Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 15

by Sophie Summers

  I step away from her. Her whining and begging is a major turn off and right now I just need distance.

  She nods her head. “I get that,” she drones on, but I know she doesn’t get it at all. My brother and I have to work hard for our place in the pack. Her parents are part of this pack and she was born into it, therefore she is accepted through default. Alpha accepted my uncle, Tyler and I with the condition that we make sure our loyalty is shown. As long as we do, we will always have a place and be welcome into his pack. We are loyal to this pack, we love this pack as if we were born into it and I would never do anything that would make Alpha question my allegiance because he’s been so good to us. I fear that that will all change once he finds out how Tyler and I have been treating his daughter.

  It’s the only thing I fear… except the fear of losing Angel forever.

  “Honey? Did you zone out again?” Lucy’s whiny voice kills all thoughts once again. As her face appears again, she stands waiting with a hand on her hip.

  She walks slowly towards me and runs her hands up my arms. My wolf growls from within me, but I make sure not to voice it loud enough that she can hear.

  “We haven’t been together since she got here. I really miss you,” she whispers, running her hands towards my neckline.

  “Get her hands off us… now!” Jett roars inside my head, instantly giving me a headache.

  I take a step back. We haven’t had sex since Angel showed up. I just can’t bear to follow through with it, not when my wolf is constantly screaming at me from the inside whenever Lucy puts her hands on me.

  I feel him before I see him. It’s the connection my brother and I have…it’s the same connection we have with Angel.

  I can feel the anger and fury radiating from him, and I’m pretty sure Lucy does too because she moves to step behind me.

  He glares at her and snarls, “Leave us.”

  Lucy looks up to me hurt, “How can you allow him to speak to me like that, Talon?”

  “Just go, Luce. I’ll call you later,” I lie.

  She shakes her head and walks off. We both watch and wait for her to disappear into the woods before Tyler speaks.

  “I don’t know why the fuck you’re with her. She’s been with half the pack,” he says in disgust.

  “Like you can talk. Since when did you start playing with Barbie’s? Kate is not your type and we both know it,” I fight back.

  Perfect little Kate is definitely not Tyler’s type. Tyler seems all sweet and innocent, everyone thinks that I’m the degenerate brother because I look and dress a certain way, but he’s the one that has certain likes and wants when it comes to the bedroom. Not many share the same interests he does. I bet pretty little Kate hasn’t seen how rough and raw Tyler likes it when it comes to sex; or the fact he likes to let his wolf, Gunner, take control sometimes either.

  This is why I know for a fact that they haven’t done the deed yet.

  “You don’t know shit, Talon.”

  I smirk, my suspicions confirmed.

  “How can you tell me that you love her when you don’t even know whether you share the same interests when it comes to having sex?” I tease.

  “I can be gentle. When Angel first came here I was gentle and now…with Kate, I’ve been gentle,” he says, trying to convince me.

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “I don’t need it. I like it, but I don’t need it,” he says a little louder.

  “Bullshit! Why haven’t you had sex with her then?” I ask, but he doesn’t response. His walls are down and I can tell he’s trying to think of an excuse, but he can’t bullshit a bullshitter.

  “You’re scared.” I state.

  “Fuck sakes. I’m not scared, Talon! I’m worried. I’m worried I’ll scare her away,” he says, letting out a deep breath.

  “Her? who? Kate or Angel?”

  He takes a few seconds to respond then shakes his head saying “Kate dammit…. Angel is still fucking lying to us. I caught a scent, male and not from this territory. I’ve smelt the scent on her before, so I know he’s from Point Bright.”

  I growl. “Is it her ex?” I ask, rage welling up inside of me. I’m trying hard to keep my wolf from taken over control.

  “No, I didn’t catch his scent, but the one on her was familiar,” he says.

  “She lied to our faces! How many times is she going to keep doing this?” I yell out in frustration. I believed her, I even felt sorry for how we had treated her.

  “Do you blame her? Look how afraid she was, she was most probably too terrified to tell the truth,” he says. I look at him confused; I don’t think even he believes the words he’s saying.

  “Oh! So now you’re defending her?” I ask, in absolute disbelief.

  “No. Yes. Oh, I don’t know. She’s hiding something, I know it. I’m going to figure it out, but we need to try a different approach,” he says, before turning, walking away, and leaving me to stand on the dock alone.

  Chapter 12

  Angel POV

  I wake up the following morning and head to my parents room to use their bathroom. I have one goal in mind for today: Avoidance. I’m going to avoid the twins for as long as I possibly can, just until I can figure out what I really want. I fear that I’m gonna snap the next time they decide to manhandle me and treat me like shit. I wouldn’t ever forgive myself if I physically hurt them.

  I quickly get dressed and tip toe through the dark house towards the back door. Sneaking out is almost impossible with all these wolves and their enhanced hearing, but I manage it. My phone starts ringing halfway to Nixon’s house and Alex’s name appears on the screen.


  “Angel, I’ve been trying to get through our pack link to you, but you’re completely blocked off,” she says, sounding frantic.

  I cringe. “Sorry mom, I’m still trying to figure out how this all works.” I sit down on a nearby bench and run my hands through my damp hair. “I’m so used to keeping things to myself that I don’t even realise when I’m shutting everyone out.”

  I hear her inhale deeply over the phone. “Sweetie, it’s alright. This change has been hard for you. You’re the first born half-breed, we’re all learning from your transformation, honey. I didn’t mean to sound angry, I was just concerned. I’ve been worried about you. You’re progressing slower than a changed werewolf usually does. We can all sense your strength and feel your power, but you aren’t healing and your body isn’t responding like a usual she-wolf’s body would.”

  “I know, Mom, but I’m still learning too. I don’t know what to expect. I’ll try harder with the whole mind-link thing,” I say, turning my head in time to see Nixon returning from a run in his wolf form. He looks my direction then heads into the open front door of his house.

  “You know you can talk to me right? Your dad too.”

  I hear shuffling and then a door being closed. She then says in a whisper, “Your father doesn’t want me talking about it, but… after you came home that night all beaten up…” I hear snivelling and I know she’s trying hard not to cry. “…You changed after that night, sweetie. You don’t smile as often and you don’t seem as happy as you used to be. You told us you don’t know who did it, but I think you do.” Her voice breaks and I have to even my breathing because her being upset has an effect on me.

  “You know who hurt you, don’t you?” She asks. It doesn’t sound like a question at all; she’s figured me out.

  “Mom… I…”

  I lean my elbows on my knees as I rest my forehead in my right hand, my hair falling all over the place.

  “I can’t talk about this right now, Mom.”

  “I know, honey. I know. When you’re ready to talk, just know I’m always here for you,” she says quietly.

  “I know. I love you, Mom,” I say, thankful she hasn’t raised any more questions.

  “Love you too, baby.” She clears her throat and says in a louder voice.

  “The reason I was trying to get hold of
you was to tell you that you’re father and I will be staying here a little while longer. A few things have come up and he doesn’t want to leave until it’s sorted. Jacob is in charge till we get back.” She pauses. “You sure you don’t want to come up here and stay with us? I can send someone down there to pick you up?” She says, her voice holds so much hope.

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’ll see you when you guys get back, and I promise to call you as much as I can,” I say, not wanting to disappoint her, but also knowing I just did.

  “Okay, sweetie. Well I better go, I think your father just woke up. Be safe and look after yourself. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Mom,” I say, before ending the call.

  I look down at the phone in my hand. I want to tell her everything, I want to get all this shit that is weighing down on my chest out there. I want to tell the twins what happened, what I’ve been through and what I’m going through. I’m tired of keeping secrets and tired of keeping everything bottled up. I constantly feel like I’m about to burst and scream out and tell everyone everything that is hurting me and has already hurt me. I stand up, place my phone in my back pocket then lift all my hair up and pull it into a bun. I wanna tell them all, but I just can’t. My father will go after Jax’s pack, I know he will; the twins will too. Ronnie, Chloe and Jax may be caught in the crossfire, and I won’t allow that to happen.


  Two days pass and the doors to my bathroom and the twin’s bedroom are replaced; a set of keys are placed on my nightstand, not sure who was responsible for it, but I am grateful. Nixon and I spend all our time together and Axel has even come down for a surprise visit. We spend all our time either at the lake or hanging around Nixon’s house; always avoiding the twins as much as I possibly can. When Nixon and Axel saw the bruising Tyler left on my arms they went crazy. I had to promise that I’d tell them everything that went down if they kept away from him.

  I told them about me and Jax. At this part, Nixon started lecturing me on pack rules and repercussions for entering another pack territory: i.e a big no-no.

  Axel started laughing by this point, praising me for my rebellious behaviour.

  Nixon wanted me to stay at his place while my parents were away, but I refused to allow the twins that power over me. I won’t let them chase me away from my home.


  The house is quiet tonight, and I lie on my bed bored out of my mind. Nixon is on guard duty and most of the pack have gone to the lake. Nixon said I should go but I don’t want to be around the twins.

  My cell suddenly starts ringing. Rolling over on the bed, I reach across to my bedside table grabbing it before the ringing stops.

  An unknown number.


  “Angel, its Noelle. I know you have many questions and I don’t know if I can answer them all, but if you want to speak to me you have to come now. I’ll be waiting for you.” Noelle ends the call.

  I jump off the bed and throw on a jacket and my sneakers. Grabbing my phone, I head out of the door. I think about calling Nixon to tell him my plans, but I don’t think he will allow it considering the outcome of our first visit. I have to try to avoid him and the only way to do that is if I run all the way to the witches camp. If he sees my car missing he may come looking for me, and as far as he knows I’m fast asleep in my bed. I’ll tell him all about it when I get back though.

  I walk through the empty house, thankful that most of the pack is down by the lake. I walk to the kitchen and decide to exit through that door, just incase someone is in the living room; especially as I can hear the TV on.

  “Angel?” I jump at the sound of Jacob’s gruff voice.

  “Sorry, Jacob, didn’t see you sitting there,” I turn giving him a sheepish smile.

  He’s sitting at the kitchen island eating pizza.

  “Where you off to?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

  I point back to the door. “I… Uh… decided I’d go join the others at the lake.” He can probably smell the lie, but I stand firm and give him my most innocent smile. He gives me a weary look, then nods as I turn to leave.

  “What’s going on with you and my nephews?” He blurts out. This time my steps do falter.

  I swallow and turn around to face him. “What do you mean?”

  He raises an eyebrow again. “First time you showed up here you had them wrapped around your little finger acting like love sick puppies, now you’re all trying your best to avoid each other.”

  I look down at the ground unsure of how to respond. I can feel him trying to creep into my head and hear my thoughts, but I keep my walls firmly in place.

  “Do you think that because your parents are busy, they won’t notice what’s going on in your life? You have many eyes watching you, Angel. Sooner or later all those secrets that you’re holding in that vault inside that head of yours will be out in the open. The sooner you realise that your pack is here for you and that you can trust us, the sooner you can get rid of the burden weighing so heavily on your shoulders.”

  He speaks with such honesty. It sounds like my father speaking, even though its Jacob’s voice I hear.

  He nods his head toward the door. “You be safe out there at the lake now.” He gives me a genuine smile. I walk backwards and turn to open the door.

  “Just call out to me if you ever need help.”

  He leaves me with those parting words. I quickly leave the kitchen and run into the clearing of the woods.


  Trudging my way towards the witch’s camp, I make sure to keep my eyes and ears open to any unusual sounds around me. Patrol always change their routes, so I have no idea which area the guards are tracking tonight.

  Jacobs’s words filter through my thoughts. Does he know about what’s been going on? I wonder if he knows that the twins are my mates. The way he spoke and the words he chose were something I’d hear coming from my father’s mouth, so I have no idea if my father asked him to question me or whether he is truly concerned.

  A branch snapping to my right awakens my senses and I hide behind a thick tree. I’m closer to the witch camp and can see the compounds dim lights in the distance. I close my eyes and listen.

  It’s quiet now, too quiet. I open my eyes turning right to look behind the thick tree. Nothing. I turn my head left to look on the other side.

  Cold hands suddenly cover my mouth and my scream. I elbow the attacker in the ribs and a definite male grunt fills the silence in the woods. He lets go of me and I turn to find Fabian hunched over holding his ribs.

  “Dammit, woman!” he wheezes, trying to catch his breath.

  “If you want to come up behind me like that, best you expect an elbow to the ribs,” I say casually, enjoying the fact that I just got one up on him this time.

  “Why are you sneaking around the woods anyway? What are you doing here?” He says, finally able to catch his breath and standing to his full height once again.

  I look up at him. “I came to see your mom. She asked me to.”

  “For God’s sake. That woman is just asking for trouble.” I watch as he rolls his eyes and curses.

  “Angel? Is that you?” I hear a soft feminine voice call out through the bushes to my left.

  “Phoenix?” Fabian calls out confused.

  “Fabian? What the heck?” Phoenix makes her way through some bushes and when her eyes find Fabian and me standing side my side she pulls a weird face.

  “Uh.” her lips form a straight line and she looks as if she’s been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  “You weren’t supposed to be home tonight,” Phoenix says sheepishly.

  “I knew you and my mother were up to something.” He looks back to me. “You should go back to your pack.”

  “I’m going to see Noelle whether you like it or not.” I move to walk past, but he blocks my path with his tall frame. “No, you’re not going anywhere near her.”

  I fold my arms over my chest and crack my neck back to look up at him.
“Do we have to go over this again? Did you forget what happened the last time you tried to stop me?” From the corner of my eye I can see Phoenix fidgeting nervously.

  I put a finger to my chin dramatically and say, “If I recall correctly… last time you were the one on the ground, beneath me, possibly close to peeing your pants you were so afraid.”

  His eyes turn to slits as he glares at me, but he stands his ground firmly.

  “Oh for goodness sake! You two stop that. Angel, come on we have to get you inside before the others get back.” Phoenix grabs my wrist and drags me along. Fabian follows us with a constant frown marring his face.

  She guides me towards a tree by the fence behind Noelle’s cottage and makes me climb it. Once all three of us are on the other side, Fabian strides ahead of us until he is out of sight.

  Phoenix turns to me and smiles. “Don’t mind him, he’s just protective of his momma. I’m glad you came tonight, I didn’t think you would after what happened last time.” She looks down at her hands, it seems to be a habit of hers.

  “Don’t apologise, you were protecting your people. I would have done the same if someone was hurting someone in my pack,” I say, reassuring her.

  What I’ve said is the truth. Since I’ve been bonded to the pack, I feel this strong allegiance and protectiveness over each and everyone of my pack mates. She smiles at me and grabs my hand to pull me along. She’s a small thing, barely reaching my shoulder, but what strikes me the most is her ethereal beauty.

  “You held your own with Fabian. How did you learn to fight like that? It’s a wolf thing isn’t it?” She rambles on, clearly liking the sound of her own voice. I laugh to myself and she turns and looks at me with a shy smile.


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