Darkness Fallen

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Darkness Fallen Page 16

by Dave Willmarth

  Alexander took advantage of the silence. “Brick is a paladin of Durin. Please, all of you. Come join us in a prayer to Durin so that he might grant Brick the power to restore life to Tiny Sam.” As he finished speaking, he took a knee there in the courtyard, bowing his head. Brick turned to face Lugs, who was still holding Tiny Sam in his arms. He took a knee, holding his hammer to his chest as he began to pray. This wasn’t strictly necessary, as Brick had the paladin ability Lay on Hands, which could restore Tiny Sam without the prayer. But he understood the need to put on a show, to bring the citizens into it.

  One by one, the citizens returned to the street outside the courtyard gate, taking a knee and bowing their heads. Some merely stood and watched with interest. A few stood watching Lucius and the guards escape toward the palace.

  Lugs bent down and gently lay Tiny Sam on the ground in front of Brick. Removing the bolt from her chest as delicately as he could, he then took a knee himself.

  Brick prayed for a few moments more, then placed one hand on the girl’s head, the other on her chest. A white light enveloped her body, shining brightly for a moment, before fading away. Brick stepped back, and even Alexander held his breath in the drama of the moment, though he knew full well what would happen.

  Samantha’s eyelids fluttered, and she inhaled deeply. When her eyes opened, the gathered citizens shouted with joy, a few of them in tears. Lugs lifted the girl to her feet and gave her a gentle hug before stepping away. “That was real brave of you, Sam.”

  Samantha, a bit confused, smiled at the ogre. Then smiled unsurely at the crowd who were calling her name. Her hand went to her chest where the bolt had struck her. Finding no blood, she looked down in bewilderment. Brick leaned close and whispered, “I healed ye. Ye be fine now, lass,” and gave her a wink.

  Alexander called out to the crowd who so recently had wanted his head. “Is there a tavernkeeper among you?”

  Two men raised their hands and stepped closer to the gate. Alexander produced two pouches, each with 200 gold. “Here. Take this. Pour drinks for the citizens until it runs out. Celebrate the return of Tiny Sam! And spread the word. Drinks are on Greystone!”

  The two men took the bags and promptly looked inside. Seeing the amount of gold, they looked at each other, smiled, and began to shout. “Drinks on the Greystone Guild! We celebrate! Tiny Sam lives! Death to Lucius!”

  As the crowd began to take up the cries and follow the two barkeeps down the street, Sasha and the healers finished their work and returned to the courtyard. An old woman dressed in multicolored rags and, oddly, wearing a sailing captain’s hat waved Alexander over to where she sat against a wall along the street. When he approached, she looked suspiciously from side to side, up and down the lane, as if about to impart some secret knowledge, not for the ears of others.

  “If ya rub an alligator’s belly, it’ll sleep. But if ya step on its tail, it’ll eat ya sure!” The old woman cackled. She stuck out her hand. “Five gold, if ya please!”

  Confused, Alexander thought he had heard the old woman wrong. As far as he knew, there were no alligators on Io. “What did you say? And why would I give you five gold?”

  “Ya heard me, boy. The gold is payment for imparted wisdom. Name’s Emma. Wisdom’s what I do. But true wisdom comes at a cost…” she held her hand out further, wiggling her fingers in a demanding fashion.

  Deciding the old woman was crazy, Alexander decided just to pay her and move on. Producing a 5-gold coin from his bag, he placed it Emma’s hand. She took a moment to bite the coin, another action that was out of character for any NPC on Io. Making the coin disappear among the many folds of her clothing, she grinned up at Alexander. “Thank ya kindly, boy.”

  He smiled back as he turned to leave “You’re most welcome, Emma. Be safe.”

  As he took his first step, a small stone struck him in the back of the head. “Where you going, idiot? Ya don’t want the wisdom ya paid for?” Emma’s voice cracked with laughter.

  “But, I thought… the gator-”

  “Bah! Fool. Who would pay five gold for such? I should charge ya another five for teachin’ ya a lesson!” Emma shook her head in resignation. “Listen good. Ya done stepped on Lucius’s tail. He couldn’t bite ya for it. So, he run off back to his hole, even more angry. Who d’ya think he’ll bite in yer place?”

  Taken aback, Alexander looked at the old woman, mouth agape. After a moment, he ventured, “The queen?”

  Cackling again, Emma tossed another small stone, bouncing it off Alexander’s forehead. “Yer usin that noggin’ o’ yours for a change!” She lifted another stone in her hand, and Alexander took a defensive step back.

  Emma grinned at him, then gave him a wink “Still not as smart as this stone, though. Follow the stone, boy! It’ll show ya the path!” She tossed the stone over Alexander’s shoulder, up the street. Alexander turned his head to follow the path of the projectile as it landed and bounced up the street in the direction of the palace.

  “You want me to go to the-” He turned to find that the old woman had disappeared. “Palace?” Alexander looked up and down the street, even peered around a corner into an alley, but found no trace of the pebble-flinging old woman. “Emma?”

  The only response he received was a faint echo of the old woman’s laughter.

  Turning back to the courtyard, Alexander ushered everyone inside, not wanting to tempt fate and give some enterprising player a chance to try and claim the bounties on them.

  Once inside, they all gathered back in the dining room. Alexander sat with a confused look still on his face. When everyone was settled, he said, “That strange old woman told me that Lucius will strike at the queen. And she hit me with rocks before she disappeared.”

  Tiny Sam smiled shyly at Alexander. “That’s Emma. She does that. She can knock a pigeon off a rooftop at fifty paces. And she knows things.”

  Max chuckled, possibly in admiration of the old woman’s aim. “She has a point. Lucius has been exposed. And we know he wants the crown. If he controls the guards, who is left to protect the queen?”

  Tiny Sam gasped, her eyes wide. “Oh, please! Don’t let him kill the queen! She was like a mother to me.” Tears formed in her eyes as she spoke. “She is good and kind. She would never be working with this Dark One you talk about!”

  Quest Received:

  Save the Queen!

  Gain access to the palace and prevent Lucius and his minions from killing the Queen of Antalia and seizing the throne.

  Alexander opened raid chat. “Sophie, are you in the palace?”

  Sophie responded after a suspenseful moment. “Yes. Michael lived up to his word. We are with the princess in her chambers right now. I take it from the quest I just received, that she’s in danger as well?”

  Alexander nodded before remembering Sophie couldn’t see him. “Yes, probably. It seems Lucius plans to kill the queen and marry the princess. Taking control of the kingdom.”

  “We entered the palace in the kitchens. Michael spoke to some of the staff there. It seems the queen has not left her chambers for weeks. They have been delivering meals to her there. I’ll send Michael and the princess back through the tunnels to you, and see if I can reach the queen.”

  Sasha answered the spy before Alexander could. “We’ll meet them halfway. Share your map with us, so we know what tunnels to take.”

  After a moment, all the raid members got an update to their UI maps showing an underground route to the palace.

  Sasha began to organize the raid. “Okay. This place is secure for the day, so no need to leave anyone here to guard. Tiny Sam, you stay here where it’s safe. Kai will bring back the princess and stay with you both. The rest of you, we go into the tunnels. Once we get to the palace, we’ll split into two groups. Lugs, you take Helga, Benny, and Dayle’s group. You find Sophie and get the queen. Lorian and Fibble, you come with us. We’re going to find Lucius and kill him.”

  “No.” Tiny Sam’s quiet voice was almost missed in the
noise of people rising to their feet.

  Alexander looked at the young woman, who bore a determined look on her face. “Sam? No, what?”

  “No, I will not stay here. You have two groups. Papa can show one group where to go. But you need someone to guide the other group. I grew up in the castle. I will show you the way.”

  Alexander was about to argue when Lugs loudly cleared his throat. “I will take her with me. No harm will come to her,” he said with a note of absolute confidence. The others of his group nodded in agreement. Alexander just shook his head and surrendered.

  The entire group descended through the cellar and into the tunnels. Brick led the way, following the route that Sophie had indicated on the map. Several turns and less than ten minutes later, they met up with Michael and the princess. Princess Kimberly was a charmingly pretty young lady with blonde hair and an infectious smile. She was dressed in a plain dress, sturdy leather boots, and a grey cloak. Being at the front of the group, Brick took the lead. Bowing deeply, he said, “Princess Kimberly, it be an honor ta meet ye. We be the Greystone Clan. Ye’ll be safe at the guild house with Prince Kai while we save yer mum ‘n’ kill that pig’s arse, Lucius!”

  The princess’s eyes widened, and she repressed a giggle. Realizing what he’d just said to the princess, Brick clapped a hand over his mouth and blushed furiously. Max snorted somewhere near the back of the group.

  Princess Kimberly recovered first. Batting her eyelashes, she gave the dwarf a small curtsey, saying, “Why thank you, gallant paladin! I am so relieved to know that a brave adventurer like yourself will be protecting my mother and our kingdom.” And with a wink, she reached out and gave Brick’s beard a gentle tug. This time both Sasha and Lainey snorted, while Jules giggled. Brick just spluttered, caught off guard.

  The princess continued. “But I will not be hiding in your guild house while you all risk your lives for my kingdom.”

  Brick’s eyes bulged as the princess took a step back, reaching down to grab the helm of her dress, and lifting it above her head in a single motion.

  Underneath her plain dress, the princess wore a full set of chain and plate armor. Reaching behind her back, she produced a buckler and a slender sword, which she smoothly equipped. “The women in my family have trained as shield maidens since before this kingdom was founded. I will be with you every step of the way. And it will be MY sword that takes the head of the traitor Lucius!” she said with a cold, hard tone.

  Brick stared at the princess for a moment, mouth agape. Then a wide grin spread across his face. “BWAHAHA! I like her!”

  Kimberly matched his smile, touching her shield to his briefly. “The feeling is mutual, Master Dwarf!”

  With that settled, Michael began to lead Brick forward through the tunnels. Kimberly was instructed to take up position in the middle of the group, and she obligingly waited for several raid members to pass her by before spotting Tiny Sam. She gasped and leapt at the young woman, gathering her in a tight embrace. “Sam! I was told Lucius murdered you. You’re alive!”

  Sasha explained as Sam was currently having the breath squeezed from her tiny frame. “Lucius did kill her. Shot her with a crossbow. But Brick was able to bring her back - with Durin’s help.”

  Kimberly turned to Sasha, an odd look on her face. “Then I owe him a great debt. For saving my best friend. I shall have to think of a proper way to repay him…” She grinned slightly.

  Sasha’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise. Then she got a wicked grin on her face. “I think I know just the way…”

  The two young women conspired quietly as the group moved on down the tunnel toward the palace. Alexander could hear the occasional snicker as they walked. He almost felt sorry for his friend. Almost.

  Just a few minutes into their walk, Michael turned them into a side tunnel that led up a staircase to a trap door. After listening for a moment, he pushed upward, opening the door and stepping up onto the floor above. After a moment, he motioned for Brick and the others to follow.

  They found themselves inside a storage room filled with barrels and shelves full of foodstuffs. As Tiny Sam emerged from the tunnel, Michael gasped. Grabbing ahold of his daughter, he hugged her tightly, tears in his eyes. “We were told you were killed,” was all he could say. The group moved off to other parts of the room to give them a few moments. Father and daughter whispered to each other, still hugging tightly to one another. After a few minutes, the old man released his daughter. Turning to Brick, he bowed his head and reached out a hand. “Thank you, Master Paladin. I owe you a great deal.”

  Brick shook his hand saying, “Bah! Ye owe me nothin’. Yer girl were brave as a lion. Ye teached her well.”

  Michael nodded his head and then spoke quietly, motioning toward the only door leading out. “The kitchen is through there. I will go first and clear out the staff. My presence won’t raise any alarms, but the rest of you stalking through certainly will. Wait two minutes, then follow me out. Those going to the queen, follow Sam.” His voice turned cold as stone. “I’ll lead the group that’s going to hunt Lucius.”

  Without another word, he opened the door far enough to slip through, closing it behind him. Brick could hear the man’s voice, commanding the kitchen staff to quickly be other places. After two minutes, Brick opened the door. The entire group moved into the kitchen, finding Michael the only living soul in sight. He gave Sam another quick hug and motioned toward a stairway. She in turned waved at Lugs, and her group moved up and out of sight.

  Michael looked to Alexander. “It’s a servant’s stair. It’ll take them all the way up to the royal family’s wing. There will be a couple of guards at the queen’s door. Maybe as many as four. But I have a feeling your people will be fine.” He grinned. Reaching up to the clasp at his throat, he unfastened and removed his cloak. Underneath he wore armor with the royal crest emblazoned on the chest guard. The armor was scratched and dented as if from many battles, but lovingly maintained. A knight’s armor.

  He looked at the group in front of him, which included Princess Kimberly, who stood quite close to Brick. “We’ll wait just a moment or two. There are still many here in the palace who love the queen. I’ve sent the kitchen staff with messages. They will create diversions all across the palace and grounds. This should keep the guards loyal to Lucius busy enough that they won’t outnumber us too badly.”

  The others all nodded in understanding, waiting quietly for the old knight to lead them out of the kitchen. They didn’t have to wait long. There was a loud crash, followed by shouting voices outside. Michael smiled. “That’ll be Sir Jeffrey. The quartermaster. If I know him, he’s just found a way to block the door to the guard barracks. Let us go.”

  Michael led the way from the kitchen down a wide corridor that extended quite a distance in front of them. Along the right side were tall, arched windows that looked out over the palace gardens. On their left were a series of wooden doors, a few of which were open. Alexander caught glimpses of offices and sitting rooms as they passed.

  Before they’d gone more than a hundred feet, another crash rang out somewhere above them. This was soon followed by yet another somewhere off to their left, down a side corridor. Alarm bells began to ring throughout the palace.

  Michael didn’t hesitate. He continued down the main corridor a short distance and turned left through two tall arched doors. Following behind, the group found themselves in what had to be the main hall of the palace. A large room with high ceilings and a ring of balconies along each side. Near the opposite end of the room sat a pair of thrones atop a wide dais, three steps above the marble floors. Both seats were empty.

  Michael led them off to the right side of the room, where they passed under the balconies and entered a side door that opened to a short corridor. Pointing to the other end, he said, “That is Lucius’s office.”

  Brick took the lead without prompting. Michael drew his sword and took up position behind and to the left of the dwarf. Lainey and Max both nocked arrows
as Jules faded from sight. Alexander drew his own sword and was moving to take up position to Brick’s right when the princess cut in front of him. With a wink at the dwarf, she took the right flanking position; shield held ready and sword in hand.

  Brick opened his mouth to object, as Michael chuckled. “Don’t even try, Master Dwarf. I’ve known that young lady all her life, and never has anyone ever changed her mind once it was set.”

  The princess nodded her head sharply, looking pleased with herself. Brick considered for a moment, and then just shrugged. Stepping forward, he opened the chancellor’s office door and charged through.

  The room was empty. Brick lowered his shield, looking about for any sign of an enemy. As the others filed in behind him, there was a noise from above. Spinning to his left, he found a staircase leading upward, and ran toward it. Michael was just a step behind.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, they found a library with shelf after shelf of thick, leather-bound books. “The chancellor’s journals. Records of significant happenings written by each chancellor going back to the first years of the kingdom,” Michael informed them as they moved past the shelves and through an open door.

  The door led to a medium-sized meeting room with a long table in the center, six chairs on each side. Lucius stood at the head of the table, surrounded by half a dozen guard officers, to whom he was barking orders.

  “Seal off the gatehouse and both postern gates! Put two companies of archers–”

  “Intruders!” one of the officers cut him off as he noted Brick and friends moving into the room. He and the others drew their swords and moved to intercept the adventurers. Michael stepped forward and shouted, in a voice clearly used to command, “In the name of the queen, lay down your arms! This man is a traitor to the crown. Any who defend him will share his fate.”


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