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Taken For His Own

Page 24

by Tara Fox Hall

  I began to shake. “Please—stop,” I said raggedly. “Please.”

  “I want to hear you, Sarelle. I want to see your face as you climax and for you to know it was me, my body, that made you feel this way.” His voice was strained and heavy with need.

  “No,” I said weakly, as I tried to shift under him. “Don’t make me.”

  “Yes,” he said, moving his hands gently to stop me as he slowly moved in rhythm within me. He shifted slightly as he thrust in, the extra stimulation bringing an explosion of sudden pleasure. A needful cry burst from my lips as my hips instinctively pressed to his.

  He brought his lips to mine, kissing them gently. “Yes,” he murmured, drawing back slightly before he kissed me softly again. “Cry out for me.”

  I struggled one last time to get away from him. Devlin held me firmly, still stroking me unhurriedly over and over. Suddenly, my orgasm burst within me, breaking me into a million pieces. I screamed loudly, spasming around him. In that split second, Devlin began driving into me deeply, as hard and as fast as he could. He held my face as before and looked into my eyes as the orgasm washed though me. In the space of a second, he came too, screaming wordlessly as he clutched me, his hips pumping rhythmically on mine.

  As the last pleasure of our orgasms faded, I expected him to roll off me as before, but he stayed there inside me, holding me. We were both breathing hard. His heart was racing as mine was. He kissed my throat and grinned down at me.

  “I love the sight of your eyes filled with desire for me, Sarelle. I don’t ever want to see fear in them again. Not for me,” he said softly, kissing me. He leaned in close. “I loved your body’s need for me, too, how easily you let me in, despite my size.”

  I had desired him, badly. I started crying again.

  Devlin drew back. “Did I hurt you?” he said softly, his eyes concerned. “Did I go too deep?”

  It was in his voice that he cared that he might have hurt me. It was too much.

  “No,” I said faintly, closing my eyes, sniffling, not wanting to see him.

  “Tell me then why you’re crying,” he said, troubled.

  “Because I...because you...” I cried, trying to push him away.

  “Because it felt good?” he whispered to me. “Because I feel good to you?”

  I shuddered at his words and didn’t reply.

  He held me tightly and kissed me softly again. “That’s as it should be, Sarelle. I want to feel good to you. I want you to enjoy my body the way I’m enjoying yours.” There was a deep contentment in his words or what was maybe happiness. “Great loves come with tears.”

  I looked at him angrily through my tears. “We are not great loves!”

  “Ah, but we are, Sweet Sar,” he said with a faint smile. “And for me, that will never change.”

  Devlin pulled out of me in one long movement and took me into his arms. He spoke to me in his beautiful voice and as he did, he touched me intimately.

  “A hundred years should go to praise thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze.

  Two hundred to adore each breast, but thirty thousand for the rest.

  An age at least to every part and the last age should show your heart

  For, Lady, you deserve this state, nor would I love at lower rate.”

  I looked at him in surprise. He gave me a long slow kiss, then began speaking to me again, gently.

  “Now let us sport us while we may,

  and now like amorous birds of prey,

  Rather at once our time devour,

  than languish in his slow chapped power.

  Let us roll all our strength and all

  our sweetness up into one ball,

  And tear our pleasures with rough strife

  through the iron gates of life.

  Thus though we cannot make our sun

  stand still, yet we will make him run.”

  I listened to him speaking, his words like music, breathing in the sweet scent of him, the scent of us. My eyes lingered over his perfect body and his beautiful features, all of them. I’d wondered how Devlin had seduced Danial’s loves away from him over the years. Now I knew.

  Devlin rolled me on top of him and looked up at me. “Tell me your fantasies, Sar,” he said softly, stroking my arms with his fingers.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “You have to be joking.”

  Devlin looked irritated, and then he smiled at me, really smiled at me as I thought he never could. He began tickling me with his hands. In two seconds, I was flat on my back, shrieking with laughter, trying to get away from him.

  “Stop! Stop! Aaahhh! Stop, Devlin! Stop, please!”

  “You little minx,” he said devilishly “Tell me! Tell me, or I won’t stop.”

  “I’ll tell you,” I gasped. “Please, I can’t breathe!”

  He abruptly stopped, gave me another smile and then grabbed me, covering my mouth with his in a tender kiss. He rolled onto his back, moving me to straddle him. His hands clasped my hips lightly and then with a grin, he pushed up lightly with his hips. I felt his hard penis flex against me, nudging me insistently again, seeking entrance.

  “Tell me, Sar,” he said softly. “I’ll do anything you like, except let you go or stop touching you like this.”

  “Anything?” I asked him hesitantly.

  “Anything you ask for, within reason and physical limitations,” he amended with a smile.

  I blushed and swallowed, suddenly very shy. I bit my lip, looking down at him.

  “Tell me,” Devlin said with an amused and intrigued look. “You have nothing to hide from me, Sar. I’ll not judge you strange or think it odd, no matter what you ask.”

  “Sing for me,” I blurted, blushing harder.

  He blinked his eyes in shock. “Sing what?” he said curiously, looking at me attentively.

  “Something appropriate,” I said shyly. “Something that isn’t a dirge or about happiness turned to ashes.”

  “I can’t sing during lovemaking, but after, yes,” Devlin said, grinning. “Anything else?”

  I closed my eyes. If I could say the other, I could say this. “Pretend you care about me ... really care about me, just for today.”

  I hoped he wouldn’t joke or make fun. I kept my eyes averted, unwilling to face him.

  “Do not be embarrassed,” he said softly. “I’m not anything but flattered and surprised. Please give me a moment.”

  “Why do you need a moment?” I retorted, upset for some reason. I moved to get off him quickly, but he stopped me with his hands.

  “Please stay,” he said, bringing me down to enfold me in his arms. “If this is your fantasy, I’m more than willing to give it to you. But this is not the fantasy of different forms of physical love I meant by my words. What you are asking for is a dream of emotional love. I need to know that you accept that it will be only a dream, Sar, and that it will last only this day no matter the words I’ll utter.”

  “Never mind,” I said tearfully, pushing violently away from him. “I don’t know why I even asked—”

  Devlin grabbed me with supernatural speed and brought me back into his arms. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, my love.” He kissed my hand gently. “Please don’t cry.”

  “You’re hateful,” I sobbed. “You do all this to seduce me, and then when I open myself to you, you tell me I mean nothing to you—”

  “I love you,” Devlin said tenderly. “I’m sorry I hurt you. You do mean a great deal to me.” He kissed my tears away gently. “Please don’t cry. I only want you to be happy.”

  “Then why don’t you let me go home?” I said, sniffling.

  “Because I can’t stand knowing that we’ll never be like this ever again,” Devlin said despondently, clutching me tightly. “I’ve wanted you for years, Sar. Do you know how many nights I dreamed of this happening? Dreamed of making love with you?” He kissed me tenderly. “I was maddened that anyone else should see your hair unbound or feel your flesh part beneath their fangs. Do you know how much I
longed to hear you tell me you wanted me?” He kissed my cheek gently. “That you want me to care for you means you must care for me.” He let out a gentle sigh. “And that is best of all.”

  “I don’t believe you,” I whispered, uncertain.

  “I’ve wanted you to want me ever since I laid eyes on you,” Devlin said seriously, cradling me in his arms. “Now you do. Believe me when I tell you this moment is one of the best of my long life.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Devlin put his finger to them.

  “Shh,” he said gently. “There is much I’d love to hear you say. But there is far more that has waited within me, hoping for a moment like this. Please, let me finally share it with you.”

  “Yes,” I said softly. “Tell me.”

  Devlin pulled me down beside him, then turned toward me. He took my warm hand in his cool one, kissing the back gently. His lips suddenly parted as if to bite, his top fangs carefully pricking without breaking the skin. Then he stopped still, languidly raising his head to look up at me with eyes of molten fire through his blond curls. “I have not felt this way for someone for centuries.” He flipped my hand over to show the palm, then brought it to his face, gently rubbing his cheek as he closed his eyes. “You have haunted my dreams for these last years.”

  With every word, I desired him more. I reached out to run my hands over him, delighting in the soft down of his chest.

  “Touch me,” he whispered, desire and command equal in his tone. “I want your hands on me.”

  I ran my hands over his pale skin, loving the hungry way he watched me discover all of him. The groan he uttered when my lips first met his throat emboldened me. I kissed down his chest, my mouth opening on his skin to bite and tease.

  His arms went around me, then grasped my hair, making me meet his hot gaze. “Being unable to touch you like this has been sweet torture these years.” He kissed me ardently, then drew back. “I knew we could have this.” He began kissing down my throat. “Your hair is the most beautiful I’ve seen, like a golden river. I want to drown in it. I want to drown in you.”

  I clasped him to me, burying my fingers in his golden hair, losing myself in his caress.

  Devlin took my silence for dissent. “I have been so cold and unfeeling to hide my feelings for you,” he whispered between kisses.

  His loving words eased my heart somewhat, even though I knew they weren’t true. His voice was sweet to me, and he was a good actor. And I wanted to believe his words, because if he’d done this out of love for me, then at least his actions made sense.

  “Make love with me,” he said when he’d finished, moving me to straddle him again. “I am dying to be within you again, my love.”

  “Yes,” I said softly. “Will you sit there on the edge of the love seat and let me—?”

  “Of course,” Devlin said, moving into position. “You have only to instruct me. I want to please you.” He helped me straddle him, his lips parting in a loud moan as I pushed him inside me and settled my hips on his.

  “Stroke me as you did before,” I said huskily, running my hands over his chest.

  “Anything you want,” Devlin said heatedly, as he began to move under me. “You have only to ask.”

  “Kiss me,” I moaned. “Please kiss me—”

  Devlin brought his lips to mine in a ravishing kiss, his arms going around me, his hands tangling in my hair. I kissed him back passionately, then let out a loud groan, already feeling the first stirrings of orgasm. Devlin began kissing my throat and neck, murmuring to me how beautiful I was, how much he wanted me. I let my head loll backward, closed my eyes and gave myself up to bliss with soft eager cries.

  My cries and his repeated throughout the day. When we rested, he caressed me and whispered poetry, describing my body or how I made him feel. He sang to me several times, holding me in his arms on the love seat, or standing, walking around me or cradling my body against his. He sang different types of songs, some newer that I recognized and others much older. In his voice was everything I wanted, and I was motionless as he sang, rapt as the notes fell with crystal clarity in the air to break over me.

  I was deeply ashamed that I enjoyed him so much, that I could behave this way while I was married to another man. I didn’t love Devlin. Yet I gave him credit for being one of the best lovers I’d ever had, if not the best.

  I slept briefly around noon, but Devlin awakened me with kisses. “The day will be over too soon for me as it is, Sarelle. You can sleep tomorrow. Be with me.”

  About noon, I told him I had to eat something. He handed me the room service menu again, and I ordered a bottle of wine, some more hamburgers and French fries and two pieces of cake. I needed the wine. I was feeling guiltier by the minute, being with him. Who cared if it was barely noon?

  We made love once more before I slept briefly again. This time he let me, seeing that I was too exhausted to continue unless he did. He awakened me when the food came. I dug in eagerly. Surprisingly, Devlin joined me in having some wine.

  “How can this be?” I said in amazement, watching him sip. “Won’t you get sick?”

  “I built up a tolerance for it over a decade, though it was a very unpleasant undertaking,” Devlin said, rolling his empty glass in his hand. “I found that no one would be suspicious if I didn’t eat, as long as I drank. There were too many times that I needed to be unnoticed, Sarelle. Now it doesn’t bother me, though I can only drink a glass or two at most.”

  “Do you want another?” I said, filling my glass to the brim.

  “Yes, Love,” he said, handing it to me. “And then a toast. Forgive me that I forgot the first time.”

  I poured him a glass, handed it to him, and raised mine.

  “To us,” he said, clinking my glass with his. “To great loves and stolen breaths, soft sighs and dreams fulfilled.”

  “Yes,” I said, taking a large sip. I wanted to add some poetry I knew to the toast, but was too shy to utter the words.

  We finished the bottle together. Soon after he was kissing me and asking me to lie back for him, so that he might bring me pleasure again.

  There was no position, no sexual act he didn’t ask to try with me. Most I said “no” to, out of fear or squeamishness. He was large enough that some positions that weren’t possible with the men I had been with before could be done with him. And some others were too scary to try.

  He spooned me and had me that way, holding my hips hard against his as he thrust into me, his other arm turning and holding my upper body so he could kiss me as he moved in me. We also spent some time in the Jacuzzi, letting the hot water soothe our sore muscles. I was getting tired. Devlin showed no signs of getting tired at all. When he made a move in the Jacuzzi for me, I led him back to the bed.

  Later, perhaps the twentieth time, Devlin again sat on the bed edge and I rode him, his one hand on the small of my back and the other in my hair, holding my head back, so he could kiss and nibble my neck as he moved his hips under me. I knew how much he wanted to bite me then, as he kissed the healed scars and trembled slightly. Yet he didn’t ask, and I didn’t offer. We rested afterwards, lying in each other’s arms.

  I cast a look at the clock. It was close to six p.m.

  “I cannot sing more,” Devlin said awkwardly. “My throat is sore, despite my healing power. It has been a very long time since I sang this much in such a short time.”

  “Why has it been so long?” I asked dreamily. “Your voice is beautiful.”

  “I have not sung to a lover in many long years,” he said sadly. He hugged me gently. “I haven’t wanted to. In any case, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  “I’m not disappointed. You don’t need to do anything but be yourself,” I said softly. “That was only who you ever had to be.”

  Devlin didn’t reply, but his arms tightened around me.

  When he turned to me for what I knew would be the last time, just before dark, I evaded his grasp and got out of bed. He was surprised, then quickly moved to
block the door. I shook my head with a smile, then leaned back against the wall, raising my arms over my head, so they were together. I gazed at him and moved my body gently, sliding up the wall a few inches and down again.

  “Tell me we’ve just begun,” I said seductively. “I’m yours for the taking.”

  His expression was instant and pure desire. He was there in front of me rapidly, pushing me hard against the wall. I made to turn around for him, so he could have me as he had wanted to those years ago, but he stopped me.

  “No, Sar. I want to see your face,” he groaned, kissing me.

  He bent his legs, pushing inside as he raised me up in his hands to steady me. In a flash, he had me against the wall, my legs on his thighs. One hand he kept at my hips to steady me. The other he ran up my body to hold my arms above my head as he thrust himself into me, kissing me hard, his tongue entwining with mine as he loved me.

  Devlin began thrusting hard almost at once, gasping as the breath tore out of him. Before long he was close, his muscles starting to lose their rhythm as he lost himself in pursuit of the sensations he was feeling, his body wanting release.

  “Take it,” I said softly.

  He almost dropped me in his shock. I slid down the wall a little, then he moved quickly to hold me up again.

  “No,” he said, resuming his thrusting, sucking gently on my neck. “I promised not to.”

  “I know you want to, Dev,” I said, drawing back from him, slipping my hands to his face to make him look into my eyes. “I can feel it, how much you want to sink your fangs into me. But it’s not nearly as much as I want to feel you slide them in.”

  His stunned eyes were as hot as flame as he drew back from me. “You’re never called me Dev before.”

  I was just as shocked as he was at the words I was saying. But when would we ever be like this again? The truth was I had a fantasy of him just like this, where my making love to him rocked his world, changing it forever. And that fantasy included his fangs.


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