Bedding The Best Man (Bedding the Bachelors Book 7)
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Gabe shook his head, and vowed not to let his guard drop again. He danced around the big man, dropping great combinations and keeping out of the long reach of the heavy punching brawler. Thirty minutes later both of them were sweating hard, and puffing from the exertion. They tapped gloves and called it a draw, though both knew Gabe had landed more punches. The kids in the gym had crowded round, and Gabe stopped to talk to them. Like Sam, Gabe made time for the kids from the neighborhood and enjoyed helping them improve their skills.
He headed for the showers, feeling calmer and better able to put everything into perspective again. Working with Brianne was going to be really tough, but he could do it. She deserved his support right now. The last thing he was going to do was abandon her in her time of need.
However, he couldn’t forget that his role as her white knight was both limited and temporary. Eric would come back, he was sure of it—and when he did he was more than certain that the pair would sort out their differences. They were perfect for each other, after all.
Chapter Ten
“You’re going to what?” Evie’s expression was priceless.
“I’m going glamping.” Sitting in her office at her desk, the apprehension Brianne felt at spending another night with Gabe was almost worth watching Evie implode.
“I’m having a lot of feelings right now,” she said, fanning herself.
Brianne could only laugh. “About what?” she asked.
“Let’s see. For starters, there’s you, Little Miss ‘I Didn’t Know I Could Get Sunburned On A Cloudy Day’. You, who hates Spring because that’s when the bugs come back out. I’ve seen you lose your shit over an ant walking across the carpet.”
“Wow, I sound so low-maintenance,” Bri smirked.
“Low-maintenance is overrated. But moving on. Next, there’s the person you’re going with. I mean, hello! You, Gabe, in the woods? It’s like something out of a steamy movie. Or Penthouse Forum.”
“You read Penthouse Forum?”
“No, I just look at the magazine for the photos.” Evie rolled her eyes. “You know what I’m saying. That man could get my panties wet from across the room. Actually, he has.” Evie closed her eyes and groaned happily.
“TMI,” Brianne scowled.
“You get my meaning. You’re going to be out in the middle of the fucking woods overnight with a sex god, and you wonder why I’m hyperventilating? Do we have any brown paper bags I can breathe into?”
If Evie only knew how right she’d been when she’d called Gabe a sex god. Images of their night together flashed through her head, and Brianne squeezed her legs together to calm the ache that suddenly filled her core.
“I’m sure I can handle myself,” Brianne said, really trying to make herself believe it. “It’s just one night. We’re both adults. Besides, I’ll probably be coated with sunscreen and bug spray. Super sexy.”
Evie raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, Boss. The great outdoors does something to a person. All that fresh air and whatnot.”
“You sound as though you speak from experience,” Brianne observed.
“I’ve already given you enough insight into my dirty mind today.” Evie turned to exit Brianne’s office. “All I’m saying is, get a fresh wax beforehand. You never know what will happen.”
“Evie!” In spite of everything, the sound of her assistant’s laughter made Brianne smile. Yes, it was a good thing Evie didn’t know anything about Brianne’s night of wild sex with Gabe the night before. Poor Evie would be under the desk, with Brianne calling for an ambulance.
She rested her chin on her palm, once more overcome by day dreams that were now more vivid than any of the dreams she’d ever had about Gabe. That only made sense. She no longer had to imagine the way Gabe’s hands and tongue felt on her skin, or how glorious he felt inside her. She knew how he tasted, and how wildly she’d writhed when he’d held her wrists together when he took her.
She now knew how rough and demanding he could be when his own desire threatened to swamp him.
And she’d never feel any of it again.
Even worse, she had to make sure what happened didn’t ruin their friendship.
Oh God, how was she going to get through a night away with Gabe. He’d said she’d have fun, but right now, all she could picture was him naked. Stretched out across an air mattress, or futon, or whatever the hell people slept on when they glamped.
Or better yet…
She imagined the two of them returning from a hike, after getting caught in a freak rainstorm. They’d run into the tent, laughing, soaking wet. Their laughter would turn to lustful panting as they looked at each other’s bodies, accentuated by their wet, clinging clothing. She’d reach out and unbutton Gabe’s shirt. A single drop of water would drip from Gabe’s chin and down his broad, bare chest. She would lose control of herself, and lean in to lick that drop from his skin.
Then they’d be off. Their hands would be all over each other, groping, clawing, fondling, as they tore their clothes to shreds in their frantic need to be pressed skin-to-skin. This time, she would be on top, riding him until they both screamed. He would fill her, sending shockwaves through her body. He’d touch her everywhere, her most private places, making her burn. She would hear him scream her name. She would…she would…
She would need a cold shower.
Brianne sat back in her chair, letting a shaky sigh escape her lips. What was she doing? She was making it worse, that’s what. It was bad enough when she dreamed about Gabe at night. These incessant daydreams would only add to the tension between them.
Evie buzzed in. “You have a call on line one. Gabe’s assistant.”
Brianne frowned. It wasn’t like him to go through an assistant, not with her. Then again, he’d obviously never had a reason to avoid her before. “Thanks,” she said, clicking over. “Brianne Whitcomb.”
“Hi, Brianne, this is Stephanie.” Stephanie sounded perky and bubbly, exactly the kind of woman who’d be into outdoor adventure activities. She was probably tall, tanned, toned, and capable of pitching a tent, starting a fire, and whipping up a delicious meal in thirty seconds flat.
“Hi, Stephanie. What can I do for you?”
“Gabe asked me to confirm whether he can pick you up Saturday morning so the two of you can go glamping.” She giggled, making Brianne reassess the image she had of the other woman in her head. Maybe she was sorority sister far more than nature enthusiast. “What a fun word, right?”
“Very fun,” Bri said.
“I envy you,” Stephanie confided. “Some of these glamping set-ups are nicer than my first apartment, I swear. They make me wanna set up a getaway of my own.”
“I’m not one for the outdoors,” Brianne confided.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. The whole idea is to convince people they’re not really outdoors. When you’re outside, you’re outside. When you’re inside, you have all the comforts of home. You’ll love it.”
“Sounds great. And yes, please tell Gabe that Saturday morning will be perfect.”
“Will do. Take care, Brianne.”
After Brianne hung up the phone, she thunked her forehead on her desk. Then she sighed and straightened.
Until Saturday then, she thought.
For the rest of the day, she busied herself with work, determined to put the memories of her night with Gabe behind her.
Too bad her determination wasn’t worth squat.
Chapter Eleven
Four days after they’d vowed to forget about their night of passion and go back to being friends, Brianne stood gaping at the huge pile of equipment in the back of Gabe’s shiny, black truck, which had huge decals on the side, blaring out the name and website details of his company in vivid colors. “Do we really need all of this?”
“Sure, if I’m going to give you a realistic idea of what glamping is all about,” he said with a grin. How could he be so relaxed? All she had done was worry about how their trip would go. She’s lost sleep over it,
yet here he was, looking as fresh and well-rested as ever.
Still, his attitude was contagious, and within minutes of examining the truck Brianne felt her shoulders relax. It appeared as if Gabe had truly put any awkwardness at having “fucked” her behind him. She had to do the same.
“It just seems like so much, especially for one night. Are you sure you want to go to all this trouble? It’s still me and the outdoors, which has never been a good combination. Maybe I should just forget the whole glamping idea,” she said, chewing on her lip.
“You can do this, Bri. You can create an incredible experience for your guests while enjoying nature and it won’t be a big deal. That’s the whole point of me taking you out. So you can see that.”
“Well, if you’re sure…”
“I am. So…” He walked to the passenger side door, opened it, and waved his hand in a flourish, indicating she should hop in. “Madame?”
With a smile, she got inside. “Thank you, Gabe. For believing I can do this.”
“Don’t you know by now, Brianne? I believe you can do anything.” With one final intense gaze, he softly shut the door, hopped in behind the wheel, and they were off.
The drive to the site set Brianne’s nerves on edge. She had no idea what to expect. While she trusted Gabe implicitly, her poor track record with nature gave her pause. What would she be expected to do? Put up a tent? Start a campfire? No, that was silly—none of her guests would be expected to do any such thing, so why would she be? On the other hand, Gabe was all about the outdoors and she hated the idea of confirming how ill suited they were for one another, or having him secretly pity or feel embarrassed for her.
Every so often, she stole a glimpse of Gabe when he wasn’t looking. He was so gorgeous, and so completely in control of himself and his world. A massive difference from the young man she’d met, who’d somehow always seemed unaware of just how amazing he was. He’d developed confidence, and now he really was the master of all he surveyed. She couldn’t be more proud of him.
His company was easily the most popular in the LA area when it came to everything outdoors, which was a highly lucrative field given how so much of the population was obsessed with health, fitness and getting away from the city’s smog. People wanted to cut loose and have an adventure. Brianne couldn’t quite understand that—her idea of an adventure wasn’t bungee jumping or going on a hike in treacherous conditions. Walking down the street in heels could be treacherous enough for her, most days. But Gabe loved challenging himself physically, and his clients loved him. And now he was using his expertise to help her.
The further he drove, the more rustic the scenery became, and the more comfortable Brianne felt. Even though she was hardly an outdoor girl, just the physical distance Gabe was putting between her and her problems back home—the contest, Eric going MIA, her business’s shaky footing—gave her the chance to breathe. The fresh air didn’t hurt, either.
About two hours later, Gabe pulled down a smaller road, which eventually led to a clearing.
“So, what do you think of the setting?” He gestured around them.
He had chosen a stunning spot, a large sloping field that led down to a gently meandering river. She could see nothing but green spaces and woodland, and hear nothing but the chirping of birds and the rustle of the wind through the long grass. “It’s perfect,” she sighed, as she gazed around her with pure pleasure.
He chuckled. “You see. I’ll make a nature lover out of you yet.”
“If anyone can, it’s you,” she said softly.
Her words appeared to give him pause, but he only smiled. “You think your guests will like it?”
“Like it? They’d be insane if they didn’t. Besides, it’s up to us to make them like it. Right?"
“True. We’ll give them all the amenities. Even you’ll find it comfortable.”
“As long as there aren’t any bugs here,” she added in a teasing tone.
He laughed. “Yeah, well, I’m pretty good—but I don’t know if I’m that good.”
They grinned at each other. She was so thankful that during the drive, conversation between them had defaulted to the easy banter they’d always had with one another.
She’d always felt most comfortable talking with Gabe, even more so than with Eric. In her mind, it was as if they’d known each other for a thousand years.
Such silly, schoolgirl thinking.
Gabe cleared his throat. “Okay, now your guests won’t have to help with the set-up, obviously. We’ll make sure the entire field is all ready, full of sparkling lights, a huge fire. I figured we should set up the stage down by the river, so the acts are framed by the horizon. It gives a kind of natural amphitheater effect, don’t you think?”
Brianne could imagine everything he suggested, and agreed. It would be a magical fairyland, all ready for adults to have a big adventure. “We need a little bandstand, and a dance floor,” she enthused, expanding on his theme. The more she spoke, the more excited she became. Now that she was here, onsite, she could see it more clearly—and the picture in her mind wasn’t anything like the miserable campsites she’d visited in the past. One weekend in particular had been torture. The previous campers hadn’t cleaned up after themselves, the whole place had been unkempt, and the facilities had been the stuff of nightmares.
That memory made her gasp. “Oh my goodness, the bathrooms!”
“Don’t worry, we can rent really fancy toilet and shower blocks these days,” Gabe reassured her. “They even have them at some of the music festivals. I also know of a company that does solar powered showers, little cubes that open up to the sky so you have complete privacy, but you can still see the big blue.”
“That sounds so lovely. You know so much about this. I can’t believe you’ve never put on a glamping event.”
He shrugged. “The equipment’s too custom to carry in the stores, but my customers come from all sorts of backgrounds, so I’ve done my research. Whether it’s someone who wants to hang out as close to nature as they can, or someone who wants to hear the rain and wind on the roof in complete comfort, I need to be able to know my stuff.”
“I guess that’s what makes you the best, huh?” Brianne could hardly believe her ears. Was she flirting? Down, girl, she reminded herself. Just because you slept with him, doesn’t mean flirting’s a good idea. Remember: you’re friends. “You should be proud of what you’ve built for yourself. I know I am.”
He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. But thanks, I appreciate that.”
She frowned. Humility was one thing, but what Gabe had achieved was a big deal. Or was the fact he shrugged off her compliment a sign that she’d made him uncomfortable by flirting with him? The thought made her cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Gabe walked to the cab of his trunk, pulled out a huge bag, and began removing its contents, including a mass of canvas and wooden lattices.
“What’s that for?”
“This is our tent.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Really.”
He was nonplussed by her attitude—in fact, he seemed to expect it. “Yep. Hold this rope right here.” Brianne complied, hoping he wouldn’t make her do anything really involved as she was all thumbs.
For the next twenty minutes, Gabe worked on erecting the tent, asking her to do this and that occasionally, before stepping back to admire the final product. The tent was actually more of a yurt, round and with an elegantly sloping roof. It was pretty, and she had to admit it felt really good to have been a part of building something that looked so cozy.
“It’s like a perfect little house!” she cried, clapping her hands and laughing—more at herself and her previous apprehension. “And it didn’t take long at all to get it up.”
“Wait until we get in all the rugs and cushions, the bed and the fire pit,” Gabe said, grinning at her reaction. “The big question for you is, would you rather have pink lanterns or a full-on chandelier for your lighting?”
She laughed. “Can I
be greedy and have both?”
“I don’t see why not. Now, pass me those floor mats and let’s get this place looking perfect enough for even a Whitcomb to bed down in.” She punched him on the arm, but headed back to the truck to help him to move the beautifully patterned mats.
A few hours later, Gabe and Brianne had set up everything. Even though it had been hard work, it had also been some of the most fun she’d ever had. From simply sitting beside him in the truck as they’d driven over, to spending an entire afternoon in his company, laughing and joking, to watching him bend down in front of her, the worn denim of his jeans straining with his every movement, it was all fun because she was with him. They were all memories she’d cherish. Even better, she truly believed now that a glamping adventure was the way to go for the fundraiser.
The yurt looked like as elegant and comfortable as her own apartment, though everything was in one room. Gabe had lit the fire pit, and the flames danced merrily, the mosaic tiles on the lip glinting in the flickering light. Her chandelier graced the very center of the roof, raining down light in teardrop shadows and shapes. The pink lanterns around the curved sides flickered. She couldn’t help but think it was the most romantic sight she had ever seen.
“You ready for some food?” Gabe’s strong voice called from outside. “I’ve brought some steaks. Think you could whip up a salad while I broil these babies?” he asked as she emerged.
“Sure, but jeez, I don’t think I’ll even get through a quarter of that thing!” The huge porterhouse steaks were the size of dinner plates.
“Don’t worry, I’ll hoover up anything you can’t get through,” he said, seeming unable to stop smiling. He was so clearly in his element, and his enjoyment was definitely catching. Or maybe it was just the enjoyment of being with him. Either way, she was smiling, too.
Then, she grimaced. “Um, well, first…I know we were talking earlier about the facilities…”