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Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

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by Carol Lynne

  A Total-e-bound Publication

  Karaoke at The Tumbleweed

  ISBN # 978-1-906328-79-5

  ©Copyright Carol Lynne 2008

  Cover Art by Lynne Taylor ©Copyright January 2008

  Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Total-e-bound books

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-e-bound eBooks.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-e-bound eBooks. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork

  Published in 2007 by Total-e-bound eBooks 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Carol Lynne


  To my sisters and cousins, who gave me the idea of writing a book with an imperfect heroine. And to all of you who have tried to appear sexy only to fall on your face,

  or stick your butt to the counter.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Chevette: Chevrolet General Motors Corporation

  Old Spice: Procter & Gamble

  Diet Rite: Royal Crown Company, Inc.



  Old Milwaukee: Stroh Brewery Company

  Harley Davidson: H-D Michigan, Inc.

  Doritos: Frito-Lay North America, Inc.

  Cadillac: General Motors Corporation

  Wild Turkey: Austin, Nichols & Company, Inc.



  Vaseline: Chesebrough-Pond's Inc.

  NASCAR: National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.

  Chapter One

  Standing on stage looking out at the audience, Nicole Ashford wiped her sweating palms on her jeans. It was her one moment to make something of herself. This was it, the performance she’d practiced for day after day. When the music started, Nicole took a deep breath and began the poignant country ballad she’d struggled with for weeks. Once she started singing, the crowd faded and she immersed herself in the song.

  Tag stood mesmerised listening to the angelic voice envelope the crowd. His eyes strayed to the stage as he let the music fill his heart. He wasn’t sure of the angel’s name but he knew he’d never find a more beautiful woman. The stage lights bounced off her waist length auburn hair, creating a red haloed affect around the sexiest body in the country. The skin-tight blue jeans and fringed western-style half-shirt looked good on her. Tag however, was more interested in imagining her naked and underneath him. He noticed the small gold hoop in her belly button and his tongue throbbed with the need to taste.

  He was so lost in the song that Wendy Jean had to literally shake him to get his attention. He looked at the blonde woman with an irritated scowl. “What? Can’t you see I’m listening to the song?”

  Rolling her eyes, Wendy Jean popped her gum and put her hand on her hip. “Listen all you want sugar, but get me three draws and an order of nachos while you’re at it.”

  Pushing himself away from the bar, Tag filled three icy mugs with beer and set them on Wendy Jean’s tray. He reached into the large box of stale tortilla chips and withdrew two large handfuls and put them in a paper-lined plastic basket. Still listening to the angel on stage, Tag filled a small plastic cup with bright orange canned cheese sauce and placed it in the basket. Putting the basket on Wendy Jean’s tray he turned his attention back to the song.

  Being new in town, he didn’t know many people and that was fine by him. Some said he was in the wrong line of work for someone so closed off from the rest of humanity but that’s the way Tag liked it. He’d served his government for fourteen years before taking a piece of shrapnel in the thigh. This was Tag’s first real month of freedom since the age of eighteen when he’d walked into the Marine recruiting office.

  As he lost himself once again in the song, Tag knew he needed to know the woman attached to that voice. He’d never been surer of anything in his life. She’d only been on stage for about three minutes and already his jeans were feeling too tight in the crotch. A woman who could make him feel lust again after a four-year period of non-interest, was a special woman indeed.

  The song ended and Tag knew he’d finally learn the angel’s name. He waited for Bobby Jim’s announcement with bated breath.

  “That was Delta Dawn by Ulrich’s very own Skeeter Ashford folks.”

  The beauty on stage turned and put her hands on her hips. “Dammit, Bobby Jim. You know I hate that name.”

  “Sorry. Um… Nicole Ashford folks. Let’s give Nicole a round of applause.”

  Clapping, Tag smiled at the little spit-fire. She may look and sing like an angel but she had a little of the devil in her blood. Just the kind of woman he liked best. He watched her step off the stage and walk over to join a group of men and women by the dartboard.

  Motioning for Wendy Jean, Tag finally got her attention. She walked up to the bar popping her gum as usual. “What do you need, sugar?”

  “What’s Nicole Ashford drinking? I’d like to buy her a drink.”

  Raising one eyebrow, Wendy Jean lowered her tray. She leaned slightly over the bar and looked Tag in the eye. “Skeeter drinks whiskey straight up. But it won’t do you any good to buy her one. She’ll probably send it right back. She has no use for men since Lonnie Banks left town three years ago.” She leaned a little closer, “I heard he took off in a hurry under mysterious circumstances. Skeeter won’t even mention his name and if anyone else does she’s damn quick to leave the room.”

  Winking at the waitress, Tag filled a glass with a double shot of whiskey. “Give it a try will ya? Tell her it’s from a man who appreciates her singing.”

  Blowing out a loud breath, Wendy Jean rolled her eyes and took the glass. “It’s your money sugar.”

  Tag followed Wendy Jean with his eyes as she weaved through the crowd to the back corner of the bar. He watched as she handed the glass to Nicole and pointed toward him. Tag smiled and gave a slight wave. Nicole looked at him for what seemed like an eternity and handed the glass back.

  “Damn,” Tag said to himself. When Wendy Jean came back to the bar with the ‘I told you so’ face on, Tag took the glass from her.

  “She said thanks but she’s not drinking any more tonight.”

  Looking at the clock, Tag saw it was time for his short ten-minute break. “Do me a favour and get Bobby Jim to spell me. It’s time for my break.” Tag didn’t wait for Wendy Jean to reply. He picked up the glass of whiskey and headed toward his angel.

  Nicole nervously eyed the hot bartender coming toward her. She’d first noticed him when she’d come in tonight. It wasn’t every day the small town of Ulrich got a new citi
zen. She’d heard about the new stud at the Tumbleweed last week but practice and the store had kept her busy. Yep. He was everything her girlfriend Twila told her he was. Midnight black shoulder length hair and the body of a Greek god. Damn, why did he have to notice her? She’d been celibate since Lonnie ran out so why did her body take notice of a man now. And why this man? He looked dangerous as he wove his way through the rowdy crowd.

  She knew she was in trouble the second she spotted those tattooed biceps. Nicole was a sucker for tattoos. Funny thing though. Most of the backward men in Ulrich had tattoos and they didn’t do a thing for her. But this man was different somehow. Her pussy started to tingle when he finally stood close enough for her to get a whiff of his aftershave. Old Spice. Damn she was a sucker for that too. Not enough men wore it nowadays. Most men preferred the expensive cologne you bought in the city at the big fancy department stores, but not Nicole. Nope. She preferred the scent of Old Spice.

  Looking up into the stranger’s eyes, she felt like she’d been knocked on her ass. Blue, the bluest eyes she’d ever seen stared into her green ones. Suddenly all the moisture left in her mouth went straight down to her pussy.

  The stranger gave her a half-grin as he held the glass of whiskey out. “Name’s Brian Taggert but everyone calls me Tag. Wendy Jean said you weren’t drinking tonight but I thought I’d give you a second chance. If you’re worried about driving home, don’t. I’ll make sure you get home safely.”

  Licking her lips, Nicole couldn’t help but to return the grin. The dimples in his tanned chiselled face begged for her tongue. “Thanks, Tag, but I have to get up early to open the store. I’m not much good after a night of drinking whiskey.”

  Stepping closer, Tag’s hard body brushed against Nicole’s. “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

  It took a moment for Nicole to figure out what he meant but when she did a blush crept up her face. “I’m Nicole by the way. You can call me Nicole or Nic but if you want to stay friends don’t call me Skeeter.”

  Setting the glass of whiskey on the table, Tag ran his fingers through Nicole’s hair. “There’s a break in the competition. Feel like a dance before I have to get back to work?”

  Without answering, Nicole let him lead her toward the dance floor. When he pulled her into his arms she thought her heart would beat out of her chest. She looked up into his face as her body spooned against his. Even though she was at least ten inches shorter than Tag, her body seemed to fit perfectly against his.

  Nicole didn’t even recognise the woman she became once Tag wrapped her in his arms. She inhaled deeply and moaned at the feel of the prominent erection rubbing against her.

  Tag must have taken that as a good sign because almost immediately his heavily muscled thigh insinuated itself between hers. He rubbed her jean covered clit against his leg as he bent to kiss her.

  The first touch of his sultry lips overwhelmed her senses. When he ran his tongue across the seam, Nicole automatically opened for him. His tongue pushed into her mouth and began a slow dance of its own. Between his questing tongue and his thigh rubbing against her pussy, Nicole was lost. She wanted this man. No, she needed this man.

  When the song ended, Tag pulled back just enough to whisper against her lips. “I want you. I want to bury my cock so far inside of you that you’ll never forget my name.”

  Nicole licked her swollen lips, tasting Tag’s flavour as she did so. “Lord help me, but I want you, too.”

  Pulling her in for one more deep, tongue tangling kiss, Tag moaned. “I don’t get off work until one. Will you wait for me?” He ran his hands down her back to cup her ass. Grinding his hardened cock against her he pleaded, “Please say you’ll wait.”

  Feeling like she was two seconds away from the best orgasm of her life, refusing wasn’t an option. “I’ll wait. I have to be here until the end of the karaoke contest anyway to see if I won.”

  “Oh, angel. With a voice like yours you’d better win or I’ll tear this place apart.” He started to lead Nicole off the dance floor. “Come sit at the bar with me.”

  Looking over toward her friends who were openly staring at her and Tag, Nicole nodded her head. The last thing she was in the mood for was playing twenty questions with them. She didn’t want to think about anything right now but the feel of Tag’s cock pressed against her.

  Leading her over to the barstool against the wall, Tag gave her one last kiss. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Just a Diet Rite. I’ve got to be at the store by four.”

  Bobby Jim started yelling at Tag to get his ass back to work. “Stay right there.” He quickly went around the bar and filled a couple of drink orders. Once he was caught up, Tag took a Diet Rite over to Nicole. Setting the glass in front of her, he leaned over the bar and kissed her again. “Hot damn, woman. I haven’t been this shook up since I was a senior in high school and Rita Palsey got me all hot and bothered.”

  Blushing, Nicole bit her lip as she stared into his cobalt blue eyes. “I’ve never been this shook up,” she admitted.

  Wiping the bar down in front of her, Tag tried to appear like he was working. “So what kind of store does a person have to open at four in the morning?”

  “My store,” Nicole said proudly. “I own a bait shop slash donut shop on the edge of town.”

  Furrowing his brow, Tag leaned on the bar. “A bait and donut shop? I’ve never heard of that before.”

  Flipping her hair behind her back Nicole smiled. “It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Fishermen come in first thing in the morning to get bait. While they’re there, they pick up a dozen donuts to take out to the lake with them. I also do wedding cakes and stuff like that for the town. In a community the size of Ulrich you have to make money where you can. My daddy owned the bait shop since I was a little bitty thing. When he died I built on a new addition with the insurance money and I’ve been makin’ and sellin’ donuts ever since.”

  Taking Nicole’s hand, Tag kissed her palm. “I bet you make the best donuts in the state of Kentucky.”

  Squaring her shoulders, Nicole raised her chin. “I like to think so.” Seeing Wendy Jean tapping her long acrylic nail at the end of the bar, Nicole pointed her out to Tag. “Um…I think you’re needed.”

  “Damn. All right. I’ll be right back.” Tag went to fill the new drink orders that Wendy Jean had for him.

  The closer the time came for Bobby Jim to announce the winner of the contest, the more nervous Nicole became. She knew most people thought the whole contest was stupid but she’d always dreamt of seeing a real live NASCAR race. This was her big chance at realising that dream. If she won tonight she’d go on to the finals in Louisville. Heck, she’d only been to Louisville twice in her entire life. Once on the one and only vacation her daddy ever took and once when she graduated from high school.

  When the last singer left the stage after a horrible version of Friends in Low Places, Nicole chewed her fingernails and watched the judges table. She could tell by the look on Mrs. Humphries face that it was a close competition. Nicole wasn’t even paying attention when a hand reached out and ran across her breast. She swatted the hand out of habit and looked up with fire in her eyes. Tag was standing beside her out away from the bar. He chuckled at the fiery look in her eyes.

  “Sorry, they were just sticking out there so pretty I couldn’t help myself.” Tag took a step closer and insinuated himself between Nicole’s thighs. Bending over he held the back of her head with one hand as his other hand ran down the length of her neck, across her breast and down to rub against her jean clad pussy. Nicole’s moan was swallowed by his mouth devouring hers.

  When she heard her name called over the microphone, Nicole broke the kiss and looked toward the stage. The whole damn bar was staring at them. “Huh? Did ya call my name, Bobby Jim?”

  Tag stuck his finger in his ear and stepped back. She winced, knowing she could be a little loud at times. He turned around and looked at Bobby Jim. “Well?�

  Bobby Jim started laughing so hard, Nicole thought the beer gut on him would shake right off. “I said ya won Skeeter. You’re The Tumbleweeds Karaoke Competition champion. Come on up here girl and get this trophy afor I give it to Bubba Ray.”

  Nicole squealed and jumped off the bar stool. She stopped long enough to give Tag a quick kiss before walking toward the stage. Bobby Jim handed her the trophy and gave her the microphone.

  “Oh wow. I-I can’t believe I won. Thank y’all for comin’ out here tonight. I hope to see y’all in Louisville next weekend. I’ll do my best to make ya proud.” She blew the crowd a kiss and walked back toward a clapping Tag. When she set the trophy on the bar, Tag picked her up into his arms.

  “Woo wee, am I proud of you. It’s a damn good thing you won because I kinda like this job. It would’ve been a shame to bust the place up.” He kissed her long and hard. “I would’ve done it though for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ve still got another hour with clean-up and everything. Did you drive?” Tag set Nicole back on her feet.

  “No, I came with Darlene. She’s the tall blonde over playing darts.” Nicole pointed toward a woman with teased hair and lycra pants.

  Bending over to give her another kiss, Tag smoothed his knuckles against her cheek. “You going to let me drive you home?”

  “You know it.” She gave him a look that would have made the devil himself blush.

  Chapter Two

  When Nicole followed Tag out to the parking lot, she was a little shocked to see him stop beside a big black Harley Davidson. “This yours? Oh my God. I’ve always wanted to ride on a motorcycle. Around here if it doesn’t have a flat-bed on the back it isn’t a mode of transportation.”


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