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Tonight's the Night_Sarah_Jayne's big surprise

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by Limey Lady

  This time Angie felt a more substantial splash of heat on her tonsils.

  Sarah-Jayne withdrew and thrust again, still firm but by no means rough, repeating the process for a third time before staggering over to the bed.

  ‘My legs have gone weak,’ she explained.

  The taste wasn’t nearly as bad as Angie had feared. Indeed it was far better than the tang of rubber and lager and lime. Salty madras, she figured. Not bad at all.

  Swallowing was no hardship.

  Grinning, she knee-walked in pursuit of Sarah-Jayne and took hold of her again. She was still hard as rock. Using her fingers, tongue and lips, she ensured she’d extracted and devoured every last drop of seed. Then, when she was satisfied the only moisture left on her was her own saliva, she deftly rolled on a condom.

  The girl with a cock was looking at her curiously. ‘I didn’t expect anything like that,’ she confessed.

  ‘Shush,’ went Angie, getting onto the bed beside her. ‘Shush and come on, fuck me.’

  Sarah-Jayne’s eyes went round and wide. ‘Do you mean right now, straight after . . .’

  ‘Yes, I do; I really, really do.’

  ‘But . . .’

  ‘Don’t argue,’ said Angie, ‘just do it.’

  Sarah-Jayne pushed her onto her back and attacked her tits, showing that by-now familiar firmness.

  ‘Fuck me,’ Angie repeated, pulling her away from her chest and into the most basic position of all. ‘We can save the foreplay for later,’ she said, gripping the sheathed erection. ‘I want to feel you inside me. I want you this second.’


  Subconsciously, because of her experiences with Bobby, Angie had been afraid Sarah-Jayne might struggle to make her cum. She’d never acknowledged the fear but it had been there; deep-rooted but definitely there. Even as she steered the girl with a cock into her pussy, enormously turned on as she was, she’d had her reservations.

  But she needn’t have worried. Two minutes of penetration and Sarah-Jayne had made her orgasm all right. And after that it had been business as usual, with Angie cumming at regular intervals.

  And not particularly long ones. Their cum-to-cum ratio had been enormously skewed in her favour.

  So, nothing new there, then . . .

  Angie had, of course, pulled her weight. She always pulled her weight and had plenty of it to pull. Sex wouldn’t be sex if she didn’t do most of the doing, would it?

  Now, all three condoms filled and Sarah-Jayne noticeably flagging, they were side by side, staring up at the ceiling, cosy in each other’s company.

  ‘Tell me about you,’ said Angie. ‘What are your hopes and ambitions? Outside of uni, I mean.’

  ‘I’m happy as I am right now,’ Sarah-Jayne replied. ‘At one time I intended to go the full surgical route, but I got this far and decided that it works for me.’

  ‘It works for me too,’ said Angie, ‘big time. Was it hormone treatment you had?’

  ‘Mostly, apart from the breasts; they cost six grand.’

  ‘Money well spent, in my humble opinion.’

  ‘I was a classic case,’ Sarah-Jayne went on. ‘I believed I was a woman trapped in a man’s body, even though my body looked girly all along.’

  ‘So what happens in the future? Will you meet a nice boy and settle down?’

  ‘I’d rather meet a nice girl and settle down.’ Sarah-Jayne laughed. ‘I suppose that I was always more of a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, if you know what I mean.’

  ‘But you do have boyfriends?’

  ‘I don’t do boyfriends or girlfriends as such. I have occasional lovers of any sex, preferably feminine.’

  ‘That sounds very much like me.’ Angie chuckled. ‘Since tonight, that is. Before tonight I have had one boyfriend and umpteen feminine girlfriends. Well, feminine-ish . . . I don’t always get all my own way.’

  Sarah-Jayne had left a light burning on her nightstand. She turned to look Angie in the eye.

  ‘Did you get your own way tonight?’ she asked.

  ‘I got everything I’d hoped for.’ Angie chuckled again. ‘Tell me about these male lovers of yours. What do you actually do with them?’

  Sarah-Jayne shook her head. ‘What did I just do to you ten minutes ago?’

  Angie didn’t immediately answer. After being inordinately overbearing and out of contraceptives, she’d asked Sarah-Jayne to fuck her ass. That was a sex act she’d learnt from her “older woman”; one she liked a lot.

  And it was evidently a sex act Sarah-Jayne liked too.

  ‘So you do that to your male lovers,’ Angie said eventually. ‘Do you let them do it back to you?’

  ‘I’m equal opportunities,’ Sarah-Jayne replied. ‘Of course I do.’

  ‘In that case you owe me. Next time I’m bringing a strap-on. And I’m going to go more than just once or twice. Okay?’

  This time Sarah-Jayne’s headshake was monumental.

  ‘You cannot be serious.’

  ‘You bet I’m serious. So is it a deal?’

  Sarah-Jayne was silent but Angie could feel her hardening again.

  Too right it was a deal!

  ‘Say yes and I’ll suck you off again,’ she said beguilingly.

  ‘Will you really, after where you-know-what’s just been?’

  ‘I will if you go wash yourself first. So come on, is it a deal?’

  ‘It is if I get to fuck you again, after you’ve sucked me.’

  ‘Okay, but it’ll have to be anal. I’m all out of rubber.’

  ‘Look in the second drawer of my nightstand. There should be some in there.’

  Angie looked and there were dozens. No, there were dozens and dozens.

  ‘Blimey,’ she said, ‘we can keep going forever.’

  Sarah-Jayne rolled her eyes. ‘Omigod,’ she murmured, ‘I think the girl’s serious!’

  Chapter Six

  Angie headed for home around seven in the morning, full of the joys of . . . well, autumn. It was just getting light and, although cool, the air was clear and crisp. She didn’t need to be a meteorologist to predict it was going to be another fine day.

  As she approached the entrance of her hall three female freshers emerged, dressed in multicoloured fluorescent running gear.

  ‘Hey Angie,’ one of them called.

  ‘Joining us for a quick ten K?’ another wondered.

  ‘Or have you already exercised?’ the third added with a cheeky grin.

  Angie didn’t know any of the girls but they clearly knew her. Mock-reluctantly, she supposed she was indeed famous, and for infamous reasons.

  ‘Hey girls,’ she replied, playing up to the image. ‘I did a half marathon before midnight and another ten K not an hour ago. Ask me again, around lunchtime.’

  ‘In the Corner, you mean?’ The second girl tittered. ‘Maybe I will. See you later.’

  The three of them set off, tight bums waggling, no need of assistance from high heels required. Angie watched them until they were out of sight then, happy to be there and throbbing with life, went inside.

  At that early hour (early as far as students were concerned) halls were barely awake. Exercise freaks were off campus already, very few doors were slamming and the only music playing was soft and not at all intrusive.

  Angie hit the fourth floor and strode down her corridor, hearing nothing local. The background sounds were all above or below, and easily ignorable.

  See you in the Corner, she thought. Frigging hell; is copping off with a new girl always going to be so simple!

  Inside her room she kicked off her boots and, after removing them, inspected her jeans. Cum-soaked again, she concluded, not even bothering to glance at her soggy knickers. Dumping both items in her wash basket she made a mental note to check up on the halls’ laundry facilities. They were there, she knew they were; she just hadn’t previously bothered to look for them.

  Or find out how they worked, come to that.

  But that was one for another day. So
far her basket was less than half-full. It only had a few odds and ends of clothes and bedsheets ringed with Billie’s cum; nothing that a handful of Daz and a quick spin wouldn’t sort in minutes.

  Assuming she could figure where to put the Daz.

  And which buttons to press.

  The sudden rap on her door took her by surprise. So too did the way the door opened without giving her chance to invite the visitor in.

  For a horrible second she thought it was a Gestapo raid.

  Then she saw who it really was.

  It was Madhu in her blue jim-jams, looking distressed.

  ‘I was so worried,’ she practically wailed. ‘How could you do this to me?’

  ‘Blimey, Madhu, you scared me half to death!’

  Madhu rode straight over her. ‘We are supposed to be looking out for each other. How can I look out for you if you never come home? Where on earth have you been?’

  Angie took a deep breath. Before she could speak the beyond-beautiful babe was off again.

  ‘You’ve been with that . . . that Sarah person, haven’t you; the one that’s not even a girl?’

  ‘Hang on a sec, Madhu. You knew I was going out with Sarah-Jayne. You knew . . .’

  ‘I knew that you were going out with a girl,’ Madhu countered, heavily stressing “girl”. But I didn’t know you’d stay out screwing her all night. Or should I say him,’ she added, bitterly.

  ‘Hey, hey,’ went Angie. ‘We’re not exactly an item, are we? Why should you care who I screw?’

  Madhu shut the door and stood with her back to the wood, still visibly distressed. Angie was grateful for small mercies. She’d been expecting a crowd to start gathering.

  ‘We are supposed to be looking out for each other,’ Madhu repeated. ‘That involves mutual trust.’ Her eyes suddenly filled with tears. ‘And why are you being so nasty to me?’

  Soft brown, tearful eyes got to Angie every time. Remorse struck her as hard as one of Craig’s locos on full collision course.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘Will a hug help you forgive me?’

  ‘I don’t like it when you’re nasty to me.’

  ‘And I’ll never be nasty to you ever again. Come on girl, give me a hug.’

  Madhu hesitated.

  Angie held out her arms as wide as she possibly could . . . as wide as any woman possibly could.

  ‘Please, Madhu, give me chance to be your friend.


  After a prolonged cuddle on the bed, still holding each other tightly, Madhu told Angie that they’d been “outed”.

  ‘It’s all over the top three floors,’ she said. ‘Maybe it’s all over everywhere by now. Someone saw you leaving my room. A dozen others saw us showering together. In these parts two coincidences like that add up to conclusive evidence.’

  Angie sighed. ‘I’m sorry about your reputation.’

  ‘I’m not.’ Madhu laughed. ‘Most of the university wants to shag with you. The girls in the Corner are all pinning you up ahead of Madonna. I could sell my autograph if I wanted to.’

  ‘How do you know about the girls in the Corner?’

  ‘I went in the Union Bar last night.’

  ‘What, on your own?’

  ‘Yes,’ Madhu said proudly. ‘I got over my agoraphobia and I fancied a few beers.’

  ‘You weren’t there spying on me, were you?’

  ‘Of course I wasn’t. By the time I got there you were long gone. At least that’s what the barman told me. And I think he likes you, by the way.’

  ‘I’m sure Joe likes you as well,’ Angie said dryly. ‘What else did he tell you?’

  ‘He said where we were sitting yesterday was part of Lesbian Corner. And he told me about you being ahead of Madonna.’

  ‘Did he tell you why, by any chance?’

  ‘He said something about twelve hours’ worth of cum circles. And he warned me about a girl he called Ruby. I didn’t like her. She reminded me of the Wicked Witch of the West, even though they don’t look alike.’

  ‘It must be the hair,’ said Angie.

  ‘But I liked her girlfriend,’ Madhu went on. ‘She reminded me a bit of you.’

  ‘I hope you kept away from those two. Charlie’s nice but Ruby’s a jealous bitch. And she absolutely hates me.’

  ‘I know,’ said Madhu, yawning. ‘It’s because of those cum circles, isn’t it?’

  ‘Did the barman tell you that?’

  ‘Not in so many words.’

  ‘And why are you yawning? Did you stay out late?’

  ‘No, I am tired because I couldn’t sleep for worrying about you,’ Madhu protested. ‘I was tossing and turning all night.’ She smiled and her already beautiful face lit up. ‘Now you’re back safe and sound I can stop worrying and get on with the day. It’s Meet Your Course Mates this morning, in case you’ve forgotten.’

  ‘I’ve a memory like an elephant, me. I never forget.’

  ‘Looks like you forgot to put on your panties.’ Madhu giggled as she headed for the door. ‘I’m going to get my shampoo and towels. See you in the showers in two minutes.’

  Angie looked down at herself and saw that Madhu was right. She was wearing a T-shirt and nothing else.

  Omigod, she thought, she was holding my bare butt all along!

  She shook her head in disbelief.

  Lesbian Corner, she marvelled, cum circles and hugging me while I’m as good as naked. Maybe the girl’s not quite so innocent after all.

  Chapter Seven

  Madhu’s Meet Your Course Mates was up on K floor. Angie escorted her to the door and, ascertaining that the room wasn’t full of serial killers, suggested it was best she left. Madhu nodded then surprised her with a kiss.

  ‘Sorry I was grumpy,’ she said. ‘It’s only because I care. See you at twelve in the Union?’

  Still reeling from the kiss, Angie nodded.

  The rest of the morning passed agreeably enough. Angie made a point of introducing herself to every last one of her own course mates. There wasn’t a single trainspotter among them and, encouragingly, at least five of the girls gave out signals.

  ‘I’ve seen you in the bar,’ one of them said saucily.

  ‘You’re Sarah-Jayne’s friend, aren’t you?’ another asked in an admiring sort of a way.

  Angie reckoned five was a good hit rate but didn’t rush in.

  Softly, softly, she told herself. Take care on your own doorstep, and that.

  Skipping off early, she arrived at the Union at 11:31, finding it almost deserted. The bar itself had just opened and was currently staffed by a middle-aged woman she hadn’t seen before. The video games were all vacant and, besides her, the customers numbered four: two lads playing pool; a girl throwing darts into a board and . . .

  Shit. Ruby was in sole occupation of the Corner.

  Determined to ignore her, Angie made for the beer pumps, Joan Jett on the box, loving rock and roll.

  ‘Easy cunt,’ Ruby sneered.

  Angie turned on her heel and glared at her.

  ‘There’s nobody here to impress, Ruby,’ she snapped. ‘You’re wasting your breath.’

  Ruby replied with a clawing gesture. ‘Easy cunt,’ she repeated.

  ‘I can’t be that easy. You haven’t fucked with me yet, have you? And word has it you’re as easy as it gets round here.’

  ‘Up yours and swivel,’ Ruby spat, ‘cunt!’

  Ignoring her again, Angie completed her trip to the bar just as Joe emerged from the back, wearing an apron and carrying two trays loaded with baguettes.

  ‘Don’t tell me you made them yourself,’ she said.

  ‘Of course I made them. I make them every day.’

  ‘A man who’s not afraid of the kitchen,’ Angie laughed (as if she’d ever creatively set foot in a kitchen in her life!). ‘There’s hope for you yet. Maybe one day you’ll make someone a nice little wifey.’

  Joe turned to the barmaid. ‘See what I have to put up with, Gloria? She only ever flirt
s with me at a full arm’s length.’

  Angie didn’t miss Gloria’s assessing glance. Gloria was straighter than straight and not averse to a bit of younger bar manager, she concluded. And good luck to her. There was no competition there, was there?


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