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Girth Page 9

by Savannah Rylan

  I was breathing hard, when my orgasm finally began to subside. I could hear her breathing loudly too. She fell down on the mattress immediately after, and I crashed down with her, covering her body with mine.

  We lay like that for a few moments, before I finally moved, slipping my throbbing fulfilled cock out of her pussy and crashing down beside her on the bed.

  She turned to me. Her cheeks were flushed and her face was glowing with excitement, as I guessed mine was too.

  What had I done? Why couldn’t I stop myself? Why couldn’t I resist this woman no matter how hard I tried.

  Lila was watching me, as though she was waiting for my reaction. I was wracked with guilt. The pleasure of the first few moments after a great orgasm was clouded by my guilt and rage. She could see it too, and the light in her eyes dimmed.

  “Girth…” she said, and reached her hand over to touch my face. She was weaving her fingers into my beard and I clasped my hand around hers. I knew she was expecting me to push her hand away, but I didn’t. I couldn’t stop touching her, no matter how wrong I knew it was.

  “I think I want a smoke,” I said, finally moving off the bed. Lila remained lying there on the bed, with her dress pulled up to her waist.

  “Okay, I think I’m going to nap, I feel strangely happily tired right now,” she said, and I watched her as I pulled up my pants.

  She was settling into her bed now, pulling the covers over her. For a moment, I had a flashing image of what life would be like if we were living together. How beautiful she would look every morning when I woke up beside her.

  Lila smiled lightly at me, as I took the box of cigarettes out of the pocket of my jeans.

  “You can smoke here if you like,” she suggested and I pulled a cigarette out of the box with my mouth.

  “I’ll smoke outside, you should get some sleep,” I told her and Lila fluttered her eyelids.

  I turned from her and walked to the door.

  “Girth,” she called to me and I stopped and looked at her again.

  “Can we talk when you get back?” she asked, in a quiet voice.

  What could we possibly have to talk about? What we were doing was wrong and I needed to find a way to make it stop, to resist her. But she looked too beautiful right now to be denied anything.

  “Sure, yeah, we’ll talk,” I said and opened the door, hoping that she’d be fast asleep by the time I was done chain-smoking a few cigarettes.

  I walked out of her house and onto the porch. I lit a cigarette and pulled the smoke into my lungs. I could feel my hands shaking lightly as I gripped the ledge of the porch and looked around me.

  No weapon, no fist-fight, no armed men had been able to bring me to my knees the way Lila had, and she was the only woman I couldn’t truly have. It wasn’t just about her father, she had told me about her dreams of running away from this place, moving somewhere where nobody knew her. It meant that we could never have a future together, because I would never be able to leave this life behind. It was the only thing I knew to do well, the only job I was good at.

  Chapter 15


  I couldn’t fall asleep, even though my limbs were aching and I could feel a light throb at the back of my head from all the excitement of the day. I didn’t know if I was feeling sick or just exhilarated from my multiple orgasms. Either way, I was exhausted but no matter how hard I tried to shut my eyes and fall asleep, all I could think about was Girth and how desperately I wanted him back in my bed again.

  However, I also knew that he needed his space. Girth was the kind of man who needed to make his own decisions and I didn’t want to push him into anything. I’d already pushed too much.

  I was looking forward to our ‘talk’, even though I wasn’t sure what we were going to talk about. I’d suggested it on a whim, and I was surprised to find that he’d agreed. I couldn’t help but worry though, that the talk would go very differently from what I was hoping. I had my suspicions, that Girth was going to put an end to what was going on between us. Our relationship was going to be short lived.

  I tossed and turned in bed, then eventually turned my back to the long bay windows where the fluttering curtains were keeping me distracted.

  My mind drifted to Girth again, and I pictured him standing outside, smoking his cigarettes and keeping an eye on the premises. I forced myself to close my eyes so that I could put my mind to some rest.

  It was difficult. I was picturing New York, even though I’d never been there before. I was picturing being in New York with Girth.

  I must have been so deep in thoughts about running away from home, that I didn’t hear the footsteps behind me. It was only when a hand clamped down on my mouth that my eyes flew open. For a moment, I hoped it was Girth and that he was back and he’d changed his mind and he was going to make love to me again.

  So, it was only when the man started pulling me back across the bed, keeping my arms pinned to my back that I started struggling.

  I kicked the sheets off with my feet, but he was too strong for me, he was pulling me back. I tried to scream but my voice was muffled by his hand on my mouth. I could smell his breath near my face as my body thudded against his chest. He had pulled me off the bed now, my feet had touched the floor.

  I struggled in his grip, with sweat trickling down my temples and the sides of my face. I could feel his rough hand, large enough to keep both my wrists tightly pressed to the small of my back. I screamed and struggled, but he was using his knees on the backs of my legs to push me forward.

  I could feel my eyes bulging, popping out of its sockets as I stared at the open window. The curtains were still fluttering but now I tried to push against it. The man was too strong, he had a firm grip on me.

  “Do as I say, sweet Lila,” I heard his hoarse deep voice near my ear and my heart sank to my stomach. His hand remained clamped on my mouth, I knew that my muffled voice wouldn’t reach Girth outside on the porch, no matter how hard I tried to scream. But I wasn’t going to give in so easily. I refused to be pushed out of the window. I held my ground, with my feet firmly planted to the floor and I screeched, even though my voice was muffled.

  After a few tries of trying to haul me out of the window, the man had no other choice but to throw me over his shoulder. I kicked my feet in the air and now that his hand was no longer on my mouth, I screamed as loud as I could.

  I wasn’t sure if Girth could hear me. The walls in my house were thick and he was standing all the way outside on the porch.

  The man had me thrown over his left shoulder, and both his arms were wound tightly around my body and now he was stepping out of the window in to the backyard of my house.

  I kicked and struggled as hard as I could, but I was no match to the man’s strength.

  “Girth! Help!” I was screaming till the back of my throat felt chaffed. I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I was trying to scratch the man’s back with my nails.

  We were out of the house now, and he was running, with my body bouncing in his arms. I felt lost and desperate to escape, but there was no escape. If Girth had heard me now, it was too late. We were already out of the house.

  I couldn’t see where we were going, all I knew was that in the next minute, I was being thrown roughly into the backseat of a muscle car. I landed on my ass on the seat, sliding down, and someone slammed the door shut.

  “Girth!” I shrieked again and tried to get to the window, but there were three other men in the backseat and they were all holding me down, keeping my arms pinned to my back, my ass firmly on the seat.

  I heard the car’s engine starting now, we were about to drive off and there was still no sign of Girth. With tears streaming down my cheeks and my vision blurred from the crying; I looked into the faces of the men around me and I knew instantly that they were from the Dark Legion.


  My voice was stuck in my throat as I stared at the three men. They were staring back at me with wide gaping grins on their faces. They
were pleased with themselves.

  There were two other men in the front, one of whom I recognized as the guy who’d captured me from my bedroom. The car started and was driving off when we all heard a shot ring out. The tires screeched as the car took off and even though I couldn’t look out from the back of the car, I knew it was Girth. He knew I’d been kidnapped, and it was some relief.

  The man who’d grabbed me now leaned out of the window and fired back as the car went charging ahead. I slid and moved on the seat, my body knocked against the two men beside me and they smiled at me menacingly.

  “Such a pretty little thing,” one of them said, and he placed a hand on my exposed knee. I jerked my leg away from him and he laughed, before he grabbed my knee and pulled it towards himself again.

  “Who knew old Lewis could produce a thing like this one,” the driver in front said and the others laughed.

  I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I was frightened and suddenly very cold. Were they going to kill me like they planned the first time? Why hadn’t they killed me yet?

  We were charging ahead, and the car swerved and turned as it drove at top speed and I had no idea where we were going. Even if I recognized the route, my mind wasn’t working, everything outside the window looked foreign to me.

  “Don’t be afraid sweetheart, we’ll take good care of you,” the man on the other side of me said, while the other guy’s hand remained firmly clamped on my knee. My flesh stung where he was touching me and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest rapidly.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked and my voice didn’t even sound like my own. It was an alien voice, hoarse and chaffed and it hurt my throat to even say a word.

  “It’ll be a surprise, won’t it?” one of them said and he leaned towards me, positioning his face just inches away from mine. The stench of his alcohol ridden breath nearly made me sick.

  “What do you want from me? What do you want from Daddy?” I growled and my throat hurt again. The three men in the backseat laughed and one of them inched closer towards me, pushing me further towards the other one.

  “I don’t know what these guys want, but I know what I do,” he said and I glared at him as his gaze dropped to my breasts and then the spot between my legs. I knew he was undressing me with his eyes and suddenly my dress seemed like too little clothing. I wished I was covered in every piece of clothing from my closet; and even that wouldn’t be enough against his piercing gaze.

  His breath fell on my face and fluttered a few strands of my golden hair. With a menacing smile on his face, he brushed the hair away from my nose and neatly tucked them in behind my ear. My throat was dry and hurting, my eyes were burning up.

  I slapped him out of nowhere, even I wasn’t expecting to do it. There was a loud crack in the air, and instantly, the other four men broke into a laugh. The guy who’d been slapped was glaring at me and I noticed that his front tooth was chipped.

  He grabbed a bunch of my hair in his fist and yanked me close to him and I gasped. He was hurting me, and my eyes welled up with tears.

  “Don’t get too frisky with that hand of yours, sweet Lila, otherwise I’m going to have to tie it up. You wouldn’t like that would you?” he said and released his grip from my hair. The force of it pushed me back into the lap of the man on the other side and I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

  I cried out and struggled in his hold, but he was gripping me tightly to himself. I could feel the tension in his muscles. I knew he was horny for me and I was filled with dread. If they were going to keep me imprisoned, they were going to use me too, I could sense that they had every plan of doing that.

  “He’s not a nice man is he?” the guy said in my ear, while he looked at his friend who’d been slapped and was glaring at us now. I was panting from fear and I said nothing. I didn’t want to make another move now, in fear of which other part of my body these men might touch.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, I’ll take care of you. Keep you safe from the bad man,” he said in my ear and I sat absolutely still beside him, as his lip grazed my earlobe.

  “She smells delicious, wow, I wonder how she tastes,” he said with a hiss in his voice and his friends laughed at that. I could sense that the fear in my eyes was making them laugh harder, but I couldn’t pretend anymore. I couldn’t pretend to not be scared.

  There were gunshots again, and the driver swerved the car. My heart began racing in my chest again, it was Girth! He was following us. Suddenly, I didn’t feel that alone anymore, knowing that Girth was right behind us.

  The man in front leaned out of the window again and fired a few more shots.

  “No!” I shrieked and tried to stop him, by punching my fists into his back but the men around me pulled me back and settled me down between them again.

  “You just sit tight, sweetheart, let the big men take care of business,” the one who was talking to me earlier, said. I thought of Girth and what he was going to do to them when he caught up with us.

  “He’s going to kill you,” I hissed at him, but he only laughed at that.

  Chapter 16


  I could hear the blood rushing into my ears when I jumped on my bike. I was smoking my third cigarette on the porch, finally sitting down on the chair beside Lila’s front door, when I heard her scream.

  The cigarette fell from my hand and I pulled my gun out of my belt and ran into the house. Her screams were becoming fainter as I approached her room and when I kicked it open, I saw that her bed was empty. The sheets were crumbled and strewn while the open window beside her bed mocked me.

  “Fuck!” I growled and ran to it, to see a muscle car at the back starting up. I jumped out of the window and took a shot at its tires just as it screeched to a start and swerved.

  I could see Lila’s silhouette in the backseat, between three other heads and I cursed again.

  Growling with rage, I ran to my bike and jumped on it, kickstarting it in one motion. The car wasn’t far ahead of me, but keeping up with it was going to be a task. The driver was clearly good at getting rid of a tail. The closer I got to the car, the quicker it swerved and turned away from me.

  I wasn’t close enough to the car to see Lila’s silhouette anymore, but I knew she was in there with them. It made me sick to think about what they could be doing to her, saying to her. Were they touching her? How scared was she?

  I was riding my bike as fast as I could. I couldn’t go any faster.

  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of the window. I’d been distracted by Lila, by my desire for her and I didn’t do my job well. I should have been alert, I should have looked for the signs. I should have kept the windows locked and most importantly, I should have been surveying the property constantly to make sure that there were no blind spots. Instead, I had been in bed with the woman whose safety was my number one priority and now she’d been kidnapped.

  I could feel the flesh on the palms of my hands digging into the bike’s accelerator. I was growling under my breath, blaming myself. This was all my fault. I shouldn’t have fallen for the temptation that was Lila. I should have been a stronger man.

  I was trying hard to catch up with the car, firing shots at them when I could, but it was difficult and I was alone. I did what I knew had to be done, as difficult as it was to admit it. I called for backup.

  Abe answered his phone and sensed immediately that something was wrong.

  “They fucking have Lila,” I growled into the phone.

  “How? What the Fuck? Where were you?” Abe thundered into the phone.

  “I was on the porch. She was in her room with a window open. It was a blind spot and I didn’t see it. This is my fucking fault!” I was thundering into the phone too.

  I could sense Abe running, he was probably running to jump on his bike; even though he didn’t know where to go.

  “Where is she now? Did you see them take her?” Abe asked. I had to clench my jaws to stop myself from growling
again. This wasn’t the time for self deprecation. There would be enough time for that once I rescued her.

  “She’s in front of me, in a car,” I said and I called out the license plate number. I didn’t know where I was or where I was following them to. I was new to Orlando and not familiar with the city’s layout—another thing I should have taken care of the moment I got to this place. Another thing I had been distracted from when I met Lila.

  “Describe the road to me. I’m sending the men out right now. Which direction are you headed?” Abe was shouting in the phone.

  I told him as best as I could. The call ended quickly and I accelerated the bike again, the car ahead of me was turning off the road now and I realized that we were going to stop soon.

  We had turned off the road and I had caught up close with the car now. Close enough to see the back of Lila’s head. She was tightly wedged in between three other heads still and a chill ran down my spine. Were they touching her now? Holding her? Were her wrists tied? I could have choked those men with my bare hands if I got the chance to.

  We were coming to a stop in front of an abandoned looking warehouse. When I looked around me, I saw that we were in the middle of nowhere. How were Abe and the rest of the Marked Skulls ever going to find us here?

  I jumped off my bike, pulling my gun out again and ready for a shootout.

  The front door of the car opened and then the back door too and five big men poured out.

  This was going to be a quick shootout. Five men versus me. They were going to shoot me dead within seconds. Even though I had my gun pointed in their direction, none of them had taken a shot yet. My finger was on the trigger, ready to be pulled at a split-second’s notice. I knew that if I took the first shot at one of them, the other four would kill me within seconds.

  I needed to wait and bide my time to see what they had planned for us. If I was dead, there was going to be no hope for Lila’s survival either.


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