Angel Blackwood

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Angel Blackwood Page 16

by Sophie Summers

  “Sorry, everyone tells me I talk too much.”

  “I don’t mind,” I say, still laughing.

  “I train with my father, he taught me most of it, but I guess being a wolf helps too.” I shrug and we continue our way to Noelle’s cottage.

  “I wish I could fight like that,” she says, under her breath.

  “I could teach you if you like?”

  Her wide eyes find mine. “You’d teach me?” She says, smiling. “I’d love that!”

  She pulls me down for a hug, but when she moves away her smile vanishes and a frown forms as she works her lip deep in thought.

  “I don’t know what the others would think? A witch getting a wolf to teach her to be stronger? They’ll think I’m weak. I would never hear the end of it from Fabian.”

  “I don’t care that you’re a witch and besides, I’m only half-wolf. We don’t have to tell anyone, and to be honest I don’t really have many girl friend’s around here, so I really wouldn’t mind at all.” She smiles at me. “It’ll be our little secret,” I tell her.

  She nods to the cottage where we stand. “Come on, she’s waiting.”

  “Fabian, I know you think you’re the man of the house, but you really don’t have a say in this.” Noelle’s firm words echo throughout the quiet cottage. The aroma of roast beef and oven potatoes fill the air, and my mouth can’t help but water.

  Noelle’s eyes find mine and she smiles. She raises a hand calling me to come closer and I do; besides the food is in her direction too.

  She pulls me in for a hug, I don’t expect it at all. I stand stiff for a few seconds before her words whisper into my ear.

  “Your mother was practically my sister when we were younger. I don’t care that we’re not blood related, I will cherish and protect you as if you were my niece.” I wrap my arms around her and return her hug.

  She pulls away from me and puts her hands on my arms. “I’m sorry I didn’t contact you sooner, I was afraid… I didn’t know what was going on with you or where that magic came from. I knew it was strong, I just didn’t realise it was that strong and powerful. I know you have questions and I will help you as much as you can. I’ll try to teach you ways to control the power. We will figure it out, Angel.”

  I let out a deep breath as my words come tumbling out. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what the hell to do. I’m so scared I’ll lose control and hurt someone I don’t mean to.”

  She gives me an understanding nod. “Come, I’ll dish you out some food then we can talk.” She leads me to the little table where I sat last time.

  “Ma, seriously?” Fabian’s angry voice ruins the peaceful state Noelle just put me in.

  “This isn’t a Diner. Don’t you get fed at the dog house you live in?” I roll my eyes at his little jab. I’m getting sick of his wolf-remarks.

  “Fabian, you keep talking like that and you’ll be eating at a Diner tonight,” Noelle says, as she turns to carve the roast beef.

  Phoenix jabs Fabian in his side with her elbow, pulling out her tongue at him while Noelle has her back turned to us. I have to keep myself from laughing out loud when Phoenix sits down next to me making herself comfortable.

  Fabian glares at me throughout the dinner, whilst Noelle and Phoenix chat and talk about normal human things. You certainly wouldn’t say I was a wolf sitting at a table full of witches. To be honest, it feels good to be normal without worrying about things like packs, territories and mates.

  Phoenix offers to clean the dishes with the help of Fabian, much to his dismay. While Noelle leads me to the living room, pulling out a huge photo album which she hands it to me.

  Flipping through the album, I am surprised to see that each and every photo is of my mother and her, there’s even some of Noelle and James. My hand freezes when I come across the ones of James. He looks so young as he stares lovingly into the camera lens.

  “Who took this photo?” I look up to find Noelle looking down at the photo with a smile on her face.

  “I did,” she says, in a soft whisper.

  “You cared about him?” I ask.

  “I loved him,” she says proudly, then laughs and wipes away a single tear. “My mother helped heal him when he was bit by the rogue. After he survived the shift… things changed. He changed, your mother changed, everything was different.”

  I look down at the picture and run my finger over his face. “I miss him.”

  Noelle wraps an arm over my shoulders and whispers, “I do too.”

  Once Fabian and Phoenix join us in the living room, Noelle asks me to explain what’s been happening to me recently, so I do. I tell her about my healing powers and the after effects, and what it feels like when the magic is taking over my body. Phoenix asks about the first time I shifted into my wolf-form; she seems rather interested in that particular part. I can tell Fabian doesn’t like it one bit. He so doesn’t want to sit here and listen, so I tell them every little thing that comes to mind making sure to drag out every last detail.

  “So you’re telling me that you don’t heal like a normal wolf does?” Fabian asks, now sounding captivated.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. If I were a full-blooded wolf, you wouldn’t have stood a chance against me. Full-blood wolves are bigger and stronger, but I am quick at least. My strength is growing with each passing week. I’m becoming more wolf and less human, but I’m still not healing like a full-blood would,” I tell him, turning my head to Noelle.

  “We witches believe in the Law of Infinite Data, meaning there is more in the universe than we can sense or know; learning never stops. You know about wolves, witches and you probably realise there is a lot more out there that isn’t part of the natural world. Nature can be altered, but it will always keep part of its natural form. You were born human and wolf, and that’s why you turned without having to be bitten, but your human side is still very much a part of you. When a human is turned by another wolf through a bite, the wolf gene takes over the human side. The human gene cannot withstand the wolf one and this is why so many die. You have both genes and I guess this is the side effect of that. You may be special seeing as you’re the only one I know born from a wolf and a turned human, but you have to work harder than any wolf to make sure no one finds out about that. Maybe your healing will progress at a later stage, but for now you need to keep that to yourself and those you trust.”

  “What about the magic? Can you explain how that came to light?” I ask her.

  “Have you ever asked your mother about her parents?” she asks, cautiously.

  “She told me that they were killed by rogues the night she met my father?” I don’t know if I like where this is going. I can tell Noelle is about to drop a bombshell.

  “Your grandmother was a witch, Angel. A very powerful one. Your mother and uncle were part of our Coven, we all grew up together. When the wolves killed your grandparents and bit James, your father took your mother and him away from us.” Her voice turns darker and the little lamps in the cottage flicker. Fabian reaches over and takes his mother’s hand in his.

  She takes a deep breath then continues, “Your father turned your mother before she had a chance to learn her magic and fully appreciate it. The fact that your mother was to be a witch and your father is a wolf could also be a reason why you survived your birth. The power that your grandmother passed down to you only came to light when you were on the brink of death. You consumed the power out of me as I tried to heal you, that alone says how powerful you are.” I sit there frozen and at a loss for words.

  Why didn’t my mother tell me about this. I know I’ve kept secrets from her, but I’m not the Luna of the pack, she’s the one who said we don’t keep secrets from the pack.

  “Does the pack know about this? Does my father know about her being a witch?” I ask.

  Fabian’s harsh voice breaks through the air as he stands up angrily. “Your mother is not a witch! She left her people before she even had a chance to practice, she left her Coven
to mate with a wolf!”

  “Sit down, Fabian!” Noelle scolds him. Phoenix moves over and sits next to him, taking his hand; he instantly appears quieter when looking at Phoenix.

  Noelle looks at me. “Fabian doesn’t like wolves very much, you have to excuse him. What you need to understand is that witches and wolves don’t get along. Centuries ago we all lived freely, but power and greed were the downfall of the harmony between us. The Wicca don’t believe in having a central authority figure. Wolves have Alpha’s to lead the pack, but a Warlock named Nolen felt that he should lead the Wicca. He believed that we weren’t the equals our descendants had told us for centuries, he looked down on wolves even though they were created by mother earth. He thought we were superior to the wolf, creating a spell making sure werewolves could only turn into their natural wolf-form on a full moon. As you know your wolf lives for running free, they hate being caged up, it drives them mad, or so I’ve read. By creating this spell, werewolves weren’t able to allow their wolves as much freedom as they wanted. Some wolves went insane and some couldn’t handle hearing the constant howls of their wolves from within them, leading many wolves to kill themselves during those years. Nolen was a brutal harsh man, he had two wolves as slaves. Whether in their human or wolf-form, he had them collared and leashed. Full moons became a dangerous time for the Wicca because during those nights, when the wolves were in their natural strongest form, they would seek vengeance killing any witch or warlock they could find. Only one witch was brave enough to go against Nolen. Her name was Annalisa, and she was as powerful as him. Her three children were killed when a pack of wolves entered their camp. Annalisa had been working on a spell to reverse the one that Nolen created, she was on the brink of performing it when the wolves attacked the village. Witches have a saying, “If it harms none, do what you will” meaning you can do whatever you want to do as long as no harm comes to you or others. We also believe in the three fold law, meaning whatever you send out comes back times three, good or bad. Having said that, Annalisa never wanted to bring any harm to an individual, but once her kids were killed she wanted to take the life of Nolen. She set out to do so and with that, black magic was created. She killed Nolen and removed the spell he’d cast against the wolves. It took hundreds of years for witches and wolves to learn to coexist, but eventually they did. Things aren’t perfect, but at least neither of us have to live in constant fear.” Noelle leaves me speechless, there’s so much more to this then I could ever know. How many more supernatural things are out there that I don’t know about.

  I hear Phoenix giggling and I look up to see her looking at me. “It’s a lot to take in isn’t it? Imagine how we feel, once we start practising we have all these trials and exams we have to pass in order for us to practice magic freely. Those exams entail the history of Wicca and let me tell you-” Fabian breaks Phoenix’s rambling as he stands up and takes her hand.

  “You can tell her another time. You promised to help Carlie with a spell. Let’s go.”

  Phoenix pulls a face, almost snarling as she rolls her eyes and stands. “I didn’t promise anything, I don’t see why I have to teach your girlfriend basic spells.” I hear their arguing all the way out the front door and out of sight.

  Noelle laughs to herself. “Those two get on each other’s nerves.”

  “Are they related?”

  “No not related, you see any red hair here?” she giggles to herself, pulling a piece of her curly dark hair.

  “I took Phoenix in about five years ago, she was twelve. I virtually brought her up when her mother wasn’t around. Those two are practically brother and sister.”

  I nod my head, so many thoughts going through my mind, so many questions I have to ask.

  Noelle’s tone turns quiet and she reaches out and holds my hand. “You understand what I was telling you about your grandparents and mother? I don’t know her reasons for keeping it a secret from you and your father, but she must have a good enough reason.”

  I nod my head.

  “You’re a half-breed, Angel. But you’re not half-wolf, half-human. You’re half-wolf, half-witch!”

  I leave Noelle’s after she explains how she is going to teach me and train me. I make my way up the tree, careful not to let anyone see me. As I’m just about to pull my leg over the wall a hand wraps around my ankle. I’m just about to kick at it when Phoenix screams out.

  “It’s me! It’s me. Gosh! Are you always in stealth mode!” She says, backing away from my foot.

  “Sorry. You surprised me. What’s up?” I say, looking down at her.

  She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. “Here’s my number, call me when you wanna meet up. I’m available, whenever.” She shrugs it off trying to sound nonchalant, even though I can sense how excited she is.

  “I’ll text you when I get home so you have my number,” I say, smiling. She almost jumps for joy, but quickly covers it up with a stumble.

  “Cool.” She nods her head.

  “Bye, Phoenix.” I chuckle, as she smiles waving her goodbyes.

  I climb over the fence and when I’m out of sight my hearing picks up on the sound of Phoenix’s footsteps; she’s dancing enthusiastically behind the wall.

  “I made a wolf-friend, I just made a wolf-friend,” she says softly in a sing song melody. I can’t help but laugh out loud. All movements stop and she’s silent from the other side of the wall.

  “Phoenix?” I call out, it’s a few seconds before she responds.

  “Yeah?” She replies quietly.

  “Goodnight.” I walk away with a smile on my face, the sound of her excited footsteps and sing song melody continuing in the distance

  That is one weird little witch.


  Walking out of the woods and into the clearing of the pack house, I find Talon and Tyler sitting on the steps of the front porch. I keep my walk firm and pull out my phone sending Phoenix a text and trying to look busy whilst ignoring the twins. I attempt to walk right between them up the steps, but Tyler grabs my left ankle. I take another step forward with my right leg and Talon wraps his big hand around that one.

  “Get your hands off me,” I grind out.

  Tingles move through my body every time they touch me. Whether it’s to hurt or caress me, my body is a slave to them. Their touch makes me want to melt into their arms, but I can’t have that. Not now.

  “Where did you disappear to?” I freeze at the sound of Tyler’s question. Surely they can smell the witches on me. I look down at him, right in his eye and use all the power I can to order him.

  “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me!” I repeat. Tyler’s eyes widen, then he frowns and slowly removes his hands. Talon does the same.

  They both stand up and their height seems to crowd me in. I move to walk away, but Tyler grabs my elbow ever so gently.

  “Angel?” I pull my arm from his loose grip.

  “I’m getting really tired of the way you two keep manhandling me.” I watch as he swallows and shame covers his face.

  “Angel?” I turn to find Nixon standing in the door way.

  I give him a smile and say excitedly, “We need to talk.” I grab his hand and pull him towards my father’s office knowing it’s soundproof.

  “Where have you been?” he says after I close the door behind him.

  “I went to see Noelle…” I cover his mouth with my hand. “…before you interrupt and get angry, I want you to know that no one hurt me and she answered so many questions.” I can’t stop grinning as I explain to him excitedly what happened and what she said.

  I reluctantly remove my hands waiting for him to release his wrath on me, but he doesn’t, instead he nods. He sits on of the chair and looks back at me as he runs his hands through his hair.

  “So you’re a witch?” He asks, in a low tone. My joyful mood dies at his tone. Nixon really doesn’t like witches at all.

  I move to sit next to him. “I’m half-witch, half-wolf. It’s not like I’m going to lea
ve you and go join their coven or anything.” He frowns at this.

  “Nixon? What’s wrong? This doesn’t change anything. I’m still the same person I was before I left here tonight.” I put my hand on his arm and he looks at me.

  He continues to look at me for a few minutes before he nods his head.

  “I’m being stupid. If anything, that magic saved me…saved us when those rogues attacked us back in Point Bright. You’re still my Angel.” A slow smile forms on his face and he brings me in for a hug.

  A let out a deep breath, thanking the Fates that I didn’t just lose my best friend.

  On my way back up to my room my message tone on my cell goes off.

  Phoenix at 12:34am: I hope you don’t mind that I put a cloaking spell on you to mask our scents. If my timing is right it should be wearing off in about ten minutes…

  I text back a quick reply.

  Angel at 12:36am: Thanks. I would have been in some serious shit if they smelt a witch. The thought didn’t even cross my mind until just now.

  I guess that’s just one of the perks of being friends with a witch who knows her stuff.

  With my head swimming with information overload, I head for the shower to wash yet another day of secrets, truths and discoveries away.

  Chapter 13

  I wake up drenched in sweat. I kicked all my blankets off during the night, and even thought about lying in the tub to cool down. I take a cold shower and it cools me down to an extent, but as soon as I step out, my temperature increases again. I feel drained and am seriously fighting a losing battle with the exhaustion that racks my body. Alongside the fact that I can’t seem to get this damn temperature down, I’m feeling pretty wrecked.

  I look out the window to see that it’s raining hard outside and the water droplets are calling my name. I run downstairs and into the open yard, letting out a sigh of relief as the droplets cool me. I close my eyes, opening my mouth to let the drops slither down my dry throat.


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