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Page 3

by Jerry Bruce

  “Just how do you propose to accomplish that? I mean, isn’t this drug that he put into the water supply going to make everyone powerless to do anything?”

  “I’ve wondered about that and I’ve come to the conclusion that it only dulls your willingness to confront authority; it doesn’t eliminate it. After all, we have been subjected to it along with everyone else, yet we are capable of rational thinking. I think that if you really want to oppose the Controller, the drug will have no effect, but if you are complacent it helps keep you there. I don’t know if this makes any sense; sometimes I question everything I’m thinking.”

  “I think you may be on the right track. If we were all reduced to being zombies, the world wouldn’t be able to run. Besides, something tells me that this Controller wouldn’t take any pleasure in ruling a bunch of babbling idiots; he needs to have some resistance so he can exert his power.” Stephen was almost licking his lips in anticipation of the upcoming fight.

  “So, are you willing to join me in battling this guy?”

  “Richard, nothing would please me more than to kick this joker’s ass. How do you propose we start?”

  “I made up a list of everyone that I think may have some affiliation with the Controller. You have already dealt with some of them since taking office. One I am positively sure of is Israeli Prime Minister Schmier. I also believe that British Prime Minister Rolt, French President LeClerc, and Syrian President Yahman may be aligned with the Controller. What I must do is try to determine if an alliance exists between the Controller and these gentlemen and then I would know a little better what we would be up against.”

  “We would stand a danger of showing our hand to the Controller if we aren’t careful in approaching the others, Richard.”

  “I know, Stephen. I figure that I may have been the only one who was told of the overall plan. The rest could be enjoying utopia, completely unaware of the positions they are in.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Because I am the only one he elevated in position. By making me world president, he has in essence made me his second in command. If the others knew, I believe there would have been some kind of discord. Maybe I can use that to win them over. The way I figure it, the members of the World Organization of Nations original panel have been strategically placed there to keep everybody, including me, in line. It’s more than a coincidence that the panel members come from the same countries as the leaders I think are aligned with the Controller. We need to determine how many leaders the Controller has in his back pocket. I’ve identified those I mentioned to you simply because they inadvertently gave me clues. We need to know who is on whose side if we are going to be successful.”

  “So do you have a plan as to how we are going to depose the Controller?”

  “I think I may have the answer.”

  * * *

  “Now why would you be meeting with Stephen Hamilton at Camp David, Richard?” The Controller was talking aloud to no one in particular since he was alone in his office. “What could you possibly have to discuss? Could it be that you are considering a pact with Hamilton—a pact against me, perhaps? That would be a big mistake, Richard.


  Richard had filled Stephen in on all the information he had gained through “a source in the news media” and how he was going to use it against the Controller, being careful not to mention Ralph Blocker. Richard knew that he had to be certain that he could trust the people closest to him. If the Controller could convince Veronica to cooperate, then he could also convince anyone else in Richard’s close circle. For starters, he devised a plan to verify the trustworthiness of Christine Morrison and Adam Broderick. He needed them more than ever if he stood a chance of overthrowing the Controller, but as much as he despised the idea, they would have to pass a loyalty test before he would confide in them.

  Richard’s plan was quite simple—he was going to have them take polygraph examinations. They would object of course, but he would explain to them that it was a requirement levied by the W.O.N., who wanted to insure that everyone close to the president was loyal. A refusal to take the exam would be a confirmation of complicity with the Controller, as would failing the exam outright. Richard hoped that they both passed because he had already made up his mind that if either failed, that person would have to be “neutralized” before telling the Controller of Richard’s actions.

  Richard was calling in a favor owed him by CIA Director Charles Thornton, whom he had supported against a great deal of opposition while in his second term in the Oval Office. Thornton had assured Richard that he could always count on him when in need, even after leaving the White House. He was now in dire need of that help, so Richard didn’t hesitate to contact Thornton for this favor. He gave no specifics to the director, other than that the examiner had to be an expert and beyond reproach. Thornton expressed some reservations at misusing his power until Richard assured him that the subjects were taking the exams voluntarily and that the security of the United States was the motivation. Knowing that the former president wouldn’t lie about something as critical as national security, Thornton relented and agreed to make the preparations.

  Richard now faced the task of convincing Adam and Christine to voluntarily take the exams.

  * * *

  Richard stood by the window looking out on the world hustling by far below. It was a beautiful day with a bright, clear sky and a slight breeze moving the trees. It was enough to relax him to the point of closing his eyes and letting the sun’s rays warm his face, a welcome relief from the chill of the overly air conditioned office. He had been enjoying the respite for several minutes when his solitude was interrupted by the intercom.

  “Christine Morrison is here to see you, sir.”

  “Thank you, please send her in.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good morning, Mr. President. You wanted to see me?” Christine closed the door behind her.

  “Yes, Christine. Please have a seat.”

  As she walked over to the couch, Richard couldn’t help but notice how her long black hair fell naturally over her shoulders and half way down her back. It was as though her hair was beckoning him to let his eyes take in the beauty of her long, statuesque legs. He thought to himself that he much preferred her with her hair let down, instead of wound up the way she usually did when she wanted a more formal look.

  Christine sat in the middle of the deep maroon leather couch that faced two matching armchairs from across an inlaid mahogany coffee table. Richard was going to sit in one of the chairs, then thought better of it, and took a place next to Christine on the couch. He initially did this to make their talk less formal, but he soon realized that he just couldn’t resist being close to her.

  “Would you like some coffee?” Richard asked as he poured himself a cup.

  “Yes, that would be nice.”

  After handing Christine her coffee, Richard took a sip of his before turning slightly toward Christine. Taking a deep breath he finally got it out. “I have to ask you to do something for me.”

  “You know I would do anything for you, Mr. President; all you have to do is ask.”

  With a voice as lighthearted as he could draw upon he told her “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, Christine, but the W.O.N. is insisting that you take a polygraph examination.”

  “A lie detector test? Why?” There wasn’t a trace of anger or concern in her voice, only curiosity.

  “It’s a requirement that they have recently implemented. Apparently there was an incident that raised loyalty issues among the representatives of the Italian delegation. The panel feels that it would be a good idea for everyone close to me to take such a test. Would you be willing to do this?” Richard didn’t like having to lie, but he couldn’t think of any other way to get this done; blaming the W.O.N. wouldn’t make him out as the bad guy.

  “Of course, sir, it doesn’t bother me at all.”

  Richard was relieved and couldn’t help
but reach over and take Christine’s hand. “Thank you. I assure you this will be low-key and confidential. I have made arrangements with CIA Director Thornton to administer the test, so you don’t have to worry about anything. He will make it as painless as possible.”

  “When do I have to take it?”

  “I’ll contact Thornton and set it up for sometime this week, if that’s okay with you.”


  “So how is everything else going? Are you settled in and up to speed?” Realizing he was still holding her hand, he couldn’t help but blush as he released her. Christine was disappointed that he released his grip, and wanted to grab his hand to continue the closeness she was feeling with him at this moment.

  “So far, so good. Everyone has been very cooperative. There haven’t been any significant problems, only those you would expect when dealing with people from different countries and languages.”

  “Good. I’ve gotten some very positive feedback about you. You have managed to charm your way into the hearts of even the French.”

  “Yeah, well I think there may be some ulterior motives there, if you know what I mean.”

  “I think I see. Do you want me to intervene?”

  “No, I can handle the situation; it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to fend off an advance.”

  Richard felt an odd sensation, one he hadn’t felt for a while—jealousy. “Just remember, I’m here for you.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. Now if you will excuse me, I have some preparatory work to get done before today’s press briefing.”

  Richard’s eyes followed her departure as he pondered his unease at hearing that another man was subjecting Christine to advances. He did take heart in that the advances appeared to be unwanted.

  * * *

  Richard had some time before his two o’clock meeting with the representatives from China, Korea and Japan so he thought he might as well tell Adam about the polygraph exam. Richard was still going through the formality of meeting with as many representatives as possible, thereby not showing any favoritism. He was admittedly concentrating on those nations that didn’t have a friendly relationship with the United States. Richard felt that opening the doors of communication should be his first priority. This was in fact Adam’s idea, so when Richard asked him to come by, Adam assumed it was to help the president prep for his meeting.

  Richard thought about all the years that they had been classmates, co-workers, and especially, friends. The thought of Adam being a mole for the Controller was unfathomable to Richard and he wouldn’t let his mind entertain such thoughts. But feelings aside, he needed to confirm beyond all doubt that Adam was clean.

  “Adam, I have to ask a big favor of you.”

  “Anything at all, Mr. President.” Adam still used the formal “Mr. President” instead of calling Richard by name as he had requested on numerous occasions over the years. Old habits die hard with Adam, Richard thought to himself.

  “There’s been an incident with the Italian representatives, something that brought their loyalty under question. As a result, the W.O.N. is asking that I have you undergo a polygraph examination. Are you okay with that?” Once again Richard had employed a lighthearted tone.

  “I never heard of anything so ridiculous!” There was definitely some ire in Adam’s tone. “Don’t they think that eight years as your chief of staff is sufficient proof of my loyalty?”

  Richard was taken back by Adam’s reaction. He immediately started thinking the worst. “I had no idea that you’d be this upset with the request.”

  “It just ticks me off, that’s all. If you ask me to take the test, I will, but I’m not going to take it because they ask me.”

  “I’m asking then; do it for me, Adam.” Richard was feeling better about Adam’s reason for objecting.

  “Okay, I’ll do it—for you.”

  “Good. I’ve made arrangements with CIA Director Thornton to have the test done by the CIA. That way we can insure that everything is properly controlled and kept confidential. There will be no leaks and it will be low-key. I can set it up for this week if that’s all right with you.”

  “I’ll make myself available, just let me know when. Do I have to go to Langley?”

  “No, I’m having the equipment and the technician brought to New York so there should be as little disruption of your schedule as possible. I’ll get back to you with the details.”

  “Okay, Mr. President. Need me for anything else?” Adam was quite calm and obviously over the tantrum.

  “No, that’s all for now, Adam.”

  Adam rose and turned toward the door.

  “And Adam, thank you, I appreciate your willingness to do this.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. President.”

  * * *

  When Alex Winston was given the questions that he needed to ask his two test subjects, he didn’t quite know what to make of them. Most of the questions were obviously geared at determining if the subject had been involved in activities which were not in the best interests of the United States or the president, but the final three were odd. This whole setup was odd. Why was he told to go to New York City to perform the tests? Why was the test being given in an empty office building? He wasn’t told the names of his test subjects, though he would soon recognize them both from all the press conferences he had seen on TV. Most of all he was curious why the director himself was waiting outside the room and had personally made all the arrangements.

  Alex read the last three questions aloud to himself to see how they sounded. He wanted to make sure he didn’t stumble or lend any emotion to the questions since either could possibly affect the test subject and bias the readings.

  “Have you ever heard of an individual called the Controller?”

  “Have you ever been approached by someone calling himself Controller?”

  “Are you now or have you ever been in collusion with someone calling himself Controller?”

  When he was confident of his preparation, he asked for the first person to be tested.

  Winston was immediately startled at how beautiful Christine Morrison was in person, much more than TV could convey. She had been waiting outside with the director, unaware that Adam was on his way over as well.

  Christine was calm during the thirty-minute examination. It was all Winston could do to concentrate on the graphs before him with such a beautiful woman sitting mere inches from him. After he disconnected the wires, Alex escorted Christine to the door to stretch his legs and get a drink of water before setting up his polygraph for the next person.

  Christine followed Director Thornton’s directions to wait in a room that had been outfitted with an easy chair, lamp and reading material. She didn’t know that Adam was waiting in another room for his turn.

  Adam put Winston through a third degree, or at least attempted to, but Winston was having none of it. He sternly told Adam to relax or the results would be skewed and a retest would be necessary. Adam didn’t relish that thought, so he calmed down and let Winston proceed.

  * * *

  “Mr. President, I have a sealed envelope with the results of the polygraph examinations. Would you like me to have them dispatched to you or would you like me to read you the results?” Director Thornton knew that Richard wanted the results as soon as possible and that’s why he called the minute he was handed the envelope.

  “Have you read the test reports Director?”

  “No, sir. And I wasn’t in the testing room. I waited outside. Per your instructions, no one has any knowledge of the examinations or the outcome outside of the test administrator. He put the test reports and his evaluation in a sealed envelope.”

  “Very good, Director. Please have a courier deliver the envelope to my office immediately.” Anxious couldn’t describe how much Richard wanted to know if either of his two closest friends was to become a foe.

  “You will have it as soon as possible, Mr. President.”

  “Thank you, Director; I apprecia
te your help in this matter.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. President. Should I continue to detain the subjects?”

  “Yes, keep them there until I tell you to release them. I explained to them that it would be necessary to detain them for a short time, so they shouldn’t get too upset. Do your best to make them comfortable. You are keeping them separate?”

  “Yes, sir, neither one knows of the other’s presence. I’ve made them comfortable, in separate rooms.”

  After he got off the phone with Director Thornton, Richard asked his secretary to call the security desk at the main entrance and request that she be notified as soon as the package arrived.

  Richard passed the time while he waited for the envelope by editing and making changes to the speech he was preparing for his address to the World Organization of Nations Congress, his first official address. In what seemed like only a few minutes, his secretary knocked and entered, laying the manila envelope on Richard’s desk. Richard didn’t touch it until she had left and closed the door, then he eagerly slipped the point of the letter opener into one corner of the envelope and with one quick movement cleanly slit the flap. He slid the examiner’s two reports from the envelope and placed them side by side on his desktop.

  Richard picked up Christine’s report first and after reading the examiner’s overall opinion, turned his attention to the analysis of each individual question. She had answered each question truthfully and had no knowledge of the Controller.

  Richard then read the opinion the examiner expressed regarding Adam’s test. One question had been answered with a reaction that caused the examiner to express the opinion that Adam was uncomfortable with that specific question; he couldn’t say that Adam was lying nor telling the truth, the answer was inconclusive. When Richard looked up that specific question, he saw that it was one of the filler questions that were put in at the beginning.

  “Have you ever used a controlled substance?”

  While not totally clean, Adam had obviously passed the critical questions. Richard knew and didn’t care that Adam had used marijuana and tried cocaine back in his college days. He knew Adam couldn’t be under the influence of anything since he’s known him; his mind was too sharp. He wouldn’t confront Adam with this; he had more important issues to discuss with him and Christine.


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