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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

Page 8

by D. J. Heart

  So though he’s never had access to the full internet, Evan knows how it works. In theory.

  “Just let me know if you need any help,” Peter says. He’s written down the addresses for the websites Evan is supposed to be looking at, so Evan doesn’t see how he could mess up. But it’s still nice that Peter is willing to help him.

  He feels excited. He does a little wiggle to get comfortable, scooting back in the couch and opening the computer. There are butterflies in his stomach, the future seeming full of possibility. He’s never even considered that drawing is something he could go to school for—that he could go to school at all, really—and now that it’s an option on the table he feels practically giddy with delight.

  Peter smiles, clearly pleased with how happy he is. The alpha has his own laptop open, fingers flying over the keyboard so fast that Evan is left flabbergasted.

  Evan takes the list, starting with the first school Peter has written down. The Obrey Art Institute. He moves the cursor to the address bar and starts typing, carefully clicking down on the letter O. He’s surprised when a whole address pops up in the address bar, the letters after O all highlighted.

  Evan stares at the address for a minute, heart hammering. Looking at Peter out of the corner of his eye and finding him immersed in his work, Evan hits enter. He knows he shouldn’t, but he’s curious.

  The page loads right away. Black background and big red text; the site’s name printed over a picture of an omega’s rear end. It’s shocking. The omega has been tied up; body put on display so that his gaping ass is staring at the camera. Slick is leaking from his hole, the puffy red rim of his ass looking wrecked.

  Evan scrolls down, seeing row after row of thumbnail images that seem to link to videos. Each thumbnail picture features a tied up omega, all of them clearly in heat. Some of the pictures also have alphas in them, muscular and pumped, cruel grins stretching their mouths wide as they grab their cocks by the base to showcase their huge knots.

  Evan looks to the top of the page, noticing for the first time that he’s logged into the site; the user name ChadStud12 displayed prominently in the top right corner.

  Evan doesn’t know what to think. Being sold to a porn company or an omega house is what every omega dreads. Being used by alpha after alpha, never bonding properly, until you’ve been used up, and there’s nothing left… It’s a death sentence, if a slow one.

  Evan scrolls down further, the list of videos seemingly endless. He stops suddenly, doing a double take, shocked to see someone he recognizes. Joshua, a boy a few years his senior who had lived at the center, stares back at him from the picture on the third row down from the left. His eyes are glazed over and lifeless, his body suspended from the ceiling with his arms bound tight behind his back. An alpha stands over him with a whip, grinning happily.

  Joshua had been a quiet boy, and too old to play with Evan, but still… Evan knows him. Had said goodbye when he went to live with his new alpha… It’s a terrible feeling.

  He’s about to click on the video when Peter suddenly asks, “Are you OK?”

  Evan jerks his head up in surprise; link left unclicked. He had completely forgotten about Peter being there.

  “Y-yes,” he says, nodding his head. Peter narrows his eyes. Evan closes the browser quickly, Peter still studying him intently.

  “Which school are you looking at?”

  Evan can’t remember what school he had started to type the address to, so he looks down at the paper Peter gave him.

  “The Obrey Art Institute,” he says, swallowing loudly. He wonders what Peter would do if he found out that Evan had looked at porn. If he would be mad or not care.

  “OK. Let me know if you need help, OK? There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.” Peter still looks suspicious, but he hasn’t demanded that Evan show him the laptop.

  “I will,” Evan says, opening the browser again. He types in the full address for the Obrey Art Institute, the OmegaBitchesInHeat address disappearing as soon as he types the letter B.

  He feels shaky and nauseous, but the feeling fades as he forces himself to pay attention to the school website, clicking on their mission statement before moving on to read about the different classes they offer.

  The Obrey Art Institute sounds amazing, and as he keeps researching, so does every other school on the list. Evan wants to go to them all.

  The fact that every time he started typing something in the address bar a porn site is the suggested link is something he’s not sure what to think of.

  Maybe Chad doesn’t know how bad omegas in porn have it? How awful it must be, to never find a partner to settle your heat? He knows that alphas don’t have that problem. That they can have as many omegas as they want without ill effect. Maybe Chad thinks it’s like that for omegas too?

  He decides not to think about it. So Chad isn’t perfect… nobody is. And it’s not Evan’s place to judge Chad, anyway. Not only does Chad have the right to look at as much porn he wants, he and Peter could sell Evan to one of the porn companies if they wanted. Could do anything to him.

  Evan is lucky that Peter and Chad are nice to him. It’s not something he should take for granted, so he certainly isn’t going to rock the boat by getting mad about something Chad has every right to be doing.

  Even if it disappoints him.

  Forcing his mind off Chad and his browsing habits, Evan goes back to reading about the different offerings available to him. He’s got a tab open for each school, switching between them and comparing, trying to form an opinion he can share with Peter.

  It’s a challenge, but one he relishes.


  Chad takes a quick shower once he’s finished working out, dressing in a pair of loose sweats and a tight tee that shows off his pecs beautifully. He flexes in the mirror, posing and admiring himself, giving his cock a few pumps just to see it bulge through his sweats.

  Walking into his room, he looks around for his computer not finding it anywhere. He heads out.

  “Have you seen my laptop?” he asks Peter, walking into the living room. He stops in his tracks, seeing Evan sitting on the couch opposite Peter with his computer in his lap.


  “Evan is borrowing it,” Peter says. Evan looks up, and yup… he’s seen the porn. The look on his face, just a second before he covers it up, is pure judgment.

  “He’s looking at schools. Do you need it right now?”

  Chad doesn’t really. Since Evan came to live with them, he hasn’t looked at porn once, and so his home laptop has gone largely untouched. He’d just wanted to check some scores, but it’s nothing pressing.

  Why the fuck is Peter letting Evan borrow his computer, though? Computers are private. You don’t just let people borrow them all willy nilly… Of course, it probably hasn’t even occurred to Peter that Chad’s laptop is a veritable cesspool of pornography. He just hopes to God that Evan hasn’t gone looking through his folders…

  “No, not really.” He sits down next to Evan, taking a look at the monitor. There’s nothing incriminating that Chad can see, but then he hadn’t expected there to be. He relaxes back, hoping this isn’t going to bite him in the ass.

  “Have you found a school you like?” he asks, grabbing the computer off Evan’s lap. Evan lets it go reluctantly, and Chad grins at him. “Sorry, I just want to check something,” he says, doing a quick delete of all his history, saved searches, and stored addresses in his browser before handing the machine back to the omega.

  “I like this one,” Evan says, pointing to the screen. “It’s called the Obrey Art Institute. They seem to have the best program for drawing… or at least I think they do?” Evan looks to Peter as though he has the answer.

  Chad snorts. Peter has all the artistic talent of a wet towel. He hates art, finding most artists pretentious and silly. It’s funny to see him being so supportive of Evan. Sweet, even. Chad smiles to himself. Peter is many things, bu
t sweet is seldom one of them.

  “I’ll have Logan look into it, but it’s your choice,” Peter says and closes his laptop, apparently done working for the day. They’d won the Enricorp contract, and Peter has handed the account over to Topher, so he and Chad have spent the past two days working from home.

  It’s been wonderful, having nothing to do but work out, relax and spend time with his mates. He feels better and less stressed than he has in ages. On the other hand, Peter has knotted him every day since Evan arrived, and his ass hurts. He’s not an omega, and pretty soon he’s going to have to put his foot down.

  “So how will it work?” Chad asks. It’s nice of Peter to let Evan go to school, but Chad doesn’t think it’s necessary. Then again, Evan seems thrilled, so maybe Chad doesn’t have a clue.

  “How will what work?” Peter asks, looking at him and Evan with heavy-lidded eyes. Chad’s cock stiffens, the atmosphere in the room suddenly dense with the promise of sex.

  “Evan. Going to school…” Chad says, spreading his legs, grabbing the bulge of his cock through his sweats and squeezing his hard length as Peter watches intently.

  “We’ll hire a bodyguard to go with him to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble,” Peter says. Chad relaxes a little, the idea of Evan on his own making him feel ill at ease. Not that he wants some stranger looking after him, but if he’s going to go to school, Chad will feel better if someone they trust is taking care of him.

  “A bodyguard?” Evan asks, looking up from Chad’s laptop.

  Peter nods. “We’ll find someone you get along with. A beta, most likely.”

  Evan nods thoughtfully, head stilling as his eyes land on Chad’s crotch. The scent of slick and aroused omega, by now a familiar scent, suddenly permeates the room. Evan closes Chad’s laptop and puts it down on the sofa, looking from Chad to Peter with a smile on his face. He bites his lip, sliding towards the edge of his seat so that he can be ready when Peter lets him know who to crawl to first.

  Peter is the boss, but he’s unpredictable. Sometimes he likes to watch Evan service Chad with his mouth—jerking off as they put on a show for him—while other times he forces Chad to wait until he’s done knotting Evan before letting him get in on the action.

  Usually, however, Peter will take Evan’s ass while Chad has his first orgasm in his mouth. Then they’ll switch, with Peter either taking Evan’s mouth or Chad’s ass.

  “Go to Chad,” Peter says, kneading the bulge in his suit with a steady hand. Evan swallows loudly and nods, sinking to the floor and crawling into the V of Chad’s thighs. He leans on Chad’s knee, dragging his face up Chad’s thigh until he’s pressing down on Chad’s bulge with his mouth.

  It’s hot as fuck, Evan mouthing at his cock through his sweats as Chad grips his hair and holds him in place.

  “You want my cock?” Chad asks, grabbing the base of his shaft through his pants and giving his shaft a little shake, pushing it into Evan’s face.

  “Yes, please,” Evan says, looking up at him through his lashes as he sticks out his tongue and licks Chad’s bulge.

  “Evan, come here,” Peter says, making both Chad and Evan freeze before Evan hurries to obey. Peter spreads his legs; his suit pulled tight over his muscular thighs and his cock making an obscene bulge along his hip.

  Evan crawls between Peter’s legs, resting his face down on his bulge and holding still, waiting for Peter to direct him. Peter doesn’t acknowledge him, reaching up and undoing his tie and sliding it off his neck and twisting it around his fist.

  Evan is completely still, looking small and vulnerable between Peter’s massive legs as the alpha finally deign to look down at him.

  “Hold out your hands,” he says, and Chad’s balls feel immediately tight at his words. So far Peter has kept things vanilla between the three of them, the sex rough and hot, but not kinky. Chad should have known Peter wouldn’t be happy with that for long. Would eventually start adding spice.

  Chad knows how it’s going to go. Peter will start small—get Evan used to having his wrists tied or being blindfolded—and only go further once Evan is comfortable and feels safe with everything Peter does. Chad knows because it’s how Peter trained him to like the feel of rope on his skin and the bite of leather on his back.

  It starts with a tie fastened around Evan’s wrists, but it ends with the boy strung up from the ceiling as Peter flogs him until he’s feral with pleasure.

  Chad can hardly wait.

  Evan sits up on his knees, lifting his face off Peter’s bulge and holding up his hands. Peter takes Evan’s wrists and pins them together with his palms laid flat.

  “I’m going to tie your wrists together,” Peter warns, letting go of Evan’s wrists and taking his tie in both hands, tying it in place. Evan stares at the dark blue silk wrapped around his wrists, a look of shocked arousal on his face. Peter pushes Evan’s bound hands down, leaning down to kiss him on the lips before pulling back and leaning back into the couch.

  “Go back to Chad and make him come,” Peter commands, hand going back to his cock. Evan sits frozen for a moment, and then crawls back to Chad. His bound wrists make his usual sinuous crawling impossible, but he manages to get across the floor and back into the space between Chad’s legs without a problem.

  “No hands,” Chad commands, Evan reaching up his bound wrists to free Chad’s cock. Chad leans back, spreading his thighs as wide as they’ll go and pushing down to the edge of the couch. Evan looks at his bulge with thoughtful arousal, a sexy smile curving his lip as he reaches his face down and grabs the hem of Chad's sweats with his teeth and pulls.

  Chad lifts his ass off the couch to help, his cock springing free with a bounce against his abs before coming to rest in front of Evan’s face. Evan lets go of Chad’s sweats, opening his mouth and angling his head so that he can catch it in his mouth.

  Chad grabs his cock and swings it away just before Evan catches the head, smacking it down on the omega’s cheek. Evan startles, looking indignant and hot, making another attempt to catch the big shaft with his mouth. His head bobs around, chasing Chad’s cock as Chad swings it back and forth, keeping it just out of reach.

  Chad almost lets him get it, but swings his big rod away at the last minute, slapping it down on Evan’s cheek again. It connects with a loud smack, leaving a red imprint on Evan’s cheek.

  Narrowing his eyes, Evan stills and opens his mouth, leaving it up to Chad what he will do. Grinning, Chad grabs Evan by the hair and tilts his head up as he drags the tip of his cock all over Evan’s face, plopping it into his mouth to get it wet before pulling right back out, smearing Evan’s face with pre-come and spit.

  Evan’s face is shiny and flushed; his mouth parted and eyes heavy with arousal. Chad reaches down and wipes some slobber off his chin, pushing it back into the omega’s mouth with his thumb.

  Chad feels a pull on his balls when Evan closes his lips over the thumb, sucking it greedily and working the blunt digit with his tongue. Chad pulls his finger out, cock demanding the same treatment.

  “You win,” he says with a laugh, still holding Evan by the hair as he pushes the fat head of his cock past Evan’s lips. It feels amazing, the omega sucking him down with an enthusiasm that is unmatched in Chad’s sexual history. Mouth hot and tight, Evan takes Chad’s length and swallows it down his throat, pushing past his gag reflex with relentless determination.

  “Fuck his face,” Peter commands, Evan humming around Chad’s cock, the sweet vibrations pushing him towards shooting his load.

  “Yes, sir,” Chad agrees, pushing off the couch as he holds Evan tight over his cock. He spins them both around, letting Evan’s head rest on the edge of the couch as he straddles the omega’s body and gets ready to fuck his skull.

  “You have sixty seconds to come, or you don’t come at all. Starting… now.” Peter’s voice is deep and intense, and Chad has no doubt that he means business. He pushes in as deep as he can go, knot filling Evan’s mouth as his balls rest on the omeg
a’s chin before he pulls out and slams back in.

  Since he only has sixty seconds, he doesn’t worry about letting Evan breathe. He pumps the length of his cock down Evan’s throat, hips slamming into Evan’s face, pubes smashing down against Evan’s nose each time he bottoms out. It’s rough and intense, and Chad knows that if he doesn’t come now he’s fucked. Probably literally.

  Luckily, Evan is completely on board with everything that’s happening. He works Chad’s shaft with his tongue as best he can, humming as Chad fucks into his throat. When he lifts his bound hands up and grabs Chad’s balls, the tentative touch sends Chad careening off the edge. He pulls out of Evan’s mouth with a roar, blasting the boy’s face with thick ropes of come, painting his face white as his knot inflates in the vain hope of catching in Evan’s ass.


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