Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 15

by Dave Willmarth

  Sophie introduced them. “Alexander, Greystone guild, this is Chef Michael, and his apprentice Tiny Sam. They were employees of PWP before Henry took over. Michael, meet Alexander Greystone and friends.” She motioned to an old man first. He was grey-haired with a ruddy complexion that made him look like he’d just been slaving over a hot fire. The second cook was a young woman with long hair done up in a ponytail and wide eyes that darted nervously from one guild member to the next.

  Michael bobbed his head in deference. “I’ve heard quite a bit about you. Everyone here lately has been determined to take your head. Yet here you are, sitting in their home, not a scratch on you.” The man chuckled.

  Alexander smiled at the chef. “I take it you weren’t a fan of Henry’s?”

  “I came to work here when Martin formed the guild. I had worked in the palace as the Queen’s Chef until I was accused of stealing and dismissed. No reputable restaurant or tavern would hire me, not wanting to displease the queen. Martin and the other folks here were kind and generous. Priests and healers, all. They helped people. Had me cook extra food for those who needed it. I enjoyed every day here until that piece of shit Henry took over.”

  Alexander was about to speak when Sophie cut him off. “What did you steal? From the queen, I mean.”

  Michael’s face began to flush scarlet, and he slammed his hand down on the table, making Tiny Sam jump. “Not a damned thing! I loved my queen as if she were one o’ my own. Served her faithfully, as I did her father before her. I’d no sooner steal from her than cut off my own hand! But one day, Lucius, her arsehole of a chancellor storms into my kitchen with half a dozen guards and arrests me for theft. They beat me and dragged me before the queen. He had one o’ my kitchen lads testifying that he saw me pocket some of the queen’s jewels when we delivered her breakfast one morning. I never touched any jewels in my life!”

  Sasha followed up “And the boy who testified? Did he steal the jewels?”

  “No. I went to the lad’s house a few days later. He was a good boy. Worked hard in my kitchen. When I spoke to his father, the boy was called into the room. He broke down and confessed that Lucius threatened to execute his family if he refused to say that I was a thief.”

  Max looked at Michael with suspicion. “Why would Lucius want you removed from the kitchen?”

  “I feared it was because he planned to poison her food. I always prepared the queen’s meals personally. But it has been some time, and still the queen lives. So, my fears may be unfounded. But Lucius is ambitious. And I was not the first of the old guard, the old king’s trusted few, to be removed by Lucius. The old chancellor, Lucius’s mentor, died suspiciously a week after the queen’s coronation. The captain of the guard was forced to accept a posting on the border of the outlands. We three, and a few others still living, served the old king in his youth, when he was still the prince, serving on the front lines. We stayed after his death to serve his daughter.”

  Sophie followed his lead. “So Lucius is eliminating those whom he knows are loyal to the queen. That does not bode well for her. She may live yet, but I would not bet a silver coin she will remain so for much longer.”

  Michael clenched both fists upon the table. “He plans to marry Princess Kimberly. The moment that happens, if the queen were to die, he would sit the throne. I fear for the queen and her daughter.” He looked at Alexander. “You and your guild have resources. You could eliminate Lucius and protect the queen.”

  Lainey snorted. “The queen has put bounties on all our heads.”

  “No!” Tiny Sam spoke up, seeming to surprise herself in the process. She shrank into her chair as all eyes turned to her. Quietly, she added, “The queen would not do that. She is a good woman. The princess was my friend when we were little. The queen treated me as if I were her own child. She has no spite in her!”

  “The child is correct.” Michael agreed. “The bounty must be Lucius’s doing. He met Henry and the others here more than once.”

  Alexander thought it over for a moment, then decided. “This house is secure for a full day. Sophie, can you get into the palace and look around? I want confirmation of the queen’s disposition toward us. And just how much control Lucius has.”

  Sophie nodded her head “It won’t be easy getting past that mob outside, but I’ll manage.”

  Michael stood suddenly, causing several of the group to draw weapons. He held up his hands to show he intended no harm. “I can get you in the palace. The tunnels under the city will lead us there. We used them long ago to sneak out of the palace to visit the taverns and… other places, with the prince.” The old man grinned sheepishly at the memories.

  Sasha snorted. “Men.”

  Max shook his head “How do we know he’s trustworthy? He might just lead Sophie into a trap, and then bring guards to seal off the tunnels.”

  Michael stepped toward Max, the old man a good four inches taller than the half-elf. He looked angry. “I was, and still am, a Knight of the Realm. Though I served as a simple chef these last years, I have given my oath to protect the king and his line, even if it means my own life. But if that is not enough for you, I leave my granddaughter here with you.” His eyes shifted to Tiny Sam.

  Max nodded slightly, a look of respect in his eyes. “Good enough for me.”

  “As for the tunnels,” Michael added, “Sam knows them well. I made sure of it. Few remember they are even there. They are meant to serve as a means of escape should the palace ever be overrun. Sam can show you a way out if I do not return.”

  Sophie stepped closer to Michael. “I am willing to go with him.”

  Alexander didn’t hesitate. “Go, then. Be as fast as you can. The day will pass quickly.”

  Michael and Sophie headed down the cellar as Alexander looked around the table. “Well, any ideas? As soon as our twenty-four hours are up, that mob is going to break in here looking for our heads. I don’t mind killing other adventurers, but I’d rather not have to kill citizens who’ve been misled into thinking we’re the enemy.”

  Brick spoke up “If we give up the house, them PWP bastards’ll just be movin’ back in.”

  Max made a suggestion. “We could empty the place. Clear the vault, store everything somewhere down in the tunnels. Then when the real leaders of PWP are ready to take over, we can give it back. We have plenty of extra bags of holding. We could fit everything but the furniture.”

  Kai nodded his head. “It would not be difficult to create a room in the tunnels below. Then seal it again so that no one would find it.”

  “Okay, so there’s one plan.” Alexander looked around. “Anybody else?”

  After several moments of silence, Tiny Sam raised her hand tentatively. When Sasha smiled at her, she spoke quietly. “When I was little, the queen told Kimmy and me stories. Wild stories about handsome princes and great battles for the honor of a princess.” Her voice drifted off.

  “Speak freely, Sam. No one here will hurt you.” Jules moved behind the young woman and put a hand on each shoulder. “We are friends, here. You’re safe.”

  Sam nodded her head and began to speak again. “One of the stories she told us was about a bastard brother of an evil king. The brother was tired of seeing the people enslaved and worked to death by the king and his queen. So, he invoked an ancient right of challenge. The two brothers battled, and the king was defeated. The victor became the new king. He executed the old king and queen and took a new bride from among the peasants. It was very romantic.”

  Brick grinned at the cook. “So ye want Alexander here to challenge the queen? I like it! We could make Fibble the new King!” At this, Fibble stood up on his chair and puffed out his chest, earning him a hug from Sasha and chuckles from many in the room.

  Kai shook his head. “That is indeed an ancient custom of these lands. But it was a cause of great strife. Many kings were deposed or killed by those who thought that strength or skill in battle gave them the right to rule. But they did not rule well and were soon removed the
mselves. The land was in constant upheaval.”

  “Well, shit,” Brick said.

  Chapter 8

  All Along the Watchtower

  The group’s discussion was interrupted by a sudden increase in the noise outside. Rising from their chairs around the dining table, they moved out to the front room to look out the windows. The crowd had grown exponentially. The entire street, and some of the nearby rooftops, were crowded with shouting citizens and adventurers, some waving weapons. A group of city guards was clearing a path through the unruly crowd, which evidently was the cause of the uproar.

  When the guards reached the gate, they parted for a man who stepped forward into the courtyard. He wore black robes with red patterns stitched across the chest, sleeves, and hem. There was a thick gold chain draped around his neck, from which hung a medallion. He was surrounded by a faint blue glow.

  He raised his hands, and eventually, the crowd quieted down. He then called out toward the house. “I am Lucius, chancellor of Antalia and servant of the queen! I come with an offer. You have been declared enemies of the realm, and as such, your lives are forfeit. You can hide in there like the cowards you are, and in less than twenty-four hours these fine citizens will tear you limb from limb. Or you can surrender yourselves to me, and be executed cleanly after a short trial.” He grinned with malice at the faces in the window.

  Lugs took a step toward the door. “I’ll show him where he can stick his trial. We could kill him where he stands. Settle this here and now.” He growled.

  Alexander held up a hand to stop the big ogre. “That’s just what he wants, Lugs. We attack him now; we give up our temporary immunity. His men can charge in and kill us all. He’s magically shielded, so our first shots won’t kill him. I’m betting he’ll run as soon as we attack. And all these people would see us as cold-blooded murderers.”

  Lugs turned away from the door and began to pace the room. His long ogre legs ate the available distance in three steps each way. “Fine. You’re right. But promise me when the time comes, you let me kill him?” He grinned a big ogre grin that would have given nightmares to small children. Even Fibble, who’d had great fun at the feast riding around on the ogre’s shoulders, stepped back and looked uncertain.

  Alexander laughed. “If we have the luxury of choice, he’s all yours.”

  Lucius called out again. “Cowards! You cower inside and peer out like frightened children! Come out and face your deaths with honor. There is no escape. The building is surrounded. It was foolish of you to come here. You will never leave this place!” He raised a fist in the air, and the crowd roared with approval.

  Alexander had heard enough. With a wave of his hand, the stone that Brick had used to seal the door retracted back into the wall. Alexander opened the door but did not step outside.

  As soon as the door opened, the crowd burst into cries of rage and began hurling weapons, rotten food, and stones. All the projectiles bounced off the protective field surrounding the house.

  Alexander waited for them to quiet down, eventually realizing that they had no hope of striking him. Through the whole thing, Lucius stood there smiling evilly at him.

  Alexander smiled and waved at Lucius in return. Then he raised a hand as if to cast a spell at the chancellor. Lucius flinched, ducking his head and stepped backward a couple paces. When he realized Alexander had been bluffing, and he heard chuckles from those inside and the house and no few in the street, he shouted, “Ha! You dare not attack me!”

  Alexander called out in a voice loud enough for all to hear. “Why should I not? You’ve put a bounty on my head, though I’ve never entered your city, or even your kingdom before about an hour ago! It is true; I’ve killed many PWP members! But only those who traveled to Stormforge and attacked me! These were not the PWP members of old! They were servants of the Dark One, who took control of PWP, and Chaos Nation, and sent his minions to kill us!”

  There was booing from the crowd, and more items were thrown. Lucius maintained his smile. When the crowd quieted again, Alexander continued.

  “I see many adventurers in the crowd today. How many of you have suffered at the hands of the PWP adventurer-killers? How many of you were killed repeatedly? Had your gear stolen? Levels lost?”

  There were a few answering shouts of agreement from scattered places in the crowd.

  “The first PWP members we killed were a group that attacked us on the road. We were not the first they had attacked. They’d robbed and killed merchants on the road, and had bounties on their heads! Then Henry, the usurper who seized the guild for the Dark One, sent more minions after us. When they failed, he sent even more, before coming to Stormforge himself with nearly the entire guild membership and attacking the city. He was killed, and most of his people were captured, but not before they killed yet more innocent citizens!” Alexander paused and raised both hands, looking up to the sky. “As Odin is my witness, this is the truth! If I lie, let him strike me down here and now!”

  A rumble of thunder instantly quieted the crowd. Alexander stood, arms high, face to the sky, welcoming the judgment of Odin. But no bolt came. The grin on Lucius’ face disappeared as the crowd began to murmur.

  Alexander took advantage of the momentum. He called out to the crowd “I invoked the All-Father to confirm my words, and he has done so! I speak the truth! It is Lucius who lies to you. He hopes to use your fear and anger as tools to achieve his own goal of assuming the throne!”

  More murmurs from the crowd, louder this time. Suspicious looks were turned toward Lucius.

  Alexander looked Lucius right in the eye and shouted even louder. “But let us give Lucius the same opportunity I’ve had. Deny your actions, Lucius! Deny your aims for the throne of Antalia! Deny that you have conspired with servants of the Dark One! Then call upon Odin’s judgment, as I have!”

  The crowd went silent as all eyes turned to Lucius. He ignored them as he stared daggers at Alexander. Stepping closer, he spoke quietly. “I will see your head removed from your body. But not before I take your fingers and toes, then your feet and hands. You will die screaming in my dungeon!”

  Alexander laughed in his face. “Speak up, Lucius! I don’t believe the folks out there could hear you!” This earned some laughter from the crowd. “Go ahead, Lucius! Call me a liar! Call on Odin for judgment! I see from the glow about you that you are well protected. Will your shield save you from Odin’s wrath? I think not.”

  A few of the players, sensing an opportunity for mischief, began to shout. “Lucius lies!” and “Call for judgment!”

  Lucius stalked back toward the gate and the guards blocking the way. A few of the citizens began to take up the cry. “Lucius lies! Lucius lies!”

  “BE SILENT! ALL OF YOU!” he screamed at the crowd. All but a few of the players in the back complied. “These are murderers! Invaders! They’ve killed everyone inside that house, and they would do the same to all of you! Do not believe their lies simply because of some coincidental thunder!”

  Alexander felt a brush on his arm. Looking down, he saw Tiny Sam step past him and outside of the protection of the barrier. “Lucius lies!” the timid girl screamed.

  There was silence again, before a woman in the crown said, “That is Samantha! Michael’s daughter, Tiny Sam! She’s alive!”

  Tiny Sam cried, “These people did not harm me, or my father! Instead, they killed the scum who have taken over this good house! They killed servants of the Dark One! They are good people and-”

  Tiny Sam was interrupted by a shout from Lucius. “Silence, peasant! Traitor!” he grabbed a crossbow from one of his guards, and turning, he fired a bolt into Tiny Sam’s chest.

  The crowd erupted as the young woman collapsed limply to the ground. Lugs knocked Alexander aside as he barreled out the door, shield held high, to stand between the girl and the guards. Brick and Dayle moved to either side of him, creating a shield wall. Alexander stepped forward and lifted the girl in his arms. He could tell she was already dead. Still, he
brought her inside the barrier, calling for the others to come inside. The three tanks backed through the doorway, Lugs coming last. Alexander stood in the doorway, holding Tiny Sam’s body in his arms.

  “LUCIUS!” he screamed over the noise of the crowd, who were jostling the guards surrounding the chancellor as he tried to escape.

  Lucius turned in response to his name, and the crown once again quieted at the sight of Alexander holding the dead girl.

  “Lucius!” Alexander called again. “We will be coming for you! YOU are the murderer. You took this innocent girl’s life because she was speaking the truth. A truth that was inconvenient for you! But a truth that you dare not deny!” He paused as the crowd roared in agreement.

  “I am Alexander Greystone! Baron of the Dire Lands, Knight-Advisor to King Charles of Stormforge, and leader of the Greystone Guild! I hereby sentence you to death for the cold-blooded murder of Tiny Sam, for conspiring with servants of the Dark One, and for treason against the throne of Antalia!” As he finished his pronouncement, the sky cracked with thunder that caused everyone to start with fear. After a brief moment of silence, the crowd roared into action, swarming the chancellor’s guard, pushing to try and reach the man who had committed murder in front of them.

  Lucius fled at best speed through the crowd, his guards bashing and cutting their way through angry citizens as they went. There were cries of pain mixed in with the outrage as injured citizens went down.

  Lugs took Tiny Sam from Alexander as Sasha and the other healers ran outside to help heal the wounded citizens. Brick stayed by Lugs side, and the two of them stepped into the courtyard. Fibble climbed up the ogre’s body, then perched on his shoulder. He immediately started shooting healing bolts at anyone he saw bleeding.

  Alexander began shouting at the crowd to wait, to let Lucius go. But his voice was drowned out by the maddened shouts of the angry and injured.

  Just then, Kai shouted in a resounding voice that only a dragon could manage. “HOLD! Be silent!” his voice shook the walls of the buildings nearby. The crowd halted in their pursuit of Lucius and looked back to the courtyard. Several noted the Greystone healers kneeling by injured citizens, healing their wounds.


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