Forbidden Fruit: An Unlikely Love Story

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Forbidden Fruit: An Unlikely Love Story Page 9

by Michelle Fondin

  “Well, I am still your mother young lady. And it is my job to know who you’re out with,” Barbara insisted.

  “If it’s any consolation to you, they are from St. Mary’s, so they are “safe” people,” she snickered. Marissa turned to head toward her room.

  “If you are going to talk to me that way, I might as well not tell you who called,” threatened Barbara.

  Marissa guessed, “Did Daniel call?”

  “Yes, he did. And something came for you today. It’s in your room.”

  Marissa ran toward her room. On her bed was a long white box tied with a thick red ribbon and a large bow. Her heart beat faster as she untied the ribbon. The scent of the eighteen red roses filled the room. Even though she knew whom they were from, she opened the card.

  Baby, Happy Birthday! I can’t believe I’m not there to celebrate with you. You know you mean heaven and earth to me. I am counting the days until we can be together and we can finally begin our life together.

  Love you like crazy,


  She dropped the card to the floor. Her stomach felt queasy. What had she done? Suddenly she was missing Daniel more than ever. She was dying for him to take her into his arms and declare his love for her again and again. For her and Daniel things had been so easy from the start. And he had always made a big deal about her birthday. She fingered the gold watch around her wrist that he had given her for her seventeenth birthday. Was she making a mistake that might cost her the relationship with Daniel?

  Thinking about Daniel made her think about everything that had changed in the past few months. Before, her days consisted of normal teenage things. She would go to school, do her homework, talk to friends, hang out at the mall or with Daniel and watch some TV. Planning for her future had always been part of that since her life was so miserable at home. But on the weekends she would go dancing or to parties. Now she was wrapped up with a teacher and she was happy but she couldn’t share her happiness with anyone. She wanted to spend time with Nick but spending time with him didn’t include any of her other friends. Suddenly, for once in her life, her goals appeared fuzzy. And even though she felt confused with the situation at hand, she couldn’t show signs of weakness. That was not something she allowed herself. She was used to being the tough one. In the face of her mother’s changing emotions she was strong. Between she and Daniel, she was the one who solved the problems. And from the age of five, after her parents’ divorce, she showed strength for her sister. Somehow, she imagined, her relationship with Nick was an escape from reality. But even as she craved the deep and meaningful conversations with Nick, they made all other exchanges seem trivial. As a result, she was quickly losing interest in her peers. She felt as trapped as if she had opened up Pandora’s box.


  Nick’s parents were reading by the light of the fire when he came home.

  “Working late again son?” asked his father.

  “I was actually out with a friend,” answered Nick.

  “Really?” inquired his mother. “Would it be a guy or lady friend?”

  “A woman,” replied Nick quickly. He did not have the habit of lying to his parents and he wasn’t about to start. However, he was absolutely not ready to talk about Marissa. He thought it was too early and the situation too strange for them to comprehend at that point.

  “Is she possible girlfriend material?” continued his mother taking off her reading glasses.

  “Maybe,” said Nick. “Well, good night.”

  When Nick was halfway up the stairs his mother called out, “Nick, you have a letter from Francesca. It’s on the front hall table.”

  Nick leaned over the rail and took the light blue airmail envelope. He flipped it over and saw the return address: Italia. He thought Francesca had given up on him. With everything going on in his life, he hadn’t written in a long time.

  With the door closed and his night table lamp on, Nick unfolded the letter.

  Dear Nick,

  How are you? Do you believe it has been over a year since I left the States? I am doing well. I continue my studies for another year. My family is good and the sun that shines down on my town keeps my spirits up. But I do miss the U.S. and I miss you a lot. When I think of the summer that we spent together, it is with fond memories. I liked talking and laughing with you.

  It is my desire to come to see you next summer after exams. I hope that you are open to that idea.

  Please write me and tell me what you think. I hope you haven’t forgotten me. Kisses to you and your family.



  Nick pressed the letter to his chest, and while deep in thought, fell fast asleep.


  The next morning Marissa paid a visit to the counseling center at school. It was customary at St. Mary’s for seniors to check in with their guidance counselor at least once per quarter to give an update on their college application process. Mrs. Collins, Marissa’s counselor, updated her files. “Which colleges have you applied for to date?”

  Marissa looked up and counted off her fingers, “UCLA, U.C. San Diego, State and that’s all.”

  Mrs. Collins finished writing down the names then asked, “Have you thought about applying to any more? There are a lot of great colleges around this area?”

  “No, Mrs. Collins. I don’t plan on staying here. I’m planning on moving to California. So if I apply to any more colleges, it would be there. The only reason I applied to State is because my parents forced me to,” explained Marissa.

  “Marissa, I don’t want to discourage you but I think you need to know that it’s extremely difficult to be accepted into a public California university if you are not a state resident.”

  Marissa looked confused, “But why? My grade point average is 3.9. I took tons of honors classes. My test scores are decent.”

  “Listen, I know you have a great profile for in state. But 98% of the students they accept to UCLA are residents of California. That’s a simple fact. If you’re dead set on California, and you don’t get accepted, you could move out there, go to a community college for a year, establish residency, then reapply.”

  Marissa’s slouched in the chair with discouragement. “You don’t understand. My parents would never accept me going to a community college and I don’t think I want to either.”

  Mrs. Collins smiled warmly at Marissa, “Well, don’t give up. Let’s wait and see what happens. Shall we?”

  Yet, Marissa couldn’t help but feel a heavy weight on her shoulders as she left the counseling center. To make matters worse, she bumped into Brogan on her way in.

  “Like, Hi!” Brogan said sarcastically. “Where were you last night? I thought we were going to do something for your birthday.”

  Marissa breathed out heavily, “I’m sorry. I can’t talk about it now. Listen Brogan, it’s really complicated. Can I catch up with you at lunch? I gotta get to class now.”

  She hadn’t thought of what she might tell Brogan to explain why she had been ignoring her the past few weeks. Lying to Brogan would never work. They knew each other too well. Marissa had done crazy things in the past but none as crazy as going out with a teacher. It would be near impossible to explain the connection she had with Nick and she didn’t even expect her to understand. But Marissa had to tell Brogan something and she had to tell her soon or else Brogan might think Marissa was mad at her.

  At lunch Marissa worked on her homework until Brogan arrived chatting with a few of the popular girls. Marissa waited until she sat down before going over to her.

  “Hey Brog,” Marissa started, “I, uh, really need to talk to you.” Then looking around the cafeteria, she spotted Nick in front of the cafeteria door checking hall passes. “But we can’t talk in here. Why don’t we go out on the track?”

  Brogan glanced down at her uneaten lunch, then back up at Marissa and said with annoyance, “I haven’t even eaten my lunch yet.”

  Marissa stared straight into Brogan’s eyes
as if to say, “Now Brogan! And I mean it.” But instead she said, “It’s kind of an emergency.”

  Brogan got her message and the two girls exited out the back door of the cafeteria and headed toward the track.

  “Is this about your birthday?” began Brogan curious.

  “Well, sort of,” hesitated Marissa in a whisper as she sprinted toward the running track.

  “Hey what’s the hurry?” Brogan asked trying to catch up. “And why the track?”

  “We are going to walk this period to get in shape O.K.?” answered Marissa sarcastically. “No Brogan. I don’t want anyone overhearing this conversation.”

  Brogan looked at Marissa with surprise, “What? You’re not pregnant are you?”

  Marissa gave her friend a shove, “Come on, no way. Daniel was here over four months ago. Besides I’m not that stupid.”

  “So what is it?” she asked as they stepped on the track.

  “God Brogan, I don’t know how to explain this to you,” Marissa began.

  “Explain what Mariss? You can talk to me about anything, you know. We used to play with naked Barbie dolls together in first grade, remember? So whatever it is, you can tell me,” Brogan said.

  Marissa laughed. She had forgotten about the naked Barbie dolls. They were so afraid her parents would catch them playing with the naked Barbie and Ken dolls that they used to hide every time they heard her parents coming near. Marissa turned to Brogan. “O.K. but first you have to promise you won’t tell a single living soul what I am about to tell you. Do you promise?”

  Brogan couldn’t imagine what her friend could possibly want to keep so secret but she nodded her head in agreement, “O.K. I promise.” Then getting excited she said impatiently, “Well, tell me.”

  “I’m dating a teacher,” Marissa blurted out.

  Brogan’s mouth dropped open, “A teacher? You mean from here?”

  Marissa smiled and nodded her head, “Yeah from here.”

  “O.K. let me guess,” said Brogan excitedly, “Would it be the art teacher by any chance?”

  Marissa smiled again and giggled, “Yeah, it would.”

  This time it was Brogan who shoved her friend. “Get out of here!” she exclaimed. “You are not dating Mr. Smith!” Then she paused, “ What about Dan?”

  Marissa’s smile disappeared, “I know. I’m uh, kind of struggling with that one. I love Dan so much. He and I are so much alike and we’ve been together for so long. But with Nick, I don’t know it’s different, it’s…”

  Brogan cut in, “What a minute. Nick? That’s his name?”

  Marissa’s smile returned, “Yeah Nick. What do you think, that I call him Mr. Smith when were out together?”

  Brogan’s green eyes widened, “O.K. Mariss, you are going to have to back up a little. How did this happen? And when and how do you go on dates with him?”

  “It’s pretty involved but it all started when I interviewed him for the school paper and one thing sort of led to another.” explained Marissa.

  Brogan raised her eyebrows at Marissa and said, “So have you…?”

  Marissa stopped walking and looked at her friend in astonishment, “No! We only kissed for the first time yesterday.”

  “On your birthday,” said Brogan.

  “Yes on my birthday. That’s who I was out with last night. But to get back to that, our relationship is not at all like that. I mean I wouldn’t mind if it was, he is so gorgeous and sexy. But we talk a lot, and about a lot of different things. He’s really interesting.” Marissa’s thoughts drifted off for a second.

  “It sounds like you’re in love,” Brogan teased.

  Marissa stopped her, “No, I can’t be in love. I love Dan. This is just a little fling. I’m just passing the time until Dan and I can be together again.”

  “Did you tell him?” asked Brogan.

  “Dan? No way! No one knows, but you of course. And I’m not telling anyone else. It would be too risky for Nick. He could lose his job or worse.”

  Inside the school, the bell rang loudly signaling the end of the lunch period. The girls ran off the track. “Hey Brogan,” Marissa said grabbing her by the jacket. “Don’t even tell John O.K.?”

  Brogan looked Marissa in the eyes and said, “I won’t. I promised, right?”

  But Marissa couldn’t be sure. Brogan and John were really close, as close as she and Daniel had been. And Marissa never kept anything from Daniel, except for now.

  Just as she thought things couldn’t get any more complicated that day, Marissa ran into Mr. Sincop on her way to her locker.

  “Marissa, are you ready for show choir practice this weekend? I want you to try out for a solo for the Christmas concert,” Mr. Sincop stated firmly.

  “Sure. I’m ready,” Marissa lied smiling. She wasn’t ready. She hadn’t even thought about practice. Furthermore, she wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of practicing on weekends. Yet it was an honor to be considered for a solo in the Christmas concert. It was even more of an honor to be in the show choir and Marissa was aware of that. There were plenty of students who would have gladly taken her place, which she held since the tenth grade.

  So as Marissa slammed her locker to rush off to next period, her mood lightened as she thought of her music teacher’s compliment. He wanted her to try out for a solo. But just as she began to feel happy once again, a second thought crept in. She had just told Brogan about Nick. And Brogan might tell John who graduated with Tim Kowalski, the principal’s son. Why hadn’t she thought of that before?

  Chapter Ten

  Daniel phoned the second Marissa walked in the door.

  “Great timing,” said Marissa.

  “Hey baby, where were you last night? I wanted to wish you a happy birthday,” said Dan.

  Marissa purposefully avoided the question, “You did hon. I love the roses. They are so beautiful. I’m looking at them now.” Marissa smiled.

  “I miss you like crazy,” Daniel continued. “I want to kiss you all over.”

  “Me too,” Marissa confessed. “This distance is killing me. Not seeing you all the time and just talking on the phone. It sucks!”

  “Well, I did it,” said Dan.

  “Did what?” asked Marissa puzzled.

  “I applied for the L.A.P.D. academy.” Daniel answered proudly.

  “No fucking way,” said Marissa shocked.

  “Yes fucking way. It’s gonna be so cool, Mariss, they actually pay you to train once you get in. I put you down as a reference so you have to give me a good recommendation.”

  “Like yeah, of course. Dan, that is so cool. I can’t wait until you get in,” said Marissa sincerely.

  “Then once you get into UCLA, we’ll be all set,” said Daniel.

  “You mean if I get in,” said Marissa with disappointment in her voice.

  “What do you mean?” Daniel asked with worry.

  “I mean, I talked to the guidance counselor today and she said that UCLA accepts mostly California residents. So I only have about a 2% chance of getting accepted,” Marissa explained.

  “That’s bullshit!” exclaimed Daniel. “Does she even know what kind of grades you get.”

  “Yeah, she knows. But apparently that doesn’t matter. It’s super competitive. So she said another way to do it was to establish residency and go to a community college for a year.”

  “That could work,” said Dan sympathetically.

  “But I don’t want to go to a community college. I haven’t worked this hard all these years to go to community college,” Marissa whined.

  “Marissa, that’s what I’ve been doing for the past two years. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve always thought I would go to a real university. I don’t want to turn out like the rest of my family,”

  Daniel sighed, “So what are the other options?”

  “Well, I applied to U.C. San Diego and uh, State,” hesitated Marissa.

  “State,” yelle
d Daniel. “Why the hell would you apply to State?”

  “Because…” started Marissa.

  “Oh, don’t tell me, Barbara made you right? Well, why apply if your not gonna go?” insisted Dan.

  “I don’t know!” cried Marissa.

  “And San Diego is about two hours from here Marissa. Did you think of that before you applied?”

  “Well at least it’s closer than where I am now,” said Marissa quietly.

  “Listen Mariss, I gotta go,” said Dan huffily.

  Marissa was close to tears. “Daniel, don’t hang up like this, please.”

  “I’ll call back later,” he said and hung up.

  Marissa flopped down on her bed and cried. The tears that streamed down her face were not as much out of sadness as out of frustration. All of her hopes and dreams were slipping out of her control and she wasn’t sure where they were leading her.

  An hour later, Marissa stared at the phone waiting for it to ring. She knew Dan was as frustrated as she was but she thought he could have been more understanding. After all, he was the one who left, not her. The ache in her heart led her to only one place, the art gallery where Nick worked.

  As Marissa exited her car, she didn’t know what she was going to say to him. She just needed to talk.

  Nick was talking to a client when she walked in so he didn’t notice her at first. She stood waiting for a while, feeling insecure and having second thoughts about being there. It was the first time she had been to the art gallery and she wasn’t even sure he would be able to talk. She didn’t want to give the impression she was chasing him. Soon her thoughts made her so uneasy that she turned to leave before he could see her.

  Unbeknownst to her, Nick had spotted her from the moment she entered the art gallery. He was shocked to see her but wanted to finish with his client before going over to her. So when he saw her leaving out of the corner of his eye he shouted, “Marissa, wait!”


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