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Guilty Sin

Page 3

by Chelle Bliss

  I hadn’t thought that far ahead. None of us had. We saw a woman in need. No one in the office wanted to hand her over to be placed in a worse situation than she was before. “I have a guest room you can use until you figure out your next move.”

  She glanced at my finger, catching sight of my ring. “But what about your wife?”

  Pressing my thumb against the gold circle, I twisted the thick ring around my finger. “We’re not married. She’s my partner, my submissive, but not my wife.”

  “Will she have a problem with it?”

  “I’ll talk with Alese, but I’m sure she’ll be okay. She’ll understand.”

  For the first time since I found her, I saw a smile spread across Nya’s face. Alese probably wouldn’t be overjoyed by the idea, but that was for me to handle.

  * * *

  “Say that again.”

  Alese’s expression was hard to pin down. I knew her better than anyone in the world, but in that moment, I wasn’t certain if she wanted to kick me in the balls or not.

  Alese and I met a few years ago. I was a Dom and she was a bit lost, not sure if she was a top, bottom, or switch. I had been about to give up my search for a submissive and move to a new city to start over again, when Alese became something of a pet project. My goal was to help her figure out where exactly she fell in the lifestyle, but after spending time with her, I knew I wanted no one else.

  She tried my patience at times. Her road to discovering her inner submissive wasn’t an easy one, but it sure as hell was entertaining. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else either. She challenged me in so many ways.

  “She needed someplace to go. I thought she could crash here for a bit.”

  “Is the girl damaged?”

  I rubbed my hands together and debated how many of the details I should divulge to Alese. She deserved to know everything, but I didn’t want to throw it all in her lap at once. “She doesn’t appear so. She needs to be treated with kindness after what she’s been through, but her parents don’t seem to understand what happened or the lifestyle she was trying to enjoy when her world ended.”

  “Tell me how she ended up a prisoner.”

  “She met a Dom, much like you met me, and he made her believe they were going to have a relationship. Before she knew it, she was his captive without any communication with the outside world. What started out as fun led to her being locked in a cage under his bed and his sex slave.”

  Alese peered around me to look toward the car where Nya sat in the passenger seat, waiting for my sign. “That’s just awful.”

  “It is.” I nodded as Alese’s body relaxed, and I knew she wasn’t about to say no.

  “Her parents wanted to commit her?”

  “Yep. They had a doctor with them, waiting to drug her.”

  “I can’t imagine. She can stay until she’s back on her feet.”

  “Thank you, piccola.”

  Alese stepped toward me, wrapping her arms around my middle and burying her face in my chest. “You didn’t even have to ask, you know. I wouldn’t have protested if you told me she was staying.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and held her tighter than usual. “I’m your Master in the bedroom, but we’re partners in life, Alese. I couldn’t bring a stranger into our home without you having a say in the situation.”

  “It’ll be nice to have another woman around, even if it’s only for a little while. There’s way too much testosterone in this place for me sometimes.”

  I laughed softly and touched her chin, raising her face to mine. “I’m sure you two will get along well.”

  “I’ll help her any way I can.”

  I placed my lips against hers, kissing her as her boyfriend and not her Dom. Our relationship had changed over the years, leaving our play for the bedroom or the club. Alese, although a complete submissive, wasn’t my slave. She had her own life to live, and I embraced everything she wanted to do as long as it didn’t take her away from me.

  I had no doubt that she would be good with Nya. She’d help her through this time, building her up and helping her transition back into society under her careful eye. Alese had a way with people, softer than I’d ever been and more loving toward everyone.



  Sitting in the car, I watched Ret as he spoke to Alese. She kept peering over his shoulder as she stood on the front steps, staring at me through the car window. I couldn’t imagine what she thought about him bringing home a strange woman.

  The house was three stories, white with gray accents, a stark contrast to the deep, cloudless sky behind the structure. Peeking through the space between Ret’s house and the neighbors, the ocean crashed against the sand and sea gulls flew overhead, almost beckoning everyone to follow.

  Ret glanced backward and smiled before facing Alese again. Maybe I should’ve gone with my parents, letting them do whatever they wanted to make me better instead of adding complications to Ret’s life since he was the man who saved me. He’d already gone above and beyond his job, making me feel safe when I hadn’t even thought that was possible.

  Ret and Alese were a perfect pair. His wide shoulders, imposing height, and masculine face were like something straight out of a Hollywood movie. He’d absolutely be one of those badass characters who put down the bad guy with a few kicks and a knockout punch to the face. Alese was the complete opposite. Smaller framed, with delicate features, and totally feminine in every way possible. Her large breasts, tanned by the Florida sun, practically spilled out of her tank top.

  I was just about to get out and call the entire thing off when Alese walked toward the car. At first, I wanted to sink down into the seat and disappear, but as she got closer, she smiled.

  “Hey, Nya.” She stood near the passenger door, not too close, yet close enough that I could see the tiny freckles dotting her chest. “You want to come inside?” she asked.

  I twisted my hands in my lap, glancing down for a moment. “I should just leave,” I whispered, probably looking like a lunatic sitting in the car carrying on a conversation with myself.

  “Come on. Let’s get you settled and out of the heat before you melt in there, princess.”

  The handle jiggled, and I snapped out of whatever moment I was having and looked up as Alese opened the door. “Sorry,” I whispered. I didn’t know if I was sorry I had ignored her so far or I hadn’t bothered to climb out of the car myself, but saying the words made me feel better.

  “Don’t be silly. There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

  I climbed out, inhaling the salty-humid air for the first time in months.

  “Beach lover?” she asked.

  “I used to be.”

  I’d missed the ocean. I’d spent countless days lying on the white sand of Florida when I was younger, listening to the waves roll in, crashing against the shore before rolling back out again. I never really appreciated the beauty and tranquility of living so close to the ocean until I didn’t have it anymore. There were nights, more than I could remember or wanted to, where I lay inside that cage, closed my eyes, and dreamed that I was lying under the scorching hot sun, soaking up the rays. That was the only way I kept my sanity for so long in captivity.

  “I am. I spend time every day listening to the waves. It’s therapeutic and soothing.”

  “It is.” I didn’t go into any more detail. Didn’t tell her that picturing a place like this was the only way I’d kept myself sane while I was locked in Diego’s cage or strapped to his bed.

  “How about we head down to the beach before we go inside? Would you like that?”

  I glanced at Ret, still standing near the front steps, and he nodded. I wasn’t really looking for his permission, but I didn’t want to impose more than I already was. “I’d like that a lot.”

  Alese walked toward the side of the house, and I followed closely behind her. “Ret, can you bring us some wine?”

  “Let me make a call, and I’ll be right out,” he said.

“So, you and Ret are…” I left the statement open because I didn’t know how to finish it.

  Ret had filled me in on how they’d met…much the same way I’d met Diego. Watching them now, I wouldn’t be able to tell that he was her Dom or that she had an ounce of submissiveness in her, but Ret told me they saved that for the bedroom. If I hadn’t heard it with my own ears, I never would’ve believed it.

  “I love that man with my whole heart.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that, but I was a little jealous I hadn’t experienced love like that yet.

  “We met a few years back. I was a switch, and Ret told me I was a submissive instead and challenged me. The rest is history.”

  We came to the back of the house, and touching the horizon was a virtually endless aqua blue sea. For a moment, I wondered if I was dreaming everything and I was still trapped under Diego’s bed. Maybe he’d killed me or I was unconscious after one of his rough moments, and my mind had taken me away to a better place. I didn’t realize I’d stopped walking until Alese backed up and softly touched my arm.

  “Are you okay? Is this too much?”

  I shook my head and kicked off my sandals, digging my toes into the warm, dry sand. “It’s just so beautiful.”

  Alese didn’t speak, just stood at my side as I took in the beauty in front of me. For a moment, I felt breathless and dizzy, the sensation of freedom finally crashing over me like the waves rolling up the sand just a few feet away.

  Leaving my sandals near the grass, I walked toward the water, unable to take my eyes off the rhythmic waves as they swept across the shore as if calling me forward. I moved slowly, taking in every sound and sight I’d missed and dreamed of since the last time I’d stepped foot in Florida.

  When I sat down, Alese moved to my side, sitting just a foot away. I drew my knees up to my chin, staring out at the vastness, in awe of the beauty. I almost became overwhelmed.

  “Did you want to be alone?” she asked.

  “No,” I said quickly. I wasn’t ready to be alone again.

  “I brought the white,” Ret said, coming up behind us before he sat down next to Alese.

  “Good choice,” she said, but I didn’t glance over.

  My eyes were too fixed on the horizon and the way the sun danced off the water like glitter dotting the surface. I’d never thought I’d see the Gulf of Mexico again. I’d never really thought I’d see much of anything besides the inside of Diego’s mansion until he grew bored of me. Being back on the sand, with the sound of the waves and the relentless sun burning brightly overhead, I knew Diego had not broken me. He might have stolen time from me, but he didn’t steal my soul. I’d be okay. It would take time for me to get back to the happy girl I once was, but for the first time in a long while, I felt like it was entirely possible.

  “Would you like a glass, Nya?” Alese asked and held a wineglass in front of me.

  I turned my face, smiling at the beautiful, kind woman at my side before taking the glass from her hand. “Thank you, Alese.”

  “Let’s toast.” She raised her wineglass and held it in front of her, waiting for us to join. I did the same, followed by Ret. “To new beginnings,” she said. “We’ve all needed one at some point, and although it’s scary at times, there’s nothing more wonderful than possibilities.”

  We clinked our glasses together, but I didn’t reply. Her words were true and profound. I once again had a world of possibilities at my feet, and no one, not even my parents or Diego, could stop me from following my dreams.

  I sipped the wine, savoring the flavors as they danced across my tongue. For two months, I’d had nothing to drink except water, but even that was when Diego felt like giving me a sip. I held the delicate glass between my two palms, stared out across the water, and drank the wine as slowly as possible because the taste was just as magnificent as the scene before me.

  “Maybe we can watch the sunset later,” Alese said.

  I remembered going to the beach with my parents, watching the sun as it kissed the horizon and the sky filled with the most brilliant shades of pink and orange. There was nothing more beautiful or awe-inspiring than the moment the sun finally disappeared, illuminating the sky in one final light show before darkness descended across the bay.

  “I’d love that,” I said.

  “Whatever you ladies want, I’ll make happen,” Ret said easily.

  God, Alese was the luckiest girl in the world.



  “Are you okay with this?” I tangled my fingers in Alese’s blond hair as she placed her head on my chest and stroked my skin with her fingernails.

  She peered up with her beautiful blue eyes and gave me a small smile. “I am. I wasn’t sure at first, but after spending time with her, I can’t imagine ever letting her parents get their hands on her.”

  I turned my head and kissed her forehead, content and happy to have someone as caring and understanding as Alese by my side. “I know. They’re not good people.”

  She curled back into me, stroking my chest again with her hand. “Thank God we don’t have to deal with people like that in our lives.”

  “Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are. I’m sorry I headed out of town without talking about it with you first. I know I promised I wouldn’t do that again.”

  She flattened her palm against my chest and sat up a little, looking me in the eyes. “You were a naughty boy, Mr. North. Maybe I should teach you a lesson.” She giggled, sounding just like me when we played.

  “Mind your place, woman.” I smirked.

  “Someone’s getting a spanking.”

  I grabbed her wrist, rolling over and taking her with me, pinning her under my body. “You missed me.”

  She struggled a little, pretending she wanted to get away. Something she liked to do to make her feel she had some control over the situation, when we both knew she didn’t. “I did not miss you.” She glanced toward the ceiling, giving me attitude.

  “Come on, piccola. You missed me…or at least my cock.” I smirked, sliding my lower half between her legs. “I bet if I touched your pussy, you’d be dripping for me already.”

  Her eyes darted to mine for a second, and that was all it took for her to break down and grin. “You locked up all my toys before you went out that night, and then you took off. Do you know how hard it is for me to come using only my fingers?”

  Alese had a bad habit of masturbating when I wasn’t around. Our agreement was no coming without me, but she hadn’t been able to keep her end of the bargain lately. To mess with her a little, I’d lock up every single toy I could find and take the key with me when I left. She always complained, but I made sure she never went to bed without at least one orgasm when I was home.

  “Am I supposed to feel bad for you?”

  She narrowed her eyes, and any trace of her smile vanished. “You should.”

  “It was one night. You could’ve waited.”

  “You know my sex drive is off the charts lately. Waiting a day is nearly impossible anymore.”

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  She arched an eyebrow, the cocky grin back. “You can fuck me and make me come at least twice.”

  “At least twice?”

  Fucking women. Luckiest sons of bitches on the planet. They could come over and over and over again without a single moment of rest in between. Shit like that didn’t happen for men except in fiction and the movies. Our bodies needed time to recover, but not Alese. She could go all night and still beg for more.

  She placed her hands on my face and brought my lips down to hers, gazing into my eyes. “Three times is fine. I’m not picky,” she said, grinding her pussy against my cock. “I deserve as much.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with her or deny her what she wanted. This wasn’t about play or orgasm denial, something I’d found useful with Alese over the years. Sliding my hand down her side, I glided my fingers across her abdomen as I lifted my body and moved to her side.
br />   I lowered my mouth to hers, sealing her moans as my fingers grazed her clit and slipped through her wetness. She let her knees drift to the bed as she spread her legs as far apart as possible, silently begging to be penetrated. Alese loved to be filled. My finger, cock, toys…it didn’t matter as long as she was stuffed.

  Moving slowly, I pushed my fingers inside, curling them ever so slightly to press on her G-spot. Her nails dug into my skin and held me in place, rocking with my movement. Every time I pushed my fingers deeper, my thumb would skid across her clit and cause her body to quake with anticipation. I loved that about her. Her body was always so responsive to me, always so ready for whatever I gave, and she never seemed to get enough.

  My pace quickened, and I pushed my fingers deeper, moving in and out of her faster as our tongues danced together in a frantic and haphazard rhythm. My cock ached to be inside, surrounded by the lush warmth of her pussy, but the first orgasm wasn’t about me and never had been.

  I pushed a third finger inside, stretching her to the limit, which earned me a strangled cry of passion as her lips fell away from mine. She pressed the back of her head into the pillow, and her mouth fell open as she gasped for air the closer the orgasm came. My strokes became more focused, the pads of my fingers pushing hard on her G-spot with each swipe before thrusting back into her.

  She arched her back, thrusting her breasts into the air and closer to my lips. Her skin glowed in the moonlight streaming in through the bedroom window, covered in a fine sheen of sweat and sex.

  Leaning forward, I closed my lips around her nipple and flicked the hardened tip with my tongue. Her pussy clamped down, drawing my fingers inward and pulsating as I sucked the puckered flesh.

  I moved my hand faster, fingers thrusting harder and deeper as I closed my teeth around her nipple just to the point of pleasurable pain and sent her right over the edge. Her breathing halted, mouth wide open with her eyes closed, and her body convulsed at my side.


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