eSteampunk Vol. 01 No. 03
Page 10
Mark Fenger is a Canadian Army veteran who also has ten years of experience in the TV and Film industries, working on over a dozen animated series such as Transformers: Beast Machines, Heavy Gear, and Hot Wheels. He writes the popular steampunk blog Mark is currently working on his third novel, In Machina Umbra.
MANDEM’s work deals with transmutation and evolution -- capturing the metamorphic moments of life where everything changes, and telling the stories of multivalent, multi-textured, variegated things. MANDEM has an extensive art publication history, including steampunk projects such as the Airship Pirates roleplaying game and the Lyrics of Abney Park book, in addition to displaying work internationally in gallery shows. MANDEM’s work can be found online at
Story of the Month
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