Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2)

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Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2) Page 15

by Layla Frost

  Moving his hand from my shoulder to the mattress next to my head, he curved his body over mine. Touching his tongue to my neck, he teased up to my ear and whispered, “Don’t like slow, Harlow?”

  I shook my head.

  “Put your hand between your legs.” When I did as he said, Kase covered it with his, positioning us so his cock was between my spread middle and ring finger. He weaved his fingers with mine so we both felt our connection. Thrusting slowly, he pushed my palm into my clit. “You know what that is?”


  He bit down on my neck. “You know it’s more than that.”


  He increased speed, putting more pressure on my clit. “Close.”

  I felt surrounded.

  Overwhelmed and overstimulated.

  I was caught in his strong current. Only instead of trying to escape like I usually did, I was swimming with it. Happy to get myself in deeper.

  “You know what this is?” he asked again, pressing my fingers tighter to his cock as it moved in me.

  I shook my head.

  “Lani,” he whispered in my ear, his voice rough and harsh. “Heaven. I go slow ‘cause every time I slide into your tight pussy, it’s heaven, Harlow. Gotta close my eyes and savor it.”

  My breaths came in quick, shallow bursts as he spoke. My chest tightened.

  Lifting his head, his dreads skimmed across my shoulder, goosebumps breaking out across my skin. “You gonna let me savor my heaven?”

  I nodded.

  Even looking at him from the side, I could see his eyes blaze at my answer. Putting all of his power into his thrusts, he slammed into me, grinding our palms into my clit. “Fuck yeah you are.”

  His words and movements worked together to push me over the edge. He didn’t ease up as I came, a relentless current that I rode, drawing out my orgasm.

  When I finished, Kase moved his hand from my clit to hold my hip.

  I tightened my fingers around his cock before dropping my hand, too. Rocking, I met his thrusts, feeling the tension build faster.

  Clutching the sheets, my legs trembled and my breathing became ragged as I came again.

  Kase’s sexy groans mixed with mine as he joined me.

  Putting his weight on me, I lowered myself to the bed, Kase following me down. We stayed like that for a few minutes, his mouth and hands brushing across whatever skin he could reach.

  When he got up to toss the condom out, I let my heavy eyes close. As I started to drift off, he climbed back in bed and pulled me to him, covering us both.

  I draped my leg over his, resting my hand and head on his chest. His lips were pressed to the top of my head.

  As sleep took me, I heard him whisper, “Night, my lani.”

  Maybe we’re both swimming with the current.


  So much for an easy first day.

  Weaving around clusters of people, I headed back to Rhys’ office at Rye. Although it was urgent, I stopped and knocked.


  While it wasn’t a strip club, I knew enough about Rhys to know it was still a good idea.

  “Come in!” he called out.

  I opened the door. “Hey.”

  Putting down the stack of papers he was sorting through, Rhys looked up at me and smiled, though his dimples weren’t as deep as they usually were. “Please don’t tell me you’re quitting on your first night.”

  I shook my head.

  “Thank fuck. What’s up?”

  “My shift is done.” As Rhys looked at the monitor and stood, I rushed to continue. “But I’m cool to stay for a while.”

  “You sure? I told you I’d work around your schedule.” He glanced back at the screen, no doubt seeing the clusterfuck brewing around the bar.

  “I just have to text Kase.”

  “Wanna grab a break now? I’ll cover with Vanessa.”

  “About Vanessa.” I hesitated. I wasn’t worried about getting her in trouble, only with coming across like a snitch bitch. However, I didn’t want to work with someone so insanely inept again, so I continued. “I know it’s my first day, and I don’t wanna overstep my place, but you might wanna keep an eye on her.”

  He put his hands on his hips and looked down, his overgrown hair getting in his face. “Shit. What’s up?”

  “I didn’t notice until the other bartenders left, but she’s fucking up orders all over the place.” As I spoke, my frustration from working with her came out as a babbling rant. “She’s over pouring and undercharging. She has zero multitasking skills, and no clue how to make the most basic mixed drinks. Plus, she can’t even work the computer ordering system that was obviously designed with a tired toddler or moderately trained baboon in mind, it’s so easy. Some of the men are cool with it ‘cause she’s hot, but she’s even blowing through their patience. And since she’s not blowing anything else of theirs, people are walking out.”

  When I finished my tirade, Rhys stayed quiet, rubbing his beard.

  Damn. They’re both crazy hot, maybe they’re fucking? And here I am, my very first day, already talking shit.

  Just as I was about to blurt out an apology, Rhys spoke. “Do you want her to finish the shift?”


  “She came with great references, which were all obviously bullshit. She’s out. Do you want her to finish her shift before I fire her?”

  Biting my bottom lip, I shook my head. “She’s pretty much just in my way.”

  “That’s what I figured. I’ll go deal with that. Text Kase.”

  I nodded as he stormed out, his whole demeanor different.

  Me: Working late. Will text when I’m done.

  Leaving the office, I saw Rhys walking toward the back with a dreamy, lustful eyed Vanessa.

  Stay strong, dude. Crazy and stupid is a dangerous combo.

  I took my spot behind the bar, hauling ass to catch up on the open tickets. Glancing up a minute later, I watched Rhys come back into the main area. Vanessa came running up behind him, holding her stuff as she screeched something.

  Her red, pointy face was suddenly much less hot.

  Rhys didn’t appear fazed as the bouncers intervened, literally carrying her out of Rye.

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” he said, giving me his deep dimpled smile.

  “No problem.”

  We spent twenty minutes basically silent as we worked to clean up her mess. It was even worse than I’d thought, and I cringed to think about how much money was lost.

  Once we had it under control, Rhys looked at me and shook his head. “I hate fucking liars. No way has she stepped foot behind a bar. On one, sure. But not behind.”

  “I’ve got this—”

  “Shit, Rhys. Already got her working late?” Kase said as he sat on a stool. “If this is a ploy to steal her away, it’s not gonna work. She’s already crazy about me.” He winked at me.

  I rolled my eyes, but couldn’t hold back my smile. “Wanna beer, baby?”

  His face softened. “Yeah.”

  Pouring an IPA, I slid it to him. “Be back. Gonna grab more vodka.”

  “I’ll get them,” Rhys offered.

  “No, I’ve gotta learn the system.”

  I got the bottles, only seventy percent sure I messed up the inventory tracking list. Carefully weaving my way back to the bar, I put them on the shelf and turned to Kase.

  Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and tugged. Leaning across the bar, he kissed me. “Missed you.”

  My stomach flipped and my nipples hardened.

  Like his nipple senses were tingling, Kase glanced down before meeting my eyes and lowering his voice. “I hope you’re not too tired.”

  I shook my head.

  “Didn’t think so.”

  At his smug expression, I fake yawned. “I dunno, I’m suddenly feeling exhausted.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll just wake you up like I did last night. My head between your legs, my tongue—”

“I don’t like you.” Glaring at him, I crossed my arms in a vain attempt to look serious while also trying to cover my obviously hard nipples.

  Giving me his cockiest smile, he leaned back. “Yeah you do. You’re crazy about me, remember?”

  Putting my hands up to my head, I spread them outward as I made an exploding sound.

  “I like you two together,” Rhys said, passing Kase another beer.

  Kase lifted his drink. “Me, too.”

  The word ‘together’ echoed in my head.

  The current is strong tonight.




  I watched as Harlow went to the other end of the bar, rushing like the world would end if the dude didn’t get a refill of his shitty beer.

  “You see that?” Rhys asked, his head turned toward her, too.

  “You mean how she looked like she was about to pole vault over the bar and run away? Yeah, I may have noticed it.”

  “Man.” He shook his head, smiling wide. “First Jake, now you.”

  “Hey, you can’t put us in the same category. Until Piper, Jake was practically allergic to relationships.”

  “Not talking about that.”

  I set my beer down. “Then what?”

  “You two lucky motherfuckers found smoking hot, cool ass women who are down for whatever without all the labels and shit. Every chick I’ve talked to lately is angling for commitment and a ring after one date.”

  “Since when do you date?”

  He shrugged. “My version of one.”

  “And unlike you and our former commitaphobe friend, I’m not raging against the relationship system.”

  “But just like Piper, Harlow’s making you work for it.”

  “Man, she’s worse than Jake.” I drained the last of my beer. “I wanna push, but I don’t wanna fuck this up. I mean, you saw her. Half the time she looks ready to bolt.”

  “And the other half?”

  I smiled. “It’s what makes all the work worth it.”

  We both looked over just in time to see Harlow turn, her red hair fanned out. She grinned at me as she hustled, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright.

  Unable to tear my eyes away from her, I muttered, “Seriously fuckin’ worth it.”



  Walking into Hyde the following Tuesday, I was shocked by how abandoned and different it looked.

  With the opening of the new place only a couple weeks away, they were closed to get everything set up. The men still worked daily, packaging and transporting the equipment they didn’t trust anyone else to touch.

  Stepping into Piper’s kitchen was like going through a portal. In contrast with the barren gray shop, her room was still filled with bright colored appliances and supplies.

  “Holy hell, that place is creepy,” I said, immediately reaching for a bowl of frosting.

  Unfortunately, Piper was faster, moving it and smacking my hand away. “Hey! I’m not done with that yet.” She flipped through a pad filled with designs and notes. “And I agree, it’s crazy creepy. It’s even worse at night.”

  I shuddered. “I don’t wanna find out. When are you out of here?”

  “After I finish this one, I have two cakes left. Then it’s packing up and getting everything ready at the new place.”

  “Do you have time to go out this Saturday? Rhys gave me the day off.”

  She grinned. “I could definitely use a night out.”

  “Wanna invite Ray and hit up Voodoo?”

  “Not wanting to go to Rye?” she joked, her eyes twinkling.

  I grimaced. “I think I’m good.”

  “Seriously, though, how’re things going there?”

  “Awesomely chaotic. I’m making good money. And Rhys is super chill to work for. But the place is always slammed and some of the other bartenders suck. Or are uber bitches that throw shade ‘cause they think Rhys and I are knocking boots.”

  “Have you said anything to him?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sure he knows. He doesn’t miss much.”

  “True. Still, you should bring it up. Or I could, if you want.”

  “No, I will. I just hate that shit.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” Reaching around, she opened and closed canisters, jotting down a few things on a list. “How’s your mom doing?”

  Instead of just telling Piper about my family, I’d brought her with me to pick Hads up from school and drop her off at home. After introducing her to my mom and staying to chat for a few minutes, I’d filled her in on Mom’s MS diagnosis on the drive back to Rye.

  As much as I’d needed to share with Kase, he wasn’t the only one I wanted to open up to.

  I grinned so big it hurt my cheeks. “Really good. She’s been so happy lately, and really active. You’ll have to come over again soon. I think she and Hadley would love it.”

  She returned my smile. “I’ll bring cupcakes.”

  “Where?” Jake asked as he entered the room, going right for my frosting bowl.

  Not showing favoritism, Piper smacked his hand away, too. Putting the lid on the bowl, she set it in the fridge. “To Harlow’s mom and sister.”

  Jake nodded and turned to me. “How’s she doin’?”

  “Better lately, thanks,” I said, appreciating him asking without the tone change, head tilt, and pity look trifecta that usually accompanied the question.

  “Do you think she’d feel up to coming to the opening?” Piper asked.

  Why the hell did I wait so long to tell her?

  Oh yeah, because I’m a dingus.

  “I’ll ask.”

  Jake moved way into Piper’s space, putting his hand on her throat, his thumb stroking her jaw “We’re due at the lawyer’s office in thirty, sweets.”

  “Shit, I forgot.” Looking off to the side, she must have caught my concerned expression. She shook her head. “Not about… him. Just last minute legal stuff with the new building. Gotta get our ducks in a row with endless amounts of forms, permits, and licenses.” She turned back to Jake. “Let me grab my coat from the office.”

  When she left, Jake leaned against the table, studying me. I knew he was a big softie, but he intimidated the hell out of me. His sharp green eyes always seemed like they could see straight through me.

  And since I had a fuck lot of secrets, it was disconcerting.

  “So,” he said, his voice low and his expression serious. “You and Kase hit it off.”

  “Yup,” I muttered, unsure how he felt about me seeing his best friend.

  After the longest, deafeningly silent thirty seconds of my life, I had my answer when he grinned. “I like it.”

  I returned his smile. “Me too.”

  “Me three,” Piper added from the doorway. “Ready, baby?”

  Jake nodded before looking back at me. “Kase is in the garage. Make sure he doesn’t stay here all night, yeah?”

  “I was heading over to see him.”

  Giving me a chin lift, he walked to Piper and put his arm around her as they left.

  I headed into the garage, rushing to get out of the creepy hallway. “Kase?” I called out.

  “Over here,” he answered, standing up from behind a pushed out counter. “Hey, you’re out early today.”

  “Last class was canceled.”

  “Did you see Piper yet?”

  I nodded. “I popped in before heading over here. She and Jake just left.”

  His smile faded as his voice lowered. “They’re gone?”

  “Yeah, something about paperwork for—” I ended on a yelp when Kase grabbed me around the waist, lifting me onto a high workbench. “What’re you doing?”

  “Something I’ve been wanting to do for months.” His mouth took mine, his kiss hard and demanding.


  His hand went between us, undoing my jeans. Holding the sides of them, he pulled back just far enough to murmur, “Lift.”

  Leaning back on my hand
s, I raised my hips, allowing him to tug my pants and panties off, taking my shoes with them.

  “Stay like that,” he said. Gripping my hips, he pulled me to the edge of the bench. “Starving, baby.”

  Without another word, he dipped his head between my legs, his mouth covering me.

  There was no teasing. No light flicks or slow builds.

  He devoured me like he hadn’t eaten in months.

  Moving my legs onto his shoulders, he pushed his tongue deeper into me, tilting my pelvis up.

  The tension built quickly, the intensity of it overwhelming. I tried to shift away, but Kase’s hand tightened on my hips, keeping me close.

  His tongue swirled around my clit as I panted, my head hanging back. Prying my eyes open, I looked to the side, catching sight of a piece of sheet metal that was leaning against the wall. Our reflection was dull and hazy in it, but I could still clearly make out Kase stroking himself as he licked me.

  “Holy shhhhh,” I moaned. Unable to hold myself up any longer, I dropped flat on my back with an echoing thud as I came.

  And came.

  And mindlessly, breathlessly came.

  Kase eased his pressure, stopping fully as I sat up on my elbows, still trying to catch my breath.

  His lips quirked up on one side as he ran his palm down his glistening beard. Keeping eye contact, he licked his palm. “Taste like fuckin’ heaven, Harlow.”

  My pussy clenched, ready for more.

  Before I could say anything, he tucked himself away. “You’ve gotta go, ipo.”

  “No, we’ve gotta finish.”

  He held my hips and lifted me, setting me on my feet. “If I climb up there, that thing is gonna bust.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows and pushed in close. “Yeah it will.”

  His eyes darkened even as he smiled.

  Starting at his chest, I inched toward his cock. I made it to his belly button before he seized my wrist, halting its journey.

  My crush of disappointment became lusty excitement when his growly voice ordered, “Turn around and hold on.”

  When I did as he said, Kase positioned my body so I was bent forward slightly, my legs spread with my ass in the air.

  Standing behind me, he trailed his hands down, following along the curve of my sides. He cupped my ass cheeks, kneading them for a minute before letting go.


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