Satisfied 2X

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Satisfied 2X Page 53

by Nicole Elliot

  “I need to go by my apartment after work to pick up a few things for the flight. My suitcases are there too.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Jason interrupted. “We bought you all new things.”

  She laughed. “And everything is beautiful, but I do like some of my own things. And I have this special travel pillow I use for flights. I want to take it.”

  “We’ll buy you a new pillow.” He wrapped his arms around her. “You know you could take the jet if you wanted.”

  “Jason.” She pressed into the planes of his chest. When she looked in his eyes, all she could think about was how he held her when she came. How he steadied her through the most erotic sexual experience of her life. How his stare was the first thing she saw when Wyatt was behind her. They would forever be entwined in that moment.


  He bit at her bottom lip, playfully. “Hurry back, love.”

  “I will.” She walked over to give Wyatt a kiss. He surprised her when he picked her off the floor and pulled her into his arms. The kiss was rough and passionate. It reminded her of yesterday. She sighed.

  “Now you can go.” He stood her upright, but she grabbed the desk for balance. “And when you come back, I’d like to talk to you about a few things.”

  “Oh? Is everything ok?”

  He nodded. “It’s some logistical things. Nothing to worry about on your trip.”

  “Ok. Sounds good. I’d love to talk.” She was almost at the front door when she realized she came through the secret entrance. “Oops. I don’t want Vickie to know I sneaked in here.”

  She retraced her steps. “I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

  “Have a safe trip.”

  She waved good bye. For an instant, she wished they would scoop her up and tell her it was impossible for her to leave. They needed her here to exist. To breathe. But Jason was right. They were adults. And this was certainly the most advanced relationship of her life.

  “Bye.” She closed the door, leaving them behind.



  It felt strange to be in her apartment again. She turned on the light in the kitchen. The last time she had been here she had left a coffee mug in the sink and a pile of mail on the counter. Jason and Wyatt had made it clear she was going to live with them at the penthouse permanently. After the trip to New York she would have to set aside time to box up a few personal items she had.

  She had kept pictures and albums her mother had made. Her baby book. The portraits from her parent’s wedding. Those were priceless memories that would move with her to the penthouse.

  Kayla added water to her plants at the window. It would be enough to get them through a few more days. At least she didn’t have any pets. She had considered getting a cat, but that was before her new relationship. She laughed, wondering what her boyfriends would think of a kitten or even a puppy running around their spotless apartment.

  In the back of her linen closet was the lavender eye mask and the sleeping pillow she used on flights. She tried different brands, but this pillow was made of down and she felt as if she was sleeping on a cloud.

  “That’s it,” she announced to the empty apartment. She tucked the items into her suitcases and rolled them to the front door. She had to run by the penthouse and pack before going to the airport.

  The private jet wasn’t necessary, but she wasn’t going to turn down the Miller-Wentmore chauffeur.

  Just as Kayla opened the door, she froze. Her heart fell to her stomach.

  “Hi, Kayla.”

  “Uncle Rudi, what are you doing here?”

  “Thought I’d pay my niece a visit. What’s this here?” He pointed at the bags.

  “I don’t have time to catch up.” She steeled herself, tipping her chin forward. “I have a business trip.”

  “A business trip? What kind?”

  Her uncle blocked the door and hadn’t moved an inch.

  “It’s for Miller-Wentmore Global,” she snarled. “You should know what my obligations are for the next year.”

  He cracked a nasty smile. “And how’s the gig panning out? Have you made my money back yet?”

  “It doesn’t work like that. It takes time, but it will be paid back.”

  He nodded. “Good. Good to hear you’re finally worth something.”

  The anger rushed through her. “Worth something? I’m worth more than you know.”

  “Oh, you think because you’re some hot shit executive that you’re better than me now? Is that it? That you can talk down to your family? I took you in, you little shit. I raised you.”

  Kayla glared. “You didn’t raise me. You barely kept me fed. And you only did that so social services wasn’t breathing down your neck.”

  He moved closer and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. She knew better than to let the argument escalate. When he drank, he was a devil.

  “You’ve always been ungrateful. Just like your damn mother.” He shook his finger in her face. “You’re in that job because of me. Don’t forget that.”

  She couldn’t stop herself. “I’m in that job because Wyatt and Jason want me there. And I’m not leaving. Not ever.”

  He almost stumbled backward, but caught himself. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Jason and Wyatt? Don’t you mean Mr. Miller and Mr. Wentmore?”

  “It means I’m wanted at MWG. It means I finally have two men who care about me. That respect me. That know I’m worth something because I am an educated, smart woman. They don’t talk to me the way you do. They don’t treat me like utter shit.” The words kept pouring out. “You know where we went over the weekend? To Napa. To their estate. You know where I’m going? To New York and they are putting me in the most expensive room at the Waldorf. Yes, the Waldorf. You know where I live now? In the MWG penthouse—with them. I am with them. Not you. Not ever again. You and I are not family. They are my family.” She was out of breath. “Get the hell out of my way.”

  She pushed past him, dragging the suitcases behind her. She knew if she didn’t make it to the elevator, her knees would give out from either fear or adrenaline.

  The doors closed behind her as he uncle stood motionless in the hallway. His mouth was agape. She leaned into the wall, finally exhaling.

  She did it. She stood up for herself. And it felt fucking amazing.



  “I don’t like that I’m so far away,” Kayla pouted over FaceMessage to Wyatt and Jason. They took turns passing her back and forth on their tablet.

  “Two nights, love,” Jason reassured her.

  She fell onto a pile of silk pillows. “My room is stunning. I’ve never seen anything like it. Want a tour?” She held up her phone.

  “Sure.” Wyatt had the screen now.

  She walked through the rooms in the suites. “You know I didn’t need so many rooms for only me. I think Vickie went overboard.”

  “Don’t you know by now we do everything overboard?”

  She giggled. “I do.” She walked into the kitchen. “See, you could cook for days in here, Wyatt.”

  “I see that.”

  She walked to the living room. “And there are three TVs in here, so you two don’t have to fight over what to watch.”

  Jason yanked the phone from his friend. “Too bad we can’t be there tonight.”

  “I know.” She frowned. “But I checked in early for the conference and it looks amazing. I’m going to make sure by the time I leave here everyone knows how epic our launch is going to be.”

  “That’s our girl,” Wyatt called over Jason’s shoulder. “We have complete confidence in you.”

  She grinned. “I guess by tomorrow night I’ll be too tired to miss you. And then I’ll be home the next day.”

  “And in your own bed.” Jason winked.

  “With both of you?” she teased.

  “Did you have other boyfriends in mind?”

  She laughed, falling back onto the bed. She
loved them—her two boyfriends. It was perfect what they had.

  Kayla held a cup of coffee as she walked into the first seminar of the day. The room was crowded. The only seats left were the ones in the front row. She walked down a long aisle, before finding a place front and center.

  She smiled at the man next to her. He was texting someone and didn’t notice.

  She wondered what Wyatt and Jason were doing at the office now. Vickie was probably getting their coffee ready and prepping the staff for a board meeting.

  She had checked in with Austin before leaving the hotel this morning. He was running things for her while she was in New York.

  The lights dimmed and Kayla focused on the speaker. She turned her phone to silent.

  “Good morning and welcome to New York.” His voice was clear on the speakers.

  The audience clapped lightly as if they were on a golf course.

  “Global marketing is something I have been speaking about for over twenty years. And wow, has it changed,” he continued.

  Kayla listened, but the more he spoke, the more her mind wandered. She tried to follow him as he walked back and forth across the audience. She tried to take mental notes of his assessment of the global climate on marketing. She zeroed in on the mouthpiece he used. She watched his multi-media presentation. But no matter what she did, her mind always traveled to the same place. It was unavoidable. She might be a global force in marketing, but she also knew she was a woman in love. All she could think about was Wyatt and Jason.

  By the time the conference ended for the day Kayla wandered to the conference lobby.

  “Hey, you going out for drinks tonight?” She recognized one of the girls from the working lunch session she attended.

  “No. I think I’m going to order room service and watch a movie,” she answered.

  “You should come with us. The theme party at the bar is the Love Boat.”

  “Oh?” Kayla didn’t know how to say politely that she wasn’t interested in mandatory fun. It was a requirement she was glad didn’t exist at Miller-Wentmore Global. “I’m afraid I didn’t bring my cruise ship wardrobe.”

  The girl laughed. “I don’t think we dress up, just the bartenders and wait staff. It will be fun. My parents loved that show.”

  “Thanks, really. But I’m tired and it’s my last night in New York. I think I’m going to get some rest before I fly back after the conference tomorrow.”

  The girl shrugged. “Ok. But if you change your mind I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks. Have fun.”

  Kayla walked outside where her driver was waiting for her. Vickie had every detail covered on this trip. Maybe it was a waste to spend her last night here locked inside her suite, but she couldn’t wait to call her guys. She wanted to see their gorgeous faces on the screen and hear their sexy voices.

  Tomorrow night she’d be back at the penthouse. She bit her bottom lip, wondering what the reunion would feel like.

  “We’re here.” The driver deposited her outside the Waldorf.

  “Thank you.” Kayla climbed from the car.

  As soon as she walked into the hotel, she felt a strange sensation. It was as if there were eyes on her, but not from the lobby passers-by. She walked through the lobby and couldn’t shake the feeling. Her skin prickled.

  She tapped the button for the elevator and waited for it to carry her to her suite. She even took her shoes off inside the elevator. Her feet had been sore all day. High heels and walking through a gigantic conference center were not a good combination.

  As Kayla pulled the key card from her bag she heard the doors open behind her. She spun around.

  “Uncle Rudy?”

  “Surprised to see me?”



  “Something is wrong. I’ve tried her phone three times and it keeps going to voicemail.” Jason paced in Wyatt’s office.

  They were splitting a bottle of bourbon. Both decided there was no point going home if Kayla wasn’t there.

  “You know how those conferences are. People grab dinner and drinks all the time. Knowing her she is collecting as many contacts as she possibly can so she can take over the world.” Wyatt tipped his bourbon back.

  Jason couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to it. It was after nine. They should have heard from Kayla by now.

  “I’m flying out there.”

  “What the hell?” Wyatt looked at him.

  “We sent her to New York. There’s no telling what could have happened. I’ll bring her back on the jet.”

  “Jason, you are way overreacting. Kayla is a strong independent woman. She’s proven that over again.”

  He shook his head. “Why don’t we both go? We can surprise her.”

  Wyatt reached for the crystal decanter to pour them both another round. “I’d like that. She’d fucking love it. But it wasn’t the point of the trip.”

  Jason huffed in his chair. “Damn, she’s in my head.”

  Wyatt slapped him on the back. “Don’t I know it, brother. She’s in mine too.”

  Jason jumped when he heard a phone ring. Wyatt’s was vibrating on the desk.

  “Is it Kayla?” he asked.

  Wyatt nodded. He accepted the video message. “Hey, baby.” Wyatt chuckled. “Jason has been—” But his smile dropped the instant the screen came into focus.

  Jason rushed to his side, something was fucked up. He could tell.

  It wasn’t Kayla. It was Rudino Mancetti.

  “Where’s Kayla?” Wyatt barked.

  “Hey boys.” Rudino smacked his gums.

  Jason growled, “Where is Kayla? Why are you calling us on her phone?”

  “Turns out this sweet little niece of mine is worth a whole hell of a lot more than I realized.”

  “Rudino,” Wyatt warned, gritting his teeth. “Where is Kayla?”

  The screen pivoted and Jason’s lungs seized when he saw Kayla sitting on the bed crying.


  “She’s fine. Calm down. You think I’d hurt my own flesh and blood?”

  “Damn it, Rudino. What is this about?”

  They waited for a response.

  “This is about finally getting what I deserve. Finally getting what is mine.”

  “What you deserve?” Wyatt’s tone grew increasingly more hostile. “You fucked us over, you bastard. You are lucky you have Kayla in your life. Lucky I didn’t come after you with the full force of our global company.”

  The man sat on the bed next to his weeping niece. “Honey, tell your boyfriends what they need to do.” He handed her the phone.

  Kayla wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

  “You didn’t do anything,” Jason tried to comfort her. “Are you ok? Has he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “No. But he want’s five million dollars.”

  Wyatt pressed his lips together. “Done.”

  Jason looked at him. “Are you crazy?”

  “What else?” Wyatt asked. “What else does he want?”

  She looked next to her. “Residual annual fees for my dowry.” The tears fell from her cheeks.

  “What the fuck is a dowry?” Jason roared. “This is not the damn 1700s.”

  Rudino snatched the phone away. “If you want in on my family. If you want my niece, that is the price. Five million upfront and I’d say half a million each year after that should take care of it.”

  “No,” Kayla sputtered. “Don’t do it, Wyatt. Don’t even think about paying him.”

  Wyatt looked over at Jason. “Tell the pilot to chart us for New York.”

  He nodded. “Got it.” He would fly them himself if he had to. Jason pulled out his phone and listened as Wyatt continued the call.

  “We will be there tonight. If you hurt her, or even consider touching her.”

  Rudino shot him a glare. “Get me the money.”

  He hung up and the screen went blank.



  The next few hours were torture. Uncle Rudy ordered trays of room service while she huddled on the bed and waited. She listened to him eat with his mouth open. He had always been a slob. The kind of man who walked around with a stain on his shirt leftover from something smelly at lunch.

  “Finally, you’re good for something, Kayla. Good for something. I knew I did good taking you in.”

  “Shut up,” she shouted. “This is completely illegal what you’re doing. It’s called extortion.”

  “It’s money. Money you owe me. I deserve every fucking penny they are paying me.” He reached into a silver platter for a handful of French fries. At least if he was going to order room service at the Waldorf, he could have tried the lobster or something refined, but that was never who her uncle was.

  He was the man who thought everyone owed him something. His deals would go sour, but he never could see the role he played in it. There was another person to blame. Someone else to take responsibility. He even blamed his sister for dying and leaving her child behind. That’s the kind of man he was.

  “No one owes you anything. My parents left me money, which you could have used to pay for a roof over my head, or food on my plate, but you gambled it. You didn’t pay for me to go to college. I earned scholarships and worked two jobs to get through school. There was the time you had to pay something when I broke my arm. But I could write you a check for five hundred dollars. No one owes you a damn thing. You are insane.”

  “That’s enough. Just like your mother, trying to talk down to me.”

  Kayla stood from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” He eyed her.

  “I have to use the restroom. Is that ok with you?” Her question dripped with sarcasm.

  He waved her off. “I don’t give a shit. They’ll be here soon with my money.”

  Kayla locked the door behind her. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. It revived her in some small way.


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