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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 10

by Sanderson, Danielle

  He stands up readying himself to leave.

  “Thank you for checking in on me, it’s very thoughtful of you Julian. Hey can I ask you something?”

  He smiles down at me, taking my hand, making my heartbeat a little faster. He’s so smooth.


  “Well it’s just the Wolves…” his expression changes from amusement to attentiveness, I carry on, “…last night they were howling in the woods, are we safe here?

  “Well Zara there’s not been any incidents that I know of they normally keep themselves to them self. Have any of them come close to the house?”

  “Well yes, I have seen a friendly Wolf the last couple of days, he just came up to me, and seemed friendly enough, he licked my wrist and even let me stroke him. They are safe aren’t they?”

  He raises his eyebrows with a smile showing on his lips.

  “Oh I bet he has. There is nothing to be scared of; they have been in the area protecting it for many years. They can be quite friendly if you let them!”

  “Really! That’s wonderful, are other locals friendly with them?”

  “No not really, they keep their distance; you must have a wonderful scent?”

  “He comes to me because of my scent?”

  “Partly,” He winks, “I’ll see you this evening, don’t forget the uniform.”

  “Ok see you then.”

  Just as I go to shut the door, Den comes from the kitchen ready to go to work.

  “I’ll see you tonight; I’m coming to the club with you, gotta look out for my girl.”

  “You haven’t got to do that I’ll be fine, please don’t worry about me, I feel bad.”

  “I know you will, but I’ll have fun and I get to see you.”

  “I wanted to apologize for last night; I let everything get on top of me. I love you Den.”

  “Babe, don’t be stupid we all have them moments. Love you too, see you later.”

  Chapter 8

  Abbey comes by the house at lunchtime, so I put together some nibbles we can have out on the grass. I have my first try of ice tea, not sure about that maybe it’ll grow on me, maybe not! I tell Abbey about what happened last night as she listens to me with an open mind.

  “So you just woke up in front of a Wolf, and wasn’t scared?”

  “I was scared but not from the Wolf it was more of a feeling of being outside in the dark not knowing why.”

  “Yeah I get that. Why were you not afraid of the Wolf? Most people would run screaming.”

  “I just felt safe, I know it sounds crazy.”

  “No it’s not crazy; you’re a very special person to see the beauty in the beasts.”

  “Yeah I suppose.”

  “I remember the look in the black Wolves’ eyes, he seems concerned for me, and there was reluctance in leaving me, maybe I could become a Wolf whisper.” We both giggle.

  “Hey are you looking forward to work? You’re going to turn some head’s in that uniform.”

  “I can’t wait to meeting everyone; the uniform is really nice isn’t it?”

  “Yeah and I bet Sallack will be all over you,” She says with a wink.

  “Uh I hope so!” I nudge her playfully.

  Abbey leaves around 3 o’clock saying she will pop in the club tonight, and wishing me luck. I’ve been having a bad feeling all day in the pit of my stomach; I feel it’s because of what happened last night. I hope it doesn’t happen again, the thought freaks me out.

  Later in the evening, I hear the door as Den gets in from work.

  “I’ve made dinner; it’s in the oven keeping warm.” I shout down to him. I made him his favorite ‘enchiladas’.

  “You’re the best, thanks babe, I’m starving,” He shouts back.

  It’s only half five but I want to make a good impression at work tonight, so I start working on my hair, putting lose curls in using my iron tongs, as my hair is fairly thick and long so it takes awhile. Slipping into my uniform, which is a black tight vest with ‘Whites’ printed across the back, and a tight black pencil shirt, not bad as far as uniforms go. It really does look great, I think while looking in the mirror, smart, professional with a little sexiness. I finish the look with a little makeup, slip on my heels and done.

  We get to the club at 8:45. Ruk’s and Julian are by the bar going through paperwork.

  “Zara you look great,” Ruk says as he gets up to kiss my cheek, Julian follows his lead.

  “Ok let’s get you set up at the bar.”

  Julian introduces me to the two men behind the bar, I meet Will first, he is slim, tall, and very cute, then I meet Tom, he is a big man with a lot of muscle, short styled red/blond hair.

  “Hello, nice to meet you both,” I say to them.

  “Ah an English rose, lovely,” Tom says to me taking my hand, pressing a light kiss, I laugh at his playfulness.

  There are two girls Emma and Sally, they seem very friendly, and happy to have me here. I jump straight in to my roll at the bar making drinks with Will, while Dom shows up soon after and chats with Den on the opposite bar, like they are long lost brothers. It’s good to see Den getting on so well with everyone. Julian and Ruk are also working the bar at the other side of the club, it seems like a well run friendly place.

  At around 12:30 it gets really busy, I take my note-pad to the VIP area to attend to the party of men.

  “About time we get so see you sweet little body up here,” The drunken man says laughing while his hand comes out and slaps my bum.

  “Don’t touch me again, k?” I warn him sternly.

  He laughs again and get back to chatting with his friends.

  I get to Julian at the closest bar and give him my drink orders.

  “Hey can you fix me these, I’ll go grab some empty glasses,” I ask Julian, who winks in return.

  As I get back to Julian he’s putting the drinks on my tray and stops in his tracks smelling the air, while his gaze travels over my shoulder.

  I stop what I’m doing as I feel a shiver run through my body as my skin tingles, I wait for the feeling to pass, but it doesn’t. I turn and look where Julian eyes linger. I don’t see anyone to fear, but I can’t shake the bizarre feeling off. As my gaze catches with Julian, it’s as if we are watching each other for a reaction. I try desperately to shake the feeling off, so I smile up at him. I really want get on with my work; I don’t want anyone to think I’m some sort of freak.

  “Ok all set.” I grab the tray off the bar, “Thanks,” I holler over my shoulder and take the drinks to the VIPs section.

  Walking back to the bar with my now empty tray when strong hands grab me by the waist and swing me around.

  “Whaao…Sallack!” I scream excitedly.

  He chuckles and pulls me close as our lips lock. I’m in seventh heaven, wrapped in his big strong arms.

  “You will get me in trouble!”

  “Oh I don’t think so.” He takes a step back at gazes up and down my body.

  “You look good enough to eat!”

  “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Never,” He says in a serious tone.

  “Oh ok…good.”

  “I’ll let you get on; I just had to see you. I only popped into speak with Julian, and see your beautiful face.”

  “Well you have made my night as always,” I wink at him, walking away swinging my hips to the music, taking a last look at him over my shoulder with a sensual smile, his eyes narrow as his focus is on my behind. I swear I can hear him growl over the music. A few men also take advantage of my flirting, stopping to watch me walking away. Sallack gives them a look of promised murder; they quickly divert their eyes walking away from him. There is something about Sallack, he is extremely dominant, and women within a mile want him to notice them, which pisses me off a little because I want him more than any of those woman do.

  “Hey how much for a lap dance?” The man that slapped my butt earlier asks.

  “You came to the wrong place for that!”

  “I know where I am, slag’s like you will do anything for a bit of money.”

  “What the fuck makes you think I’m a slag!” I ask him angrily.

  “Ahh don’t mean any harm gorgeous, but I see you walking round flashing sexy smiles, come on give us a dance, ill pay good?”

  I look at him in disbelief as he actually waits for me to sit on his lap, by patting his legs with an evil grin. I grab hold of his crutch and squeeze none too tightly as I whisper in his ear,

  “Call me a slag or touch me again and I will rip these off!”

  “Ok, ok I’m sorry, fuck let go I said I’m sorry!” He squeals in a high-pitched tone.

  “That’s more like it.” I say sarcastically while patting his shoulder before walking away from him as his friends cry with laughter.

  20 minutes later Sallack comes behind me at the bar, kissing the side of my neck, and gripping my bottom in his strong hands. He can do things to me I never thought possible. He leaves after telling me he will see me the day after tomorrow, which saddens me a little that it couldn’t be sooner.

  It’s coming to the end of the night and we clear up the glasses and wipe the tables when everyone leaves.

  “You did really well tonight! Thanks for helping out.”

  “Thank you and your welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow. Hey where’s Ruk? I wanted to say goodnight.”

  “He just slipped out the back, I’ll tell him you said bye.”

  “Ok thanks Julian”

  I find Den chatting to Sally at the entrance door, he kisses her on the cheek, saying goodbye.

  “Didn’t take long!” I wink at him laughing aloud. He grabs me under the legs a puts me over his shoulder as he swipes my butt.

  We pull up to the house and I can feel my bed calling, Den must be really tired his been at work all day.

  “Den, thanks for coming along with me. Ruk said he’d pick me up and drop me home after work, until I find a car. I feel awful with you working all day then staying up so late.”

  “Don’t be silly, I had a good time. Johns got 2 cars coming in tomorrow, he wants us to fix up and sell, I’ll let you know if they are any good as you could do with your own set of wheels.”

  “Ah really, that would be great, I don’t want anything special, just to be able to get around town, without bugging you.”

  I crawl into bed happy about how my first night at work went, I think I‘m going to be happy working there. Just as I’m drifting off I am suddenly really thirsty, so needing a drink, I lean over to my bedside side cabinets to get my glass, no not there, I must have left it down stairs where I was so tired.

  Creeping quietly down stairs as not to wake Den, I feel a shiver run over me, then there is a quiet knock at the door. I peek out of the window to see who is knocking at this time of night. Parrise! I open the door with precaution; here he is at the door, just as I asked him to. He grins at me mischievously,

  “I knocked.”

  “Yes you did, but your still messing with my memory?” I say slightly annoyed.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Will you stop messing with my head?”

  “Yes I will.”

  “Well thank you, but Den is up stairs, we’d better talk out here.”

  “As you wish, love.”

  I walk past him and stand under the small amount of light coming from the kitchen.

  “What do you want with me? Was it you at the club tonight?”

  “Yes I was there. How did you know?”

  “Oh well, it’s just that I ...Um.. Get a shiver when you’re near, and I felt it this evening.”

  “Shiver umm. Why are you working in a place like that little one?”

  “Hey, I was lucky to get the job. I work so I can live!”

  “A beauty like you shouldn’t be around the dogs so much.”

  “Dogs? What is with you and dogs?”

  “Ah yes here we are.”

  Parrise stands in front of me facing away, hiding my body with his, he then puts his arm around my middle and pulls me into his back.

  “What’s going on?” I start to panic a little, as Parrise stands quietly looking left to right as if waiting for something to happen.

  “Do not worry love, nothing will happen to you, it’s me they want.”

  “What, Why? I don’t want anything to happen to you!”

  Before he can reply, ‘my Wolf’ runs up growling, bearing his canines at Parrise.

  “Go, this is nothing to do with you!”

  Why is he talking to a Wolf? Is he mad?

  “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, WHO IS THIS PRICK?” Den’s voice booms loudly.

  I want to go to him, to reassure him that I’m fine but Parrise hold on me tightens.

  “Uh silly Wolf, you woke the dog!” Parrise says to the Wolf.

  The Wolf and Den growl at the same time. This is too unreal! What the hell is going on? I’m scared for Den and the Wolf, Den doesn’t know Parrise is a Vampire! He will get hurt if he isn’t careful.

  “Parrise let go of me, if you hurt Den or the Wolf I will never forgive you. Now let me go!”

  “Love don’t be mad I want to protect you.”

  “From Den! He’s my best friend, my family. Please?” Just as I finish, Den rushes at Parrise to tackle him to the floor, Parrise jumps 15 foot in the air whilst still holding me, landing us on the grass away from Den and the Wolf.

  The Wolf howls so loudly I put my hand to my ears. The Wolf and Den run at us again but I push Parrise away from me.

  “Just go Parrise, Den thinks that I’m in danger, don’t fight him. Please don’t hurt him or the Wolf.”

  “Ah love,” He says defeated.

  Den shouts something, but I’m still looking at the beautiful man in front of me, again, mesmerized by his beauty. Parrise takes off at lightning speed, running to the Wolf, as the Wolf does the same. They jump at the same time, clashing against each other mid air with a loud thud. The noises are so awful, it make my stomach churn. Den reaches me and wraps his arms around my waist, hoisting me up against him as he starts running with me back to the house.

  “Stay inside!” He shouts at me while running back to help the Wolf fighting Parrise. Just as he gets to them, four other Wolves are circling around Parrise and as he looks at all of them in turn Den takes this opportunity to punch Parrise in the face, hard! The Wolves howl and snarl at Parrise viciously.

  “Den, NO!” I scream at the top of my lungs as I run back to where he stands. Parrise’s gaze catches mine, just before jumping out of the feral circle surrounding him and landing straight in front of me, his strong arms pull me to his chest.

  “Parrise are you hurt?” I ask panicked looking over his large frame for bite marks.

  “No love, I am sorry I made you sad. I love you Zara.” He kisses my lips, and I kiss him back harder. He loves me! However, the more concerning thought is why I feel the same way! Because I love Sallack! How can I also love Parrise?

  He jumps high into the moonlit sky as I lose the sight of him in the darkness.

  “Parrise!” I scream for him, I shouldn’t want him, or to be with him, but I do. With every breath in my body I want him.

  As I get to Den, he is on his knees looking at the Wolves around him in wonderment.

  “Den, are you ok, what were you thinking he’s a fucking Vampire Den, a Vampire! I could have lost you!” I scream at him, bending down to sit on my knees by him. He could have been hurt; they all could have been hurt Parrise is a bloody Vampire, a Vampire that I love! What’s wrong with me. I’m in love with Sallack and a mother fucking Vampire! There must be something wrong with me.

  “Babe it’s ok. Come here”

  “Don’t try to fight him again Den please”

  “Vampire! Well that makes sense, sort of!”

  I can see he is trying to understand what is going on, and knowing him wondering what he can use to make a stake! Feeling a nudge on my back, I look round to see the Wolves still standing in the cir
cle. I look at all of them in turn, focusing on ‘my Wolf.’

  “Hey gorgeous,” I say gently to him, with my hand held out.

  “Should you be doing that babe?” Den asks me questionably.

  The biggest Wolf, with black fur and gold eyes gives a low growl as if he understood what Den has said.

  “It’s fine, they won’t hurt us, he was watching out for us.”

  “How do you know that?”

  ‘My Wolf’ comes over to me and I stroke his face and kiss his head as he licks the inside of my wrist in return, while the black Wolf growls in annoyance.

  “Julian told me, but can’t you see it?”

  “This is all too weird, and Vampire’s! I mean really, they can’t be real. Can they?”

  “They can, he told me what he is, he’s name is Parrise, I have seen him 5 times now but he has erased my memory all the other times.”

  “He did what? Did he hurt you, cos I swear to God I’ll stake the prick. Do stakes work?”

  Bingo, I knew it. I snort a laugh at his question.

  “I don’t know about stakes! He didn’t hurt me, he saved me from being attacked from a drunk the first night we arrived, then the next night in the room we were staying at Sallack’s, and at the club, but he’s ok I swear he won’t hurt me. He just wants me to be with him.”

  The Wolves growl and the black Wolf, who I’m thinking is the leader nudges my hand off ‘my Wolf’ and howls, the other Wolfs retreat to the woods why he and ‘my Wolf’ stay.

  “ATTACKED, where was I?” Den shouts.

  “Den, I was fine, Parrise stopped him. Don’t worry please?” I turn back to the two Wolves standing close to me.

  “Thank you ‘gorgeous’ and you ‘Boss man’,” I say running my hands down their backs.

  “Fucking hell, don’t name them Zara! Come on lets go. You need to tell me the whole story of this Parrise!”

  Den looks so hot when he is angry; I try to hide the smile creeping on my face.

  “What about them?” I ask, worried for them.

  I stand with Den, now stroking the face of ‘boss man’ feeling connected to him in some way.

  “Their fine. Look at them, their fierce Wolves. They can take care of themselves. You need to tell me everything about this vamp?”


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