Satisfied 2X

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Satisfied 2X Page 52

by Nicole Elliot

  “Feels so good.” She exhaled between Jason’s kisses.

  “Relax and it can feel better,” Wyatt reminded her.

  She let go and opened herself to him. His tongue was like a warm ray coating her with hot light. He pressed his tongue deeper.

  Jason stood up, gazing at her. He loosened her robe, slipping it off her shoulders.

  “I want to come all over your tits, love.”

  She nodded.

  He shrugged his pajama pants off before climbing on the counter and straddling her. He pressed his erect cock to her lips.

  She inhaled him. She loved sucking his dick.

  Wyatt’s tongue eased into her swollen pussy before returning to her backdoor.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head. It was complete ecstasy. Jason in her mouth. Wyatt fucking her with his tongue slowly and gently. They each took their time. Their hands massaged and caressed her. Each was careful to only dole out thrusts of gentle pleasure.

  She heard Wyatt’s grunts and realized he was fisting himself while giving her pleasure.

  The orgasms cinched them like dominos. Kayla felt hers ripple through her as Wyatt pumped faster. She exploded around him, squeezing his tongue with all her power.

  “Fuck, baby.” He moved, slicing his cock between her folds, careful not to penetrate her pussy as his come exploded from his body. At the same time Jason pulled back and covered her tits in his release. He emptied himself on her, panting. His brow dripped with sweat.

  Kayla’s eyes closed. She felt sated. Soothed.

  “How do you feel now?” Jason asked.

  “Can we do that again?” She looked at them.

  They both laughed, trying to catch their breath. “After breakfast, love.”

  Jason got a towel for her and a new robe. Once she was cleaned off, Wyatt returned her to the kitchen table.

  He leaned toward her ear and whispered, “You are insatiable.”

  She smiled and took a bite of her pancakes, letting the moment of triumph wash over her.



  “You know I’m sorry Jason’s not the one on the walk with you.”

  Kayla looked up at Wyatt as they hiked through rows of grapes. “Why do you say that?”

  “He knows all this shit. I’m the silent partner in the vineyard.”

  She laughed. “I like walking. I don’t have to know everything about the estate.”

  “Good.” He threaded his fingers through hers. He had warm strong hands. She leaned her head against the bottom of his shoulder.

  “But you could tell me some other things,” she answered cautiously.

  “Like what?”

  She twisted her lips together. “I want to know more about you. I feel like Jason is an open book. He’s told me all about his parents, the divorce, all the college stories, but you. You.” She gazed into his eyes. “You’re a guarded mystery, Wyatt.”

  “And that bothers you?”

  “I already feel closer to you than I thought possible, but I want to know you. The real you.”

  He stopped walking. They had reached the top of a hill. They could see the house behind them. Jason had been caught up in a stockholder problem, he had offered to handle for Wyatt.

  “It’s not easy for me. I’m not like Jason.”

  She pressed her hands on his arm. “And I love that about you. You two are so different. You give me everything I could ever want. I see that. I feel it.”

  “And that’s not enough?”

  “It’s enough. More than enough. Last night, Wyatt…”

  He pulled her roughly toward him. “You don’t have to say anything.”

  She nodded. “I do. I’m not the same woman now.” She was fighting the tears back. They were ready to spill from her eyes.

  The emotions were still new and fresh. Everything was doubled because the experience was double the pleasure and twice as much power.

  “What you gave to me last night was fucking amazing, Kayla.”

  His lips collided with hers as his tongue lashed wildly in her mouth. She moaned into the kiss as his arms tightened around her.

  “I’ve never felt so purely adored in my life,” she whispered.

  He brushed the hair from her shoulder. “Good. We want you to feel that way.”

  They continued to walk, meandering along the trails. Wyatt plucked a few grapes to feed to her.

  “Yum. No wonder the wine here is so good.”

  “Again, you have to ask Jason about all of that. He knows everything about this damn place.”

  “Why here? Why Napa?” she asked. “Best grapes I guess?”

  Wyatt was more quiet than usual. “I used to come here as a kid.”

  “You did?” She knew there was surprise in her voice.

  He nodded. “Family vacations every summer. My mom loved it. My dad would plan out this entire romantic picnic for her and bring her up when my sisters and I were asleep. The house used to be a hotel before Jason and I bought it.”

  “You have sisters?” She almost choked on a grape.

  “I do. Three, actually.”

  This was good. He was opening up. Telling her things about his life. Sharing with her things she wanted and needed to know. She was connected to this man forever—she had no doubt, but the details still had to be filled in.

  “It’s the reason Jason pushed us to buy the vineyard. He knew it had memories for me.”

  “Memories? Does your family still visit the vineyard?”

  His eyes grew darker. “No. My mother died when I was in high school. My dad stopped coming here. The family trips stopped.”

  “Oh, Wyatt. I’m sorry. I know it sounds useless because people say it to me all the time when they hear about my parents, but I’m truly sorry.”

  “Thanks, baby.” He kissed the side of her neck, inhaling her hair. She felt his warmth as he snuggled closer. Sometimes he was like a giant bear.

  “Coming here makes you feel closer to her, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded. “My parents loved each other like nothing I’ve ever seen before. And that’s what I want. But I know what kind of man I am. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not, Kayla. I have a short temper. I love business. I travel all the time. I realize I can’t offer a woman everything, but with Jason I can. I can love you. I can worship your beautiful body. I can please you in bed beyond your wildest dreams.”

  Her knees started to weaken. If only he knew the way it felt when he did the things he did to her.

  “But, I need Jason to give you the other half of that. He’s funny. He likes to go out. He doesn’t let business lock him behind doors for hours on end. We’re two different men.”

  Kayla realized more and more that they had yet again put the best parts of themselves forward. They were offering her their best selves. And in return all she had to do was be adored and worshipped.

  She wrapped her hands around his neck. “Thank you for all of this. For saving me.”

  He kissed her hard. “Thank you for giving yourself over and over.” He squeezed her ass playfully.

  “Anytime.” She giggled. “Anytime.”



  He’d never had trouble focusing during a board meeting before. Wyatt kept blinking at the reports. He didn’t need help staying awake. He needed something to keep his dick from growing every time he thought about Kayla and the weekend at the vineyard. Napa had changed everything.

  He had it bad.

  Monday morning had hit him like a wrecking ball. All three of them had to climb out of Kayla’s warm bed and get ready for work.

  She was nervous people in the office would know something was up, as if they could see it on her forehead that she had slept with both her bosses.

  Jason laughed about it and offered to give her a lunchtime quickie if that would help her calm down. It only seemed to make her more nervous.

  Wyatt knew things had gone to a different level over the weekend. A level
he never expected. A place he and Jason had never been with a woman. There were already feelings involved. Serious feelings. He looked at the chart in front of him while the board member droned on.

  Wyatt was falling for this girl.

  He had to know if Jason was too.

  As soon as the board meeting was over, he pulled Jason aside.

  “I think we need to talk.”

  “What’s going on, brother?”

  “It’s about Kayla. Let’s take this to my office.”

  Jason looked concerned. “Is she ok? I just saw her before we came in here. She has a meeting with the tech team for the launch. Did something happen?”

  “She’s fine. Come on. I don’t want to talk about it here. It’s about us—not work.”

  Wyatt closed the heavy double doors to his office, sealing them inside.

  “Ok, what’s this about?” Jason questioned. “What’s going on?”

  “Where do you stand with Kayla?”

  “Where do I stand? I think you were there. You know exactly where I stand. We had a phenomenal weekend. She’s incredible.”

  Wyatt rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, she is.”

  “I get the sense though that something is wrong. You don’t seem as happy as I thought you were. Aren’t you happy? She’s perfect.”

  “It’s not wrong. Nothing is wrong. I think this weekend changed everything.” He looked at his best friend. “I’ve completely fallen for her.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  Wyatt paced in front of the windows. “I want to know where you are.”

  “Why? I’m committed. I’ve told you that. I’ve told her that. I’m not backing out. I told her and you, that this is it. What has you freaked out?”

  “Because I think we need to make sure that she is completely free and clear of her uncle. I can’t stop thinking about it. The deal. The debt.”

  Jason stared. “You don’t think she’s safe?”

  “Look, when this started she was part of a debt payoff. And yeah, I wanted to fuck her. I don’t deny any of that. But she’s ours now, Jason. We made her ours. We owe her this. She gave us something she’s never given anyone. We have to protect her. And if her uncle is the asshole he seems to be, he could break his deal with her. Who knows when he would try to use her again. He could threaten her. We have to make sure that never happens.”

  “What are you saying, Wyatt? We aren’t in the murder business. We aren’t criminals. We are in the global business of making money.”

  “Calm the fuck down. I didn’t say I was going to kill the bastard.”

  “Then what are you suggesting?”

  “We’ll pay him. Whatever he wants.”

  “You’re going to buy her?” Jason looked stunned.

  “Do you have a better idea? I’m buying her protection, not her.”

  Jason sighed. “I don’t think Kayla would see it that way. She told us how she feels about her uncle. She hates him, man.”

  “I’m going to tell her before I talk to Rudino. She deserves to know what I’m thinking. I want her to know we’ll do anything we have to do to keep her safe. She has to come first.”

  “I agree. I’m in. Whatever you need.”

  Wyatt paused. “I had another idea.”

  “Well, shit. You’re all over the place today.”

  “Hear me out. We need to give her a couple nights off.”

  Jason shook his head. “Now that she’ll never go for. She’s insatiable. And I feel the same way when I’m around her. I can’t stop thinking about her. I want her all the time, man. All the damn time.”

  “But she has to rest. And her body will adjust, but both of us together, was a lot for her. I think we should send her to a marketing conference that starts tomorrow. Just for two nights. Vicki told me about it this morning. She would fly out tonight.”

  “A conference? And what in the hell do we do while she’s gone?”

  “What we did before she was ours. We work. It’s two nights—that’s it.”

  Jason huffed. “You’re right.”

  Wyatt eyed him. “Now, that we are not going to tell her.”

  “Got it. She doesn’t need to think we’re sending her away. It would crush her.”

  “Exactly. It’s just a chance for her to rest. We’ll put her up in a five-star hotel. Penthouse suite. Everything she wants. She can get a massage. Go shopping.”

  “You know she doesn’t want that stuff, man. She just wants us.”

  “I know.” Wyatt’s smile faded. “I know.”



  Mondays were always rough, but this one was brutal. Kayla eyed the doors on either side of her walls at least a hundred times. She knew Wyatt was on one side and Jason on the other. All she could think about was being in their arms. Their mouths on her body.

  She shuddered with the rush between her legs. One thought of what they had done together over the weekend and she was wet and hot.

  If it wasn’t for the tech meeting in five minutes, she wasn’t sure she couldn’t trust herself not to walk through one of those doors. But which? She didn’t want to choose. She knew from now on, she would always want both.

  She had given herself to them and she knew it included her heart.

  She gathered her files and her laptop and headed for the conference room on the tech floor. She wondered if everyone was staring at her. If they could see that she had been taken twice. If they could see the afterglow still penetrating from her skin.

  She shook the thoughts and took a seat at the head of the table.

  “Good morning, everyone.” She smiled brightly at the group gathered in front of her. “Are you ready to get started on the integration proposal?”

  “Kayla, I have a few questions on his this is going to roll out,” Barb spoke up.

  “Ok, then let’s go over it. Turn to page five for the timeline and we can work through it.”

  In a matter of minutes, she was focused on something else. If there hadn’t been an entire team in front of her, peppering her with questions and needing her guidance she knew she’d be doing something entirely different.

  It was after lunch by the time she wrapped the meeting. As soon as she entered the executive lobby, Vickie met her at the elevators.

  “I have something for you,” she announced.

  “What is it?” Kayla took the leather briefing packet.

  Vickie shuttled her into her office.

  “There’s a conference in New York. All the top marketing executives are going to be there. It’s completely my fault. I’m so sorry, but I should have had you booked for this trip your first day here. I completely screwed this up. But we didn’t have anyone in charge of the department and I let it slip.”

  “Vickie, it’s ok. Don’t apologize.” She leafed through the itinerary. She would be spending two nights in New York and staying at the Waldorf. “Are you sure I need to go?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid to tell Mr. Miller or Mr. Wentmore how royally I messed this up for you. You should be there. You are the leader in marketing now and without your presence, they would think Miller-Wentmore would look overshadowed.”

  Kayla put her hand on the assistant’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. It will be fine. I’ll speak to them.”

  “Can you just tell them you were going all along? Do you have to mention I was late in the planning?”

  Kayla bit her lip. She didn’t want to leave Chicago. She was just getting used to sleeping between Jason and Wyatt. According to the packet, she would be on a flight tonight.

  “Please?” Vicki pleaded.

  “Oh, all right. But maybe I could go for one night instead of two?”

  Vicki looked relieved. “Why don’t you try it and then if you need to come back early, we can arrange it.”

  “I guess I should let…” her words trailed off. How did she speak about Wyatt and Jason in front of the other employees? “I’ll tell Mr. Miller and Mr. Wentmore. Thank you, Vickie.
And don’t worry, it will stay our little secret.” She winked as the woman walked out of the office.

  Kayla took the leather file and walked through the secret door to Wyatt’s office. Usually the men were there together. She looked over at the sofa as she waltzed through the private lounge. She considered it the place she decided she wanted more than one man in her life. The place she opened her mind and body to endless possibilities. She smiled, tapping on Wyatt’s door.

  “Come in,” he called.

  She was right. They were both here.

  “How is your day, love?” Jason brushed his lips against hers. He seemed to always like to get to her first.

  She felt the instant tingle his kisses gave her. “Better now.”

  Wyatt stood from his desk. “What have you brought us?” He pointed at the file in her hands.

  “Oh, this. It’s a marketing conference. I think I was too distracted to mention it this weekend. But I have to fly out tonight for New York.”

  “You do? How long will you be gone?” Jason asked.

  “It’s two nights, but I was considering coming back early.”

  Wyatt looked serious. “And this is necessary?”

  She nodded. “It’s a prestigious event. I have to represent Miller-Wentmore. And considering the launch, the timing is actually impeccable.”

  “I see.”

  She couldn’t gage his emotions. Was he disappointed? Was he upset with her for leaving after the intimacy of the weekend? Yesterday he had given her a glimpse into his past. He had been vulnerable on their walk through the vineyard. She loved seeing that side of him.

  “I could cancel,” she volunteered.

  Jason shook his head. “No. We are all adults. And running this company means we have to work. We have to lead. Wyatt and I will be fine for a couple nights.”

  “You’re sure?”

  He nodded. “Think of all the lost time we can make up for when you return.”

  “You promise?”

  Wyatt’s voice echoed behind her. “Absolutely.”


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