Book Read Free

Alien Revolt

Page 20

by Tracy St. John

  “Tell me why it’s wrong.”

  “Don’t men believe they’re owed pleasure during sex? Of course they do. It’s a given. Which begs the question, why wouldn’t women be owed such pleasure as well? Especially if all parties are in agreement that sex should happen? Which it should. Often. At least twice a day.”

  He realized he was wandering off the main subject and shut up.

  Hope wasn’t distracted. “We’re taught sex is a sin. That women must be virtuous in all respects, so as not to tempt the men into sinning.”

  Kila scowled. “Your society’s insistence on placing the responsibility of morality – if that’s what you want to call it – solely on the shoulders of the female gender never ceases to amaze me.” He looked her in the eye. “Listen to me. If sex is okay for half the people, the men, it should be okay for everyone. If it’s wrong for half the people, it’s wrong for all. It’s as simple as that.”

  Hope stared at him. “You believe that.”

  “It’s stupid to think otherwise. You don’t strike me as stupid, Hope.”

  “You have a way of putting things.”

  “Do you mean truthfully?”

  Hope laughed, a bright sound which put a smile on his face. “I was thinking blunt, but yes, truthfully fits too.”

  “I’m a Nobek. My breed tends not to pretty things up for the comfort of others. I hope you aren’t hurt by that. I’m a complete failure when it comes to tact.”

  “You didn’t fail. I’m not used to hearing such honesty about the subject of sex from a man.”

  “Your father seems to be a straightforward person.”

  “Yes, but I think he’d rather cut off his arms rather than talk about the rights and wrongs of sex with his daughter.”

  Kila guffawed. “I can see it. If I had a daughter, my one recommendation would be for her to tell me if I needed to cut a lover’s dicks off. Other than that, I’d run from the conversation. Even Nobeks have limits on courage in certain situations.”

  Hope giggled. Kila relaxed, relieved he’d gotten through the emotional concerns with few snags.

  Feelings. By the ancestors, they were awful things to deal with. Except the sexual ones. The raw, unadulterated drives of lust and need were emotions he could get behind.

  It made him think of how Hope had appeared back in his ready room as she’d fucked Piras and then when he and Lokmi had fucked her. Mother of All, she’d been astounding. Kila wondered if he’d have another opportunity to enjoy her sweet warmth.

  Her soft voice broke through his reverie. “You’re saying you don’t disrespect me. You don’t think I’m a bad person for having sex with you when we barely know each other.”

  Kila quelled a sigh. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, apparently. Hope needed as much reassurance as his clanmates when feelings were involved.

  I can do this. I just have to pet her emotions the way I would pet her physically.

  Pretending it could be so easy, Kila said, “I think you’re a very kind person to allow me the privilege of your beautiful body.”

  Hope’s laughter told him he’d failed. “Okay. So much for frank honesty. I know I don’t have the most womanly form. You don’t have to lay it on so thick.”

  He scowled. “About such things, I’m always sincere. Except I might have understated the appreciation I possess for your particular attributes. When I called your body beautiful, I really meant it is astounding, amazing, overwhelming—”

  “Okay, it’s getting a bit much.”

  “—dazzling, remarkable, incredible, marvelous—”

  “Enough, Kila.”

  He was beginning to enjoy himself. “—gorgeous, miraculous, goddess-like—”


  “—stunning, spectacular, magnificent—”

  “Kila! Shut up!”

  He grinned at her. “You know it’s true.”

  “I know nothing of the sort.” Hope shook her head, but her smile told him he’d scored marks with the lavish praise. Praise she’d deserved.

  Yet he thought she also needed a dose of pure and simple truth. Fortunately, the words for that had occurred to him as he’d voiced his appreciation of her physical attributes. “I think you are a normal woman in your desires, and deserving of the opportunities to indulge them. Without concern or guilt. You had sex. The universe didn’t end. All is well.” He waved at the window vid filled with ships to prove that life carried on.

  She gazed at him for a couple of seconds before nodding. “Okay.” Then okay, quieter, as if speaking to herself. “Okay.”

  Wanting to let it go, but doing his best to give her the support she might need, he asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure. Thanks, Kila.”

  Kila relaxed. “My pleasure.” Another thought came to him and he voiced it with enthusiasm. “If you ever wish to test my feelings on the matter again, feel free to rip my clothes off and have your way with me.”

  Hope laughed. “I’ll do that.”

  Kila sincerely hoped she would.

  Chapter 15

  The night had gotten ridiculously late. Hope had the idea that if she’d been brave enough to check the time, she would find it had bled into early morning. Yet she continued to toss and turn, unable to sleep.

  Her mind was as crowded as her bed was not. Crowded with Piras, Lokmi, and Kila. She couldn’t stop thinking about them.

  She whispered to her dark room, “Fuck. I’m more infatuated with the bastards than I was before.”

  Such a thing shouldn’t have been happening. It had to be because of the sex. The old mindset of lovemaking occurring only in the context of a marital union was messing with her head. Even Kila had told her sex shouldn’t be that big a deal. Why couldn’t she accept it in that light?

  She felt a connection with each man of Clan Piras, however. Especially after having ‘just sex’. Which had been amazing.

  Before the Kalquorian trio, Hope had dreaded the idea of physical relations with a man to the extent she’d decided to never marry. As much as she’d lusted and touched herself to satisfy her urges, wedded bliss and the physical demands it would bring had been off the table.

  Under the influence of Piras, Lokmi, and Kila, she had discovered she adored sex. In the past, she'd been sure the many fantasies she'd enjoyed would be far more fun than the reality, but the opposite had proven true. Everything about actual sex that she’d partaken in had been a glorious awakening, almost spiritual. Whether in charge of Piras or under the control of Kila and Lokmi, she’d been enthralled with the gift of wonderful, glorious lovemaking.

  When Hope wasn’t replaying the activities that made her wet and aching all over again, she thought of the men who had made her wet and aching. Piras, a knowledgeable leader one moment, a man who had it all under control, only to bend to her will the next second with enthusiastic surrender. A Dramok she could count on to spearhead the fight to stop Copeland and save innocent lives. A lover who would ignore his own desires in deference to hers.

  Lokmi, a brilliant engineer who excited her intellect as much as her body. He had all the makings of a conscientious commander of men, needing just to hone that instinct. When compassion was called for, his caring made her feel warm and safe. When sex was on the table, he thrilled her to her toes.

  Kila, the Nobek who looked like mouthwatering destruction. He’d claimed he was no good with dealing with emotions, but Hope thought he’d sold himself short. Perhaps he was uncomfortable when it came to helping her cope with the feelings of uncertainty she’d experienced. Maybe he was a tad clumsy with emotional distress. There was no doubt in her mind, however, that he had a big, caring heart. Hope had the idea though Kila might be a terror to his enemies, he was a marshmallow when it came to those he loved. With a body built for wild passion, what wasn’t there to like?

  Hope realized she was obsessing over them again. She muttered a curse, twisted onto her other side, and told herself to go to sleep. Moments later, she was examining Piras’
s near-pretty features in her mind again.

  Snarling, she sat up. “Lights, eighty percent.” She grabbed her lap table. If she wasn’t going to sleep, she could at least work.

  It was a good plan. Too bad it didn't go the way she wanted. Some minutes later, Hope shook herself out of a daydream of being between Lokmi and Kila again, enjoying them in a different manner than before.

  All she could think about was Clan Piras. She had it bad.

  “And that ain’t good,” she breathed.

  Of all the times to become interested in the opposite sex, this had to be the worst. They would all be fighting to stop Copeland and Maf’s forces in a matter of days. If they managed to survive, Piras, Lokmi, and Kila would most likely be off to fight other battles. Hope would be—well, she had no clue where she and her family would end up. Probably in a Kalquorian prison camp unless Piras was able to clear his name, and thus the Naths as well.

  The future was too uncertain to indulge in fantasies. The crazy fixation on the admiral’s clan couldn’t be happening to her. Not now.

  “But it is. Damn it. Damn them.”

  Hope put the lap table away and ordered the lights off. She laid back down and stared at the unseen ceiling. Romance was out of the question. She had to get a grip on the situation, but she wasn’t sure how.

  * * * *

  After four days of frantic coding, Piras called a meeting. Kila sent Mostar to collect General Nath once the Earther confirmed he could slip away.

  Piras made himself meet Nath’s gaze squarely when he arrived in the conference room. Hope was back to work on the Sword of Truth. Her window of ‘illness’ had been stretched as far as she could get away with.

  As the admiral greeted Nath and introduced him to the rest of Kila’s senior staff, Piras wondered how the man would feel if he knew how close Clan Piras had grown to his daughter. With time shrinking so short until the scheduled attack, further sexual intimacies had not been possible. Yet the innuendo had flown between Hope and Piras as they worked side by side, day after day. Even more importantly, at least as far as Piras was concerned, were the more serious conversations, where they spoke of their past lives, the people they’d loved and lost throughout the years, the kinds of interests they held, and everything else which made them who they were.

  Kila and Lokmi had been slaving away at readying the phase devices to be placed on the battlecruisers, but they took what few moments they could find to spend with Hope and Piras. Despite the fatigue and strain that came with the impossible deadline they had to meet, there seemed to be no shortage of uproarious laughter and camaraderie. The naturalness had surprised Piras.

  He had thought since his, Kila, and Lokmi’s clanship was so new, there would be no end of adjustments to be made and hurdles to be jumped. Having Hope around and getting to know her should have made the matter rockier still. Yet instead of myriad complexities brought on by four powerful personalities trying to work together on a seemingly insurmountable task, they meshed well. It was not a perfectly running companionship by any means. Yet cooperative humor greeted the jostling and bumping modifications which had to be made. Even Lokmi, who had wielded his Dramok characteristics like a blunt weapon in the past, showed a new aptitude for conciliation.

  The clan was becoming emotionally invested in Hope Nath, an issue that loomed ever larger in Piras’s consciousness. He couldn't begin to imagine how it would play out after the fight for Haven and Rokan.

  He could have easily consumed himself in thoughts of the Earther woman for hours on end. As much as he wanted to ruminate on the dozens of fantasies he’d entertained in which all ended with her joining his clan, Piras forced himself to concentrate on the moment.

  The meeting was set to begin. The staff assembled around the oval table over which vids hovered. They seated themselves in hover chairs, with the exception of the admiral. He remained on his feet, at the head of the table.

  After the rest had settled, he addressed them. “Everyone, your departments have performed exceptionally. You’ve done the impossible in a short amount of time. General Nath, I thank you on the behalf of the Kalquorian Empire for seeing to it that forty-eight battlecruisers have been rendered disabled for fighting. It was exactly what we had hoped for, so excellent work.”

  Nath nodded. “I will pass along your gratitude, Admiral. It’s beyond what I had expected.”

  “I have personally thanked your daughter for her indispensable assistance. I can’t begin to tell you of the help she gave in the effort to gain access to the weapons systems of Maf’s destroyers. Because of her, I now have control over the firepower of about half of those forces. It may be enough to swing things our way, though I hope to add to the number in the short amount of time we have left.” Piras made sure he kept all emotion from his tone as he spoke about Hope.

  Nath managed to keep his proud fatherly beaming to a minimum. “Excellent, Admiral. It gives Haven’s defenses a real chance to overcome this attack fleet.”

  “I think so too.”

  Piras moved on to his own men. “Thanks in large part to the additional help from Weapons Commander Mostar’s department as well as volunteers from Dr. Yel’s medical department, all the phase devices for our personnel and smaller craft have been completed and installed. My deep appreciation and commendation to your men, as well as Chief Engineer Lokmi’s engineering crew.”

  Yel looked ready to burst with pleasure. Even Mostar’s eyes widened as he dipped his head in acknowledgment of the admiral’s praise. It was not something Piras offered often; in fact, he was known to be rather stingy when it came to complimenting crewmen. However, it had been more than earned.

  Piras didn’t miss Lokmi’s crestfallen expression. He’d worked like a maniac, had driven his men hard, and wasn’t anywhere near where he wanted to be. Accolades were not going to make him feel better no matter who offered them. When it came to holding himself to a high standard, the chief engineer was as demanding of himself as Piras was. It was one of the traits they shared.

  Knowing his Imdiko was not happy, Piras couldn’t help but pace as he continued. “I wish I could tell you to take a well-deserved break, but you all know that’s not possible. We are still up against the wall as far as time is concerned. Chief, I know we don’t have as many of the phase devices ready for the ‘cruisers as you had hoped.”

  Lokmi stared morosely at the vid with its tally floating over the table. “Not even close. I’m sorry, Admiral.”

  “I know you’ve done your best. I think the time has come to abandon assembly and work on the next task. We need the teams to begin installation of the devices you’ve completed. How soon can that begin?”

  Mostar answered. “Right away, Admiral. Our two-man teams of an installer and a guard are ready. We can begin at the close of this meeting.”

  Lokmi added, “Fortunately, it won’t take the same number of men to install that it took to construct. Manufacture of more devices will continue. We’ll install them as they are finished.”

  “Excellent.” Piras eyed his clanmate with concern, which made him speak with an abruptness that sounded like impatience rather than worry. “I suppose you plan to do some of the installations yourself?”

  Lokmi’s brow rose and he nodded.

  “I figured as much,” Piras sighed. The Imdiko was hands-on all the way, the kind of officer Piras admired. It was a trait he respected, but since Lokmi was his Imdiko, it also gave him more to feel anxious about.

  Perhaps discerning the admiral’s fears, Mostar said, “The executive command staff, myself included, must remain on the ship during this dangerous operation. Because of that, I am sending Weapons Subcommander Nived with Chief Engineer Lokmi on the mission.”

  The subcommander was quick to add his assurances. “He will be well protected.”

  Lokmi scowled and appeared ready to say something, probably ready to complain about not needing nursemaids. Piras gave him a pointed gaze. For a wonder, Lokmi put away his affronted Dramok urges and kep
t his mouth shut.

  He really was getting better, Piras thought.

  He didn’t say anything about it. “Excellent. We’re at a point where every minute counts, so you are all excused to get back to your duties. General, will you accompany the chief engineer and his guard? Lokmi wishes to install the device on your ship first.”

  Nath gave them a devious grin. “Indeed, I will be happy to have them join me. I will also spring a surprise inspection on my ship’s engineering department. That should help to divert their attention while the installation is underway.”

  Piras readied to send them all out to their appointed assignments. “All right. I know we’ve been grinding hard, and it’s not getting any easier. But I need you all to stay sharp and keep fighting to do our best. A lot of innocent lives are hanging in the balance here. You are dismissed.”

  The men rose and started out. Piras intercepted Lokmi before his chief engineer could race away, noting Kila was doing the same with Weapons Subcommander Nived.

  In a low voice, Piras told Lokmi, “I realize you outrank Nived. He knows his job, however. Don’t pull any Dramok-in-charge bullshit when it comes to your safety. I mean it, Chief.”

  Lokmi had settled down. His expression was utterly reasonable as he replied, “I know. It’s the knee-jerk reactions I have to watch out for. I’ve got this, Admiral.”

  “Be sure you do. If you don’t come back in one piece, I’m going to stomp all over the pieces which do return.”

  Lokmi impudently winked at him and leaned close to whisper. “I’ll be back safe and sound, my Dramok.”

  Before Piras could decide whether or not to call him on eschewing formality, Nived came over. Appearing deadly enough to fend off an entire Earther crew, he bowed to Piras and then turned to his charges. “Chief? General Nath?”

  Nath spoke to Piras as he moved towards the door. “Good luck to you all, Admiral. I’ll notify you of any problems my operatives encounter.”

  The three men left, Lokmi walking out last to offer Piras another mischievous wink and wave. The door shut behind him, and Piras gazed at Kila.


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