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Taken For His Own

Page 26

by Tara Fox Hall

  “I’m telling you now. Don’t say anything. You of all people deserve to be happy, especially after all you’ve gone through. Pretend it was a dream and nothing more.”

  “I can’t,” I said softly.


  “Call me Sar,” I said softly, looking out into the night.

  Devlin narrowly missed an oncoming truck. “Why now?” he asked, when he had control of the Hummer again. “After all the times you’ve made a point—”

  “Because there isn’t any point. Not anymore. I wanted you to call me by my full name because it put some distance between us. I wanted to keep you at arm’s length. But it’s too late for that now. You’ve been inside me, Devlin, even if I didn’t want you there.” I looked over at him, then away. “And the truth is that today, part of me did. That’s why I can’t pretend it didn’t happen.” I let out a sniffle, blinking back sudden tears.

  Devlin sighed. “Sar, I—”

  His phone suddenly rang in the quiet. He clicked it on with one hand. “Yes, Theo, she’s right here.” He handed me the phone, his eyes watchful on mine before they returned to the road.

  I took it. “Hello?”

  “Sar, is that you?” Theo said.

  “Yes,” I said softly.

  “What’s wrong? You sound funny?” he said, worried.

  “I’m okay,” I said, trying hard to sound normal. “It’s been a rough couple days.”

  “I have good news. Brian is alive.”

  “Good,” I said with relief.

  “He told us how Monica had shot him and was planning to get you out of the way.”

  I didn’t reply, though I wanted to ask him why he’d doubted me.

  “Danial doesn’t blame you for killing her. He said to tell you if you hadn’t, he was going to ask Devlin for help in draining her.”

  I didn’t reply, remembering my own bad memories of that “punishment”. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, even Monica.

  “He wants to talk to you when I hang up, but he’s on another call right now.”

  It was better if I didn’t talk to him. Danial knew me better than anyone. He would know something was wrong “Tell him to call me when he gets home. I’ll be home by then.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell him. Danial and I are landing soon. I’ll be home in a few hours, give or take.” Theo’s voice became husky. “Everyone is back at Danial’s, Sar. We’ll have the house to ourselves.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you,” I said quickly, wanting desperately to get off the phone.

  “I can’t wait to see you,” he said softly. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I love you,” I said quickly, wanting badly to say something, anything, to assuage the guilt I was feeling.

  “I love you, too,” he replied. “I’ll show you how much when I see you.”

  “Good-bye,” I said and quickly hung up. I handed the phone back to Devlin, who took it without a word.

  The last miles passed, and soon enough, he was pulling off at my exit. He drove to my door and stopped the truck. I went to get out, and he pulled me into his arms.

  “Sar, don’t go back to your old life,” he said seductively. “Come with me. We can be in Rio tonight. You can start a new life with me.”

  “Devlin, are you insane?” I said, trying to get free of him. “I just told Theo I’d be here. I’m not going with you to Rio.”

  “Well, it was worth a try,” Devlin said, smiling down at me.

  “That’s just it,” I said, suddenly fighting tears again. “This is a game to you. It always has been. I’m done playing.”

  “This is not a game,” Devlin said dangerously, grabbing my hair in his fist. “It is you who have treated my words as nonsense and my feelings like floor tiles.”

  I looked up at him, disbelieving. “What are you saying?”

  He let go of my hair and embraced me suddenly. “Sar, don’t go back to Theo. Stay with me. Be with me,” he whispered into my ear, his voice breaking. “Be mine.”

  “I’m not going to be your whore,” I said icily, struggling to escape him.

  He grimaced in distaste. “Where do you get whore from? I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw you, when you were standing there on the dance floor with Danial. I wanted you for my own then, to be with you as we were today. I knew that it wasn’t going to happen, not unless I made it happen.” He paused then, looking at me. “I fell in love with you today, Sar.”

  I froze. There was nothing he could have said that would have shocked me more. I opened my mouth to speak, then stopped, my words forgotten in my amazement.

  “Yes, I’m crying again,” Devlin said, tears shining in his eyes. “Likely you’ll say they are crocodile tears.”

  “Why are you crying?” I asked softly.

  “It’s been a long, long time, but I remember how it feels, to be in love,” he said in a raw voice. “And I know you don’t love me. I thought you cared for me, when you told me your fantasy today. But it’s obvious now that you don’t.”

  “What are you saying?” I said incredulously.

  “Did you ever consider that your fantasy was mine as well?” Devlin said softly. “To tell you I wanted you and love you and have you relish the words? I told you that I didn’t savor who I was, that I wanted to change.” He took my hand and kissed it. “I want to be a man you want to touch you, not one you shrink from.”

  I pulled it back. “You told me I had to accept that my fantasy would only last a day. I did. Why are you saying these things now? Are you trying to hurt me?”

  “I’m sorry for sounding cold then,” Devlin said regretfully. “I just never expected you to care for me. I knew you desired me. That was obvious. I thought you were trying to trick me, that you’d somehow seen through my façade. I thought you were trying to hurt me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You told me what I most wanted to hear,” he whispered. “I had to know if it was a trick. When you got so upset so fast, I knew it wasn’t.” He hugged me tighter, kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry for what I said. And I’m telling you now this isn’t a fantasy. This is real. I’m in love with you. I want you to come with me tonight. Say yes, and we’ll be gone.”

  “I do care about you,” I said guiltily. “I wanted you to touch me and everything that happened between us. But this can’t work.”

  “It could, but you won’t give me a chance,” Devlin said, sighing. “None of that changes what I feel, unfortunately for me.” He kissed me once more. “You won’t see me again, Sar. I’m not planning to return in your lifetime. But if you ever need me, call me, and I’ll come back to you. I’ll send you a number where you can reach me.”

  I held him close, not saying anything. There was nothing to say that was going to ease the upset we were both feeling. Because wrong as it was, I did care about him, and part of me wanted to go with him. When he drove away tonight, I was going to regret not going with him.

  “Devlin, I—”

  “From now on, call me Dev,” he said affectionately.

  “You said I won’t see you again,” I said, confused.

  “You likely won’t, unless you reconsider,” Devlin said, kissing me again on the cheek. “But I’m making the request just the same.”

  The thought of never seeing him again suddenly terrified me, and I hugged him close. He went still, then hugged me back hard.

  “Come with me,” he said persistently, taking a deep breath. “I’m immersed in the heady aroma of your desire. Beneath is the faint scent of my semen within you. The mix of the two is driving me crazy with wanting you.” He pressed my hand to his jeans, where the long hard length of him was flexing gently.

  “I can’t,” I said regretfully, reaching to open the SUV door.

  “You’ll never have another day like the one we just shared if you don’t,” Devlin whispered. Surprisingly, his words were not tempting, but filled with sadness. “Come with me, and we’ll make many days like the one we just had.” He
kissed my hand gently. “I’ve had graves instead of love for many years, Sar. Many, many years. Come and replant my Garden of Love.” He pressed my hand to his cheek. “Under your care it will blossom forth anew.”

  “I can’t,” I said, wiping away sudden tears. “I have responsibilities here.”

  “Then stay for now,” Devlin said sadly, releasing my hand. “I can only hope you’ll reconsider in time.”

  His despair broke something in me, propelling me into reckless action. “I have reconsidered,” I said huskily. I kicked off my shoes, slipped off my jeans and then reached down and unbuttoned his pants, jerking the zipper down as I moved to straddle him.

  Devlin’s lips parted, his head lolling, as I slipped him inside me. “Yes, please, Sar. Oh...Ahh...”

  “No holding back this time,” I commanded, beginning to rock on him. “When I come, bite me. I want to feel your fangs, Dev. I want all of you buried in me.”

  Devlin bared his fangs, moved his hands to my breasts and ripped my shirt down the front. He snapped the bra with a swift tug and filled his mouth with my breast, cupping the other in his hand. I threw my head back with a loud cry, rocking faster. Devlin moved to the other breast, sucking insistently.

  I let out a scream as the orgasm burst over me. “Dev!”

  Devlin pulled me down and sank his fangs into my throat. I clutched him to me, my loud cries frantic and frenzied. Again oddly, there was no pain, only sheer pleasure.

  Devlin gave a muffled shout, then jerked hard under me. He shoved up with his hips a few more times, then eased back into the seat, his mouth still at my neck, sucking hard. I leaned into him, feeling drunk on pleasure, as my last tremors faded.

  Devlin gave my throat a last long kiss, then sank back limp to the seat, his head again lolling. “God, I’m utterly spent. You are incredible, Sar.”

  “Thank you,” I said contentedly.

  “I love you,” Devlin said ardently, clutching me close, his hand pushing my head into his shoulder. “I love you, I love you, I love you. Please come with me. Please, Sar.”

  I drew back from him reluctantly. “You asked me once if I liked your eyes.”

  “And?” he said, a faint smile on his lips.

  “I don’t like them. I love them,” I said passionately.

  He stared at me, stunned. “You love them?” he said in disbelief. “Why? Most women think them disquieting, if not downright odd.”

  “I always have,” I said softly, caressing his cheek with my hand. “Even when I was scared of you, when I hated you, when you hurt me, I loved them. It seemed horribly unfair to me that someone who could hurt me so casually could have such beautiful eyes. They’re like gold,” I said heatedly, looking into them intently. “Like molten gold that is rich and beautiful and hot to the touch.” I cleared my throat, blushing a little. “More beautiful than your eyes is my love for your eyes. And when you sing, all beings sing.”

  He blinked, then his beautiful eyes widened. “That was Sa’id ‘Aql.”

  I smiled, glad he’d recognized the poem. “You are not the only one who knows poetry, thought I admit I’m not in your league—”

  He kissed me deeply, wrapping me in his arms, the tears on his cheeks making my face wet. Then he thrust up lightly, and I cried out, his organ hard again within me. He held my hips, pushing me down to receive him as he thrust up repeatedly, his eyes gleaming wickedly.

  “You said you were spent,” I groaned, blissful sensations washing over me.

  “I thought I was,” Devlin murmured, kissing my throat. “But your words hardened me.” He kissed me passionately. “Your words and the tight warmth of your body around mine. I love being within you, Sar. I love that you want me there. And your cries as you climax are delicious.”

  “Make love to me again,” I whispered, kissing his neck and his face. “Please, Dev.”

  “Come with me, and I will,” he murmured, in between kisses. “There is not enough room here to properly cherish you.” He hugged me close. “And there is not enough time.”

  “Quickly then,” I said, moving on him rhythmically. “Please.”

  Devlin kissed my throat. “Do you want my fangs again?”

  “Do you want to bite?” I whispered.

  “You, always,” he whispered hungrily. “Scream for me, Sar. Scream as loud as you can.”

  He began to stoke me gently, his hands rubbing my breasts, his lips worshipping me. Minutes later, my orgasm hit me, and I let out a loud scream. Devlin bit into me again, his hips pumping frenziedly beneath me. Again he gave a muffled groan as he climaxed, this time his hands holding my hips tight to his as he finished.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “But if I don’t leave you now I won’t be able to at all. Forgive me, my love.” He lifted me off him, his soft penis slipping easily out of me and sat me beside him. Then he zipped and buttoned his jeans.

  He kissed me a final time. “Please come with me, Sar. Or else please go beyond my reach quickly, I beg you.”

  I kissed him back once and then opened the door and got out quickly before I reconsidered Rio.

  “Good-bye, Devlin,” I said, then remembered what he’d said. “Good-bye, Dev,” I amended softly, drinking in the last sight of him. “Take care of yourself.”

  “Fare thee well, my only love,” he said smiling down at me. “Fare thee well awhile. Watch your back.”

  “You, too,” I replied.

  He backed up his Hummer, and a moment later, he was driving off.

  The moment he was gone, reality came crashing back. Theo would be home soon.

  I ran into the house, and the dogs jumped all over me, sniffing interestedly. I hurriedly made a fire in the wood stove. When it was roaring hot, I took off my soaked underwear and threw it in. Next, I took off all my clothes and put them into the wash along with special scent removing detergent. I’d gotten it for the dog beds, but it was going to be put to better use tonight. Then I took a shower, trying to get every last trace of Devlin out of my body. I washed my hair again, then hopped out and dried off. The phone rang while I was conditioning my hair, likely Danial. That meant Theo would be here in a half hour or so, the way he drove.

  The problem was what to do now. I wanted to think about Devlin and remember how he’d been with me. Instead, I somehow had to get ready for sex with someone else.

  I burst into tears again. Theo wasn’t just someone else. I’d loved him for years now and done so much to be with him. I’d spent one day in bed with another man, and now I was going to throw my marriage away? Bad enough I’d done what I had, I didn’t have to sit dwelling on it. I sank to the bed, grabbing the tissue box. What the hell was wrong with me?

  The phone rang again. I didn’t answer it, instead getting a cold washcloth for my face.

  Suddenly, my cell phone rang. Worried that the calls I’d ignored were about some attack, I answered. “Hello?”

  “It’s me, Love,” Devlin whispered.

  The moment I heard his voice, desire washed through me. I bit my lip hard, using the pain to push it down. “We just said goodbye—”

  “I love you,” he said gently. “Which means I’m not inclined to abandon you to your own schemes of deception. Have you destroyed your clothes and bathed?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “He’ll still smell me in you,” Devlin said, raw satisfaction in his words. “Do you have perfume, or a strongly scented lotion?”

  I ran to my bathroom and rummaged. “Yes, both.”

  “Put both on liberally all over. By the time it fades, my scent will also. And don’t worry about how you seem. You were kidnapped, tortured and almost gang raped. There is no normal behavior after something like that.”

  “Theo knows?”

  “I told Danial of how I found you. He told Theo, I’m sure.”

  Not likely, with how ardor-filled Theo had been on the phone.

  “I have your pajamas,” Devlin said happily. “I love how they smell of our lovemaking—”

nbsp; Headlights shone in the darkness of the road, then slowed to turn into the driveway.

  “Shit, he’s here—”

  “Go quickly,” Devlin said curtly. “And if you need me tonight, just call.”

  I hung up and raced for the bathroom. Quickly I slathered on the lotion and sprayed the perfume, almost choking on the strong floral scent. Hurrying into a long white nightgown, I climbed into bed and waited.

  Theo called from the next room, “Sar, I’m home.”

  “I’m in here,” I called back.

  Theo came in a minute later. “Hi, sweetheart,” he said tenderly.

  The sight of him made me ache: his feathered back blonde hair, his blue eyes, his smile that said how happy he was to see me. Guilt hit me so hard that I wanted to throw up. I forced it down, swallowing the bitterness.

  He scented the air, looking confused. “It smells like a florist’s in here. Is that some new lotion?”

  “Do you hate it?” I whispered.

  “No, it’s just strong,” he said, trying not to grimace. “You could use a little less next time maybe.” He shed his clothes and climbed into bed. “Come here.”

  As I went into his arms, I kept waiting for him to accuse me, to ask me who’s scent was on my body, to ask me if I’d liked it. But he said none of those things.

  “Sar, tell me what happened,” Theo said.

  “You know already, don’t you?”

  “I’d rather you told me, if you don’t mind.”

  It would be suspicious not to want to if I was innocent. I related the story of my capture and Devlin saving me, telling the lie he’d suggested, that we’d slept the day away. “I just got home about an hour ago.”

  “I owe him two now,” Theo said gratefully.

  “You don’t owe him anything,” I retorted. “He was doing a favor for Danial. He had his own agenda.”

  “Still, he saved you, Sar. It’s too bad that he’s already left. Danial said that he would be leaving soon. That Devlin had decided to relocate his base of operations.”

  “When did he decide to do that?” I choked out.

  “About a month ago or so?” Theo said. “I’m not sure.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I said and ran to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, trembling hard.


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