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A Lost Paige (Hidden Kingdom Trilogy Book 2)

Page 15

by L. Rose

  “Dove,” Alex tried, coming to my side. His fingers glided through Nate’s hair since he was just in front of me. “Just look. It is him.”

  “No,” I sobbed.

  Alex’s free hand touched my jaw. He gently tilted my head his way to have my gaze. “Trust me?”

  Sniffling, I nodded.

  “Then look. Please.” He threaded his fingers in mine and held on tightly.

  I rubbed at my chest, trying to still my erratic heart. I was scared out of my mind it was a stupid, cruel prank. Slowly, I faced the hellhound that had been Azrael.

  Azrael sat on his hind legs, letting me have my inspection. I ran my wet eyes over his silky, messy black fur and large stocky body. A spine full of jutting bones, razor-sharp teeth with two long fangs hanging out of his mouth. His jaw opened, his tongue rolled out, and he panted. I moved my gaze up to his red glowing eyes.

  He looked exactly like Ezra, but it could still be a trick.

  The hellhound stood and walked my way, moving as Ezra had. He stopped just in front of me, and through the red haze, I watched his eyes roll before his tongue came out and licked the side of my neck and cheek. His warm breath washed over me…. He even scented how Ezra had—of fire, earth, and honey.

  Opening my eyes, I met its gaze. “Ezra?”

  A rumble came from within his chest, and he dipped his head.

  I made a noise in the back of my throat; a sob wanted to tear free, but I didn’t allow it.

  Thorn stepped up beside us. I glanced at him. He smirked softly. “He came to us in Hell. It was lucky he’d sensed Alex’s power because we’d been stuck in a house full of demons. He saved us, took us back to his home, where he transformed into Azrael. We would have come home sooner, but we had to wait for Lucifer to return to his kingdom. Since Alex couldn’t teleport out of Hell without his permission, Alex’s power wouldn’t work. Also, time in Hell moves a lot slower than here. It’s only been a week for us.”

  Nodding, because all of it made sense and there wasn’t anything they could have done differently, I reached out and ran a hand through his fur. He leaned into my touch. “How?”

  It was Lucifer who spoke quietly. “When Marsala said she was in need of a guard for the new queen, it happened to be when Azrael was in trouble for disobeying us. We thought it would be good for his punishment.”

  “Also a learning curve,” Virginia added. “He was spelled to stay in his hellhound form for added punishment. We didn’t know you would form a connection. When he was… killed here on Earth, he was sent back to us in Hell. He told us what happened and since then has wanted to be back at your side.”

  Lucifer nodded. “However, he had to heal since he is part human, like his mother. The mage’s power was able to work on him. If he was a full hellhound, it wouldn’t have. Then, before I could get us here, I had things to attend to in Hell, which couldn’t be put off.”

  Virginia giggled. “Our Azrael wasn’t happy waiting. He tried everything he could to get back, but he doesn’t have the power to open portals.”

  I bit my trembling bottom lip and drew my gaze back to Azrael. “I thought you were lost to me.” Tears welled. Azrael whined and licked my neck and cheek again. My Ezra had never been one to think of personal space or what was gross.

  “You wanted to come back to me?”

  He nodded, his lips pulling back into a smile. Or a hellhound version of one.

  Then a thought popped into my head. Everything that had happened. Everything that I’d done around him. My eyes widened. “You watched me get dressed, and in the shower, and… ” Heat hit my cheeks. Some nights he’d been in the room, and I’d touched myself, thinking he’d been asleep. Had he really?

  He let out a huffing noise… the same sound Ezra made when I’d assumed he was laughing.

  “Ezra—Azrael,” I scolded.

  His body shimmered and next in front of me stood the man.

  “I prefer Ezra,” he told me with a warm smile.

  Fresh tears welled and fell. I wanted to reach out to him, to drag him into my arms and never let go. But this wasn’t the Ezra I knew. This was a man I didn’t know. How was I supposed to act? What was I supposed to do?

  Everything in me told me to hold him, to— Why was that bitch looking at him?

  Corazon’s gaze slowly ran up and down Ezra. I wanted to punch her in the face so it dinted and she couldn’t see out her eyes.

  “Dove,” I heard Alex say.

  She licked her lips as if she remembered she’d had a taste of him. I ground my teeth together before lifting my upper lip at her. Only she didn’t notice the threat. She didn’t notice her life was dangling in front of her. She rubbed her thighs together, her gaze on Ezra’s ass.

  A growl erupted from my chest.

  “Sweetheart,” Thorn said, his hand touching my arm.

  Laughter sounded in the room, but I ignored it, as did Corazon since she was lost in eye-fucking Ezra. She moved forward on the couch as if she would come at him.

  “Grab her,” Asher cried as I flew at the woman reaching for Ezra. Arms curled my waist and drew me back into a hard body.

  His scent calmed me a little.

  “What’s wrong, Paige?” Ezra asked.

  “This is delightful,” Lucifer said.

  “That bitch was eye-fucking you and about to make a grab for your ass. She looks at you like she’s had a taste and wants more. No one goddamn touches you.”

  The room fell silent, except for the rumbling coming from the chest of the man who was holding me. Ezra—I couldn’t see him as Azrael since I’d accepted him as being Ezra—turned me in his arms. I tried to keep my gaze on the bitch who looked like she wanted to crawl under the couch, but a hand cupped my cheek, and my head was pried away from her direction to meet with Ezra’s warm gaze. Using his free hand, he took mine and brought it up to his chest where I felt the rumbling on his skin. It sounded content.

  “She’s never had me. She never will because I am yours, if you want me?”

  Someone sniffled. However, I couldn’t look away from the man in front of me. He was stunning. He was strong. He was a part of Hell, born son of Lucifer. He could be scary and fierce. He was also Ezra, my hellhound who’d I missed with every beat of my heart.

  He was mine.

  I couldn’t deny it, and I would never try.

  “I will always want you,” I told him.

  Ezra clutched Paige to him and then kissed her like she was his much-needed breath. I couldn’t say it hurt seeing it, because it didn’t. When Alex and I had been in Hell, we’d spoken of the connection we’d felt with Ezra. The man who refused to go by Azrael because he’d been Paige’s Ezra, and that was all he wanted to be. The only ones who refused to call him that were his parents.

  Paige jumped, and Ezra caught her with his hands on her sweet ass, holding her tightly to him as they still kissed.

  I quickly addressed the room while holding an agitated Nate back. “I think it is time to rest in our rooms.”

  A beaming Virginia bounced up and clapped her hands, so much like Alma would have done. “Yes, I agree. Let the kids have privacy, Luca.”

  Lucifer nodded, and, in a blink, he stood by his woman with an arm around her waist. We hadn’t seen much of them in Hell, which I was grateful for. I wasn’t sure I liked Lucifer, but he was giving his son what he wanted and loved most in his life—Paige. For that, I was grateful. The times we’d seen Virginia in Hell, she’d never once hinted at being Alma. They liked their secrets, which meant we would have to keep a close eye on them. Even when they were being accommodating in helping us with their advice. I had a feeling that had a lot to do with who their son would be bound to, though.

  A moan filled the room from Paige when she ground her crotch against Ezra. He returned it with his own groan, the content rumble in his chest never stopping.

  “Out,” Lucifer commanded.

  I made sure Paige’s men were the last to head to the door. Nate still wasn’t too pleased t
o leave. I had to grab a tighter hold of his fur and tug him with me. He licked my hand, pleased I was home, at least that was what I guessed. Immediately after, he went back to growling and fighting my every step. It seemed Nate had claimed Paige and wasn’t happy about leaving her with someone his wolf hadn’t claimed.

  God, I’d missed this, his antics. Actually, I’d missed them all. Alex and I had spoken about home much and how we couldn’t wait to be here.

  “Wait,” a rough, thick voice called.

  We turned back to see Ezra helping Paige stand on her shaky feet.

  “What is it?” Asher asked. He stood beside me with his hand clasped around Alex’s arm. It had been nice knowing Paige had missed us and how much she had, but she hadn’t been the only one it seemed.

  We were truly a family.

  One that had extended to contain Ezra.

  Alex and I both knew as soon as Paige found out the truth, she wouldn’t let him go. I had been skeptical about Asher and Nate taking it well, but Alex reassured me—for Paige’s sake and to see her happy—they would be fine.

  “Stay,” Ezra said. “You’re all Paige’s and she’s yours. I won’t jeopardize anything you already have.”

  Paige cupped his cheeks, turning his head back to her. Her smile was soft when she pecked his lips. “You’re amazing.”

  He shrugged. “It helps I already know them all and have felt the connection you have. Though, I’m not sure Nate is too pleased I’m back.”

  “Nate, shift back.” I grunted when he tried to lunge forward again. The bastard was strong; thankfully I nearly matched it.

  My hands fell away when his body started to shake. He grew taller and wider. His tail stayed in place when he stopped the shift in his half form.

  “Thorn, Asher, you’ll have to hold me back until he’s claimed her,” he growled between sharp, long teeth.

  “I’ve got him,” Asher said. He lifted his chin toward Paige. His voice lowered, “Spend time with her.”

  I shook my head. “But Ezra needs—”

  “She needs all three of you.”

  “Are you sure you can handle him on your own?” Already I wanted to get over to where Ezra guided Paige over to the couch. Even if I liked the feel of Nate against me, where he had my dick hardening, I still felt the pull to go to Paige.

  Asher smiled, full fang. “Yes.”

  Nodding, I dropped my arms. Nate made for Ezra, but Asher was there, throwing him across the room. Asher followed and ignore Nate’s snarling and wrapped his arms around Nate from behind, taking him to the floor.

  “Settle, pup, and yield for me,” Asher demanded.

  “Fuck you, vampire.” Though, when Asher’s legs knocked Nate’s apart, Nate’s struggles lessened a little. I grinned, understanding dawning on me. Asher had claimed the wolf. I wished I’d been there to see it.

  A moan had me looking toward the couch. Ezra watched Alex’s hand up Paige’s dress. He’d have his fingers inside her, and I wanted to see. Stalking over to them, I stopped and stood before them, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Alex, our mate is dressed in far too many clothes,” I said, and caught Alex’s grin against Paige’s lips. Ezra looked on with desire burning within his eyes and a small smile on his lips.

  Alex clicked his fingers. Suddenly, Paige sat on the couch in nothing. Ezra, Alex, and I had only boxers on, all of them tented with our erections. I glanced over to the corner to see Asher was also only in his underwear while he still rolled around on the floor with half-shifted Nate.

  A war started up inside me. I wanted to watch everything that was going on, but I couldn’t, and when Paige cried out, I moved my gaze quickly back to see her arching as Alex’s finger sank deeply into her while Ezra sucked, bit, and licked at her nipple.

  Leaning in, I took hold of Paige’s thighs and spread her legs apart, hooking one leg over Alex’s and then Ezra’s. Standing back, I nodded at my good work because now I could see perfectly between her legs. I could see how drenched she was.

  Paige whimpered against Alex’s mouth before she drew her lips away, turned her head, and kissed Ezra. Alex slipped his finger free and Paige complained, but then his hand glided up her body, took Ezra’s hand and moved it down to between her legs.

  On his first touch, Ezra’s hips jutted forward into Paige’s side. Immediately, Paige dropped her hand and slipped it under his boxers to grip him. He groaned harshly into her mouth.

  Alex stood from the couch. He grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled me his way. He shifted quickly and pushed me down onto the couch beside Paige.

  “Ezra,” she whispered. “Please,” she begged.

  “What?” he bit out, desire riding his demanding voice.

  Reaching around her, I took Ezra’s chin in hand and forced his burning red gaze, meaning his hellhound side was close, to mine. “She wants you inside her.”

  His smile was wicked. He nipped at my hand before moving to his knees on the floor.

  I glanced down as something dropped to my lap and found a tube of lube. I ripped my gaze up to a cheekily grinning Alex. He rose a brow. Did he seriously think I would knock this option back? I’d been staring at his ass for the last week, wanting to feel it around my cock.

  With jerky motions, I lifted my ass, shoved my boxers down, and lathered the lube over my leaking length. Paige had me looking at her when I heard a giggle.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I just love to see you all wanting each other.” She lifted her chin toward the other men. I caught Asher pushing himself into Nate, who was grinding his teeth together in pleasure. He was refusing to let Asher know he liked being fucked.

  My gaze swept back when Alex climbed onto my lap. With a quick glance to Ezra, I was pleased to see he wasn’t repulsed by our actions. In fact, he got distracted by Asher fucking Nate. I had a feeling he wanted to take on the wolf as well.

  Only, as soon as Paige touched him, Ezra’s attention was right back on her. He took her hand, and she gently tugged him closer, between her legs.

  “You’re mine?” she asked.


  “It means a connection with all of us,” she told him.

  He nodded. “Gladly.”

  “Then you’ll accept being my bonded male.”

  His eyes heated even more. “With pleasure.”

  “Remove your boxers, mate, and be one with me.”

  His body shuddered at her words. He pushed down his boxers as Alex cupped the side of my neck, and I lifted my gaze to his. I slid my hands to his waist and then glided them up over his skin to his shoulders, where I could force him down to finish the kiss we’d started in Hell.

  He lifted enough to grind his ass down on my cock.

  Christ, yes.

  A grunted groan had us breaking the kiss, but it didn’t stop Alex from rocking over me or me pulling him free from his boxers and jerking him up and down. Before I glanced at Ezra and Paige, I caught Alex biting down on his bottom lip.

  Ezra had his head buried in Paige’s shoulder. Her eyes were closed, and she panted through the intensity we’d all experienced when finalizing the bond. It also meant Ezra had his cock inside Paige, something I wish I’d seen, but I had my hands full, which I didn’t mind at all. They needed their first time private… well, somewhat private.

  Alex shifted up, reached through his legs, and gripped my dick. Slowly, he sat with the tip of my cock slipping inside him for the first time.

  “Fuck,” I clipped.

  Alex moaned as he surrounded me with himself. His head dropped back. Leisurely, I reached up and ran my hand from his neck and down. I loved his skin, so much smoother than the rest of us.

  Ezra breathed deeply. He picked up his head and stared at Paige in awe. She smiled warmly back at him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he slowly pushed in and out of her.

  “You’re incredible,” he told her, leaning in to nip at her lips. “Unbelievable.”

  “So are you, my mate, my Ez
ra, my hellhound.”

  Nate’s cry of release was soon joined with Asher’s, but I couldn’t look that way. Not when I’d moved my gaze back to Alex, and he’d forced the rest of me inside him with a gasp. His heated eyes met my own. He kissed my chest, my neck. It wasn’t enough, not when he started to rock up and down on me. I wrapped an arm around him and gripped his hair to drag his mouth up to mine. We drank each other’s moans down. His movements switched to a faster pace.

  Purring started over in the corner; Asher’s vampire was content.

  “Quit it,” Nate grumbled.

  “No,” Asher clipped, never stopping the noise. Alex and I chuckled against each other’s mouth, only to stop and glance to Ezra and Paige when Paige cried out.

  My hand shot out to grip Ezra’s as it lay against the top of her breast. Ezra lifted his head from her shoulder he’d been kissing to glare at me.

  “Stop, it’s okay,” Paige called, and when she smiled, I really knew it was okay. Then, when Paige opened her emotions to all of us, pure ecstasy reached me. I grunted and released my hold on Ezra’s arm to grab Alex to me. My balls drew up, and Alex started fucking himself hard, up and down, squeezing my cock each time.

  Fuck, he was tight.

  “Christ, you feel good,” I said against his lips.

  “Paige,” Ezra yelled. Alex and I looked over, still while he moved over me. Ezra bit out another groaned, “Fuck.”

  “Yes, hell yes, Ezra,” she cried, holding him tightly to her. Her eyes slammed closed as her pleasure peaked, and we all made a noise when we felt her ride over into her orgasm. Ezra growled low, pumping faster; then he made a sound deep within his chest, coming inside our mate before he slowed and slid in and out unhurried.

  A small hand snaked between Alex and me. Alex pulled back enough where we could both look down and see Paige’s hand stroking Alex’s hard cock.

  “God, yes,” Alex murmured.

  I lifted my hand to his face, my thumb to his lips. He drew it into his mouth and sucked on it. I turned my head to claim Paige’s mouth. Alex whimpered through his release as it squirted out and onto my chest and stomach. His ass tightened even more, drawing out my own cum into him.


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