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Darkness Fallen

Page 21

by Dave Willmarth

  With some time left before he needed to go to Stormforge, Alexander decided some experimentation was in order. He teleported himself to the moat bridge, far away from anyone who might be hurt in an explosion.

  His arrival spooked a rabbit that had been nibbling on a nearby flower. With a grin, he summoned his mount. When the giant white tiger appeared, he said, “So I understand you’re Tigger, now?”

  The big cat chuffed at him, in what he could only assume was laughter. Sitting on his haunches, Tigger took in their surroundings. On spotting the fleeing bunny, the cat looked questioningly at Alexander.

  “Yup, that’s why I called you. Knock yourself out!” Alexander grinned at his companion. The cat wasted no time, bounding off in the direction of the bunny with tail twitching.

  Alexander sat down on the edge of the bridge, feet hanging over the side. He leaned forward to look down into the water. “Hey… Rocky? You there, buddy? This is me. Don’t mistake me for a barbarian and eat me, okay?” he called out, only half joking.

  When the moat monster didn’t appear right away, he shrugged and began to pull items from his bag. First was one of the health potions Sasha had given him for experimenting.

  His first instinct was to try and enchant the liquid. From what he’d gathered, either nobody had thought to try it (he certainly hadn’t until Sasha brought it up) or they had tried and failed.

  He held the vial in his hand for a moment. Then a picture of his hand being blown off ran through his mind. Instead, he set the vial on the stone next to him. He started with his Identify ability.

  Common Healing Potion

  Single Use: Restores 1,000 hp

  If he had leveled his alchemy skill like Sasha and Lainey had, he’d also be able to see the ingredients. But for today’s purposes, he didn’t think that mattered.

  He uncorked the vial, looking directly down at the liquid. Maybe that was the ticket? Maybe if you didn’t have to penetrate the glass, it would work?

  He decided to try his basic healing spell, rather than the channeled Healing Light spell. So he focused on the red liquid and very gingerly extended the spell toward it. Much like he’d learned to feed magic into wands and other items.

  He felt a tingle in his hand and nearly dropped the vial in fear before he realized it was the heal he was feeling. The spell had passed right through the liquid and the glass, into his hand.

  “Well, shit,” he said aloud.

  Among the enchantments he’d learned from Master Baleron were simple ice and fire spells. Thinking maybe if the liquid were solid, it might hold an enchantment; he used the ice spell to freeze the potion. Repeating the process from before, he extended the healing magic slowly into the top of the vial, pushing it into the ice. Once again, it passed through the iced potion and glass into his hand.

  Alexander growled in frustration. No sooner had he made the sound, than the water below him erupted, and Rocky’s face rose to a level with his own.

  Surprised, Alexander leaned back for a moment. Realizing that the water dragon meant him no harm, he chuckled and waved. “Hiya, Rocky. You’re a bit taller than the last time I saw you!”

  His moat monster grinned toothily at him. With a single swipe of his tail, Rocky launched himself out of the water and up onto the bridge. He stood there, shining blue scales quickly drying in the sunlight. Positioning himself next to Alexander, he plopped down on his belly, with his tail hanging off the other side of the bridge. He sniffed the vial once, then licked it. The still-frozen vial stuck to the little dragon’s tongue, causing him great alarm. His eyes widened, and he squeaked, shaking his head from side to side and trying to dislodge the evil tongue-attacking thing.

  Alexander, not sure what to do, wrapped one arm around Rocky’s head and tried to grab the vial with his other hand. All the while trying to soothe the frightened dragon. “Easy, Rocky. It’s okay. It won’t hurt you. Just hold still, and I’ll get it off.”

  Rocky eventually calmed at the sound of his master’s voice. Holding his head still, he stuck his tongue out as far as possible. Alexander couldn’t help but laugh as the water dragon looked cross-eyed at his tongue.

  Alexander grabbed hold of the offending vial and tugged at it. Rocky’s tongue moved with it. Not wanting to rip the skin off his little friend’s tongue, Alexander channeled the fire enchantment slowly into the vial. It quickly warmed enough to unstick itself, and he pulled it away.

  Rocky snorted, still looking at his tongue. Then he looked at the vial in Alexander’s hand and growled, backing away slightly.

  “It’s okay, buddy. It won’t hurt you. It’s a healing potion. You drink it. Alexander demonstrated by taking a sip from the partly liquid vial. He felt the tingle of a minor heal.

  “See? Now you try.” He smiled at Rocky. The dragon looked unsure but leaned back toward Alexander. After a moment, he opened his mouth and watched with great suspicion as Alexander poured some of the cold liquid inside.

  His immediate reaction to the cold was to freeze in fear. But the tingle of the healing potion on his tongue soon relaxed him. He opened his mouth and grunted at Alexander.

  Laughing, Alexander heated the remaining frozen portion and poured it into the ferocious moat monster’s gullet. Rocky made a happy sound and rolled his eyes in pleasure.

  “Reminds me of a certain goblin in an old book I read. From back in the early part of the century. He would sell his soul for a healing potion,” he said to the dragon. Patting Rocky’s neck, he said, “All right. Off with you. We can’t have you getting addicted to this stuff. Go play!”

  Without hesitation the water dragon launched himself from the bridge, making a splash that soaked Alexander’s legs when he hit the water. “You did that on purpose!” he accused, laughing. Rocky’s head appeared above water long enough to grin at him before disappearing.

  By this time, Tigger had returned to see what the yelling was about. The tiger sniffed the stone where Rocky had been perched, then leaned to inspect the water below. Moving over to the other, dryer side of Alexander, he sat and stared at his master.

  “What? Are you made of sugar? Afraid you’re going to melt?” Alexander teased the giant cat.

  Then lightning struck him. Not literal lightning, like a bolt from the sky. But an idea.

  Rifling through his inventory, he found that he didn’t have what he needed. Laying a hand on Tigger, he teleported them both back to the keep. He made a beeline for the kitchen, where he accosted the first cook he found.

  “Sugar! Do you have sugar? Preferably in cubes? Like for tea?” he asked.

  The cook wasn’t really listening, staring instead over Alexander’s shoulder at the giant white tiger that filled the doorway. Alexander noticed belatedly that Tigger’s muzzle was still a bit bloody, with tufts of bunny fur stuck here and there.

  Turning back to the cook, he said, “Bunny committed suicide. Don’t worry. He hardly ever eats humans. Now, about that sugar?”

  Two minutes later he was sitting at one of the dining tables. Tigger sat on the ground nearby, fastidiously cleaning his muzzle and paws.

  Alexander removed another healing potion from his bag and set it on the table. Then he selected a sugar cube from a bowl in front of him. Closing his eyes, he focused on the cube. As carefully as he could, he pushed healing magic into the sugar cube. After ten seconds of not feeling any tingles in his hand, he opened his eyes and inspected the cube.

  Sugar Cube.

  Single use: Restores 500xp.

  Becoming excited, he uncorked the healing potion and pushed the cube inside. The corners didn’t quite fit, but they crumbled into the potion with the rest when he applied enough force. Replacing the cork, he shook the vial vigorously. Then he set it down and waited for the sugar to dissolve.

  When the potion was as clear as he thought it might get, he used his Identify skill again.

  Common Healing Potion

  Single Use: Restores 1500hp

  “It worked. I totally cheated, and it worke
d,” he mumbled to himself.

  Grabbing another vial, and selecting another sugar cube, he started again. He pushed healing magic into the cube until he felt some resistance. He didn’t want to cause a sugar explosion here in the keep.

  He pushed the cube into the vial, sealed it, and shook it, just like before. Once it had settled, he took a look.

  Rapid Restoration Potion

  Single Use: Restores 5000hp

  Skill Level Up! Enchanting +5

  Skill Level Up! Alchemy +1

  Alexander pumped a fist in the air, shouting, “I am the MAN!” before looking around self-consciously.

  Mattie stuck her head out of the kitchen doorway to see what the commotion was about. Seeing Tigger, her eyes got wide. She stepped out and approached Alexander.

  “He’s beautiful! Can I … I mean, is it okay if I…”

  Still ecstatic over his achievement, Alexander grabbed Mattie and lifted her up, spinning her around. “Tigger!” he called out. Setting Mattie gently on the cat’s back, he said, “Take this young lady for a tour around the keep. Don’t drop her!” He winked at his mount.

  Tigger left at a slow trot, Mattie gripping tightly to his fur and laughing like a madwoman. Alexander wasn’t sure if she was thrilled or terrified.

  Deciding to share his new discovery, he walked over to the base of the wizard’s tower and called out “Fitz! Fitz, I have something awesome to show you!”

  After a minute or so, the old wizard appeared in front of him. “Boy, did your mother not teach you it is impolite to stand outside someone’s home and shout at them?”

  Deciding to let the wizard’s bad mood and reference to his mom roll right off his back, he simply handed the newly enchanted potion to Fitz.

  The wizard took a moment to look at it. Then he looked a bit closer. A smile spread across his face.

  “You found a way to enchant a liquid!” He patted Alexander on the shoulder.

  “Not exactly.” Alexander grinned back. “I found a way to cheat!” He produced another vial and a sugar cube and proceeded to show Fitz what he’d figured out.

  “Ha! Very clever, boy. The end result is what matters. May I share this with the enchanters at the guild? This will allow us to heal great numbers of those in need using only simple ingredients.”

  “Of course, Fitz. I have no need to hoard my knowledge. Just promise me this will never be shared with another adventurer. It could ruin the economy of Io.” Alexander winked at his mentor.

  “You continue to surprise me, Alexander. I’m quite proud of you. Now go away.” Fitz turned back toward his tower.

  “Wait!” Alexander stopped him. Fitz turned back around, looking impatient. “I’m looking for Fibble. Jules said he took it hard when Sasha was killed. Is he in the tower? I asked him to come meet me, but he never showed.”

  Fitz looked up at the tower and closed his eyes a moment. “He is indeed. And unnaturally quiet, it seems. Usually, he’s bugging me constantly about one thing or another. I didn’t even know he was there. Let’s go see him.”

  With a flash, both of them were teleported to a small room that, from the look of the ceiling, was set under the tower stairs. The term ‘room’ was generous. It was more like a large closet. It reminded Alexander of Fibble’s hole in the bottom room of the goblin dungeon. The floor at the end where the stairs sloped down to meet the floor was covered in pillows. A small green hand stuck out from between several of them.

  “Fibble,” Fitz said, in a kinder tone than Alexander had ever heard him use with the goblin. “Fibble, come out here, please.”

  The hand disappeared into the pillow cloud. A small, muffled voice emerged. “Fibble not here.”

  Fitz’s voice got a bit sharper. “Fibble, if I have to say it again, I will put you in a bathtub for a week.”

  Fibble’s nose emerged from between pillows, followed reluctantly by his face. “Fibble no bath. Fibble tired. Leave Fibble alone, please?” the little goblin pleaded in a pathetic voice.

  Getting down on one knee, Alexander said, “Hey, buddy. I know you’re sad about Sasha. But she’s okay. She’ll be back in a day or two, good as new!”

  Fibble looked at Alexander like he was stupid. Then he confirmed the opinion. “Boss stupid. Fibble saw Sasha die. Fibble not protect. Not do job!” The little green goblin sobbed.

  “Fibble, you remember in the big cave with the bugs? When Jules was killed? Before we fought the big monster?”

  Fibble nodded his head, his big ears flopping back and forth.

  “Well, Jules came back, right? And she’s okay. Sasha will be too. I promise.”

  “Jules came back with magic. Big magic. God magic. You use god magic on Sasha?” Fibble sounded hopeful.

  “Well, not me. See, adventurers like Sasha, and Jules, and me… we’re special. We come here from another world. Sort of like when the demons came through the portal in the bottom room.” Alexander paused while Fibble thought that over. After a few seconds, the goblin nodded his understanding.

  “So, when we are killed here, we get sent back to our world. And there, Odin uses his god magic to give us new bodies. Then we can come back, just like new!”

  Fibble snorted, looking suspiciously at Alexander. Then he looked to Fitz, who smiled and nodded his head, saying, “It is true, Fibble. But it’s a very big secret. You must never tell anyone! Or Odin will be angry.”

  Fibble cowered back into his pillows. “Not want angry god magic! Worse than bath!”

  Alexander smiled at his littlest guildmate. “It’s almost lunchtime, Fibble. And I bet you had no breakfast. Want to come eat lunch with me?” He held out a hand as he spoke.

  After thinking for about a tenth of a second, Fibble nodded vigorously. He emerged from the pillow den and took Alexander’s hand. Fitz waved a hand, and all three of them were back in the courtyard.

  Fitz enthusiastically led the way to the kitchen, where he began to fill a plate and several of his pockets. Alexander and Fibble each dished up a plate for themselves, and left Fitz to his raiding. They took seats outside at one of the long tables and began to eat quietly. Before long, Jules came to join them. She gave Fibble a hug and a smile, which the little goblin returned tentatively.

  Tigger returned with Mattie, who was much more relaxed and riding like a pro now. She waved at them as they approached. Jules smiled at Tigger, then said, “Fibble, would you like to ride with Tigger for a while? It’s really fun! He’s like a big walking pillow.”

  Fibble eyed the cat apprehensively. “Big kitty” he mumbled.

  Jules laughed. “Yes, he is. Maybe the biggest ever! But he’s very gentle. Just ask Mattie.”

  Mattie nodded her head and smiled at the little goblin. “He was very nice with me. Come on; I’ll help you up.” She reached out a hand and Tigger stepped up next to the bench they were sitting on. He crouched down so that his stomach was on the ground. Fibble stood on the bench, reaching up to Mattie. She lifted him and set him in front of her on the cat’s back. Tigger rose and began another circuit of the keep. Fibble leaned forward and placed his head on the cat’s neck. “Jules not lie. Kitty soft like pillow.” He smiled as Tigger carried him away.

  “He’ll be fine. I’ll watch over him,” Fitz’s voice came from behind them. He sat down, setting three full plates on the table. One of them held a thick stack of pancakes. Catching Jules eyeing his lunch, he growled, “Don’t even think about it.”

  Jules just smiled sweetly and folded her hands in her lap.

  Checking his UI, Alexander noted it was approaching noon. “I’m going to Stormforge. Want to tag along?” he asked both Jules and Fitz.

  Jules shook her head. “Work to do.” She pecked him on the cheek and disappeared into the main building.

  Fitz declined as well. “I must return to Baron Dire’s questioning,” he said around a mouthful of pancakes.

  “When are you going to let ME question him?” Alexander pressed the wizard.

  “Not yet. In a few days, perh
aps. His strength fades slowly, but it is fading. Speaking to him now would only get you false information.”

  Deciding not to argue the point, Alexander rose and headed toward the portal. Blix was waiting for him in the courtyard. As he approached the gnome, Tigger strode in through the gate. Mattie and Fibble chatting away atop his back. Alexander caught Tigger’s eyes. “Going to Stormforge. Want to come?”

  Tigger looked thoughtful for a moment and then padded over to sit next to Alexander, dumping Fibble and Mattie backward in a tumble in the process. The cat grinned at him, and Alexander couldn’t help but laugh. Fibble also thought it was good fun as he’d landed atop Mattie’s softer regions. Mattie was much less amused.

  “Hey! That was rude!” she grumped as she got to her feet.

  Fibble decided to take her side and made a face at Tigger. “Bad kitty!” Tigger just pretended he didn’t hear either of them, staring expectantly at Alexander.

  “I’m sorry, Mattie. I should have warned you about Tigger’s sense of humor,” Alexander apologized for his remorseless mount. “Blix and I are going to be visiting the O’Malleys today. Would you like to come along? I know Rose would love to see you.”

  Mattie smiled. “That would be nice, but I’ve work to do. Please give her my love,” she replied.

  Alexander had a thought. “Jeeves, loudspeaker please.”

  Jeeves signaled, “Go ahead, Master.”

  “Attention, all citizens. I will be opening a portal to Stormforge in a few minutes. If you’d like to visit the city for a couple of hours, you are welcome to join us.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Sorry for the short notice. If you’re busy with other things just now, I’ll be scheduling regular portals to both Stormforge and Broken Mountain in the next few days.”

  Looking to Blix, he said, “Have you ever seen a dragon forge?”


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