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Body Talk: An Ex-Navy SEAL Billionaire Romance

Page 73

by Ashlee Price

  I could feel his hot body on mine immediately, and I realized then that I’d made a mistake. A big one. When he pulled me in for a kiss, I knew that I was lost.

  His lips were soft but insistent. He tasted like the wine that we’d drunk with dinner, and I could feel myself getting drunk off the taste. I wanted him so badly, far too badly, and when he moved to cover my body, I didn’t resist. I’d resisted him far too long, and now there was nothing I wanted to do but let him have his way with me. It was just for a night. I wasn’t going to fall in love, this was all about pleasure.

  When I felt Scott push his lower body against me, I gasped at the hardness already there. We’d only kissed for a moment and it was raging underneath me, throbbing and throwing off an avalanche of heat that was driving me crazy.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Jesse.”

  I did as he wanted, unable to think of anything else that I wanted more. But I instantly regretted the action. When I moved my legs up to his waist and then his torso, I could feel his need even more. Now it was pressing into me so hard that I thought he would go right through the shorts I was wearing. It was hard to think, and the more he pushed in, the more I wanted all of him. I hadn’t planned this or thought it would happen, but now I felt like if he didn’t do me right then and there, right now, I was surely going to explode. Surely a person could explode, and I was sure that I was going to be next for such a fate. I just knew it.

  “Please, Scott.”

  He chuckled at my request. I wasn’t sure what I was asking for, but when his mouth moved onto my chest and took one of my hard nipples inside, I knew that he knew exactly what I needed.

  My legs fell off of his waist as he pushed me back into the bed and gave us a little distance. For a moment I thought he was leaving, and I heard the whine that ripped between my lips. The last thing that I wanted was for him to go. I was too far into it and the internal implosion was seriously starting to worry me. Scott was going to single-handedly drive me crazy.

  “I just want to see all of you, Jesse. I’m not going anywhere, but I’ve been thinking about what you look like underneath those clothes for a long time. I have to see all of you before we go any further.”

  His words meant nothing except that his hands were not going to touch me right away. I whimpered again and lifted my hips up to pull my own shorts down. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath, and before I could really think about what I was doing, I had my fingers sliding along my slit. I couldn’t believe how wet I was, and I couldn’t believe how wanton I was acting.

  Scott’s eyes darkened and he stood up long enough to shrug off his last bit of clothing. My eyes were riveted to the hard meat that was driving me insane, and my free hand went to wrap my fingers around it. The silken rod felt so good in my hand, and the sound that came from Scott was somehow even better.

  I don’t know what spurred him on, but after my one innocent touch, he seemed to go a little crazy himself. Before I knew it, he was back on top of me, his body wedged between my legs, and I could feel the heat of him against my own tempered flesh. I gasped as I felt him move towards me and then my eyes closed as the hard head pushed me open and started to penetrate my core.

  Crying out into the night, my head buried into his shoulder as I tried to stop the sounds that were coming from me. It was embarrassing how good he felt. Nothing was supposed to feel so good, and I was unable to stop the noises he wrung out of me. I was almost sick of trying.

  “Please, Scott. I need all of you.”

  He pushed in deeper and I hissed as he filled me up. It didn’t seem like it would fit, but he forced himself all the way in and told me to hang on. I did as I was told, even though it sounded like something you’d tell a kid on a roller coaster. Little did I know that a roller coaster ride was pretty close to the truth.

  Scott in bed was just like he was in person, overwhelming and a bit much to take. I wanted to tell him to slow down, sure that he was going to break me, but there was no telling him no, no slowing down the way he moved. After less than a minute, I didn’t seem to care. All I could think about was how good he felt inside of me and how much more I needed him.

  Even as I felt him come inside of me, groaning his own pleasure out into the night air, I knew that I was lost. I’d broken the promise that I’d made to myself before it all started. As he rolled to his side and pulled me against his sweaty body, I knew that I had lost my heart to him. It was supposed to be just pleasure, but all I felt was love.

  “Are you okay, Jesse? I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  I told him that I was fine, wondering for a moment what he was talking about. He hadn’t hurt me at all, just given me more pleasure than I thought my body could hold. It wasn’t hard to see that I was well out of my league. I’d known that Scott was a dangerous man, but now I knew just how dangerous he could really be.

  To be continued in Part 6…

  Served Part 6: Scorched

  By: Ashlee Price


  Jesse and Scott have turned a corner in their relationship. It’s not just a fling, and it’s not just him wanting her; it’s something else now. Since they made love for the first time, Jesse hasn’t been able to keep Scott away – not that she wants to. She’s never been happier, and she’s starting to think of this as a long-term relationship. Even though he’s rich and perfectly handsome, Jesse is really starting to think that they have a shot. Opposites attract, after all, or that’s what her best friend keeps telling her. For the first time in a long time, Jesse is starting to feel optimistic about her future.

  When Scott invites her to meet his parents, Jesse is sure that it’s another step in their love story, something that will take them to the next level together. Little does she know that it’s really just a test – one that she fails miserably. Nothing is going to be the same, and once Jesse realizes how much has changed, it’s hard for her to comprehend everything falling apart. If only she hadn’t fallen so hard and so fast.

  Chapter 1 – Scott

  “Are you really that stupid, son? Do you even think about the business and what it will look like? Did you think about it even once? I told you to go there and learn about her, not spend the day working there. What were you thinking, Scott? This is beneath you.”

  For a moment I wanted to hang up. I knew that he was talking about Jesse. Well, actually I still wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but if it had to do with Jesse, I didn’t want to hear his opinion. I thought Dad was mad that I’d given her the money and now she wouldn’t sell. I’d tried to tell him that buying wasn’t a good idea, but I was sure that he hadn’t listened.

  “Dad, what are you talking about? I didn’t work there, and nothing I’ve done would put the family or the business in a bad light. So if you’re going to call me yelling, you’re going to have to be a little more specific, or I’m going to hang up.”

  “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

  I was sure that he wanted me to calm down, show him respect, but I’d just woke up and the last thing that I wanted to hear was him try to lecture me on anything. He really needed to look at his own life before he started to judge mine. His life was a mess and for the first time in a long time, I felt like my life was finally going in the right direction. I wasn’t going to let him ruin that for me.

  “I’m your father and I’m your boss, Scott. You need to remember that. Your position can change at any time. You’re where you are because of me.”

  I could feel my temperature going the same way my blood pressure was going. Hearing his condescending tone was always hard, but it was even harder when I knew that I couldn’t tell him what I really thought of him. It wouldn’t have been good, I was sure of that, but I would have felt better about it. Sadly, I just wanted him to be happy, or proud of me, but I knew that wasn’t ever going to happen. I needed to stop trying, I would tell myself all of the time, but even now I wanted him to approve.

  “What is it you’re calling about?”

��Well, I was calling about the paperwork that I wanted you to sign. Did Caroline not give it to you?”

  His voice told me that he knew she had. Caroline did his bidding without question, and I knew that was what he wanted from me too. But I wasn’t wired that way. I figured that it had a lot to do with his DNA.

  “Yes, I got it, but I left early before I could get it all taken care of.”

  “Where do you have to go that’s more important than the job?”

  I could have named just about anything and it would have been better than the job I had now. I was sick of it, but that wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He wanted to know where I’d gone, and I wasn’t ready to tell him about falling for the girl. I couldn’t tell him that I was head over heels for Jesse. He wouldn’t understand at all.

  “I just had some things to take care of. I’ll look over it and sign it before the end of the day today.”

  “Fine. So what about the pictures of you working with an apron on at that bistro I’m trying to buy?”

  Oh, that. I hadn’t realized that there were pictures, but with everyone walking around with phones nowadays, it’s hard not to get your picture taken. Someone must have recognized me and posted it. My father was embarrassed that his son was working as a cashier. It would reflect badly on him somehow, but there was nothing that I could say about the truth. Dad didn’t want to hear the truth, especially when it came to women. He would never understand, because he used women like playthings and not much else. I’d been the same way, but I couldn’t be that way with Jesse. I just couldn’t.

  “I was just there and offered to help. No big deal, really.”

  “No big deal? Son, you’re the face of the company and my son. I can’t have you helping a girl out and getting photographed with her. Do you even know anything about her?”

  He was getting too personal, and I didn’t like the way the conversation was going. I was still literally glowing from being with her, and I didn’t know why my father didn’t care for the idea of it. It was bad enough that he was my boss and dad; I wasn’t going to let him dictate my life any more than he already was.

  “I know a lot about her. I’ve gotten to know her because you made me. You want to buy her bistro, remember?”

  “Of course I remember. What does that have to do with you helping her?”

  “You told me to charm her. That’s what I’m doing.”

  I heard derision in his scoff, and I knew that he wasn’t happy about my words, or my plans. When Dad realized that I’d paid for her to get out of debt, I was sure that he was going to hate me, but for now I just had to keep my mouth shut.

  “There are ways to charm her without making yourself look bad. Have I taught you nothing?”

  “I never did pay attention when you talked about women, Dad. You never were good at keeping them happy.”

  I regretted it as soon as I said it, but it was too late. It was out of my mouth and there was no taking it back.

  “Women are only worth the amount of time that you ride them. Why haven’t you gotten that yet?”

  The conversation was getting nowhere and it was just pissing me off. I needed to get off the phone with him before he drove me crazy.

  “Well, Dad, I got a lot of work to do.”

  “I’m not done talking about this, Scott. You don’t get to just write me off. You still work for me.”

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was sick of being reminded who I worked for. I likened it to being a slave, but there was really nothing that I could do about it. I did work for him, and for the moment I had to listen to what he had to say.

  “I know who I work for. I’m reminded of it every day when I have to continue to use Caroline. She hates me, and I know the only reason you wanted me to hire her was because she tells you everything that is going on. It’s like you have your own mole here.”

  “Caroline is a good assistant. I’ve used her for over twenty years.”

  “Well, then, why are you even asking me about this?”

  “Because when I heard it, I wanted to check with you. I was sure that she was wrong, but she wasn’t. This is not over, Scott. I want you to really think about what you’re doing and how you look to others when you make poor decisions like that.”

  I finally got off the phone with him, but my day was already ruined. I wasn’t going to take anything that he said to heart, but it worried me. He had too much control over my life, and he was far too interested in Jesse.

  Chapter 2 – Jesse

  “I didn’t think I was going to see you until later. Did you decide to take the rest of the day off?”

  He kissed me, and I heard a few comments from the line that I tried to ignore. It was still new with me and Scott, but he was making himself a regular fixture at the bistro. I’d truly thought that I wasn’t going to see him again after we had sex, but I was seeing him even more, if that was possible. It became an unspoken routine that every night was spent together. I certainly didn’t have a problem with that, but I was worried about what was going to happen when he got bored with me. I knew his reputation, and I knew guys like him.

  “I have to go back to work, but I just wanted to give you a kiss. I missed you.”

  I giggled a little and kissed him again to a chorus of catcalls and wolf whistles from my customers. Smiling at him, I told him he was lucky because I was looking for some help. I was just joking, but he got a strange look on his face that bothered me a little bit. Was he that against helping me?

  “Well, never fear, Scott, I was just joking. I know that you’ve got better things to do than taking money and wiping down tables.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Then what is it like?”

  He started to say something and then stopped. I realized that I had things to do and customers in front of me, so it made it easy to push it to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to think about what was going on in his mind, so I just tried to ignore the uneasiness that I felt.

  Scott gave me another kiss, this one noticeably quicker and less lingering. I felt my face go red, and I knew it was because of what I was thinking about doing to him later. I wasn’t sure what he was upset about, but it was clear that something was bothering him. I told myself that it most likely had nothing to do with me, but how could I be sure? I wasn’t, and as I watched him leave, I had to think about whether he was done messing with me. I knew that the day was going to come, but I still wasn’t sure when it was going to happen.

  I tried to shake the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Melissa asked me what was wrong a couple of times, but I told her that I was fine. Everything was fine, but in truth I wanted to cry. I wasn’t much of a crier, but I felt suddenly hopeless.

  After closing everything up, I made my way upstairs and almost jumped when I heard the phone ringing. I’d built up the earlier meeting with him in my head so much that I was convinced that I was never going to see him again. When I realized that it was Scott on the phone, it was hard to think of something to say. I’d been so sure, but then again I’d been wrong a time or two before.

  “Hey, Scott.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  I groaned inwardly. Why was everyone asking that when I was trying so hard to hide my emotions?

  “Nothing, I just figured that you were going to be working tonight.”

  “I still am, but as soon as this last meeting is over I’m going to be heading your way. Since I don’t have a key and I figure that you’ll be sleeping, I was wondering if you could leave the key out for me or something.”

  I smiled at myself and knew more than ever that I was in trouble. I was grinning ear to ear just from the thought of him wanting to come after work. Even if I was sleeping, he would rather be with me. It was like everything that I’d worried about was for nothing. I’d been worried about the end of us for no reason. I chided myself for being such a worrywart.

  “Sure, I’ll leave it under the mat. I’m kind of tired, so I don�
�t know how much longer I’ll be up, but you’re always welcome.”

  “Thanks, Jesse. I don’t want to be without you tonight, but I don’t want to keep you up either.”

  “I’ll stay up if you want me to. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to make it worth my while.”

  I heard the deep sound of his laugh and I melted a little more inside. I don’t think he knew how badly I wanted him there with me right then. I wanted to feel his body on mine, if not for anything else than a reminder of the fact that he was still mine.

  The phone clicked, but the sinking feeling that I’d carried with me all day was gone. It was scary how just hearing from him could change my mood so much. I’d fallen too far, too fast. That was clear to me then.



  I didn’t hear him, not really, until he was next to me in bed, naked. I was in the same state. I would have thought that I would have woken up before my body was wet and ready for him. My nipples were hard and still damp from his mouth. How long had he been there?

  The question died on my lips when I felt the hardness at my opening seconds before he pushed in swiftly. It took my breath away, as it always did, and I was powerless to do anything more than wrap my legs and arms around him. He was like an amusement park ride: I had to hold on tight when he really started going.

  Scott’s name was continually on my lips as he sank deeper and pulled out faster, only to repeat the process immediately. He felt so good. Far too good – before I’d been up a total of five minutes, I was coming so hard it almost put me back to sleep.

  His pleasure took longer, and I was limp by the time he finally got off of me. There had been something on his mind that night that had impelled him to such a thorough taking of my body, but Scott said nothing to help me understand. He pulled me to him and I lay on his chest, listening to his slamming heart slow down as minutes passed.


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