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Turn Right at Machu Picchu

Page 33

by Mark Adams

  The Languages of the Andes (Adelaar and Muysken)

  Lee, Vincent

  Leguia, Augusto

  Leivers, John

  on Bingham


  and Choquequirao

  and Choquetacarpo Pass

  at the Cobos home

  and coca

  and Cusco

  and ecology of Peru

  and Espiritu Pampa

  eye injury


  on folk remedies

  Leivers, John (cont.)

  and food

  on hacienda system

  heart surgery

  hike to Yanama

  and Huancacalle

  and Huayna Picchu

  and the INC

  on Inca engineering

  on Inca roads

  and Inca Trail trip

  on Inca trails

  and Kolpacasa Pass

  and Machu Picchu

  and Mandor Pampa

  and New York City

  and Phuyupatamarca

  preparations for trip

  on proximity of rivers to Inca sites

  and Santa Teresa

  and Sixpac Manco hostel

  and survivalism

  on usnu platforms

  and Valentin farm

  and Vitcos

  work background

  Library of Congress

  Lima Geographical Society

  Livingstone, David

  Lizarraga, Agustin


  and Andean place names

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  from Huayna Picchu

  and routes to Machu Picchu

  site described

  viewed from Mount Machu Picchu

  viewed from Phuyupatamarca


  looting. See also huaqueros (grave robbers); treasure hunting

  Lost City of the Incas

  and archaeology

  and Bingham’s career

  and Bingham’s research

  Bingham’s theory on

  Machu Picchu as

  and Spanish texts


  Lost City of the Incas (Bingham)

  on Choquequirao

  and Peruvian tourism

  revised version of

  on Spanish conquest

  on Tampu Tocco theory

  on Urubamba Valley expedition

  Lost Horizon (Hilton)

  The Lost World (Doyle)

  Lucas, George

  Lumbreras, Luis


  Machiguenga Indians

  Machu Picchu

  and Andes weather

  and archaeological artifacts

  author’s dreams of

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  Bingham’s theories on

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Choquequirao

  Cusco as staging point for

  Eastern Urban Section

  and Hauyna Picchu

  and Inca roads

  and Inca stonework

  and Leivers’s preservation ethic

  Main Gate

  and orientation of Inca sites

  ownership disputes

  proximity to river

  routes to

  and Sacred Center theory

  site described

  stonework of

  and Tampu Tocco theories

  Machu Picchu: A Citadel of the Incas (Bingham)

  Machu Picchu: Exploring an Ancient Sacred Center (Reinhard)

  “Machu Picchu Before Bingham” (Greer)

  Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary

  Machu Picchu Pueblo

  Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge

  Maclaine, Shirley

  Magli, Giulio

  Manco Inca Yupanqui

  and adventure films

  and Calancha’s writings

  and Choquetacarpo Pass

  and civil war in Cusco

  and Concevidayoc

  and Espiritu Pampa

  and the Inca Trail

  and Inti Raymi festivities

  Markham on

  and Ollantaytambo

  and rebel army

  and siege of Cusco

  and Spanish asylum seekers

  and Spanish conquest

  and usnu platforms

  and Vilcabamba

  and Vitcos

  Mandor Pampa

  Markham, Clements

  Marsh, Othniel Charles

  Matapalos trees (strangler figs)


  Mateo (Gallegos)

  at the Cobos home

  at Concevidayoc

  daily hiking routine


  at Espiritu Pampa

  at Huancacalle

  and Inca Trail trip

  and insect attack

  Leivers on

  and muleteer work



  Melville, Herman


  missionary work


  Mitchell, Alfred

  Mitchell, Alfreda. See also Bingham, Alfreda

  Mitchell, Annie Tiffany

  Mogrovejo, Evaristo

  Montesinos, Fernando de


  Mother Earth. See Pachamama

  Mount Aconcagua

  Mount Coropuna

  Mount Everest

  Mount Huascaran

  Mount Machu Picchu

  Mount McKinley

  Mount Padreyoc

  Mount Veronica

  mountain worship




  Murua, Martin de

  Museo Inka

  Museum of Natural History

  music of Peru

  mysticism and spirituality

  and apus

  and author’s family

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and the Inca Trail

  and location of Inca sites

  and mountain worship

  offerings to Pachamama

  and orientation of Inca sites

  pantheism of Incas

  and pilgrimage sites

  and religious syncretism

  and sun worship

  and tourism

  Narrative of the Incas (Betanzos)

  National Aeronautics Administration

  National Geographic

  Bingham’s articles for

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and Cole Porter song

  photos of skeletal remains

  National Geographic Society

  National Museum (Peru)

  New Age spiritualism. See also mysticism and spirituality

  New York City

  The New York Herald

  The New York Sun

  The New York Times

  The New York Times Magazine

  The New York Tribune

  North Pole

  Northwest Passage

  Nuñez, J. J.

  Nusta Ispanan



  “Official Circular of the Second Yale Peruvian Expedition” (Bingham)


  architecture of

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and the Inca Trail

  Manco Inca’s departure from

  and Pachacutec

  and search for Machu Picchu

  Orellana, Francisco de

  Orgonez, Rodrigo



  Pachacutec Inca Yupanqui

  and the Antis

  and Choquetacarpo Pass

  and excavation sites

  grandson of

  and Inca road system

  and Machu Picchu

  and Peruvian climate

  and tomb sites

; Pachamama

  and barefoot hiking

  day of observance for

  and Inca pantheism

  offerings to

  and Peruvian spirituality

  and the Royal Tomb

  and snake symbolism




  Pampaconas River

  Pan-American Scientific Congress


  Pancorbo, Jose

  pantheism of Incas



  Paul (INC worker)

  Peabody Museum

  Peary, Robert


  Peck, Annie S.

  Perou et Bolivie (Wiener)

  Peruvian Time (la hora peruana)

  Peshawar, Pakistan

  Phillips Academy




  Pizarro, Francisco

  background of

  and Bingham’s expedition route

  and civil war in Cusco

  conquest of the Inca empire


  and Doña Angelina Yupanqui

  and Huadquiña

  and Manco Inca’s rebellion

  and museum artifacts

  and treasure hunting

  and Vilcabamba

  Pizarro, Gonzalo

  plants of Peru. See also agriculture; coca

  and altitude changes

  Bingham’s description of

  and cloud forests

  and cutting trails

  elephant ears

  and high rain forest

  and Inca ruins

  liana vine

  and the Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary

  poisonous plants

  strangler figs

  and theories on Inca stonework

  variety of rain forest plants


  Plaza de Armas

  polar explorers

  Polo, Marco


  Prescott, William

  Princeton University

  Principal Temple

  Progressive Era

  Pumasillo Range

  Punahou School


  Quechua culture

  Quechua language



  Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

  Raimondi, Antonio

  Reinhard, Johan

  religions of Peru. See also Catholicism; mysticism and spirituality

  Republican Party

  A Residence of Twenty-one Years

  in the Sandwich Islands


  Rice, Hamilton

  Richarte family

  Romero, Carlos

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Root, Elihu


  Royal Geographical Society

  Royal Mausoleum

  Royal Tomb


  Sacred Center theory

  Sacred Plaza

  Sacred Valley

  Sacred Virgins of the Sun


  Sailing Alone Around the World (Slocum)

  Salazar, Lucy


  San Andrés Hospital

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Santa Ana hacienda

  Santa Maria

  Santa Teresa

  Santo Domingo monastery

  Sapa Inca. See also specific rulers

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Cusco

  and the Inca empire

  and Inca pantheism

  rights as ruler

  and sun worship

  and Vitcos

  Savoy, Gene

  Saw Mill


  Sayri Tupac

  Scott, Robert Falcon

  Scribner’s Magazine

  Secret of the Incas (1954)

  Semicircular Temple

  Shakur, Afeni

  Shakur, Tupac

  Shining Path

  Sixpac Manco hostel

  skeletal remains

  and Eaton

  at Machu Picchu

  at Patallacta

  and trepanation

  and Virgins of the Sun theory

  Slocum, Joshua


  Smith, Hugh M.

  Smith, Huntington “Coot,” Jr.

  Smithsonian Institution



  solstice lines

  and connection between Inca sites

  and constellations

  and the Enigmatic Window

  and the Inca Trail trip

  and Llactapata

  and Machu Picchu

  and Patallacta

  and Sayacmarca

  and spiritual tourism

  and usnus

  soroche (altitude sickness)

  South American Explorer club

  South American Explorer Magazine

  South Pole expeditions

  Southern Cross

  Spanish-American War

  Spanish conquest of Peru. See also conquistadores

  Spielberg, Steven

  spiritual significance of Inca sites. See mysticism and spirituality

  Stanley, Henry

  Sterling Memorial Library

  stonework of Inca sites



  and INC reconstruction work

  Intihuatana shrines


  Machu Picchu

  strangler figs


  Suchli, Justo

  and anniversary of Bingham’s trip

  on apus

  and Choquequirao

  daily hiking routine

  and Espiritu Pampa

  and Huancacalle

  and Inca Trail trip

  and Kolpacasa Pass

  and Llactapata

  and muleteer injury

  and offerings to Pachamama

  preparations for trip

  and Puquiura

  and Santa Teresa

  and Sixpac Manco hostel

  and start of trip

  and superstition

  and Valentin farm

  and Yanama camp

  Sumac, Yma

  Sun Gate

  Sun Temple

  sun worship


  Taft, William Howard

  Tampu Tocco

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and creation myth

  and the Inca Trail

  and Machu Picchu theories


  Taylor, Frederick

  Temple of the Condor

  Temple of the Sun

  Temple of the Three Windows


  and agriculture

  and Espiritu Pampa

  and Llactapata

  and Machu Picchu

  and Ollantaytambo

  and Patallacta

  and Vitcos

  Thompson, Hugh

  Tiffany, Charles



  Titu Cusi

  Toledo, Alejandro


  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and Machu Picchu

  and Patallacta

  trains to Machu Picchu

  treasure hunting. See also huaqueros (grave robbers); looting

  and Berns

  and Bingham’s second expedition

  and Choquequirao

  and Columbus

  and the conquistadores

  Efrain on

  and Espiritu Pampa

  and Indiana Jones character

  and Lake Titicaca

  and museum collections

  and Vitcos


  tunki (bird)

  Tupac Amaru

  Tupac Amaru II,

  Two Years Before the Mast (Dana)

  ukuku masks

  United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

  Urton, Gary

  Urubamba River

  and the Berns land claim

  and celestial orientation of Inca sites

  and the Inca Trail

  and Lost City theories

  proximity to Machu Picchu

  and routes to Machu Picchu

  Urubamba Valley

  usnu platforms

  Valcárcel, Luis

  Valley of the Kings

  Vargas Llosa, Mario

  Vega, Garcilaso


  Verano, John

  Vilcabamba River

  Vilcabamba the New (town)

  Vilcabamba the Old (archaeological site)

  and Andean place names

  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and Calancha’s writings

  and the Inca Trail

  and the Inkarri myth

  and Lost City theories

  and Savoy’s expeditions

  and Spanish refugees

  ubiquity of name

  Village Voice

  Virgins of the Sun

  Vista Alegre


  and Bingham’s expeditions

  and Calancha’s writings

  hike to

  and Inca road system

  and the Inca Trail

  and Leivers’ preservation ethic

  and Lost City theories

  Machu Picchu compared to

  and Manco Inca

  obscurity of

  and orientation of Inca sites

  and Pachacutec

  proximity to river

  religious significance of Inca sites

  and route planning

  site described

  viewed from Phuyupatamarca

  The Wall Street Journal

  weather of Peru. See also climate of Peru

  White, E. B.

  White Rock (Yurak Rumi)

  Wiener, Charles

  wildlife of Peru


  and the Amazon jungle

  Andean geese

  Andean spectacled bears

  and animal sacrifice

  and cloud forests






  and tropical rainforest

  tunki bird

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wiñay, Wayna

  Wright, Kenneth

  Yale Corporation

  Yale Corps

  Yale Political Union

  Yale University

  and antiquities dealing

  and artifacts controversy

  Bingham’s hope for an appointment

  Bingham’s student career at

  and expedition sponsorship

  and Indiana Jones franchise

  and Machu Picchu theories

  positions offered to Bingham

  Rare Books and Manuscripts Room

  and research on Machu Picchu


  Yanama River

  Yanama (town)


  Yaruro people

  Yupanqui, Angelina

  Yurak Rumi (White Rock)


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