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Chasing Hannah (Billingsley Book 2)

Page 9

by Melissa Ellen

  “What’s that?” I pointed in its direction.

  “That is why we’re out here,” he said, stepping up beside me with his hands full. I looked up at him and he grinned, nudging my shoulder. “Come on, blondie, let’s go.”

  I frowned as he strode forward a few steps before stopping, shifting everything to his right hand and reaching out for me. “You coming?”

  “Blondie? That better not be an insult.”

  His white teeth glowed in the moonlight. “Not even close. I kind of love that blond hair of yours.”

  I pursed my lips with my repressed smile, taking the few steps to his outstretched hand, lacing my fingers with his. “Interesting.”


  “I’d been trying to figure out what you preferred in a woman—curvy or thin, small or big boobs, blond, brunette, or red…”

  Giving me a sideways glance, his mouth twitched with a knowing smile. “Did Lottie or Leighton tell you?”


  “Of course, she did,” he grumbled, his eyes rolling with annoyance. “Does that bother you?”

  “No…I know nothing ever happened between the two of you. We’re good as long as you don’t still have feelings for her, because that would be weird, and this would be over.”

  He smirked. “And what is this?”

  I shrugged, a smile sneaking through.

  “Well, whatever this is, I guess it’s not ending, because I don’t see her as anything more than a friend.”

  “You didn’t answer my original question.”

  “Technically, you didn’t ask one.”

  “Okay—” I came to an abrupt stop, our hands breaking apart as he continued forward. “What’s your type?”

  Stopping a few feet in front of me, he looked back over his shoulder, a frown etched across his handsome face. He retraced his steps to where I stood. His finger and thumb gripped my chin as he raised it higher. “My type is a strong, independent woman, who knows what she wants, stands up for what she believes, and doesn’t let anyone bring her down. I like confidence, a woman comfortable in her own skin. Maybe even one with a smart mouth and a little bit of sass. Because the truth is every woman is sexy. Every one of them has something about them that makes a man tick. My type isn’t based on physical features. Sure, sometimes I hook up with a girl based on that, but that doesn’t mean she’s my type, or someone I see myself with in the long run. My type, Hannah, is you.”

  I gulped. “Oh,” I breathed over the lump still stuck in my throat.

  Dipping his head down, his lips touched mine, leaving me a little more stunned, a little more speechless.

  Angling his head to the side with a playful grin, he waited for me to follow him. Willing myself to move and not stand there like an idiot, I slid my hand through his arm, staying close to him the last few yards to our destination.

  Coming to a stop beside him, I stared up at the tall, old water tower. A narrow ladder climbed up one side of the rusting frame and tank. Confused, I looked toward Billy with a questioning eyebrow.

  He chuckled. “This”—he signaled with a nod of his head—“is old man Johnson’s water tower. The first one ever constructed in Billingsley.”


  “We’re going to tag it.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. Come on. I’ll help you up the ladder.”

  When I didn’t move to follow him, he stopped, turning back to look at me.

  “Is this even legal?”

  He shrugged. “Nothing to worry about unless we get caught.”

  “Not helping.”

  He chuckled. “It’s fine. Tagging this tower is like a rite of passage here in Billingsley.”

  Placing the items he’d been carrying on the ground at the foot of the ladder, he stretched out his hand to me, urging me forward.

  I stood there, nervous, yet a small thrill skirted up my back, prickling my skin. I looked down at the dress I was wearing, the heels on my feet, neither exactly meant for scaling a water tower.

  “Come on, Hannah, don’t go city on me now.”

  Jutting out my chin, I slipped off my heels, tossing them to the ground. Ignoring his hand, I marched past him. I planted my hands on the highest rung I could reach while lifting a bare foot to the bottom one, mentally trying to recall the last time I had a tetanus shot.

  I felt the heat of Billy’s body at my back, his head hovering at my shoulder, the butterflies taking flight in my stomach as he whispered in my ear, “My type of girl.”

  I took the first few steps on shaky legs, desire igniting and combusting every cell in my body. Feeling his large hands grip the backs of my bare thighs for support, skimming just below the hem of my skirt, didn’t help matters. I prayed I’d make it through this without free falling to the ground. Unfortunately, it was too late for my heart, it was already plummeting.

  With our legs dangling off the side of the narrow catwalk that circled the tank, a pile of chocolate wrappers littered between us, I nearly squirted the merlot from my nose—another one of my favorites Billy had picked up for me at the store. Billy chuckled silently beside me, taking a sip of his beer as I covered my mouth with the back of my hand to hold in the wine.

  “You did not tell her that. No wonder she was glaring at me at the ball park.”

  He shrugged. “I figured I owed her the truth. Sparing her feelings wasn’t working.”

  “The truth, huh? I’m really the only woman you ever thought about taking home to meet your family?”

  “Yep. Doesn’t matter as much now, since you already know Leighton and Aaron and met my parents at the wedding.”

  I nodded, both of us quieting, looking out at the stars. The only sounds were the crickets and a train horn echoing in the distance. I set the bottle of wine beside me before leaning back onto my hands. I glanced up at the tank we’d covered in red spray paint with our initials and the date, right beside where Lottie and Tucker had tagged their own nearly sixteen years ago.

  “What are we doing, Billy?”

  He sighed, leaning back onto one side, propping himself up on an elbow. He flicked the broken tab from his can off the side of the tower, letting it sail through the air before gravity had its way. “I don’t know, Han. All I know is I can’t get you out of my head. I haven’t been able to for almost a year now. No matter how hard I try… Seems I’m always chasing after the dreams I can’t have.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, inhaling a deep breath through my nose, then releasing it, the dullness of regret still heavy in my chest. “I can’t promise you anything, Billy. But I’m here now.”

  It was all I could offer. Uncertainty. How could I promise him anything when I had no idea what I was doing with my life—my career?

  He nodded once, his eyes not meeting mine. I opened my mouth to say more—how I felt the same, how I wished things could somehow work between us—but couldn’t bring myself to say the words. I worried it’d just give us both false hope.

  He stood to his feet, brushing off his hands before tossing everything back into the bag. “It’s late. I should get you home,” he said, offering his hands to help me stand.

  I took them, and he tugged me to my feet. “I’m sorry, Billy.”

  “Nothing to apologize for, blondie. Let’s just let it ride.” He kissed the top of my head, and I closed my eyes with a small nod, a little bit scared to death and a little unsure of what I was agreeing to.



  I pulled the truck to a stop in front of Wes’s house. Looking over at Hannah, I debated whether to flip it around and take her back to my apartment. No way in hell was I thrilled about her staying with him while she was in town.

  “You can stay at my place.” The offer was out of my mouth without a second thought.

  A tease of a smile tugged on her face. “I don’t think that’d be conducive to us taking it slower this time.”

  She was right. I was having a hell of a time keeping my damn ha
nds off her, constantly finding any reason to steal a touch of that soft, smooth skin. And from the hungry look in her eyes—a need I desperately wanted to satisfy—I knew she was having just as hard of a time.

  Eventually, I’d lose the strength to resist stripping her down and claiming every part of her again. But not tonight. I didn’t want her to be confused by my feelings for her again, to think it was nothing but physical. She needed to know I saw her as more. Which meant keeping my dick in my pants for as long as I could. The little bastard wasn’t making it easy on me though.

  “You’re right. It’s a bad idea. But the offer still stands.” Because if anyone was going to be seeing her walk around half-naked after a shower, I’d rather it be me.

  She leaned over the console, her hands cupping my face as she planted those soft, sweet lips on me. “Another time, cowboy.”

  She reached for the door, her hand already on the latch when I tugged her back, taking what I wanted: more of her. I slammed my mouth back to hers.



  Owning every part of that delicious mouth that tasted of wine and dark chocolate.

  A groan thundered through me as I lifted her slender frame, guiding her into my lap. She straddled my legs, her tongue sliding against mine, nails sinking into my shoulders, hips begging as I slid my hands up those silky thighs and under her dress. Feeling the lacy edge of her panties, I slipped a finger under, dancing along the edge of reason, pulling a whimper from her.

  “Billy.” My name was a breath from her lips, a plea as she continued to kiss me back, clinging tighter.

  I cupped her face, gently pulling back, brushing my nose with hers. “Figured we needed a proper goodbye this time around.”

  That sweet smile slowly curled her lips as her eyes fluttered open to look at me, her chest still heaving, my cock still pleading, straining against my jeans.

  “Tease,” she said with a grin.

  I smirked, fighting against the current of lust threatening to pull me under. Having her like this was sending my thoughts haywire. “Come on, blondie. I’ll walk you to the door.”

  She slid from my lap as I opened the truck door. Taking her hand, I walked her to the porch of the old ranch house. She took the first few steps up, putting her at eye level with me as she turned to face me, her teeth making a meal out of her bottom lip.

  I laid one more kiss on her. “Night, Hannah,” I said, taking a few steps back, my grin wide as hell.

  A small smile pulled across her lips, the nerves she was feeling dissipated. “Night, Billy.”

  I waited until she was inside before heading home, feeling like the luckiest damn bastard in the world.

  With the blazing summer sun beating down on my back, I used the wire stretcher to mend the last of the snapped barbed wire. Sweat beaded and dripped from my brow. I rubbed at it with the inside of my arm, keeping my gloved hands on both ends of the wire as I twisted and wound them back together.

  A truck engine roared in the distance, coming down the dirt road. I finished firming up the new joint then tested the strength of it with my hands. Pulling off my gloves, I picked up my tools from the ground as Wes’s truck rolled to a stop behind mine.

  I tossed everything in the bed of the truck before slamming my tailgate shut.

  “You wrapped up here?” Wes called from behind me, getting out of his heavy-duty diesel.

  “Yep.” I gave my short answer, not bothering to turn and look at him.

  “All right. I could use your help back at the barn. Have a combine that needs some work before we start harvesting in the morning.”

  “Sure. No problem.” I walked toward the front of my truck, barely giving him a glance.

  “We good, Billy?” he badgered some more, his footsteps following behind me.

  “Fine,” I flung over my shoulder, opening the door, biting my tongue as anger rippled through me. Even though Hannah had said nothing happened between them, I couldn’t help but wonder what his end game was with the way he’d purposely been all over her every chance he got.

  “Are you sure? Because you nearly took my head off yesterday at the game. Figured maybe you had something you wanted to get off your chest.”

  Turning to face him, I crossed my arms, my eyes hard. “Keep your hands off Hannah, and we’re good.”

  “And if I don’t?” he challenged, taking a step into my space.

  “Then I guess that means we have a problem,” I retorted, not skipping a beat. Boss or not, there was no way I was backing down to this man when it came to Hannah.

  Muscles tense, we stared each other head on, and for a moment, I wondered if things were about to get heated.

  His face turned up into a slow smile. “Ease up, man.” He slapped me on the arm. "I’m just fucking with you. It’s about time you grew some balls.”

  “Screw you.” I released my arms as he took a step back, still wishing I could punch that annoying smirk off his face.

  He laughed. “Just wanted to make sure you were serious about our girl.”

  “My girl.”

  He shook his head, chuckling as he walked back to his truck. “Fine. Your girl.” He climbed into the driver’s seat, leaning his arm and head out the open window. "But break her heart again, then the two of us will have a problem.”

  As he drove away, I shook my head with a small smile of my own. If I broke her heart again, Wes wouldn’t have to worry, I’d be kicking my own ass, followed by what I was sure would be a line of people.

  Damn. I shook out my hands, blowing out a deep breath as I climbed up the steps leading to the porch. What’s wrong with me? I hadn’t been this nervous about picking up a woman for a date since high school.

  I’d called Hannah as soon I got off work to ask her on an official date. With harvest looming in the morning, this was the last evening I’d have to spend with her where I wasn’t dead beat from a long day of work. I rushed home to shower feeling like I was on cloud nine after she said yes. Now, I felt like I was gonna lose my lunch.

  I tugged at the collar of my shirt, hoping I wasn’t as sweaty as I felt. As inconspicuously as possible, in case she happened to see me out the window, I sniffed near my shoulder, making sure my cologne and deodorant were doing their jobs.

  I raised my fist to knock on the door, but it flung open before I could. Wes filled the frame, his posture hard as steel, chin jutted with his hands on his hips. “Miller.” He gave me a curt nod in greeting, his eyes holding a threat in them.

  “Monroe.” I replied in the same manner.

  “I suppose you’re here to take out Hannah.”

  “Yeah. Is she ready?”


  “On what?”

  “What your intentions are for toni—”

  “Wes!” Hannah slapped at his back, cutting him off. She pushed around his large frame, shoving at his arm to move him out of the way.

  He smirked, barely moving an inch as she sidestepped in front of him. “Ignore him. I think he’s slightly demented. I’m not sure why his family hasn’t put him in a mental institution.” She snatched my hand, tugging me down the steps with her.

  “If that’s the case, you think it’s safe you’re staying with him?” I teased with a grin, opening the passenger door for her.

  “He’s harmless. Just a moron.” She lifted her foot, grabbing onto the door while hoisting herself up, putting that round ass of hers in those skin-tight jeans on display for me.

  I placed my hand at the small of her back, helping to support her as she climbed in.

  “Hands to yourself, Miller! And I expect her home by midnight!” Wes called from the front steps.

  Hannah glared at him over my shoulder. I chuckled, leaning in to drop a kiss to her cheek before closing the door. Facing toward Wes, I flipped him the bird as I walked around to the other side of the truck. He let out a low laugh, disappearing back inside.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as I climbed in across from her.
  “It’s a surprise. And don’t tell me you don’t like surprises, because I’m pretty sure you liked the one last night.”

  She smiled as she buckled her seat belt, her eyes bright as the sun. “Okay. I won’t argue.”

  “Good. Now, before you get your hopes up, I want you to know there will be no sex on this date.”

  “What if I want sex?”

  “Too bad, I’m putting this bad boy under lock and key. You’re gonna have to work for it. Two dates minimum.”

  “Technically we could count this as date two. Last night at the water tower could be considered our first date.”

  “Sorry, blondie. A date starts and ends with me picking you up and dropping you off at your place.”

  A small smirk worked onto her face. “We’ll see,” she said with a rebellious jut of her chin.

  “I’m serious. I’m not putting out.” I battled back my own smile, starting the truck and flipping it around toward the main road.

  “Mm-hmm. Okay.”

  I shifted the truck into park, glancing over at Hannah, wanting to see her reaction. Her eyebrow arched as she grinned back at me, all beauty and confidence.

  “I’m starting to think you have an aversion to public places.”

  “Or maybe I’m just not good at sharing,” I teased, hopping out of the truck.

  I’d said it as a joke, but it was the truth when it came to Hannah. Even if the options weren’t limited in Billingsley, I’d still bring her to a secluded field just to have her all to myself. I didn’t want to deal with the gossiping looks or the interruptions by familiar faces, wanting to chat and catch up on shit they already knew. Hannah was my focus. The only one I wanted to be with, talk with.

  I jogged around the front, opening her door and helping her out. She looked around the desolate field of grass, the sun setting over the river that ran through the property, painting the sky with pastels. I dropped the tailgate, climbing up to spread out the blanket, pillows, and picnic I’d brought for us. She waited on the ground, her eyes following my every move.


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