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Art of Loyalty

Page 9

by Monique Orgeron


  “I don’t know, I just need you to look at me.”

  My eyes open, and I see the beauty in him. His sincerity becomes blinding. I wrap my arms around him, holding on to what, I have no idea, but this connection he’s formed with me feels nice. He’s making love to me. It’s the only way to describe it. It’s nothing close to what I’ve experienced and for that reason, I’m petrified because he’s opening my heart and soon, I know he will destroy it.



  I stroll into the house through the kitchen, thinking everyone was gone. But Zander is fighting the babies, trying to wrangle them into their highchairs.

  “Just getting home brother?”

  I just give him a look because he has no right to ask me shit.

  “Well here, grab your niece. Help me out.” He shoves one of the twins in my arms while he manages to get the other one settled in. “You can put her in her seat, don’t just stand there.”

  I look down at the wild baby in my arms, “Come on baby, let’s do this.” However, my little redhead will not cooperate with me, she’s laughing, kicking, and screeching every time I try to strap her in.

  Zander starts laughing, “She’s going to be hell on wheels, that one. Come on, sit down for Uncle Vin.”

  She listens to her dad and sits. Zander helps me strap her in and I notice when he reaches out he has blood splattered on his sleeve. “Hey man, you might want to look at your shirt.”

  He looks down and says, “Shit, the bastard! I thought I got all the blood off me. It was a long night. Here watch them for a minute.”

  He stands to remove his shirt and I take his seat while he cleans up. I look over at two sets of bright blue eyes watching me with big smiles. “Looks like daddy had a rough night girls. How was your night?”

  They kick and start babbling like they’re trying to answer me. Zander appears next to me with no shirt on but covered with a frilly apron. I can’t help but laugh. “What the hell, man?”

  “I didn’t want to make them wait.”

  As I stand he takes the seat and starts feeding them some nasty looking puree. I scrunch my nose and ask, “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s a new recipe I’m trying on them.” He spoon feeds them one at a time and tells them, “Isn’t that right? Only the best for Daddy’s girls.”

  Zander has been becoming very domesticated since they’ve been born. Murphy works long hours but for Zander and me it’s different; we work as needed. He’s able to spend a lot of time with the girls and has been actually watching shows and reading books on how to make all their food organically. Go figure. But he obviously worked last night. The blood on his shirt was a dead giveaway. Zander’s work is messier than mine. I rarely make close contact with my targets.

  “How bad was last night?”

  He eyes me then says in a baby talk kind of way while still feeding the girls, “Daddy had to knock someone’s head in. Yes, that’s funny.” He looks back up to me. “It was fine. It was just another collection, but the asshole wouldn’t cooperate, so I played a little longer than was necessary.”

  Knowing exactly what he’s talking about, I nod my head realizing how different life is becoming. Pretty soon we won’t be able to discuss any of our work around the kids. Watching Zander with his girls, you can easily tell he’s a great dad. It’s hard to imagine how violent he actually is when he’s not with the twins. I never thought I would see Zander settled down and happy being a father.

  “Zander, were you scared when you found out Murphy was pregnant?”

  He looks at me and says, “I was for about two minutes but then it felt right. I was happy, and I couldn’t wait. I don’t know how to describe it. I mean, I knew one day I would have a family, but my life was good the way it was. I wasn’t in any kind of rush.”

  He smiles lovingly at his babies and finishes, “But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I knew Murphy was going to be mine from the minute I laid eyes on her and we made these beautiful girls together; it just all felt right. I love them more than you can imagine and as soon as Red lets me, I will have her knocked up again.”

  “You want more?”

  “Hell yes! I have to try for sons.”

  I laugh out loud, I can’t believe Zander’s still fixating on having boys.

  “Why are you asking? This isn’t something we usually talk about.”

  “I was just curious.”

  “Does that curiosity have anything to do with the reason you’ve been sleeping out?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I kiss the girls’ little heads, swinging my jacket over my shoulder as I walk away.



  I continue to see Brittany for another month. Life starts looking good until it doesn’t. I try to contact Brittany but she’s not answering, which is pissing me off. Later that evening I go to the casino to meet with my brothers. We have a little business to discuss and then we plan on having dinner together.

  Walking into the casino’s restaurant, we’re immediately seated. We order drinks and our meals, then we all lean back into our chairs to continue our business. About a half an hour into our conversation, Gabriel stands, gathering all our attention that someone has walked up to us. We follow his lead as he introduces us to a new whale that is in our city, visiting. As Gabriel introduces each of us, I see Brittany strolling over. She touches the man’s shoulder alerting him of her arrival. He shakes hands with all of us then wraps his arm around her waist making me instantly pissed. I know I shouldn’t have these feelings but for some reason, all I see is red. I’m watching, following his hand as he strokes her hip. Then I look up to see her staring at me, giving me a look, trying to warn me off. Gabriel invites them to sit and join us, but the man declines and says he wants a little privacy with his date. Privacy?! I almost say something but the look on Brittany’s face keeps my mouth shut. We all sit as I watch them walk away. I can’t help but keep watching, so much so that Gabriel calls my name louder and Liam smacks my arm to regain my attention.

  “What’s wrong with you? It looks like you want to kill someone.”

  I growl out, “I’m fine!”

  Zander laughs, “Oh yeah, you sound fine. What’s up brother?”

  “Nothing, leave it alone.” I sit up in my chair and look towards Gabriel, “What were you saying?”

  “I was saying that this quarter is on the rise and…Whatever, somethings wrong, spill. Business can wait.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Zander says, “Ah, it’s a woman, isn’t it? I know that look.”

  I turn giving him a look that should shut anyone up, but not Zander.

  “Look somewhere else brother, that shit doesn’t work with me. You need to take some aggression out? Fine, I’ll gladly help but first answer me. Who is she?”

  Fucking Zander! He won’t leave it alone and I know he’s not scared to meet me fist for fist. Many of times we have solved our issues beating each other to a pulp. But he’s not the person I want to hit right now. The asshole with his hand on Brittany’s thigh is.

  “She’s no one, fuck, there is no one.”

  Now they’re all laughing. Gabriel’s first to speak, “You fucked up! Now you have to tell us who she is.”

  “I don’t have to tell any of you shit!”

  Liam pats my shoulder again laughing, “Ah, young love. Isn’t it a doozy?”

  “I’m not in love!”

  Liam responds, “Sure you’re not. Let’s see, you’re agitated, frustrated, you even sound maybe I don’t know, a little possessive. No, no that’s not the beginning of love.”

  Zander yells out, “Don’t forget, mom said he slept out a couple of times.”

  Liam jumps back in, “Yes, overnighters. Vin never did overnighters and thought we were all stupid for spending the night with the ladies we entertained.”

  “Fuck all of you!”

  Gabriel has remained silent letting Liam and
Zander poke fun at me until now. He’s relaxed in his chair when he speaks up. “Who is she Vin? I think we have the right to know. The only reason for you to be acting like this is either she dumped you or you’re jealous. So, which is it?”

  “Neither. Look, I am seeing a woman, but it’s not like that. We just have sex, nothing more. You all know I don’t want anything more.”

  “Then you should stop sleeping with her now before it’s too late,” Gabriel says.

  “Why, it’s not going anywhere. It’s convenient and fun for now.”

  Gabriel takes a sip from his drink and eyes me for a second before saying, “It doesn’t look like you’re having fun and right now your attitude is definitely not convenient. Only a woman could cause that kind of shit. I think you’re already in too deep.”

  Zander stands announcing, “Alright pussies. I’m going home to the women I love and fought for. All you assholes tried to fight your women away. Not me, I’m the smartest one out of the bunch. Vin, you want to fight the love of a good woman off? Then go for it. You’ll either end up in the same place Gabriel and Liam are, which is where they belong, or brother, you’ll end up a very lonely, old man. Your choice, I don’t care. I have three of the finest women waiting for me and I will never deny my love or attention to them.”

  With that he walks away. Liam yells after him, “Zander wait up, Avery’s waiting for me too.”

  Gabriel and I finish our meal in silence. I can’t and won’t bring myself to talk any more about her or even look her way. When we’re done, Gabriel informs me he has some work to finish before he’s ready to leave. We shake hands, making amends and walk in opposite directions. I go towards the casino instead of the exit. I need to see her one more time. I know I’m punishing myself but damn it, I need to know what she’s going to do with him after seeing me. Is she going to finish her date?

  I lean against a wall facing the restaurant, waiting. I don’t know how long it takes for them to come out, but by the time they do, the man’s hands are roaming freely on her back. They settle on playing craps. I move a little closer to keep watch. It’s not long before the man starts winning. He leans down, and kisses Brittany then slides his hand down to her ass. Grabbing and rubbing his paws all over her. I don’t know what comes over me, but I storm towards them and with every step I know I’m fucking up, but I can’t stop. Once I reach them, I pull him off her and start beating the shit out of him. Brittany’s screaming but I don’t stop. It takes Gabriel and two other members of security to get me off the man.

  I’m yelling at them to get off of me when I see Brittany throw herself to the ground to see to the man’s injuries.

  “Enough!” Gabriel hollers, “Enough Vin! Look at me!”

  I do. I look at him panting hard; he’s right. I’m making a scene and the man’s already down. I throw the security guys off and walk away. Gabriel catches up with me and throws me into a wall in the hall.

  “What the fuck were you thinking? Brittany man. Brittany?”

  Pushing him back, I yell, “Leave it alone Gabriel! It’s none of your fucking business!”

  He comes after me again; shoving me back into the wall. “The hell it’s not! You just beat the shit out of one of the whales I’ve been working hard to get in here.” He pushes into my chest and says, “For Brittany, this is what it’s all about? She’s the woman you’ve been sleeping with?”

  “I said leave it the fuck alone!”

  He pulls himself off me, still pissed, “She an escort Vin! It’s her job to sleep with men!”

  He straightens his suit then says, “You better fix this shit because she’s not for you. Don’t get any ideas, she’s to be fucked, not loved. You will not bring her around my wife, you understand? I can’t have my wife knowing about her. It’s bad enough you’re fucking her now!”

  I throw my fist and punch him square in the face. “You don’t tell me what to do! If I ever hear you say that shit to me again, you’ll be the one on the fucking floor.”

  He straightens and laughs at me. “Leave it to you to go for my seconds. Remember Vin, who’s in charge.”

  “Fuck you, Gabriel!”

  “Looks to me you’re the one getting fucked.”

  I leave him there; needing to get away from him fast. Leave it to him to throw it in my face that he had her first. She was never his, but she isn’t mine either. I’m still raging when I storm out of the casino, knowing I need to see her, but I need to calm myself down first. I drive around the city for a while, then I find myself pulling into her neighborhood. Parking a few houses down, I sit and wait. She’s not home yet, but I need to see her.

  The longer I wait, the more confused I become. Part of me wants to end this and part of me feels like I can’t let her go. I hate everything about this situation. I close my eyes trying to figure out what to do and how I landed in this shit. When I open my eyes and lift my head, I see her pulling into her driveway. I get out my car and hang back a little, waiting for her to find her keys and open her door.

  Once I see her opening her front door, I make my way to her; startling her as I push her inside. Slamming the door, I push her against the wall not letting her speak. I cover her mouth with mine, drowning out what I know is inevitable. I’m just not ready to hear what she’s going to tell me.

  When I finally release her from my kiss, she starts telling me what I expected to hear. “I can’t Vin!”

  “Yes, you can!”

  “You need to leave. I can’t do this anymore, please.”

  “I need you.”

  I kiss her again and start raising her skirt, frantic to have her at least one more time. Instead of her fighting me, she’s helping. She grabs and tears at my clothes, just as frantic as I am. We become clumsy in desperation for each other. I lift her on the wall and enter her like there’s no time to waste. The thing about Brittany is she gives just as much as she gets. She becomes crazed, scratching and biting, marking my body. Her moans become louder and louder with every thrust.

  “Look at me!”

  “No!” She refuses, closing her eyes as she cums, contracting all around me.

  But I need to see her. No. I need her to see me. Feeling her body relaxing from her orgasm, I tell her, “Brittany, look at me!”

  “No! Vin.”

  I grab her face and pull it to me. “Open your eyes!”

  She opens, and we stare into each other’s eyes as I slow my movements, trying to prolong our end. Our faces are so close now; nose to nose. I close my eyes first, concentrating, trying to prolong my climax. I’m not ready to leave her yet. I am so close, and she can tell.

  “No. Not yet. Look at me Vin.” I open again, and she says,

  “Stay with me for a little longer, that’s it baby. Nice and slow.”

  Her voice is so calming, it makes me relax so that I can enjoy every inch of her body wrapped around mine and the warmth of her pussy enveloping me.

  “God, you feel so good.”

  We climax together. Something again, I’ve never felt with anyone else. How can I leave her? She’s holding me tight as we still. Burying my face in her neck, I smell her sweet fragrance that I pray I’ll never forget. Then I hear her say,

  “I need you to leave Vin. We can’t do this anymore.”

  I’m breathing so heavy, knowing that this was it, but not wanting to leave her. How did things get so screwed up? I lift my head and look at her, “I know.”

  I slide out of her and she covers her face not wanting me to see her emotions. Once I’m finished tucking my shirt in and zipping my pants, I reach out for her hands and make her uncover her face. I kiss her nose then her lips and walk out the door.


  The minute Vin leaves, I slide down the wall crying. I can’t believe this man has me so twisted. I should’ve stayed away from him. I knew he was dangerous not only physically to others, but he was dangerous to me; to my heart. It happened so fast, but I was stupid. I saw the warning signs, and I still chose to play with danger.<
br />
  As I start reflecting on the night's events. I still agree that Gabriel’s right, even more so now. I had no choice but to end this before my life destroys him.

  I knew the minute I saw him, what was going to happen. His eyes bore into me, begging for me to go to him, and when I didn’t, he exploded on my date. I tried not to be as affectionate as my date wanted, but I didn’t see Vin when we left the restaurant. Mr. Handsy became touchy with me once he started winning at craps. Then, out of nowhere, Vin came hitting my date over and over, exploding on his ass with everything he had. My poor date had no chance. Vin hit him so hard I had to accompany him to the hospital. It didn’t take long before Gabriel showed up. He talked to my Mr. Handsy, explaining to him that there was no need to bring the police into this matter, and told him accommodations would be made for his cooperation.

  After telling my date goodnight, I walk out of the hospital and see Gabriel standing outside, waiting for me.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Hello Gabriel. It’s been a long night; can’t we talk another time?”

  He walks up, stepping in front of me. “This won’t take long. I need you to quit seeing Vin.”

  Crossing my arms, taking a stand of defiance, I tell him, “Not that it’s any of your business, but I already plan on telling him that we can’t see each other anymore. He crossed the line tonight. He knew not to mess with my business.”

  “Is that all you two are? Just business?”

  “Yes, Gabriel. The same as we were.”

  He walks closer to me. “See, I understand what we were, but I don’t think Vin understands that it’s all just business.”

  “Gabriel, I’ve always liked you, but don’t make me rethink that.”

  I turn around to start walking off, but he stops me in my tracks. “I think he might be in love with you, or at least for Vin, it’s the closest he’s ever come to it.”

  I turn back around. “You’re wrong.”


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