Book Read Free

Darkness Fallen

Page 13

by Dave Willmarth

  Well, shit. Hadn’t thought of that.

  Alexander nodded his head gravely. “I would never intentionally take action that would impugn the honor of the king.”

  The captain looked thoughtful for a moment. “It might not be the worst idea to take Sophie along with you. She could be a valuable asset there.”

  Sophie! I haven’t seen her once since the day we moved into the keep. What has she been up to?

  “Great idea! I’ll take her with us. Any particular instructions you’d like me to pass on?”

  The captain snorted. “She knows her job, lad. She needs no help from me.” He shook hands with Alexander again, wishing him luck on the raid before heading down the corridor. Alexander opened officer’s chat. “Has anyone seen Sophie since we moved into the keep? You know what? Never mind. Can one of you locate her and fill her in on the raid today? We’re going to need her to poke around a bit in Antalia.”

  Alexander walked back to Greystone Manor, where he found Master Ironhammer and a couple of the other masters and apprentices awaiting him. They exchanged pleasantries, and the dwarves showed off some of the items they’d crafted as the group moved to the rear courtyard and the portal stones. Alexander opened the portal, and the dwarves began to move through. One of the apprentices paused and spoke to Alexander.

  “This be for the little fella,” the dwarf said, holding out a cloth-wrapped bundle. As soon as Alexander took it from his hands, the dwarf looked embarrassed and hustled through the portal. Alexander closed the portal behind him; then he unwrapped the bundle. When he saw what was inside, he laughed out loud.

  Opening up guild chat, he said, “Fibble, we’re going to kill some more bad people today. If you would like to come along and protect Sasha, meet us in the main hall.”

  Alexander teleported himself back to the keep. With roughly thirty minutes left before raid time, he made his way to Silverbeard’s office. Finding the old dwarf at his desk, he sat down in one of the mismatched chairs provided for guests.

  “Good morning, Master Silverbeard. How is your day?”

  “Ye done give’d me a whole kingdom to deal with!” the chamberlain grumped good-naturedly at him. “I’ll be sendin’ some o’ the farmers ‘n’ livestock up to the garrison today. And the logging crew. No sense in risking ‘em here when there be a safe place to work up top!”

  “Good. Thank you. And if a few of the hunters want to move up there as well, that’s fine. As long as a few remain to watch over the demon caverns. But tell them about the family of prowlers to the west, and make sure they leave the cats alone. They are friendly.”

  Silverbeard chuckled, his beard quivering. “Ye make the strangest friends, lad. Don’t think I’ll ever be bored livin’ here!”

  “Speaking of boring, have you and Lola made any progress on setting up a bank?”

  “Aye, lad. The bank representative arrived yesterday while ye were… unavailable. He bring’d a wagonload of materials and a crew to build a vault. They’ll be workin on it for a few days. He’ll be there now if ye’d like to meet him.”

  “Of course! Will he be staying on as banker? Or is he just here to set things up?” Alexander asked as he rose from the chair. Silverbeard led him out the door, and they talked as they walked.

  “He’s wantin’ to stay. But he be hesitatin’ about becomin’ a citizen o’ the keep. I warned him that he’ll take the oath, or he’ll not be stayin’.”

  The two of them exited the main doors, moved across the courtyard, and went around the side of the armory to the bank location. There was indeed a crew of dwarves assembling pieces of what looked to be a massive vault. There was a table with blueprints set up in the shade near the armory wall, and a three-foot tall gnome in a tailored suit stood nearby.

  Approaching the gnome, Silverbeard said, “Mister Copperbottom, this be Baron Alexander, Master o’ Dire Keep, Knight-Advisor to King Charles o’ Stormforge, Friend o’ King Thalgrin o’ Broken Mountain, and Founder o’ the Greystone Guild.”

  Alexander was nearly as taken aback by the list of titles as the gnome was. When the banker bowed deeply in greeting, Alexander stuck out a hand to shake. “Please, Mister Copperbottom, we don’t stand on formality here. Just call me Alexander.”

  “Very pleased to meet you, Alexander. Since we’re being informal, call me Blix.” The banker shook the offered hand, having to reach up quite a bit to do so. Alexander resisted the urge to crouch down or take a knee to get eye to eye with the gnome. Blix solved the issue himself, moving behind the table and climbing up on a crate. He motioned toward the blueprints.

  “I’m told you can quickly construct a building for us, following these plans?” Blix asked.

  Alexander stepped closer to the table to inspect the drawings. The building was pretty straightforward. Two stories plus a cellar. The vault would be located on the lowest level. Lobby and business offices on the ground floor, a residence and guest suite on the second.

  “I can indeed. Should take about an hour, if Brick helps with the doors and such,” Alexander confirmed. “Though I don’t have time just now. We’re about to leave on a raid. Would tomorrow morning suffice?”

  The banker’s eyes grew wide. He looked from the drawing to Alexander, and back again. “An… an hour? Yes, of course. Tomorrow would be fine. My crew needs time to construct the vault…” his voice trailed off.

  “Then it’s settled.” Alexander picked up the conversation. “But before I go, I understand you are hesitant about taking the oath. Master Silverbeard explained the requirements to you, I believe?”

  The gnome blinked a few times, then appeared to come to his senses. “Yes, he was quite clear. But surely an exception can be made for a representative of-”

  “I’m sorry, Blix” Alexander interrupted. “There are no exceptions. We are facing hostile armies of demons and the undead, bounty hunter adventurers, and maybe an entire kingdom, all controlled by the Dark One. They have sent spies and rogues, and large scouting parties, all in an attempt to gain intelligence about our defenses. We cannot have anyone within our walls who has not taken the oath to ensure absolute loyalty. That will include your crew, as well. They can take the oath, and we’ll find places for them here. Or they’ll have to leave now.” Alexander said the last part loud enough for the crew of dwarves to hear. They began to huddle up and mutter among themselves.

  Alexander continued. “We would very much like to establish a bank here. And I appreciate your coming so far to accommodate us. But if you are not willing to become one of us, I’m afraid we’ll have to search for a replacement. Of course, I’ll compensate you for your time.”

  The gnome considered his words, a skeptical look on his face. When he spoke, his tone was terse. “I came here in good faith, based on the reputation of Master Silverbeard. But I have yet to hear what kind of assets you have available to establish a bank of your own.”

  Alexander smiled at the banker. “Now we’re talking business! Master Silverbeard, would you please share with Blix here your thoughts on an initial investment?”

  The old dwarf nodded, producing a parchment from his bag. “Aye, Alexander. Let me see…” he cleared his throat for effect. “We be thinkin’ o’ an initial deposit of two hundred fifty thousand gold. In addition, we will deposit a pound o’ mithril as collateral. As well as another two hundred thousand worth of gems.”

  Blix’s eyes widened as the dwarf spoke. When Silverbeard was finished, the gnome audibly swallowed the lump in his throat. “That… that will be more than sufficient.” He sat down on his stool and stared at the plans for a moment. “I will take the oath. And remain here. I look forward to a long and profitable relationship with the Greystone Clan.”

  As he spoke, the dwarven crew approached. One stepped forward and bowed to Alexander. “We been speakin’ to some o’ the other dwarves here since we arrived. They telled us you be a worthy leader, and this be a prosperous land. We talked it over, and we be willin’ to take the oath as well.”

; Alexander looked to Silverbeard, who nodded his head slightly. Turning to the dwarves, he said, “Welcome to Dire Keep! Prince Kai of the dragons will be here shortly and will take your oaths. Master Silverbeard will make sure you’re all properly housed, and interview each of you as to your abilities. Then we’ll figure out where you’ll fit best once you’ve completed the vault.” He shook hands with each of them as he spoke. He saved Blix for last. “Welcome, Blix. Once we’ve got the bank structure all set up, and you’re properly established, I want to talk to you about some other business. The guild would like to set up a fund to loan money to citizens who wish to start up businesses here. We would want to set up terms with you, and have you administer the program.”

  Blix nodded his head. “Lola mentioned something about it. I would be happy to discuss it further. I can also offer tax collection services if that suits you.”

  Alexander shrugged. “I’ll leave that to you and Lola. She has full authority as our treasurer to execute agreements with you.” He shook the gnome’s hand.

  Looking over to where the vault lay partially assembled, he said, “In the meantime…”

  Motioning for the crew to stand where they were, Alexander took a brief look at the drawings on the table. He noted the dimensions set for the basement level. Stepping closer to the bank location, he used his Earth Mover skill to remove most of the stone and soil under the vault, raising the stone and setting it off to one side. He would use it tomorrow for walls. When he was done, he had lowered a forty- foot square area, including the vault, twelve feet below surface level. Then he quickly constructed a ramp leading down, so that the dwarves could easily move themselves and their materials up and down.

  “There’s your lower level, Blix. I figure it’s easier to build the vault down there than to try and move it once it’s fully assembled” he grinned at the surprised gnome. “The dimensions may not be exact. I just eyeballed it. Have your crew take measurements, and I can make adjustments tomorrow.”

  With that, he waved to the gnome and the dwarves and headed back toward the portal area. As he walked away, he heard Silverbeard giving instructions. “Right. All of ye be at the main entry in five minutes to take yer oaths.”

  As Alexander crossed the main courtyard, Fitz appeared just ahead of him in the area set aside for arriving teleports. Waving a hand at Alexander, he called out, “I would speak with you, boy.”

  Alexander altered his course and strode over to the wizard. He then followed Fitz as the old man climbed the stairs up onto the wall, where they’d have more privacy.

  “Kai told me you plan to raid the guild house in Antalia today,” Fitz spoke quietly. “I took it upon myself to question the baron about what you might find there.”

  Alexander was instantly riveted. He’d been wanting to question the baron since they captured him several days earlier.

  Fitz continued. “He is a stubborn one. He feels no pain, being undead, except the burn of light magic. But I have managed to glean some information despite his reticence. The guild house is much as it appears. And you will likely find less than a dozen occupants upon your arrival. The teleportation scroll will take you to a room on the ground floor at the rear of the house.”

  Alexander was laser-focused on every word the old wizard said. This information could potentially increase their odds of success on this raid by a huge percentage.

  “As you know, the guild was lately filled with what you call adventurer-killers. Even with the support of someone in the palace, which they do indeed enjoy, the adventurers could not move freely through the city without being detained by the guards. There is a basement entrance into the tunnels below the city. The door is located in the wine cellar. I’m afraid that is all I can offer you.”

  “Fitz, that’s amazing. You’ve given us a potential escape route if something goes wrong. Thank you.” Alexander bowed his head to his mentor in thanks.

  Fitz disappeared with a wave of his hand, presumably teleporting himself back to his tower. Alexander descended the stairs to meet up with the raid party. Time was quickly approaching for them to depart for Antalia.

  Kai was just completing the oaths with Blix and his crew, and Lola was handing each of them a dragon pin as they completed the ceremony. Bit by bit, the population of Dire Keep was increasing.

  Everyone was gathered now, ready to teleport to the PWP guild house. It was a large group. Alexander and his five, Dayle’s group of four, Helga, Lugs, Benny, and Beatrix, as well as Sophie, Lorian, Fibble and Kai. Eighteen in total. Alexander sent raid invites to each of them.

  Holding up three of the teleport scrolls they took from PWP members, he said, “Fitz has learned that these take us to a room near the back of the guild house. We don’t know how large the room is, so we’re going to go in three groups. My group will go first. Then Dayle’s group with Lugs and Benny. Kai will bring the rest of you in the third group. Wait thirty seconds for each group. Give us a chance to clear the room and secure the area.” He handed a scroll to Dayle, and the other to Kai. “Remember, you have to be in physical contact with the person using the scroll.”

  Sasha spoke next. “Remember, most of us are wanted in Antalia. We need to keep this as quiet as possible. Our first priority is to secure the exits so that no one inside the guild house can escape and alert the guards. Brick will secure the front door. Lyra, you join him. Lugs, you and Benny move to the back door as soon as you arrive. Dayle, you and Warren will cover any additional exits we find. Lainey, Max, Helga, Misty, Lorian, Fibble, and Beatrix, you will move through the house with Alexander and me to deal with any resistance we find. Our preference is to capture if possible. Kill if necessary.”

  Alexander put a hand on her shoulder, then cut in. “Kai, Fitz says there’s a secret exit from the wine cellar into the tunnels below. I’d like you to locate that for us.” Kai nodded his head.

  The various party members with buffs cast them on the group, boosting intelligence, agility, stamina, health, strength, and regeneration rates for both mana and stamina. They were ready to go.

  Alexander’s group each laid a hand on him, and he activated the scroll.

  Chapter 7

  Step Into My Parlor

  Alexander and friends appeared in a nondescript room maybe twenty feet square with white plaster walls. There were no windows, and only a single door led out of the room. The group quickly moved toward the doorway, clearing the space for the next group. After taking a moment to listen at the door, Max shook his head.

  “I don’t hear anyone.” He held off opening the door, waiting for the next group to arrive. That way they’d be able to cover more exits before being discovered.

  A few seconds later, Dayle’s group appeared. They too moved quickly toward the door, clearing the space in the center of the room. Sasha spoke in raid chat. “Kai, there’s room. Teleport now.” A moment later, after Kai’s group materialized, she continued, “From now on, only speak in raid chat. We need to be as silent as possible. Max, Lainey, use your stuns as soon as you see a target. We don’t want them alerting others. Beatrix, Misty, you do the same with water and ice if you can.”

  Pointing to Jules and Sophie, she said, “You two, out the door in stealth mode. We’ll wait here while you scout a bit. Tell us what you see.”

  The rogue and the spy faded from sight, and the door opened silently. It only remained open for a brief moment before closing just as quietly. Almost immediately, Sophie said, “Back door is to the left, maybe thirty feet. Back courtyard looks clear. There’s a wall around it, no exit gate.”

  Less than a minute later, Jules reported. “Front door is down the corridor to the right, then left and straight ahead. You have to pass a dining room with three people in it. And there’s a sitting room just beyond, but it’s empty.” Sophie added, “Kitchen is behind the dining area. Two people inside, both cooking. There’s an exit from the kitchen and a stairway down to a cellar.”

  Sasha thought for a moment, then said, “Right. So we stick to t
he plan. Lugs and Benny, back door. Sing out if you see anyone. Brick and Lyra, front door. The rest of us will go after the three in the dining room first. Dayle, as soon as we attack, you and Warren move straight thru to the kitchen with Max and Lainey. Take down those two as fast as possible. Then cover the exit and the stairs. Sophie, Jules, can you help with the two in the kitchen?”

  Sophie responded, “I’m already upstairs. I can head back down if you like?”

  Jules said, “I’m moving to the kitchen now. The three in the dining room are all level thirty to forty.”

  Sasha quickly decided. “Sophie, stay upstairs. Search the place. We’ll be ready to head up in maybe three minutes.”

  She motioned to Max, who opened the door. Lugs and Benny went out first and turned left to head toward the back door. Next came Brick, who led the others to the right. They moved quickly to the end of the hallway, then turned left per Jules’ directions. Brick pointed to the dining room entry, and continued on past, acting casual. Lyra followed his lead. The players inside the room didn’t react at all. As Brick moved toward the front door, Sasha quickly peeked around the door frame to get a look at the players.

  There were two warriors and a caster. All men. All three were eating and talking, no weapons in sight other than the caster’s staff leaning against the wall behind him. She confirmed the highest level was the caster, at 37.

  Sasha whispered “Go!” as she stepped in front of the doorway and cast Thorn Trap over the three players who were seated near one end of a long table. Max and Lainey each hit one with an arrow to the face before dashing past them toward the kitchen. Dayle and Warren followed close behind, each taking a swing at a player as they passed. Kai followed last, striking the caster on the head with his staff and knocking him unconscious. Beatrix quickly cast water globes over the faces of each of the three players, preventing them from calling out or casting. Alexander fired magic bolts at them, one after the other, and Misty did the same with ice missiles as Lorian shot arrows into them. Fibble stood in front of Sasha, stick in hand, growling softly and doing his best to look intimidating.


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