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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

Page 26

by D. J. Heart

  Aiden nods, scratching his chin. “I have to admit, I’m not that tempted,” he says, not wanting to string her along. It’s nice to be wanted, but this sounds like it would be much worse than guarding just Evan.

  “I understand,” Post says, sounding like it’s what she expected. “I told Mr. Cruz that someone with your background was unlikely to be interested in this line of work, but you came highly recommended, so he insisted we give you an offer.” She opens a drawer under her desk and slides an envelope across the smooth metal surface. “And this is it. Please take a day to think it over and let us know by tomorrow.”

  “I will,” Aiden says, mind already made up as he takes the envelope and tucks it into the pocket of his jacket.

  “Good. If you’d like a tour, or to see the omegas you would be working with, Jacob will be happy to show you. Thank you for coming in,” Post says, standing and offering her hand. It’s a bold move for a beta, but Aiden humors her and shakes it.

  Jacob is waiting outside, a grin on his face. “Did you get it?” he asks like he can’t imagine Aiden not wanting the job.

  “She offered it, but I don’t know if I’ll take it,” he says, walking with Jacob towards the exit. “I’ll have to think it over.”

  “You should consider it. The benefits are great, and it’s a fun place to work,” Jacob says, sounding very happy with his job. Aiden almost envies him his lack of ambition.

  Jacob takes him to the employee entrance, forgetting that Aiden is parked on the main street, and they’re just about to turn around when they run into a pair of brawny alphas waiting by the door. The two men narrow their eyes when they see Aiden, puffing out their chests and pulling back their shoulders, and for a minute Aiden considers taking the job just so that he could put them in their place. Typical military rejects, Aiden feels nothing but contempt for the strapping twenty-somethings. They might as well be omegas, for all the use they’ve made of their potential.

  “Not here yet?” Jacob asks, looking between the two alphas. They shake their heads, eyeing Aiden like they're sizing up the competition. Aiden bares his teeth, meeting their gaze one by one until they both turn their heads. He’d welcome a challenge from these fools.

  “No. Think the fucker might have changed his mind,” reject one says, crossing his arms.

  “They’re waiting for an omega. His alpha was supposed to drop him off an hour ago, but he hasn’t shown. It happens,” Jacob explains.

  “Fucking pussy,” reject two snarls, crossing his arms so that his arms bulge. Aiden ignores him.

  “So how does it work?” Aiden asks, the beginnings of an idea forming in his mind.

  “How does what work?” Jacob asks, confused.

  “When you get new omegas. How does that process work?”

  “They just bring the omega to us. We have a doctor examine it, and if it’s healthy Mrs. Post makes an offer and buys it.”

  “That’s it? They just show up with an omega, and you buy it? What about paperwork, medical records and all that?” Aiden asks. It can’t be that easy to sell an omega to an omega house, can it?

  “Sometimes they buy virgins straight from the center, I guess. There’s paperwork for that, but for the used ones? Not really,” Jacob says, looking to the rejects for confirmation. “Is there?”

  “Nope,” reject one says. He cracks his knuckles, looking like he’s nervous and trying to hide it. It’s a reaction Aiden is more than familiar with.

  “Huh,” Aiden says, deciding to look into the process himself. The sting of Peter’s rejection still hurts like a bitch, and the need to make Chad pay is as strong as ever.

  Consigning Evan to an omega house would be the perfect way to get back at the pathetic young upstart.

  Once Peter sees just how pathetically Chad falls apart without his little toy, he’ll see how wrong he was. How unsuitable Chad really is.

  Aiden will make sure of it.


  Evan chews his noodles, broth running down his chin as he scoops more food into his mouth. His heat has passed, and though he has no idea how many days it’s been, he knows he’s hungry.

  “Slow down,” Peter says, voice fond as he places a hand on Evan’s neck. Tucked against Chad’s body, Evan stops chewing and drowns in the sensation of Peter’s hand on him. The alpha came out of nowhere.

  Peter lets go of Evan’s neck and sits down next to him, taking his bowl and putting it on the table out of reach. Evan is now squeezed in between his two alphas, the two of them dwarfing Evan’s slim body in both width and height.

  Evan loves it.

  “My—" he starts to complain, reaching for his soup. Peter holds him back with a chuckle, pushing something against his lips. Opening his mouth, Evan lets Peter push whatever it is past his teeth and lay it down on his tongue, leaving it there. Peter traces Evan’s lips with the pad of his finger, then pushes his jaw up, closing his mouth.

  “Chew,” Peter commands, voice firm and kind. Evan does, biting into what has to be the best dumpling he’s ever tasted. He moans, opening his mouth for more. Peter pushes his finger into Evan’s mouth, but there’s no food. Evan closes his lips down on the big finger, tasting Peter’s skin as he sucks on the big digit.

  “Good boy,” Peter says, pulling away from Evan’s mouth. He wipes his wet finger on Evan’s shirt, right over his nipple, but Evan ignores the way his cock tingles and opens his mouth for more food. He’s just finished his heat, and he is in no mood for more sex. Not until he stops feeling exhausted, hungry and sore.

  Chad surprises him, pushing a dumpling into his mouth, catching him so off guard he almost chokes.

  “Sorry.” Chad laughs, rubbing him on the back. Evan doesn’t care. He chews his dumpling happily, loving the way the juices run over his tongue and towards the back of his throat as he bites into it.

  “This is so good,” he says, loving the way Peter and Chad are both pressed up against him. He’s warm, fucked out, safe and being fed. What more could an omega ask?

  “I’m glad you like it,” Peter says, feeding him another. Evan closes his eyes as he chews, moaning again.

  “You need to stop that,” Chad says, and Evan’s eyes fly open.


  “Making that noise,” Chad says. Evan looks down, and sure enough, the crotch of Chad’s sweats are sporting a massive bulge. It looks very pretty, but Evan wants nothing to do with it.

  “Let him enjoy his food,” Peter commands, speaking to Chad. Evan feels a thrill at being defended. That Peter is sticking up for him, even in something this small. He likes Peter a lot better since Chad has come home though he hates what it says about how Peter feels for him that he only acts like this with Chad around.

  Not that Evan has any reason to complain. He’s extremely lucky, for an omega.

  The next dumpling is dipped in some sort of magical sauce, and Evan shudders as he bites into it.

  “Peter!” Chad whines, tense and needy. Evan ignores him.

  “I’ll be right back,” Peter says, giving Evan a kiss on the top of his head and standing up. The loss of warmth is upsetting, but Peter more than makes up for it by handing him a whole bowl full of dumplings.

  Evan is going to gorge himself.

  “You have to count to twenty between each one,” Peter says, doing that thing with his voice where it’s just impossible to disobey.

  “Yes, Sir,” Evan says, plopping one in his mouth and chewing it slowly as he counts. He barely notices when Peter pulls Chad off the couch and marches him towards the bedroom.

  By the time Peter comes back Evan has finished half the bowl, and he’s starting to feel full. He looks up, wondering why Peter is alone.

  “Where’s Chad?” he asks, putting the food aside. He’s full to the point where another dumpling would probably make him throw up.

  “He’s tied up in the bedroom,” Peter says, sitting back down. Evan wonders what Chad could be doing in the bedroom, and then he gets it. His eyes go round.

��You tied him up? Why?” he asks, remembering the last time Peter had tied Chad up. That night had ended with Evan taking two knots in his ass at the same time, and though the idea is intriguing, he’s too tired to want to do it again.

  “Because I wanted to,” Peter says, offering no other explanation. “Are you done with this?” He points to the bowl of dumplings, taking it when Evan nods. He sets it on the table next to the noodle soup, sitting down next to Evan and dropping an arm around his shoulders. It’s intimate, and Evan doesn’t quite know what to make of it.

  “So... you’re done with your heat. How was it?” Peter asks, arm curling around Evan’s neck as he reaches up to brush his fingers through his hair.

  “It was okay,” Evan says, leaning into the nook under Peter’s arm. He isn’t going to pass up an opportunity to cuddle.

  “Yeah? And when I was at work, how was that for you?”

  “Horrible,” Evan spits out before he can think better of it.

  “I’m sorry. I wish I could have taken time off to be there for you,” Peter says, sounding like he means it.

  “It’s okay,” Evan says, self-conscious. While his heat was ravaging him and making him crazy it had seemed only natural to think that Peter was obligated to come tend to him, but now that the lust has passed he knows how stupid that was. Peter has a company to run, and Evan is just an omega.

  “At least Chad came home. That’s a relief,” Peter says.

  “What would you do with me if he hadn’t?” Evan asks, curiosity once again getting the better of him.

  “Honestly? I would have let Chad take you with him.” Peter sounds sure, but Evan distinctly remembers Peter saying the complete opposite when Chad was leaving.

  “I don’t think Chad wants to leave you,” Evan says, turning his head into Peter's body and breathing in the scent of him.


  “No,” Evan says, voice muffled by the cotton of Peter’s shirt.

  They sit quietly for a while, Evan almost falling asleep, nestled tight under Peter’s arm. He wishes Peter had sat with him like this when Chad was away visiting his parents.

  “I’m sorry,” Peter says, and Evan realizes he said that out loud. Peter pulls him up on his lap, wrapping his arms tight around him and resting his chin on the top of Evan’s head. Legs spread out on either side of Peter’s massive thigh, nose buried in his neck, Evan wonders if Peter means it.

  “I was just sad that Chad was gone,” Peter says, rubbing Evan’s back, “I should have taken better care of you.”

  They sit like that for another few minutes, and when Evan shifts he can feel that Peter has gotten hard.

  “I don’t think I can—" he starts to say, just the thought of anything touching his hole making him squeeze down in protest, but Peter interrupts.

  “That isn’t for you. That’s for Chad.” There’s a dark promise in Peter’s voice, and Evan wonders just what Chad is in for. Whatever it is, he’s pretty sure Chad will like it.

  “Do you want to come watch, or do you want to sleep in the guestroom?” Peter asks, standing up and lifting Evan with him.

  Evan is curious, and it’s not like he has to join…

  “I want to watch,” he says, Peter stopping in his steps.

  “Yeah?” he asks, and Evan can hear the grin in his voice.

  “Yes,” he confirms, Peter’s hold getting that much tighter.


  Part Seven: Taken

  Evan wants this. He wants to see what it is Peter and Chad do together. Wants to be a part of it.

  He trusts them to make it good for him.

  Peter takes his hand, the grip warm and firm, leading him towards the bedroom. Peter moves like a predator, smooth and dangerous, and Evan feels captivated and under control. It’s a delicious feeling.

  They stop right outside the bedroom door, Peter rounding on him and pushing him slowly up against the wall. Peter’s body is huge, Evan unable to see around him, a landscape of sculpted muscle brimming with strength. He looks up, Peter’s square jaw filling his vision, and gives in to the sudden instinct to reach up and mouth at the firm ridge. Peter stands still, letting Evan playfully bite his face, accepting the primitive show of submission.

  After a minute of licking his way up Peter’s jaw, stubble scratching his tongue, Evan drops down on his heels and waits for Peter to make a move. He feels a little silly for having let his most basic instincts get the better of him like that, but he isn’t embarrassed. Peter tilts his head, gaze considering, Evan willing to give him anything and everything he might want.

  Evan gasps when Peter reaches up between their bodies and grabs his nipple, twisting the nub with the blunt tips fingers. Evan can barely think around the sensations shooting through his chest, right down into his cock. His erection throbs, arousal coursing through his body like molten lava.

  “I want you to be my assistant,” Peter says, landing his other hand on Evan’s shoulder, fingers squeezing down gently. “If you’re okay with that?”

  Evan shudders, his world narrowing down to Peter’s hands on his skin. Cock tenting his pants, he parts his mouth and licks his lips. Between the hand on his shoulder and the fingers playing with his nipple, Evan can’t imagine why Peter thinks he’d be able to talk

  “Evan, are you okay with that?” Peter asks again, hand sliding from Evan’s shoulder to grip the side of his neck. Thumb stroking the top of Evan’s collarbone, index finger resting behind his ear, Peter stares at him with intense focus.

  “What do you mean?” Evan asks, breathless. He leans into Peter’s hand, breathing deeply through his nose, luxuriating in the scent of Peter’s body. In moments like this, his alpha holding him, towering over him, Evan loves being an omega.

  “I’ll tell you what to do. Fuck you. Use you to make Chad feel good,” Peter says, voice low and full of promise, bringing his left hand up to the other side of Evan’s neck. Thumbs resting on Evan’s pulse, the alpha’s power over him couldn’t be more obvious.

  “But Chad is our focus,” Peter continues. “Making him feel good, making him fly, is my priority. You can sit and watch, or you can help me, but you won’t be the focus. Will you be okay with that?”

  Evan doesn’t have to think about it.

  “I want to help,” he says, still not sure what Peter has in mind, but confident that it will be good. That taking care of Chad will make him happy.

  Peter pulls Evan in for a hug, pressing him up against his firm chest, squeezing him for a second before moving away and holding him at arm's length.

  Evan is breathless with pleasure.

  “That’s very good. Now I’m not going to be doing anything extreme, but if you get uncomfortable, just tell me, and we’ll figure it out. Now, are you ready?” Peter’s voice is low and intense, his gaze penetrating.

  Evan nods, and Peter’s mouth stretches into a wide grin. It makes him look practically devilish.

  “Good. Let’s go.”


  The bedroom is the same as always, Evan thinks, except that Chad is hanging from the ceiling. There is an intricate play of rope spanning the length of the alpha’s body, holding him up horizontal to the floor. Chad is blindfolded though he turns his head towards the door when Peter and Evan step inside.

  Evan wants to call out to him, see if he’s okay, but Peter puts a finger to his lips, leading Evan through the bedroom and towards the walk-in closet. He closes the door behind them.

  “I’m going to change into something more… appropriate. While I do that, I want you to go out there and start pleasuring him. How you do it is up to you, as long as you don’t talk or touch his cock. Balls and ass are fine. Do you understand?”

  Peter strips as he talks, and between the sight of his godly body and what he’s saying, Evan is completely overwhelmed. Peter stops what he’s doing, down to his briefs and socks, and steps forward. “This is for fun, Evan. If you don’t want to do something I ask, don’t do it. As long as you obey me when I tell you not to do
something, I’ll be happy with you.”

  Peter cups the back of Evan’s neck and squeezes down, making Evan feel even more hazy and submissive. It calms him, though; the knowledge that Peter won’t be upset with him if he doesn’t do things correctly. Wanting to be brave, he swallows and says, “I can do it. I want to.”

  He’s determined to be good for his alphas.

  Peter grins, letting go of Evan’s neck and moving towards the section of the wardrobe where all his intimidating leather clothes hang on display. Evan has never seen him wear any of them, and he suddenly finds himself looking forward to it.


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