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Girth Page 10

by Savannah Rylan

  Chapter 17


  I saw the men loading their guns before they jumped out of the car, all five of them. I tried to escape, making a move for the lock on one of the doors, but the men held me back again while I kicked and screamed to be let go.

  The guy who was holding me close to himself, made sure that I didn’t escape before he locked all the doors shut when they got out the car. None of my struggles had made any difference to them. I was no match for these five hulking men.

  I screamed and tried to wriggle free from his grasp, but in the next second, all the doors were shut and I was trapped inside the car. Even though I knew there would be no point to it, I slammed my palms against the windows, thudding against it in the hopes that one of the doors would give way.

  I could hear my sharp breathing, I could feel the dried up tears on my cheeks. That throbbing ache at the back of my head had become stronger and I was suddenly feeling very cold.

  I gave up after a few minutes. There was no escape. I was trapped in the car.

  Looking through the back window of the car, I could now see Girth approaching the five men who were standing in front of him in a row. I stared at him, relieved to some extent just to see him.

  He looked strong and muscular, hovering tall as he stood in an attack stance, with his gun pointed at the men. However, no matter how strong and brave he was, no matter how much bigger he was than the other five; he was human and just one man against five others. I felt sick at the thought of what they could do to him. They could take him down with just a few bullets. They were going to kill Girth.

  I screamed at the top of my lungs, and even though my voice was muffled by the car, I knew Girth had heard me. His eyes twitched and I thought I saw a tremble in his fingers as he held his gun. But he was concentrating, he hadn’t turned to look at me. He was focused on the men.

  All I wanted was for both of us to survive this.

  I could hear the five men laughing, stroking their beards and pleased with the situation that Girth and I now found ourselves in. I could sense that they were making fun of his tall height and I cursed under my breath. They had no idea how strong he was.

  Behind us was an abandoned warehouse, where I assumed they were going to hold me captive after they had done away with Girth.

  I was shivering and cold, I could feel the sickness in the pit of my stomach. I was stuck in this car and I was going to have to watch Girth die in front of my eyes. They were going to shoot him and kill him and he was going to lie bleeding there on the ground while they dragged me away and locked me up in the warehouse.

  My heart was racing, I was sweating and cold at the same time. I was going to lose Girth forever, if I had any kind of life left for myself.

  While I stared at Girth, I heard a shot that startled me. For a second I thought it was Girth who’d been shot, but then I saw one of the five men stumble and fall to the ground. Girth had killed him. In the next second, the men started firing at him and he ducked, then started running back towards his bike.

  I hadn’t even realized that I was screaming. My screams filled the car now and I screeched till the back of my throat chaffed and I couldn’t scream anymore.

  I could see Girth jump on his bike. He was still alive. There were too many shots being exchanged for me to know who was being hit and who wasn’t. I rammed my hands against the windows again. Could I break through? Maybe I could crack the glass, and then what?

  Girth was riding his bike now. Taking shots at the four remaining men while he rode. Even though he was at somewhat of an advantage now, on his bike, he had to have been hit. He couldn’t come out of this unscathed.

  I watched as he started circling the group of men who now stood huddled together. There were loud screaming voices. They were cursing him, shouting at him and I could see some of the guys bleeding. Girth must have been shot too, he must have been bleeding too but he was still riding his bike, circling around them and shooting at them.

  It was difficult for the men to aim at him because he was riding too fast for them, sending them in a tizzy round and round for them to take a shot at him.

  “Girth!” I screamed his name even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. I was smiling now, out of nervousness. There was still some hope! He might be able to take all of them out. Maybe his injuries weren’t life threatening.

  The roar of another bike alarmed me and I looked up in the distance. There was a dust cloud being kicked up and through it, I saw a group of bikes emerge.

  I recognized Rodeo’s bike immediately, I’d worked on its maintenance myself! I laughed out loud, unable to control myself. The Marked Skulls were here! They’d found us! Perhaps Girth had alerted them when he was chasing behind the car.

  We were going to be okay, they were going to outnumber the remaining four men, all of whom were injured and bleeding by now. Now, the only thing I wished for was that Girth wasn’t fatally injured himself.

  Chapter 18


  The Marked Skulls arrived behind me just when one of the bullets grazed my arm and I felt a searing burning pain in my flesh. I staggered and lost control of my bike, falling sideways on the dusty ground.

  While my face remained pressed to the ground and I could feel my limbs aching with fury, I sensed the Marked Skulls bikes rage around me and ride towards the four men who were still standing.

  I jumped up off the ground, straightening my bike and still covered in dust, I ran through the bullets being fired towards the car where Lila was.

  I could see the fear in her eyes and I knew she was screaming inside, but all I heard was her muffled voice. I tried some of the doors but they were all locked.

  Using my elbow I shattered the window that was farthest from her in the front and I sensed some of the shards pierce through my jacket and shirt and lodge into my skin.

  “Lila!” I screamed her name as she stumbled on to the front seat of the car.

  “Girth! Oh my God! You’re okay!” she shrieked and I reached for the lock on the door.

  She lunged at me, just when I managed to get the door open. Her hair was ruffled and matted to her face, while her clothes looked dirty and torn in places. I could see that they had handled her roughly and she had fought back.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered in her ear as she clung on to me, refusing to let go.

  “Oh my God, Girth! You’ve been shot and you’re bruised,” she cried as her eyes roamed all over me, drinking in the spots I was bleeding from and the gash on my arm where the bullet had grazed me.

  “I’m fine. I can still ride my bike. Let’s get you out of here,” I said, and using as much force I still had in my limbs, I pulled her out of the car.

  “Girth,” she mumbled softly as I strung her over my arms and holding her tightly I swerved around the bullets as I ran towards my abandoned bike.

  She was shivering and shuddering in my arms as I sat her down on it.

  “Lila! Lila, look at me!” I said, and pressed her cheeks with both my hands, hoping that she wasn’t going to pass out. She was crying, her makeup was streaked on her face but when she heard my voice, she clamped her mouth shut and her blue eyes widened and she stared at me.

  I was relieved that she was okay, that they hadn’t hurt her like I thought they would.

  “Point to the man who touched you, who do you want me to kill?” I was hissing as I spoke. I knew that this wasn’t the time for vengeance but I needed to do it, for my own sanity.

  Through the bullets that were being fired, Lila pointed at a man with a bald head and a long brown beard.

  “Stay here,” I growled at her and then turning from her, I walked straight up to the guy. He was on the ground on his back. He’d been shot multiple times already by the Marked Skulls but he was still alive. He was bleeding from his arms and from the base of his groin.

  “You should have fucking kept your hands off her you motherfucker!” I raged and with my eyes bloodshot and streaming with anger, I t
ook my fist right to his jaw and his face was thrust sideways.

  “This is how you die,” I growled and straightened up again, before I took my gun out.

  “No. No!” he managed to slur just when I shot my bullet straight into his heart. His voice died down immediately and I turned from him. He was going to die anyway.

  I caught Rodeo’s eye, who was now kicking one of the other guys on the ground and I tipped my head. He did the same and I ran back to the bike where Lila was sitting.

  She was crying still. She’d seen me kill that man.

  Even though I knew that I should have ridden her back to her house immediately, I wanted to hold her first.

  I pulled her into my arms and stroked her hair. The scent of her was familiar and comforting and she shuddered in my arms.

  “I’m going to take you home now, you’re going to be fine,” I said and then releasing her, I slipped my leather jacket off of me and placed it around her shoulders. She sniffled and tugged it closer around herself and stared at me with her wide blue eyes and her tear-streaked cheeks.

  “Are you fine, Girth? You don’t look fine,” she said, in a small voice. I hadn’t even begun to sense where I was hurting and aching. It was like none of the gunshots and the bruises mattered anymore, now that Lila was alive and she was in my arms again.

  “We should get going,” I mumbled and sat down in front of her. I felt Lila wrap her arms around my waist and press her cheek to my back. My heart was racing again, to have her this close to me. I thought I was going to lose her. I thought I was going to die before I had the chance to bring her to safety.

  We rode together towards her house, both of us bruised, bleeding and in pain. The cool breeze against my face was a relief but my body was burning up. She was touching me, she was sitting safely behind me on my bike and for a moment, I felt a desperate urge to just ride away from this place. To take her away from Orlando to New York or wherever it was that she wanted to go.

  In that moment I knew that I would have done anything for her, but first she needed to clean up and rest.

  Chapter 19


  Girth was standing outside my bathroom door, while I sank into the warm soapy water of my bathtub. This was the first thing I did when he brought me back to my house. He had insisted on it, even though he was the one with all the bruises and the blood.

  I had been cold and shivering when I first came into the house, with Girth’s leather jacket still on my shoulders. He’d marched me straight into the bathroom, and even though I tried to fight it, and claimed that I didn’t need a bath right now, Girth ran me one and he didn’t say a word.

  I wanted him to hold me again. I wanted him to talk to me about everything that had just happened, but instead, he was behaving like he had a job to do.

  I waited a few minutes before I called out to him now. If not anything else, I needed to thank him at least for saving my life.

  “Girth!” my voice sounded shrill and weak at the same time, and I couldn’t even recognize it as my own. He bobbed his head around the door and kept his eyes averted from me. He had seen me naked already, several times over. He’d been inside me, and yet, he was shy to look at me.

  “Please come in, I don’t want to be by myself right now,” I told him.

  He hesitated before he came into the bathroom, and even then, he remained near the door.

  “Girth, I want you to clean yourself up. Please, do it for me. I can’t see you like this,” I was pleading with him, and I knew that he wouldn’t refuse.

  He walked slowly over to the mirror in the bathroom, and I watched him looking at his reflection. My hands were lapping at the bubbles in the bath. My breasts and most of my body remained under water, and Girth was right, it was making me feel better, calmer.

  We were quiet after that, and I watched him pull his t-shirt up and over his head so that he could examine the wound on his arm. It looked like a deep gash, and I tried not to gasp when I saw it. I remained silent, I didn’t want to nag him. I was sure that he knew what he was doing.

  “There’s a first-aid kit in the medicine cabinet,” was all I told him. He looked at me through the mirror, and then, just like he was following orders; he opened the cabinet and pulled out the stuff that he would need.

  I remained submerged in the bath as I watched him working away at himself. He dabbed antiseptic at his wounds, cleaned away the blood from his wounds and bruises and clenched and unclenched his fists when I knew that he was in pain. I gulped, my throat had gone dry as I watched his ripped muscular torso.

  His left nipple had a small gold ring along with all the tattoos on his chest. There was so much that I still didn’t know about him, but everything that I was learning about him; made my heart race. There wasn’t an inch on Girth’s body, not a single aspect of him that didn’t make me weak in my knees.

  I’d lost track of time, by the time he was done cleaning himself up. He turned to me eventually and I could feel my cheeks flushing. I’d tied my hair up in a messy loose bun before I’d stepped into the bath, and now I could feel the bottom bits of my hair had gone damp from the water.

  Girth was watching me curiously, his golden brown eyes were on fire and through his scruffy beard; I could see that his lips were set firmly in a thin line. I sensed that there was something on his mind, he wanted to tell me something. My gaze dropped down to his flat abdomen, his six pack abs and his narrow waist. A thin dark line of hair travelled down his navel and disappeared into his pants. He was sexy as hell.

  “Lila, you know that I had to kill him. I needed to kill that man,” Girth finally said. I nodded my head and stared back at him.

  “They tried to kill you once, they abducted you, they were going to hurt you,” he continued and I parted my lips to speak. He was looking at me, studying me intently…like he still wasn’t sure if I was okay.

  “I’m happy that you killed him, Girth, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. I understand why you did what you did,” I said and he looked down at both his hands like there was still blood on them.

  I could see that he was in just as much shock as I was.

  “Girth,” I said his name softly and his head jerked up to look at me.

  “Will you come closer to me, please?” I asked him and he hesitated again before he stepped towards me.

  He was looming over me now and his shadow fell over me in the bath. I could feel goosebumps on my skin, my body was hot even though the water had already gone cold. That was the effect that Girth had on me, especially now that he was standing nearly naked in front of me.

  I saw his gaze travel down from my face, down my neck and to the skewed impression of my breasts in the water. I could see that he wanted me. I wanted him too.

  “I want to thank you for saving me. You saved my life,” I said in a meek voice. Girth gulped and took in a deep breath.

  “I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if something happened to you,” he replied and our gazes were locked. I could feel that familiar tightening in my belly again. I needed him. I wanted him inside me.

  “Nothing is ever going to happen to me as long as you are with me,” I said and I meant it. That was what I honestly believed, even if he believed it or not.

  Girth was gritting his teeth angrily, his fists were clenched…I could see that he was thinking of that moment when he’d seen me being thrown into the backseat of the car. He was reliving that moment.

  “You saved me, Girth,” I said with quivering lips.

  He crouched down beside my bathtub then, and reached his hands out towards my face. My heart skipped a beat when his fingers grazed my cheeks, he was touching me tenderly; with more tenderness than a big man like him was even capable of.

  “Don’t ever thank me for it again, Lila, it’s my job,” he said and I licked my lips nervously.

  “Is it just your job or did you save me because you wanted to?” I asked and Girth was staring into my eyes.

  “Because I needed to, beca
use I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if anything happened to you,” he said.

  Our faces were inches away, I could feel his breath falling hotly on my eyelashes. My body was on fire then and I reached up and placed a hand on his.

  He leaned forward and kissed me, pulling my lips gently into his mouth and I closed my eyes. I could feel hot tears pricking the backs of my eyelids and I kissed him back. This was the moment I had been waiting for all day. This was the moment that had kept me going in the car with those men. All I wanted was for Girth to hold me and kiss me, to give into his desires with complete abandon and not to fight it and that was exactly what he was doing now.

  Our kiss seemed to last for hours. I could feel my lips throbbing as though they were swollen; when he finally pulled his mouth away from mine. Gently, he knocked his forehead against mine and held me by the back of my neck.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, Lila. So beautiful!” he said in a low guttural growl, like he didn’t like the fact that I was.

  I held on to his arm. I could feel the roughness of his skin under my palm and it sent my stomach swirling in somersaults.

  “You make me feel beautiful,” I said to him and he kissed me again. This time, he wasn’t just tugging at my lips with his mouth, but he was dragging me out of the water too.

  He fell back on the floor of my bathroom and I was stretched out over him. My damp body was making him wet too but he didn’t seem to care. He held me to himself and kept my body pinned to his, while he kissed me more forcefully this time. I moaned as I felt his tongue slide smoothly into my mouth, digging deep down to the back of my throat.

  His hands were roaming over my body, feeling the shape of my bare damp ass and the curves of my waist and my back. His fingers slipped and slid over my wet self, while I could feel my pussy starting to get wet too.

  I pulled my mouth away from him and straightened myself up, so that now I was sitting on his crotch with my legs on either side of him.


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