,” and then he smiled, “Sister’s Bastard, he is back.”


  Pacing at the opposite ends of the sky elf cave, John avoided looking at Lauren’s distant glares. Ryan, Eric, and Steve were standing on the ledge, watching as the last sun began to set. When all of the mountain eagles started squawking at the same time, the quiet tension in the cave shattered. One by one, then in groups, the large birds went to the cave entrance, leaping into the air, and as they caught the breeze, unfolded their great wings. The blind mountain eagle, being the last to approach, tilted its head from one side to the other, testing the winds before stepping off the cliff. As the eagles exited the cave, Lauren and John approached the ledge to watch the spectacle along with Ryan, Eric, Steve, and the Ironhouse dwarves.

  Lauren stared at the birds, “Is this a good thing, John?”

  I don’t know, “I think it is. Let’s wait and see what happens.”

  Two hours later, they saw the large blind bird return with the Seer, and Logan riding on its back. After landing in the cave, Logan, his eyes dilated, went to Pike and Crayle. “I thank you for your help,” then rolled up his sleeves showing them the magical tattoos. Raising them up, the sky eagle clan burst out in cheers. Pike called out to prepare a feast and followed Logan over to his friends.

  “Let’s not do that again,” Logan said with his eyes now normal.

  Lauren walked up and hugged him, “Bastard, I was afraid it was going to be a math test, and I would never see you again. So what now?”

  “Celebrate this night we shall,” advised Pike. “Sister, quiet for so long, this day, both voices return.” Turning, he could see the excitement in the eyes of the clan members that gazed at him, “Please welcome our friends new and old.” The entire sky elf clan rushed forward to get a better look at the legend called Bastard, the other odd strangers with their even stranger mounts.

  It was towards the final hour of the day, the night at its darkest, but inside, blazing fires filled the giant space with light. A feast covered the cavern floor with numerous roasted animals: deer, bear, and hog like beasts, and as well, a selection of raw and cooked vegetables. Some of the meats they brought out were raw, being fed to the feathered clan members that towered over the rest. With no tables present, everybody gathered around the terraced sections in the large cavern. At the top sat Crayle, Logan, and Pike. Sitting at their sides, his friends, and sky elves that had some level of status or importance, including the blind Seer. Music, dancing, and stories followed the meal that continued after the celebration for hours. Throughout the entire event, Logan was unable to shake the image or the words from the cavern: where he had received both hope and horror.

  As the festivities died down, John advised Pike that they would be leaving early the next morning, being anxious to get back.

  Producing a bag from his pocket, Pike gave each a small necklace that featured a feather carved from a white stone on a leather rope. Then he announced, “You are now clan members,” and each thanked him for his help and hospitality.


  When John rolled over, the sky was gray since the mountain range blocked the sunrise, but the absence of darkness was enough to declare the new day. As he started to make preparations, the first rays of light hit the distant white peaks, giving them an appearance of dry kindling being lit on fire. When he looked up next, the first sun had summited the unseen peaks, and light exploded across the mountain range, looking like a white fire of reflected light, which proclaimed the new day to all. Checking to make sure that no sky elves were watching, he quickly changed the flying horses back into small figures, securing them in his bag. Pulling out the box of envelopes, he found the one marked Ironhouse and removed a stone. After securing everything, he quickly encouraged the rest to get ready. Even though it was still early, the celebration had started late, been long, and their sleep had been short. Still the events from the night before had provided sufficient distraction, causing most to forget their immediate concerns, and they were able to drift off into a dreamless sleep. However, Logan had stared into the dark the entire night. When all were ready, John pulled off the desired bracelet, dropped the stone through it, and the image of the Ironhouse Mine stabilized, which they stepped into.

  Lauren spoke first, “John, where are we?”

  Chapter 13

  He had the same amazed look since they were not standing in Ironhouse. Instead, they found themselves in a large grassy clearing, surrounded by a giant green forest. The trees, forty feet thick at their bases, reached so high into the sky that clouds obscured their tops.

  John turned to the group, “I—don’t know? You all saw the stables! Maybe it was a misplaced stone. Let me get another one.”

  Before he could take off the crude backpack, Steve called out, pointing into the forest, and everybody glanced in the direction of his outstretched hand. There, a wispy smoke like figure, eight feet tall, slowly floated from tree to tree. Over the next twenty minutes, it would disappear behind one, and when it appeared on the other side, the form would be more condensed, stable. When the eccentric specter had first appeared, the Ironhouse dwarves, axes in hand, had moved to the front of the party, but there seemed to be a sense of peace. Mesmerized by the changing form, nobody moved or said anything.

  When it appeared from behind the last, a sleek female figure, seven feet tall, wearing a white dress approached them. Her features pale, her hair white, and her eyes two large black orbs. Seeming to float on the air, her hair and dress fluttered in the motionless wind, “Forgive me, I am unaccustomed to welcoming guests.”

  Lauren blinked, “Mother?”

  The tall figure shook her head, looked at John, “Do you prefer to be called Earth Mother or Unchosen?”

  His jaw slowly dropped, “Unchosen.”

  “Ironhouse, Earth Mother, Bastard, Unchosen, Champion,” the tall figure addressed each, and then she looked at Ryan, “The one that stumped the mighty dwarf bards and playwrights; The Unnamed. He who would have justly titled you died long ago. Please sit.”

  When they looked behind, ornamentally carved wooden chairs had appeared, being proportional to their size.

  “You, I have not met before.”

  He looked in disbelief at the tall lady who had appeared from the smoke, “They call me Steve.”

  “Sit down one called Steve.” Looking over his shoulder, he saw one of the huge chairs that had appeared out of nothing and sat down.

  When they met the unorthodox figure, they had been standing in a line with the Ironhouse dwarves in the front, and the rest in a staggered row ending with Steve. They were now sitting in a semi-circle, but nobody had realized their positions had changed. In front of them, the figure also sat, but they could see no chair.

  “How are you, Tranquil?”

  “Unchosen, Earth Mother, Chief Council, Supreme Ruler of Magic, and Tester of Gravity. John Ironhouse, the mind that is without limits. I had a different name for you, but Sister took it. Why have you returned?”

  “This is Tranquil, from the sword?” asked Lauren.

  John nodded.

  “Hello, Earth Mother. You chose Mother well. Though you did test her as much as she tested you.”

  “I’m not an Earth Mother anymore,” replied Lauren. “Where’s Fury?”

  “Once the title is accepted, only in death are you released from the mantle of responsibility. As for my brother, I remember him and our struggles, but locate him I cannot. Champion, an apology is
owed to you because of what my brother did last time. He had no right, but in the end, it was you that showed him the path he needed to walk, but his footprints are now absent from it. Now tell me. Why have you returned?”

  “Umm, can I ask—”

  “Unchosen, questions from you are a rarity, as we are more accustomed to answers. I was unaware of your return because I am blind and deaf to the world I live in, unable to travel across it. I am but a prisoner in this forest, having no knowledge of what happens elsewhere. Something happened, and I have struggled for so long to try to understand what it was, but it eludes me. I both know and do not know what happened, and that riddle drives me mad.” Tranquil paused, reached down to a grand cup of hot bean juice, and took a drink. The others, surprised to see that they held the same, also took a drink.

  She continued, “In the beginning, there was Father, and the word peace was absent. The children, which Mother calls them, sought guidance. Even though Father embraced them, he played no favors. He wanted his children to be worthy of his praise, and the weak he turned away from. Those unable to fend for themselves, the elves initially, found Mother here in the First Forest. She listened to them, deplored the violence, and helped. At first, Mother worked against Father by confusing the most aggressive races; changing the landscape, or whatever else she could do. Becoming stronger, her actions became more determined, inflicting famine on the aggressors, and a few rare times, even disease. Before Sister came to be, Mother also had limited control over the weather, which she used to aid her battles. When finally understanding all, she took extreme measures to bring peace to the lands, but when it arrived, there were so many needs that she required help. So she created the Earth Mothers to be her shepherds. Then she filled the lands with her bounty, and taught the Earth Mothers of it, sending them forward to help those that struggled. To protect them, she called forth the Earth Guard, and slowly over time, she changed the fate of this world, and Father while present was forgotten.”

  The female God sighed, “When Darkpaye began their invasion so long ago, Father sensed it, as he was free of thoughts and prayers, being able to trek across the skies to see what others missed. Before Mother went quiet, we talked about what had happened. We think Father wanted to take the lands back, but he knew Mother would oppose him, and that any from these lands she could control. So Father cast his sights elsewhere, and it was your lands that he found. It was you, Earth Mother, who spoke of the 1500 years of bloodshed, your heritage, and it was from there he would select his champion. Once here, he knew Mother could exert her influence over the chosen, so he needed a companion to block such efforts. In deceit, Father managed to couple with Mother, but she had a sense that he was up to his old mischief. In order to stop him, she embraced him with her own counter deception, and from that event, my brother and I came into existence, but Father was unaware of my presence until it was too late. We are uncertain of all the actions he took, but we knew he turned to the dwarves, as with their metalworking abilities and fierce determination, he was hoping they would forge the foundation of his new future, being the last race to turn away from him who still remained. Sensing my presence at the Ironhouse Mine, she kept a watchful eye on the dwarves, and when Father visited Walward Ironhouse, she listened to the conversation. His influence was great, which she was unable to alter, but she had already put me in place to counter his son. When Mother heard them discussing the sword, she knew she had to take control of it because, in that meeting, Father told Walward of the ancient runes; the ones she had removed from the dwarven culture so long ago. Being afraid that if they should return, once again, bathed in blood the lands would be. Needing more, Mother exerted herself, having Walward Ironhouse add the diamond chips to the making of the sword, so Fury could collect all of the memories of those that died. Her only hope, that through death he would understand the value of life. With the sword forged, Mother waited, watching Father to see when he would call for his champion. In doing so, she failed to recognize the threat of Darkpaye. Instead of playing his game, if she had concentrated on her own, maybe none of this would have happened. When Father was ready, he cast his spell into your world, and Mother was ready.”

  Tranquil paused, looked at the group, “Your lands are strange, and there was much that Mother saw that she failed to understand. She saw Father’s spell start to weave its effects, at what she called a military base, but I have no comprehension of what that is. It was there that the accident between those two odd metal constructs was supposed to take place, opening a portal to bring forth men that sought battle. Father’s mistake was simple; being so eager for his future to arrive, he was premature in casting his spell, and it never reached its desired climax. Mother’s mistake was similar, thinking only to prevent the necessary reaction, not relocating the occurrence. When Mother understood the two prime ingredients to open the portal, she searched the surrounding lands, and finding one, she caused the mechanism that carried it to stop functioning, but her actions were also untimely. Being unaware that the second traveled the same route, she never anticipated the possibility of an accident, and with her vision so focused, she never saw the third. Mother’s purpose was simple, wanting to foil Father’s plan, so his fighting men would never find themselves here. However, by doing that, she brought you six here.”

  Lauren blinked, shook her head, “It was an accident? We weren’t meant to be here?”

  Tranquil nodded.

  “I thought there was a divine plan since everything seemed to make sense?” asked John.

  “There was a plan, but it never involved you six—in the beginning.”

  “Mirtza finding us, taking us to the forest?” asked John.

  “Unchosen, in every game there are a unique number of participants. Time is one, but a second is Fate. Mother and Father may not have selected you but some force did. Then a third unseen participant joined in, whose name was Luck, and that one guided Mirtza. Even though you were uninvited, Mother felt an obligation to look out for you. When she saw Mirtza taking you to the healers, she sent Earth Guards to bring you into her protection until she could determine what to do next. They would have met you on the road, but something happened, and Earth Mother found the tri-wood staff, which was meant for another who left too soon. Then Earth Mother attacked the evil that was killing Mother’s forest, and without any guidance, crawled into that hollowed out tree. It was at that point when Mother examined the one named Lauren, and she found a reflection of herself. Caring, sympathetic, love, trust, passion, consideration, kindness, and so much more, that into a mirror she thought she gazed.” Tranquil turned to Lauren, “Mother never found you. You found her, and she took it as a sign that you were supposed to be here. Then your brother, being worried about you, found Sister by accident. Seeing his concern, knowing you would need both help and protection, she extended her powers to the Bastard.”

  John looked at Tranquil, “What about Zack and Ryan?”

  “Unchosen, this is a land of magic, and we lack the necessary comprehension of all that is possible. The remainder of the story you already know, but there is one other element; Mother only knows what her children see and think. As Earth Mother surmised, Mother, never realizing there was an invasion of the lands, telling the children to flee when they sought guidance from the plague. After you had arrived, Father had no interest in you, but seeing your potential, Mother was determined to add you to the board. Lauren with so much to offer and the tri-wood staff to aid her. Mother knew she would just need time to become what she resisted. The Bastard to protect her, and Eric so tall, someone to wield the sword. Mother was uncertain on how it was going to play out, but she needed to get control of that sword before Father could make other plans. To help, she cast her web of control and protection over all.”

  Tranquil paced in front of the small group, but to some, it appeared as if she floated. “Then, for the most part, you did what Mother expected. Even though the route was different, it followed the path she hoped, but then it fractured. Like a pla
te dropped on the floor, no longer whole, yet still present, it was now a thousand different pieces. Mother had no choice but to wait and hope. So many planned things went wrong, and then unexpected events corrected them. Then more wrongs, so many that nobody knew what the outcome would be.”

  John gave his head a shake, “I’m confused.”

  “The mind of the Unchosen is muddled. The suns may bask the lands in their glory, but it is a dark day when he who unlocks all is confused. Unchosen, I have heard your thoughts, seen your questions. Divine entity, sentient presence, God, and other names you have called us, however, there is one name you forgot—child. My parents, how old I have no idea, but in comparison, my years are nothing more than a shooting star in the night sky. As for your second question: Gods appearing to mortals, you think it should not be. If I had a Mother, or teacher, even a hint of what I should do, then I might do differently. Last time, words delivered with clarity were still misconstrued. Would you prefer dream images, signs in the clouds, or possibly animal droppings—something for you to interpret? Or instead, a direct approach? Yes, the last, I know. As for all knowing, as I said, Mother’s knowledge is limited to what her children know or speak, as it was their words that connected her to these lands. Now that they are quiet, I am deaf and blind to what happens. The remainder of your questions you will have to answer yourself.” Tranquil paused, scanned the group, “Earth Mothers questions we will leave to the end, as she has more than all of the trees in the First Forest. The rest of you may speak yours aloud, and I will answer what I can.”


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