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Omega (Evan's Alphas Book 1)

Page 36

by D. J. Heart

  The doctor spends a long time talking to Peter, but Peter smiles when she’s done so it must be good news.

  “Is Chad going to be okay?” Evan asks, looking up at Peter. He tries to ignore the way Peter’s wide shoulders and muscular chest make his hole clench down with lust.

  “He’s going to be fine. He’s got a tough skull. His jaw needs to be set, and his nose was broken, but the rest of his face wasn’t damaged. They’ve already set his nose, and right now the surgeon is working on his jaw.” Peter studies him, hand reaching up to feel his forehead. “Are you in heat?” he asks, frowning. Evan nods, leaning into the touch.

  “I’ll see if I can get us a room while we wait,” Peter says, his pupils so wide they make his eyes look almost black. Evan hopes this means what he thinks it means.

  Peter flags down a nurse, ordering her to lead him to an empty room. She stutters and flails, but crumbles when Peter takes a menacing step forward. He’s not holding back anything, the air around him crackling with power. Evan’s inner omega is in awe that this is his alpha. That Peter would chose him.

  The nurse leads them up a flight of stairs and through a door marked Private. The corridor is empty, none of the din and noise from the floor below reaching them, the nurse showing them into an empty room.

  “This is a VIP suite. We don’t have anyone scheduled to use it until tomo—" Peter slams the door in her face, rounding on Evan with a feral look on his face. His dominance is cranked up to the nines, his alpha energy so potent Evan could choke on it. A shiver runs down Evan’s spine, Peter’s primal display making him bare his throat and close his eyes. He wants Peter to take him. Own him. To make Evan submit and be his.

  “Mine,” Peter growls, taking two steps forward and grabbing Evan’s waist. He lifts him up and crushes him against his chest. They stay like that for a while, Evan burying his nose in Peter’s shirt, Peter smelling his hair, taking comfort in the fact that they are there, together, and that nothing can separate them now.

  Evan thinks of Chad, so different from Peter’s focused energy, wishing his other alpha was better. That he was there with them. Then Peter slides his hand down over Evan’s ass, fingers pushing against the wet fabric over his hole, and anything that isn’t want or need leaves his head like it was never there.

  Peter pulls away, his eyes dark as he stares into Evan’s face. It’s like he’s cataloging Evan’s features, or like he’s making sure Evan is unhurt. Either way, the scrutiny makes Evan feel every inch the omega, Peter’s grip on him solid and unbreakable, the alpha in complete control of the situation.

  Drawing a shuddering breath, Evan surrenders. He goes limp, Peter’s mouth curving up in a feral grin as he lifts him over to the bed.

  Peter lays him down on the mattress with great care, stepping back and staring down at him. He shrugs off his own clothes first, the scary black outfit falling to the floor to reveal flawless golden skin and rippling muscle. Evan licks his lips, eyes glued to Peter’s cock as the big man stalks forward, reaching out and grabbing Evan’s leg in a firm hold and pulling him down.

  Evan slides down the cotton sheet, body lax and submissive, Peter catching him and pulling his pants down to his ankles with a rough yank. His shirt is next, but rather than wait for Evan to lift his arms over his head, Peter grabs his shirt at his collar and rips it open, baring Evan’s chest.

  “Are you going to be a good boy for me?” Peter growls, pawing at Evan’s shoulders and pushing him flat on his back. Evan goes tense, the words too similar to the mantra Yurick had fed him. Peter stops, studying him with serious eyes.

  “Are you going to be mine?” he asks after a minute, Evan melting into the mattress. Yes. He wants to be Peter’s. He is Peter’s.

  Nodding, he turns his head and tries to put his mouth on Peter’s arm. Peter grins, proud and happy, putting his fingers over Evan’s lips. They’re big and blunt, stroking over Evan’s lips ever so softly before reaching inside his mouth. Evan moans, Peter’s fingers heavy on his tongue, pushing it down to the bottom of his mouth.

  “My little omega,” Peter says, exploring Evan’s mouth like he’s mapping out his territory. It feels good, but Evan needs more. He sucks in his cheeks, wanting to show Peter how much he wants this. How much he needs it.

  “Greedy boy,” Peter laughs, pulling his fingers out of Evan’s mouth and wiping them on the sheets. He stands tall, cock on magnificent display, and Evan wonders what he’s waiting for. Then, moving too fast for Evan to follow, Peter grabs him and spins him over on his front, jumping on top of his thighs and lowering his chest over Evan’s body. He can feel Peter’s cock, thick and hard, nestled into the crack of his ass.

  “Gonna knot you,” Peter growls into his ear, the words a promise. Evan moans his assent, pushing his ass up and begging for it.

  Lifting his hips, Peter reaches down and grabs his shaft by the base, lining it up with Evan’s ass and sinking in deep with one, slow thrust of his hips.

  Evan grits his teeth, his heat making sure that the burn feels good, the feeling of his alpha’s cock stretching him open better than anything has any right to be. He cries out, Peter kissing his neck as he ruts his hips, driving Evan to his first orgasm in just minutes.

  After that, Evan loses all track of space and time, his existence narrowed down to a virile alpha and his cock. It’s perfect, pleasure driving him higher and higher, and when Peter finally fills him up, knotting him tight, Evan shoots his load a final time. Stars explode in his vision, sparks running down his whole body, the knowledge that Peter has claimed him, has taken him back, satisfying his most primal omega instincts and dampening his heat.

  He falls asleep.


  Peter rolls over, pulling his unconscious omega into the curve of his body, spooning him tight. He’s finally able to relax. He buries his nose in Evan’s hair, breathing in his scent, and hugs him tighter.

  He wonders how much the hospital will charge him for commandeering the VIP suite. Then he gets annoyed that the private room hasn’t been offered to Chad.

  Knot throbbing, Evan’s ass milking him the way only an omega can, Peter splays his fingers wide on Evan’s belly. He pushes down gently, palpating the soft gut as he fills it with come from the inside.

  By the time his knot recedes, come leaking out Evan’s hole now that he’s no longer plugged tight, Peter is back in control of his instincts. He wipes down his sticky cock and sweaty balls in the bathroom, wetting a few paper towels under the faucet and taking them back to Evan. Rolling the boy onto his stomach, Peter gently cleans his inner thighs and holes, taking care to be gentle and not wake him.

  Evan had been tight; Peter remembers with relief. Tighter than he’s been in a long time. Whatever happened to him in the omega house, he wasn’t knotted. Peter traces the red rim of Evan’s hole with his finger, wondering if Evan is going to be okay. The way he’d frozen when Peter asked if he was going to be a good boy… Peter wants to rip apart whoever made Evan feel like that.

  “Come on,” he whispers, lifting Evan into his arms. Exhausted, Evan doesn’t so much as stir as Peter carries him against his chest down to the floor below. He flags down a nurse, asking where Chad is.

  The nurse doesn’t know, but he calls the nurses station and finds out for them. Peter thanks him and sets out to find his mate.

  Chad looks miserable, and Peter regrets not killing Aiden after his first insult towards his mate. For not seeing his old friend for what he really was. Being very careful, Peter lays Evan down next to Chad, making sure not to disturb his cast or face. Evan curls up against Chad’s side with a happy little sigh.

  Sitting down, Peter settles in and waits for his mates to wake up. He has a view of the door, Chad and Evan behind him. No one is ever going to hurt his mates ever again.


  Evan wakes up next to Chad, his hand resting on the alpha’s ripped abdominals. Blinking, lifting his head, he sees Peter watching him from his seat on the other side of the bed.

nbsp; “Hi,” he whispers. Peter smiles, standing and moving over to the bed.

  “How do you feel?” Peter asks, reaching down and brushing a lock of hair out of his face. The touch is gentle, Peter’s fingers warm and dry against his skin, sending a shudder through him.

  “Good,” he answers, meaning it. His heat is gone, never really getting started, and he feels well rested and safe.

  The guilt hits him like a freight train. He might be safe and free of his heat, but what of the other omegas that had been trapped with him. Who’d had it so much worse for so much longer?

  “I’m glad,” Peter says, leaning down to kiss him.

  “What’s going to happen to the others?” he asks, worried. Will the omega house just go back to business as usual? Trick trapped in the same place, trudging towards the same death, waiting for his heat to kill him?

  How is Evan supposed to live with that?

  “Who?” Peter asks, bending down next to the bed and resting his hand in Evan’s hair.

  “The other omegas?”

  Peter frowns, hand stilling its movement on Evan’s hair.

  “Peter?” Evan asks, biting his lip.

  “I don’t know,” Peter says, pulling his hand away. “I’ll look into it, see if there’s something we can do. Okay?”

  Evan nods, Peter showing him a small but determined smile. Evan takes heart.


  Peter hadn’t given the other omegas a thought, their fates a foregone conclusion. He steps out of the room, calling his lawyer. He took Cruz down in a challenge, and no one will refute his right once it’s made known that Cruz had his omega.

  His lawyers have already been briefed by Dawn and Mike, preparing the paperwork to take ownership of all Richard Cruz’s assets. Including his omegas, apparently. His lawyers are working on the assumption that he will sell off the lot of Cruz’s assets, including the omega houses.

  “What are our options on that?” Peter asks.

  “What do you mean?” his lawyer, a beta twenty years Peter’s senior asks. Peter isn’t sure. Maybe his lawyers aren’t the best people to talk to about this.

  “Hold off on selling the omegas. Are they being taken care of?” Peter asks, shifting course. His lawyers wouldn’t know anything about omega rehabilitation.

  “Are you sure? We have several buyers interested and—"

  “Was I in any way unclear?” Peter asks, calm as ever.

  “No, Sir.” His lawyer’s voice is apologetic.

  “Good. I’ll get back to you.” Peter hangs up the phone, dialing Dawn’s number. He wonders what his employees will think of him—that he’s going soft—but he doesn’t care.

  “Yes, boss?” Dawn sounds tired like he’s woken her up.

  “I want to rehabilitate the omegas we’ve taken possession of. Do you think you’d be up for organizing it?”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible,” Dawn answers.

  “I promised Evan I would see what I could do for the other omegas Cruz owned. If they can’t be rehabilitated, find out what the best thing for them is. Can you do that?”

  “I’ll look into it,” Dawn promises, the sleep gone from her voice. Peter knows that she will attack this job like she does every other task he throws at her.

  Hanging up the phone, he heads back into the room to watch over his mates. Evan has fallen asleep, looking adorable and peaceful, while Chad’s breathing is deep and even.

  Relaxing slightly, Peter feels certain that everything is going to be okay.


  Chad studies his face in the mirror, his bruising a sickly yellow color, the swelling almost gone. His jaw sometimes makes a weird clicking noise when he chews or yawns, but the doctor has assured him that it’s nothing to worry about. When it’s all said and done, he’s going to be fine.

  “Chad! Are you coming?” Evan calls, impatient and excited. It’s Christmas morning, and Evan is eager to open presents. Chad grins, Evan’s excitement is infectious. He leaves the room to find the omega and Peter waiting for him. Evan has dressed up for the occasion while Peter has… not.

  “I’m coming.” He laughs, Peter placing a fond hand on his neck and pulling his head down to kiss his head. Chad laughs and squirms away, throwing an arm over Evan’s shoulder as they head into the living room.

  “Who gets to open their presents first?” Evan asks, staring at the mounds of wrapped boxes with wide eyes. He turns to Peter, waiting for his decision.

  “We take turns,” Chad decides, sitting down on the sofa. Peter joins him, leaving a space for Evan between them.

  “Choose the first present,” Peter commands, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. He’s shirtless, in his boxers, enjoying not having to shower and put on a suit for once. Chad can’t resist temptation, reaching out and brushing his hand down the alpha’s muscular thigh. Peter grins, turning towards Chad with a lazy smile.

  “Presents first, then fun,” Peter orders, letting his alpha out just a little. Chad shudders, pulling his hand away. He’ll show Peter how good he can be.

  Chad hasn’t told Peter or Evan about his plans for the future yet. He knows that Peter thinks he’s coming back to work for Tank Security, but Chad doesn’t want to. He enjoyed working as a mercenary, but he doesn’t want to go back to that. Nor does he want to work as an IT security specialist. He’s not particularly good at it, and it’s boring.

  What Chad wants is to work as an omega rights activist. He believes in everything they stand for, that omegas deserve to be treated better, and he can't imagine anything that would be more meaningful.

  Peter will understand. He’s become something of a champion of the omega rights movement thanks to his attempts to rehabilitate the omegas he took from Cruz, and it hasn’t seemed to lose him any clients.

  “This one’s for you,” Evan says, holding a huge package up against his chest and dropping it in Chad’s lap. Chad recognizes the wrapping paper as being from the leather store Peter likes, his cock hardens in anticipation.

  “Thanks, Peter,” he says, tearing off the wrapping paper and looking inside the box. It’s a straitjacket, and it’s gorgeous.

  “You like?” Peter asks, a predatory grin on his face. Chad nods, mouth dry. He can’t wait to try it on.

  “Okay, next present! This one’s for me,” Evan says, plopping down on the floor with Chad’s present in his lap. He tears off the wrapping paper, revealing the artist’s pencil set and sketching paper Chad has gotten him. The look on his face is pure joy, the warmth in his eyes as he leaps off the floor and flings himself into Chad’s arms making Chad’s heart feel like it’s going to explode.

  “Good job,” Peter says, clapping Chad on the back, looking happy.

  Chad hugs Evan close, Peter rubbing his back. He doesn’t know how the future will unfold, but as long as he has Peter and Evan with him, he can’t wait to find out.

  The End




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