Book Read Free

Angel Blackwood

Page 11

by Sophie Summers


  Now I have a split lip and a shiner on my forehead, as well as a hand printed bruise on my hip… Great.

  After washing my hands, I wobble my way through the little hallway back towards the balcony where the boys were sitting moments before. But this time there’s another deep voice added to the mix.

  I stand frozen in place.


  The three of them don’t notice me standing in the living room, watching as they chuckle to themselves. Nixon, the traitor, hands him a beer and laughs at something he says; totally under Caspian’s charming spell.

  I quickly shut my eyes, praying he can’t see me through the glass windows or sliding door. I laugh when I think of what an idiot I’m being.

  “Close your eyes and he can’t see you? Really, Angel?” I whisper to myself. I quickly cover my mouth and turn around to creep back down the hallway before they see me. I’ve just reached the guest room where I’ll be staying, when a deep voice causes me to halt with my hand on the open door.

  “Trying to hide?” He asks.

  I look up, trying to give him my Little Miss Innocent look.

  “No!” It comes out sounding unsure.

  The hallway is dark, the only light coming from the open bathroom door and the room behind me. But I clearly see his big intimidating form as he walks closer to me. He stops inside the room, his body taking up the entire doorway, boxing me in.

  “I don’t like liars,” he simply says, looking me up and down, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. His blond hair is combed over neatly, he has a grey sweater on and snug looking jeans. He really is good looking and he knows it.

  I wrap my arms around myself self-consciously.

  “Then you won’t like me, I’m the biggest liar of all-time. The things I’ve lied about have hurt a lot of people. I’m a horrible person, you won’t like me,” I slur in my tipsy state.

  He frowns as if this doesn’t please him, making me even more uneasy.

  “You’re drunk,” he states, a smirk forming on his face as he continues to stare at me.

  I turn around from him and walk towards the bed. I try walking in a confident straight line, but I stumble a bit and giggle to myself as I flop my back down on the bed.

  “I’m not drunk,” I say, through inebriated giggles.

  “No?” He sounds amused.

  “Nope. I’m tipsy and it feels really good.” I smile to myself as I lay there extraordinarily happy.

  “I see. Wonder what your father will say about this. Doubt he’ll be too happy with Nixon since he’s supposed to be looking after you.” I hear the click of the door as it shuts. My breath catches and I quickly sit up, resting on my elbows I come face to face with Caspian as he saunters in my direction.

  The door behind him closed.

  “Don’t you dare tell him, Caspian.” I frown at him.

  I don’t expect him to grin at me, but he does, and this only deepens my glare.

  What the hell?

  “Alpha Caspian,” he says.

  I raise my eyebrow then move backwards on the bed as he comes closer. “You’re not my Alpha.” I scoff, as my tipsiness starts to wear off.

  He chuckles this time. “I like you, Angel. And because I do, I will look past your disrespect in a time like this, but you, my love, have a lot to learn.”

  “I’m not your love, I think you need to try your luck elsewhere because I’m just not interested,” I say bravely, wiping away the hair in my face. His eyes immediately go up to my right eyebrow and he frowns.

  I move off the other side of the bed as I try to avoid him, but he’s too fast and meets me between the bed and the windowsill. His hand cups my face and he forces me to look up at him. His eyes linger on the bruise above my brow. He runs his thumb across it and I push him away, but he grabs my hand harshly making me yelp as he squeezes tightly.

  He lifts my hand up, loosens his hold, then uses his other hand to gently pull my sleeve up past my wrist to where the bandage lies; undoing that too with one hand. I try to yell out but he whips me around, bringing my back to his chest firmly, and covering my mouth with his other hand. I stand still, afraid he may do more if I struggle; I know from experience, if he’s as twisted as Drake he’ll enjoy my struggle and I won’t give him that. I watch as he uses his other hand to bring my wrist into view.

  He’s looking at the very evident bite that my father gave me at the ceremony. I hear his breathing in my ear as he looks down at my hand in shock.

  “You haven’t healed?” He says, letting out a deep breath against my shoulder. “Why haven’t you healed, Angel?” He asks softly. I’ve never heard him sound so unsure before. Usually everything that comes out of his mouth is sharp, assured and to the point.

  My mind is going crazy, my head is fuzzy, and I’m trying my hardest to call out to Nixon; it’s harder when you have alcohol in your system.

  He turns me around and pushes me against the wall, still keeping his hand over my mouth.

  His body leans into mine as he stares into my eyes. “Why havn’t you healed? What are you?” He leans back and looks my body over. When he leans into my neck and I hear him breathing my scent in, I squirm trying to push away from him.

  Nixon finally heard my pleas, as he suddenly comes flying through the door. He looks at me under Caspian’s tight hold and his eyes go dark. Caspian immediately drops his hand, still staring at me in shock.

  “Angel, change of plans. We need to go.” He looks at Caspian then back at me. “Now!” He says with more finality, as he takes my bag off the floor and grabs my free hand.

  I don’t look back at Caspian and he doesn’t say another word, but Axel looks a little fearful when his eyes meet mine.


  Sitting in the car on the way back home, I rest my head against the window. I wasn’t trying but I kept hearing the question that was lingering in Nixon’s head, as if he was thinking about it hard. It was giving me a headache and I was already starting to feel the after-effects of the alcohol, my happy state was diminishing by each lousy minute that went by.

  “He saw the bite. He wanted to know why I wasn’t healing. He wouldn’t let me go, I didn’t know what to do when he held me tight against him. Caspian scares me, Nix. He scares me a shit load,” I mumble, looking out the window at the dark road ahead.

  Nixon pats my leg just above my knee, not in a boyfriend-intimate type of way but in a reassuring-brotherly type of way. I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

  I wake up as I’m being placed into a warm bed. “We’re at the pack house?” I ask in a mumbled sleepy whisper.

  Nixon puts the little bedside lamp on, luckily I’m in his guest bedroom. I breathe in the familiar smell. “Are you crazy? Your father would whip my ass for allowing you to drink. I can’t let him see you this way.” His eyes widen when he realises his choice of words.

  I close my eyes and mumble, “I’m not going to burst into tears every time you mention the word whip or beat, Nixon, so stop doing that.”

  I feel the bed dip near my stomach as he sits down. He tucks the blanket underneath my chin and I feel his eyes on me. “I’m so sorry for what he did and for the scars he left behind,” he whispers.

  I pull my hand out from under the blanket and rest it on his. “Don’t be. I was stupid back then, if it taught me one thing it would be that we all have monsters within us; some are darker and scarier than others but we all have them. Even I do. I was a silly little girl who gave her heart away too easily, I learnt from that, believe me I did. I know now that I need to protect what’s left of it and through that experience I learnt the traits of the bad apples and I’m going to stick to the good ones from now on.” I smile sleepily. Nixon still has that concerned frown.

  “We’re good apples, Nix… Good ones for now. But if we hang around the bad ones for too long, we’ll perish too,” I say through a yawn, closing my eyes.

  I feel Nixon move the hair out of my fa
ce before I fall asleep.


  I wake up the next morning with my first hangover. Clearly if I was a full blooded wolf, this wouldn’t be the case. I wouldn’t be hungover and I wouldn’t have a very evident blue bruise over my left eyebrow, which is only adding to the headache I have right now. After waking up late afternoon, I lounged around Nixon’s place watching TV and after raiding his fridge for greasy food. Finding nothing, I decide to take a walk home.

  I take a bite out of an apple as I look through my parent’s massive fridge. I find burger patties and luckily enough there’s fresh bread buns sitting on the table. I find cheese too and throw that on the counter along with the rest of my stock pile.

  “Hungry, sweetie?” I jump, and the apple goes flying. Dad walks in just in time to catch it and take a bite.

  “Mom! Give a girl some warning! I didn’t hear you walk in. Jeepers,” I say, leaning on the table trying to catch my breath. I put my hand to my temples and close my eyes. The headache is worse, and my eyes feel like they’re going to close on their own accord if I don’t have a nap soon.

  I hear them chuckling then listen to my dad’s jaw as he chews on my apple.

  “Well, you were so focused on finding food to cure that hangover, no wonder you didn’t realise I’ve been sitting here the whole time,” Alex says.

  Johnny coughs on an apple and pats his chest with a fist. “Hangover?” He asks, and I know I’m in for a lecture. Of course it’s not like I’m a saint, I have lied before and don’t let anyone tell you that withholding information from someone isn’t lying, it is…to an extent. I learnt that the hard way. Let’s just say… I’m turning over a new leaf. Not lying to my parents is number one on that checklist. However, as for the withholding part, other people’s lives might be at risk if I was to tell them everything; especially the part about my mates. The one that rejected me and the ones that are about to.

  “Yeah. Didn’t drink much but this definitely is a hangover, for sure,” I mumble, as I find a seat next to mom and rest my head on my folded hands.

  “Aww, sweetie. Let me make you something to eat,” Alex says in her sweet motherly voice. That’s not at all what I expected her response to be.

  “Why the hell are you hungover? You shouldn’t be drinking in the first place!” Johnny roars, making me wince and curl into my folded arms even more. I avoid looking up at him at all costs, I really don’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes right now.

  “Jon! Don’t yell so loud! Let her be,” Alex says, whilst digging through the cabinets.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I whisper, my head still curled into my folded arms resting on the table. I really don’t want him to be mad at me. Everything turns quiet in the kitchen, then I hear my father’s loud footsteps, a cabinet door opening, closing, and then the tap turns on then off. I hear the clink of a glass as its set on the counter in front of me. The bar stool next to me skids on the floor and then a big hand rub my back.

  “Drink this, baby girl. It’ll help.” I lift my head just a little to see my father sitting next to me with a concerned look on his face. I take the pills from him, downing them with the water.

  “Never been hungover before?” I shake my head.

  “I’m sorry I shouted,” he says, pulling me into his side. My mom watches our exchange and with a smile, gets back to work.

  “It’s okay. I deserved it.” I take another sip of the water.

  “You’re a good girl and your mother and I trust you. As long as you drink responsibly we don’t have a problem with it. But, I’m telling you right now, young lady, you break our trust then this little arrangement is over. Okay?” He says, in a stricter tone. I nod and he turns to looks at mom.

  “Think I’m handling this parenting thing pretty well.” He smiles proud of himself. My mother just rolls her eyes in amusement.

  After eating the scrumptious, enormous cheese packed burger mom made, I waddle my way up the stairs. I see Tyler in the hallway, and all my senses intensify. The wolf inside me wants to hold him near, never letting him go, but I know that the feeling isn’t mutual, no matter how many times Faith tells me his wolf wants us.

  He stops when I walk past and reaches out for my hand. I want to pull him close, but I don’t know how he’d react to it and I know it wouldn’t last long anyway. He’d eventually realise what he’s doing, then he’d push me away. I decide to avoid any confrontation by pushing him away first.

  I pull my hand away from him. “Not now, Tyler.” I don’t bother looking at him as I walk past and head towards my room.

  I hear his footsteps behind me, but I don’t turn around to look. I walk into my room, not looking as I push the door closed before flopping onto my bed face first. I don’t hear the door slam closed.

  “We need to talk, Angel,” Tyler says, as he comes inside from my balcony.

  “No, right now… I need a nap. You and your brother can bitch to me about how unwanted I am or what I’m doing wrong another time. I’m not in the mood right now. Go away!” The words hurt as I force myself to say them, so I turn my head away from where he stands near the bed.

  “No, Angel, don’t say that! He didn’t have the right to say what he did at your ceremony. Especially not on my behalf, it was wrong and unfair. I could feel your pain and I was across the court yard! He hurt you. I never want to hurt you. Now… I can’t even get into your head, neither of us can. You’re completely shut off! You’re my mate, Angel. He may not want you but I do. I know things are weird right now and I’m trying to get ahold of my feelings. I love you so much, but everytime I see your face, I’m reminded of how you promised us one thing then completely shut us out by going back to him.” My heart hurts but I refuse to look at him.

  “You and Kate still together?” I ask, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  “Yeah, we are…” He pauses for a second then continues, “…I know I’m an asshole for saying this, but I know now how you felt when you had that boyfriend of yours. I’m so torn… I know I should be with you, but I love her too. I know this should make me understand what you were going through and why it was so hard to leave your boyfriend, but I still carry so much resentment. Kate lost her mate and second chance mate. Maybe Talon was right, maybe you need to find your second chance mate? I can be with Kate that way… It’s just so hard because I don’t want to lose y-” He paces my room as if he’s speaking his thoughts out loud, forgetting I’m sitting right there.

  “Get out!” I say, turning and sitting on the side of the bed looking at the floor.

  “What?” He says breathlessly, looking up at me suddenly.

  “Get. Out,” I say, through gritted teeth.

  From the corner of my eye I see him running his hands through his perfectly combed over black hair. “Shit. Angel, the way it came out. I never meant it like that.”

  “You say you don’t want to hurt me, but you are hurting me, Tyler. How can you say you want me in one sentence and in the next you’re willing to reject me to be with your girlfriend because she lost any chance at having a mate. But that’s okay right? Because I’ll find my second chance mate. Don’t you dare tell me you love me and that you know how I felt when I was dating Drake! You don’t know shit!” I say through clenched teeth. I don’t bother to tell him that Kate didn’t lose her second chance mate, she rejected him, but I honestly don’t think Tyler would believe me at this point anyway.

  “Why don’t we know shit? Why is that, Angel? Huh?” Talon’s angry voice echoes as he walks through my bedroom door slamming it shut. He stands right in front of me as I sit on the side of the bed looking up to him; his arms folded over his chest tensing his jaw. The way he speaks and the anger that radiates off his body is enough to make me want to curl into a ball under my bed, but I won’t let him see that fear.

  I don’t answer him, but I do hold his eyes with my very own glare. He answers his own question, “Oh that’s right. We don’t know shit because you don’t tell us shit!”

is smart ass is really starting to piss me off. “You don’t know what the hell I was going through! You don’t know what he did to me and how he threatened me. You weren’t there, no one was. I needed distance between us, it was the only way to keep you safe!” I scream, as I push him out of my way.

  “What?” Talon says, sounding calmer. I look up to see both Talon and Tyler looking downright pissed off.

  “What do you mean, what?” I blink back confused as I move my messy hair out of my face.

  “What. Did. You. Just. Say?” Talon draws out, as he clenches his fist.

  “Who is the he you are talking about? Drake? Are you talking about him?” Tyler says, his eyes not leaving my own. They’re both standing tall and furious, and I suddenly realise my mistake.

  “Shit!” I look away running my hands over my face.

  “Speak. Now,” Talon says, grabbing my jaw and making me look up at him.

  I shove his hands off me. “Forget I said anything. Just get outta here, both of you. I’m too tired for this shit.”

  “Are you fucking with us? Is that what this was? Throwing yourself a pity party. Maybe if you say shit like that we might feel sorry for you? Dump our girls for you?” Tyler shakes his head as he lets out a forced laugh.

  Our girls…

  I don’t even know what to say to him. I don’t understand how he can think I would lie about something like that. I look at Talon and he wears the same disgusted look.

  “You did, didn’t you? You just made up that story to make us feel sorry for you,” Talon spits.

  “What? What the hell….” I’m so confused right now, I can’t even form words. How can they hate me this much? They know I’m not that type of person. I don’t need pity and I certainly don’t want theirs. I stop when I notice them staring at something behind me.

  I turn to see them glaring at the vase of black roses that Caspian sent me. Tyler storms past me and bumps me in my shoulder making me stumble. He picks up the vase then turns and looks at me. His eyes have never been blacker.


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