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Samuel Pepys: The Unequalled Self

Page 62

by Claire Tomalin

  11. Wheatley gives the figures in his Pepysiana (1899), p. 34: ‘For Boxes, Workmen, Necessary Expences and Carriage from Clapham to London £22.1 8s .11d. Carriage to Cambridge £1 8 .3s .10d.’

  12. J. R. Tanner, Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy (1920), p. 16.

  13. The letters were gathered from Jackson’s descendants, the Pepys Cockerells (see Family Tree), as well as from the Bodleian and the British Museum.

  14. Smith’s pathetic and indignant letters are in the Pepys Library at Magdalene.

  15. Colburn paid £2,200, of which the Master’s Rent Book says £1,200 was lent to the college at 3 per cent, while an annual sum of £50 was set aside to help a needy scholar chosen by the Master.

  16. Scott was writing in the Quarterly Review for spring 1826.

  17. Smith to Lady Holland, 20 June 1826. The Creevey Papers: A Selection from the Correspondence and Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey, ed. Sir H. Maxwell (1903–5), vol. II, p. 280. This remark made in 1834.

  18. Sir Frederic Madden at Cambridge, ed. T. D. Rogers (1980), p. 22.

  19. The moves took place in 1834, 1847 and 1854. In 1879 it occupied the south-east room on the first floor of the second court, which was rendered fire-proof. It was not restored to the room Jackson had chosen for it until 1956 – which is perhaps why I did not see it when I was an undergraduate in the early 1950s. See Ε. K. Purnell’s Magdalene College (1904), pp. 128–36.

  20. Bright presented his transcription to Magdalene, but it has been lost.

  21. Robert Louis Stevenson, ‘Samuel Pepys’, Cornhill, July 1881, pp. 31–46.

  22. The publishers sought the opinions of Gerald (later Lord) Gardiner and Professor C. S. Lewis on whether they were likely to be prosecuted. Both thought it was now safe (the Obscene Publications Act had been passed in 1959). It must be said that Bryant bravely quoted the opening passage in full in the first volume of his biography, which appeared in 1933.


  The date given in each entry is that of the edition used rather than that of first publication.

  1. Unpublished Material

  The Bodleian Library: Rawlinson MSS, A 170–95 and D. Carte MSS.

  The British Library: Add MSS, 22,183, Add MSS, 19,872, Add MSS, 32,094, Add MSS, 20,732. Egerton MSS, 928: William Hewer, Sir John Kempthorne and their lawyers’ letters of 1678 about ownership of Clapham that Hewer has taken over from bankrupt Sir Denis Gauden, in debt to Kempthorne who proposes to seize goods and crops from Clapham. Hewer prevents this. Egerton MSS, 2621: Admiral Herbert papers include correspondence with prince of Orange during 1688 invasion. Sloane MSS, 2572, fols. 79–87: Richard Gibson’s account of his career.

  The National Maritime Museum: AGC/19, Miscellaneous Papers of Samuel Pepys. LBK/8, Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. Also X98/065, vol. I of the Sandwich Journal.

  Further volumes of Sandwich Journal in possession of Lord Sandwich.

  Hoare’s Bank, Pepys’s accounts 1680–1703; also the account of ‘Ann Skinner’.

  The Public Record Office: Admiralty papers relating to Pepys, ADM 106/2887. ADM 20/4, Tangier Roll AOI/310, 1220, 1221: accounts for 1665 and for 1667–71. Wills of Sir Francis Boteler, Mrs Frances Skinner, Mary Skinner.

  Hertfordshire Record Office: will of Dame Elizabeth Boteler.

  Pepys Library: Mornamont MSS in two vols. Magdalene College Letters. John Smith’s transcription of Pepys’s diary in 54 volumes. Correspondence of John Smith about promise of help made by Lord Chancellor Brougham, 1831–2. (Pepys Library unofficial MSS).

  Guildhall, parish registers of St Bride’s and St Olave’s, Hart Street.

  Liddle Hart Centre at King’s College, London, archives of Arthur Bryant, containing extensive MS research notes and correspondence of both Henry Wheatley and John Tanner, correspondence, as well as Bryant’s research notes.

  Julian Mitchell’s unpublished essay, ‘Monmouthshire Politics 1660–1706’, for information about Richard Creed, brother of John.

  The Royal Society: journal books and secretary’s minute books 1670–1700.

  National Portrait Gallery archives: notebook of Charles Beale for 1681, part diary, part account book, bound in with Lilly’s astrological almanac.

  2. Contemporary Diaries and Memoirs

  Aylmer, G. E. (ed.), The Diary of William Lawrence, 1961 (personal papers written 1657–84)

  Beadle, John, The Journal or Diary of a Thankful Christian, 1656

  Bond, M. (ed.), Parliamentary Diary of Edward Dering (1644–84), 1976 Burnet, Gilbert, Sermon at Funeral of J. Houblon, 1682 (biographical, not entirely reliable)

  —History of My Own Time, 4 vols., 1818

  Coates, W. H. (ed.), The Journal of Sir Simonds D’Ewes (1602–50), 1942

  de Beer, E. S. (ed.), The Diary of John Evelyn, 6 vols., 1955

  Denne, S. (ed.), The Life of Phineas Pett of Deptford, Commissioner of the Navy, 1796

  Dick, Oliver Lawson (ed.), John Aubrey’s Brief Lives set down between 1669 and 1696, 1958

  Ellwood, Thomas, Life of Himself (1639–1713), 1880

  Fox, George, Journal (1624–91), 1694

  Henning, Basil Duke (ed.), Diary of Edward Dering (1670–73), 1940

  Fanshawe, Anne, Lady, Memoirs (1625–80), 1907

  Firth, C. H. (ed.), Ε. Ludlow’s Memoirs 1619–1692, 1894. Now revealed to have been heavily rewritten after Ludlow’s death for first publication in 1690s

  Heywood, Revd Oliver, Autobiography 1630–1702, 2 vols., 1937

  Hutchinson, Lucy, Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, 1906

  Hyde, Edward, earl of Clarendon, The True Historical Narrative of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 6 vols., 1888 Joyne, John, A Journal, 1959

  King, Lord (ed.), Life and Letters of John Locke, with Extracts from His Journals and

  Commonplace Books, 1858 Lee, M. H. (ed.), The Diary and Letters of Philip Henry, MA, of Broad Oak, Flintshire, 1631–1696, 1882

  Long, C. E. (ed.), Richard Symonds’s Diary of Marches Kept by the Royal Army during the Great Civil War, 1859

  Luttrell, Narcissus, A Brief Historical Relation of State of Affairs from September 1678 to April 1714, 1857

  MacFarlane, Alan (ed.), Diary of Ralph Josselin 1616–1683, 1976 Morris, C. (ed.), The Journeys of Celia Fiennes, 1949

  Nicolson, William, Diary, partly published in Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. ii (1902). Also Jones, Clyve, and Holmes, Geoffrey (eds.), The London Diaries of William Nicolson, Bishop of Carlisle, 1702–1718, 1985

  Robbins, Caroline, The Diary of John Milward from September 1666 to May 1668, 1938

  Robinson, H. W., and Adams, W. (eds.), The Diary of Robert Hooke 1672–1680, 1935 Rutt, J. T. (ed.), The Diary of Thomas Burton (1656–9), 4 vols., 1828 Sachse, W. L. (ed.), The Diurnal of Thomas Rugg 1659–1661, 1961

  Spalding, Ruth (ed.), The Diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke 1605–1675, 1989 Teonge, Henry, Diary 1675–1679, 1825

  Webb, Rosamond (ed.), Nehemiah Wallington’s Historical Notices of Events Occurring Chiefly in the Reign of Charles I, 2 vols., 1869

  William Haller’s The Rise of Puritanism, 1938, has a good discussion of puritan diary-keeping. There is also W. Matthews, British Diaries 1442–1942, 1950. See too Mark Goldie, ‘Roger Morrice’s Entring Book’ in History Today (Nov. 2001), p. 38. Morrice was Pepys’s contemporary (1628–1702), a Cambridge graduate who used shorthand, but, according to Goldie’s account, his book is not so much a diary as a newsletter for Whig politicians. It is currently being transcribed.

  3. Other Contemporary Writing

  Anon., Plain Truth or Closet Discourse Betwixt P. and H., 1679, and Anon., A Hue and Cry after P. and H., 1679

  Bayley, Thomas, The Wallflower, 1650, and Gomberville, Marin le Roy de, Polexan-dre, 5 vols., 1638 (two novels read by Elizabeth Pepys)

  Bédoyère, G. de la, Particular Friends: The Correspondence of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, 1997

  Carkesse, James, Lucida In
tervalla (poems), 1679. Carkesse, a Navy Office clerk, dismissed in 1667 for corruption, became mentally unbalanced. Pepys refers disparagingly to him in the Diary, and Carkesse’s poems contain attacks on Pepys as well as accounts of his time in Bedlam.

  Congreve, William, The Complete Plays, 1948

  Dryden, John, Poetical Works, 1893

  —Plays, 2 vols., 1949

  du Bartas, Guillaume de Saluste, La Semaine, ou la création du monde, 1578, and English translation by William L’Isle, 1625 (Milton’s French predecessor, plodding but popular)

  Ebsworth, J. W. (ed.), The Poems and Masque of Thomas Carew 18 93

  Etherege, George, The Dramatic Works, 1927

  Keynes, Geoffrey (ed.), Sir Thomas Browne’s Selected Writings, 1968

  L’Estrange, R., A Brief History of the Times, 1687–8

  Margoliouth, H. M. (ed.), The Poems and Letters of Andrew Marvell, 2 vols., 1927

  Massinger, Philip, The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford, 1875

  Phillips, John (ed.), Wit and Drollery, Jovial Poems Never before Printed, by Sir J[ohn] M[ennes], Ja[?ohn] :S[uckling], Sir W[illiam] D[‘Avenant] J[ohn] D[onne], 1656. A mixed bag of poems, literary, royalist, scatological. Donne’s ‘Love’s Progress’ is the last in the collection. It is dedicated ‘To the TRULY NOBLE Edward Pepes, Esq.’, who must be Samuel Pepys’s cousin, son of John Pepys of Ashtead. Edward was born 1617, admitted to the Middle Temple 1636, died at his sister Jane Turner’s in 1663; SP helped with the funeral arrangements

  Phillips, Edward, The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence; or, the Arts of Wooing and

  Complementing as They are Managed in the Spring Garden, Hide Park, the New Exchange and Other Eminent Places, 1658. Advice from Milton’s nephew on how to succeed with girls

  Shadwell, Thomas, The Dramatic Works of Thomas Shadwell, 4 vols., 1720 Shelton, Thomas, A Tutor to Tachygraphy, 164.2. The shorthand used by Pepys

  4. History and Biography

  The Dictionary of National Biography and the Oxford English Dictionary have both been much used


  Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series for the relevant years

  Grey, Anchitel, Debates of the House of Commons from 1667 to 1694, 10 vols., 1769

  Macaulay, T. B., History of England, 1889, and his 1825 essay ‘Milton’

  Feiling, Keith, British Foreign Policy 1660–1672, 1930

  Clark, G. N., The Later Stuarts, 1934

  Ogg, David, England in the Reign of Charles II, 1955

  —England in the Reigns of James II and William III, 1955

  Henning, Basil Duke, The History of Parliament. Vol. I: The House of Commons 1660–1690, 1983

  Hill, Christopher, The Century of Revolution 1603–1714, 1974 Kenyon, J. P., Stuart England, 1978

  Kingston, Alfred, East Anglia and the Great Civil War, 1897

  Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800, 1977

  Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 4 vols., 1897

  —History of the Great Civil War, 4 vols., 1893

  Firth, Charles, The Last Years of the Protectorate, 2 vols., 1909

  Russell, Conrad, The Crisis of Parliaments: English History 1509–1660, 1971

  Roots, Ivan (ed.), Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 1989

  Zagorin, Perez, A History of Political Thought in the English Revolution, 1964 Aylmer, G. E. The State’s Servants: The Civil Service of the English Republic, 1973 Godwin, William, Lives of Edward and John Philips, Nephews and Pupils of Milton, including Various Particulars of the Literary and Political History of Their Times, 1815 Noble, M., Lives of the English Regicides, 1798

  Walker, John, Sufferings of the Clergy during the Grand Rebellion, 1862

  Matthews, A. G., Mr Pepys and Nonconformity, 1954

  Watkins, Owen C, The Puritan Experience, 1972

  Hutton, Ronald, Restoration, 1985

  Davies, Godfrey, The Restoration of Charles II, 1955

  Davies, K. G., The Royal African Company, 1957

  Richards, R. D., Early History of Banking in England, 1929

  Marshall, Alan, Intelligence and Espionage in the Reign of Charles II, 1994

  Houblon, Lady Alice Archer, The Houblon Family, 2 vols., 1907

  Pearce, E. H., Annals of Christ’s Hospital, 1908

  Trollope, Revd William, History of Christ’s Hospital, 1834

  Wilson, John, A Brief History of Christ’s Hospital, 1828

  Routh, E. M. G., Tangier: England’s Lost Atlantic Outpost 1661–1684, 1912

  Christie, R. C., ‘Sir William Coventry’, Saturday Review (11 Oct. 1873)

  Scouten, Arthur H., and Hume, Robert D., TLS (28 Sept. 1973), p. 1,105, article

  on The Country Gentlemen by Robert Howard, with inserted scene by duke of


  Archer, Ian, ‘Social Networks in Restoration London: The Evidence of Samuel

  Pepys’s Diary’ in Communities in Early Modern England, Shepard, Alexandra, and Withington, Phil (eds.), 2000

  Campbell, Gordon, et al., ‘The Provenance of De Doctrina Christiana’, Milton Quarterly, no. 31 (1997), pp. 67–93

  Hanford, James, ‘Pepys and the Skinner Family’, Review of English Studies, vol. vii (July 1931),PP 257–70

  Wilson, J. Harold, ‘Pepys and the Virgin Martyr’, Notes & Queries (21 Feb. 1948)

  Birch, Thomas, History of the Royal Society, 4 vols., 1756–7

  Lyons, Henry, The Royal Society 1660–1940, 1944

  Hartley, Sir Henry (ed.), The Royal Society: Its Origins and Founders, 1 960

  Andrade, A. N. Da C., on Pepys in Papers of Royal Society, vol. 18 (1963)

  Lansdowne, Marquess of (ed.), The Petty Papers, 2 vols., 1927

  Ranft, B. McL., ‘The Significance of the Political Career of Samuel Pepys’, Journal of Modern History, vol. 24 (1952), pp. 368–75

  Kenyon, J. P., The Popish Plot, 1972

  Tanner, J. R., ‘Pepys and the Popish Plot’, English Historical Review, vol. vii (1892)

  Wilson, J. H., The Ordeal of Samuel Pepys’s Clerk, 1972

  Tanner, J. R., ‘Naval Preparations in 1688’, English Historical Review, vol. viii (1893)

  Powley, E. B., The English Navy in the Revolution of 1688, 1928

  Mitchell, Α. Α., ‘The Revolution of 1688’, History Today (July 1965)

  Douglas, David, English Scholars, 1951

  Overton, J. H., The Nonjurors, 1902

  Heyworth, P. L. (ed.), Letters of Humfrey Wanley, Palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, Librarian 1672–1726, 1989

  Sisam, Kenneth, Studies in the History of Old English Literature, 1962

  O’Donoghue, E. G., Bethlehem Hospital, 1914

  Parkes, Joan, English Travel in England in the Seventeenth Century, 1925

  Speed, John, The History of Great Britaine, 1611


  Hill, Christopher, God’s Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution, 1970 Beresford, John, The Godfather of Downing Street: Sir George Downing 1623–1684, 1925

  Harris, F. R., The Life of the First Earl of Sandwich, 2 vols., 1912

  Ollard, Richard, Cromwell’s Earl: A Life of Edward Montagu, First Earl of Sandwich, 1994

  Ashley, Maurice, General Monck, 1977

  Masson, David, The Life of Milton, 7 vols., 1859–94

  Spalding, Ruth, The Improbable Puritan: A Life of Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1975

  Balleine, G. R., All for the King: The Life Story of Sir George Carteret, 1976

  Dickinson, H. W., Sir Samuel Morland: Diplomat and Inventor, 1970

  Fitzmaurice, Edward, Lord, The Life of Sir William Petty, 1895

  Lansdowne, Marquess of, The Petty–Southwell Correspondence 1676–1687, 1928

  Pinto, Vivian de Sola, Sir Charles Sedley, 1927

  Coleman, D. C., Sir John Banks, 1963

  Muddiman, J. G., The King’s Journalist, 1923

  Rowe, Violet, Sir Henry Vane the Younger, 1970

e, Louis T., Isaac Newton, 1934

  Hutton, Ronald, Charles II, 1989

  Fraser, Antonia, Charles II, 1979

  —Cromwell, Our Chief of Men, 1973

  Chapman, Hester, The Tragedy of Charles II, 1972

  Parker, W. R., Milton: A Biography, 1996

  Verney, Lady Frances Parthenope, and Verney, Lady Margaret M. (eds.), Memoirs of the Verney Family duirng the Civil War, 4 vols., 1892

  Foxcroft, H. C, The Life and Letters of Sir George Savile, First Marquis of Halifax, 2 vols., 1898

  Winn, J. Α., John Dryden and His World, 1982

  Haley, Kenneth H. D., The First Earl of Shaftesbury, 1968

  Lane, Jane, Titus Oates, 1949

  Turner, F. C., James II, 1948

  Clarke, James Stanier (ed.), Life of James II, 2 vols., 1816. Compiled from James’s lost diary by the prince regent’s librarian and friend of Jane Austen

  5. London History and Topography

  Anon, Rambles by a Pedestrian, 1833

  Bossy, John, Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair, 1991

  –Under the Molehill, 2001 (both books elucidate the topography of Salisbury Court)

  Bradley, S., and Pevsner, Nikolaus, The City, 1998

  Brett-James, N. G., The Growth of Stuart London, 1935

  Cherry, Bridget, and Pevsner, Nikolaus, London 2: South, 1990 Dews, Nathan, History of Deptford, 1883

  Evelyn, John, Fumifugium, 1661

  Harris, Tim, London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II, 1987

  Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge, Early History Piccadilly, Leicester Square and Soho, 1925 Reddaway, T. F., The Rebuilding of London after the Great Fire, 1951

  Steele, Jess, Turning the Tide: The History of Everyday Deptford, 1993 Sturdee, T., Reminiscences of Old Deptford, 1895

  Other topography: Victoria County History, Huntingdonshire, Surrey and Hertfordshire volumes


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